"Ji Xiao?"

"Ji Xiao."

I don't know how many times Jin Nanfeng called, and Ji Xiao came back to his senses.

Wei Qingyu appeared in the banquet hall full of flowers like a fairy descending to the earth, and all the stunning surroundings became her foil.

Those turquoise eyes with her unique coldness, looked around the banquet hall lonely.

The pink and white ribbon hung on the back of her neck, forming a beautiful arc of the white neck.

Looking at Ji Xiao, he couldn't help but grateful in his heart. Fortunately, Jin Nanfeng didn't see the scene just now.

Otherwise, she can't guarantee that this young man will be tempted for a moment, and will never be remembered again.

Ji Xiao heard the call of Jin Nanfeng, pretending to be impolite, and looked at him: "Ang, what's the matter?"

"What are you looking at?" Jin Nanfeng preached suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Ji Xiao shook his head and poured himself a glass of fruit wine. "It's boring, just look around."

"Since I feel boring, why are you here?" Jin Nanfeng asked.

When Ji Xiao listened, he couldn't help but sigh that he was indeed a poisonous and indifferent male protagonist, and his words hit the nail on the head.

But she is not the person in the article who is particularly jealous and flattering to him because of his surname.

Seeing that Ji Xiao raised his brows, he asked gently, "Don't you feel bored?"

"If you keep making up how harsh your experimental class is, it will be really boring."

Speaking of Jin Nanfeng, he put down the wine glass in his hand, and his deep black eyes wrote that he had seen everything calmly.


Ji Xiao didn't know what to say for a while, and took a sip of wine.

I said so much just now that the co-authoring was wasted?

"You don't seem to want me to go to the attached middle school?" Jin Nanfeng asked frankly.

Ji Xiao also broke his can, put his arm on the sofa in a dull look, and nodded: "Ang, can't you?"

The girl herself was wearing a low-cut dress that would go out if she didn't pay attention. This kind of arrogant and unruly gesture swayed on the sofa, and the yarn stacked under her chest was instantly taken up, looking like a black from a distance. The swan spread her wings.

The snow-white mountain peaks are looming in the black yarn, uninterrupted and majestic.

A bend of beautiful collarbone was full of temptation under the long hair that was sprinkled from the light above his head.

Sexy and unruly are intertwined, which is the most lethal and unique charm of an Alpha woman.

Wei Qingyu watched from a distance, and an unnoticeable sorrow flashed in his turquoise eyes.

Jin Nanfeng's hand holding the cup couldn't help but pause.

After he took a sip of wine, he said with a voice with a hint of breath: "Can I know the reason?"

Ji Xiao glanced at the Jinnan Wind, and her golden orange eyes wrote: Your existence is the biggest reason.

But she couldn't say that, she just pretended to be impatient and explained: "What is the reason? Not wanting is not wanting, how can there be so many reasons."

Hearing this, there was a ripple on the face of Jinnan Feng, who had always been cold-faced.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu who was being talked with by Jin Changsong and Ji Qingyun in the distance with the big guys in the upper circle.

The girl looks young but has no stage fright at all on such occasions. The long-term immersion adjustment|teaching allows her to be like a duck in this kind of occasion.

The jade knot-like hand was holding the goblet. Although the color of the fruit wine was light, it did not weaken the girl's half calm aura.

Even more than in school, the light that she has been hidden from time to time radiated.

She is the moon.

It is to be lifted by many stars.

Ji Xiao doesn’t know if all this she has done today will pave the way for Wei Qingyu to take out the things belonging to her from Ji Qingyun in the future, but she hopes that she can replace Jinnanfeng in Wei Qingyu’s career in the future. Online location.

As for the emotional line...

Ji Xiao listened to the thumping thump of his heart.

The girl who still didn't understand the beating only hoped that it would be later and later.

At least don't let her see before returning to the original world.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao turned his head and looked at the Southern Jin wind that hadn't seen Wei Qingyu so far.

"Southern Jinfeng, there are no reasons for many things in the world. It's like what you met today was me."

Instead of Wei Qingyu.

As the girl said, there was a delight in her voice that she hadn't even heard.

This upper class party came to an end as it approached midnight.

Jin Nanfeng followed Jin Changsong to leave the banquet, and out of courtesy, Ji Xiao stood in front of the porch to see them off.

The cold wind in the winter night blew through the skirt of Ji Xiaoduisha, creating a light ripple.

The girl stood quietly in the rest area of ​​the lobby waiting for Wei Qingyu, and heard the light pace from far away.

Wei Qingyu walked behind Ji Qingyun, walking with a graceful old woman.

It can be seen from the smile on the old woman's face that the two men talked very happily.

In contrast, the expression on the face of the man who wanted to hold the emperor to make the princes was not so good.

Without Ji Xiao's troubles, Wei Qingyu followed Ji Qingyun to meet many people who had been friends with the Wei family, and chatted a little bit.

Ji Qingyun didn't expect Wei Qingyu to have such a conversation, and walked forward with a black face.

Go straight to the hall, to the Porsche Cayenne that hasn't driven over.

"Very happy?" Ji Xiao cocked his high heels, watching Wei Qingyu who walked over after saying goodbye to the old woman, jokingly.

Wei Qingyu's face remained the same, and said, "It's okay."

"It's okay, I'll watch you talk to them very well from the deck." Ji Xiao said again.

Hearing Ji Xiao's words, Wei Qingyu just pretended not to care, and his repeatedly suppressed emotions surged up.

She looked at Ji Xiao's slightly drooping tube top dress, and said coldly: "I'm over there. It's good to see you talking."

Ji Xiao couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Suddenly she was a little afraid that she was covering Jin Nanfeng's eyes, but she couldn't cover Wei Qingyu, and asked quickly with a guilty conscience: "Did you... see him?"

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's name, he didn't call his name directly, and his voice was a little bit dissatisfied, "Yeah", "I saw it."

Ji Xiao's heart tightened, "Face?"

"Back view."

There was a lot of anxiety in Wei Qingyu's heart.

She hadn't seen the profile face of the young man named "Jin Nanfeng" up close, nor did she know what he looked like or how he was.

The girl looked at Ji Xiao's black skirt under the light, and couldn't help but remember the wonderful picture between the two of them that she had just accidentally seen.

In Wei Qingyu's always calm heart, he couldn't help showing a lot of grievances and vigilance against the unfamiliar south Jin wind like seaweed. He couldn't help but ask Ji Xiao: "After talking for so long, what do you think of him?"

"Smelly face, poisonous tongue, I can't talk anymore." Ji Xiao vomited out all the words she had summed up when she was just boiling time. If it weren't for creating opportunities for Wei Qingyu, she wouldn't stay with this person for so long.

While she was talking, she thought that the poor male protagonist of Jin Nanfeng had been ruined by herself tonight, and she couldn't bear to add a positive phrase to him: "You can also be considered a gentleman."

The night breeze slipped leisurely by the two groups, and the black pile of yarn was brushed across the light pink silk.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu on the side, trying to test her attitude towards Jinnanfeng, so he handed her this question, "What about you?"

At first, when Ji Xiao said the three negative words to Jin Nanfeng, Wei Qingyu's dullness that had been held in his heart was slightly relieved.

But later when he heard the "Gentleman Qianqian" who had never been uttered from Ji Xiao's mouth, Wei Qingyu's expression became darker again.

Suddenly, a cool breeze fell from Ji Xiao's voice and was violently set off.

Even with thick Diaoqi draped, she couldn't help feeling a cold on the back of her neck.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu while adjusting his hair that was a little messy by the wind.

But at the moment when he looked at the pupils, his hands and feet were a little bit colder than the wind that had just picked up.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao, his thin lips lightly opened: "I haven't been in contact with his card seat in the corner all night, how can I know?"

The words that did not express her own opinions hit Ji Xiao's heart word by word. She looked at the resentment in Wei Qingyu's eyes, and she didn't know why she suddenly felt that the taste of mint on the tip of her tongue was sour.

It was like suddenly biting a green plum, which made Ji Xiao caught off guard and bewildered.

What's going on here?

Ji Xiao felt that the smell he was aware of was too strange, so he looked at Wei Qingyu without knowing it, "Are you uncomfortable? I think your pheromone tastes weird."

"What?" Wei Qingyu heard the words, his face was puzzled.

Ji Xiao pondered for a moment, and carefully described it truthfully, "It just smells a little bit of acid... as if it's gone bad."

The indifferent pheromone betrayed her master, and Wei Qingyu was stunned when he heard the words.

Obviously it was a bitterly cold winter, but she felt that this moment was extremely hot.

The young girl who was still calm and calm at the banquet, but because of the words of the person in front of her, she was confused in an instant.

She seemed to have been spied by the client into the most secret secret in her heart, and she hurriedly lifted her skirt and walked towards the porch at the door.

The calm heart made waves of ripples, and the sound of tapping high heels hitting the floor was messy, like a girl's heartbeat at this time.

Seeing Wei Qingyu's reaction, Ji Xiao thought she was really uncomfortable and became even more nervous.

She hurriedly followed behind with her skirt, and said, "Wei Qingyu can't ignore things like this. Do you want to do a check? Pheromone is important to both Oga and Alpha."

But the more Ji Xiao was like this, the more Wei Qingyu felt that his cheeks were so hot.

The girl who didn't know anything said something serious, making the guilty conscience blush.

Wei Qingyu swiftly crossed the road in front of the porch with the skirt hem, and walked towards the stopped Porsche Cayenne, while saying: "It's okay, it's just tired, just take a rest."

"Is that so, then go back and rest early today, take a look tomorrow morning, if..."


During the speech, a rapid brake sound passed through Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu's ears, interrupting half of what Ji Xiao had said.

When he came out, there was still only Ji Qingyun's car on the road. At this moment, another car appeared from nowhere.

The light of the headlights suddenly flashed into Ji Xiao's sight, and her scorching dazzling sight left only an infinite whiteness in her sight.