Ji Xiao watched her hand drop a flick on the writing paper under the control of Wei Qingyu, and every time the pen nib struck the paper, a plop fell in her heart.

The girl looked at the overlapping figures of the two people projected on the table, and there was a trace of obscure emotion in the golden orange eyes.

She sniffed the mint scent floating in the air, and suddenly remembered that the pheromone matching between herself and Wei Qingyu in the original text was not so good that they could smell each other's pheromones.

I don't know when, Ji Xiao can easily smell the mint taste that no one else has ever smelled.

The subconscious made her, the S-class Alpha, put the smell of Oga behind her in the most important part of her memory. Until now, she realized with hindsight that she seemed to really like Wei Qingyu.

Xu Shi's gaze was too hot, Wei Qingyu had to pay attention to Ji Xiao's gaze that had been looking at him since then.

With some guilty conscience, he acted arrogantly and boldly. He pretended to be calm and looked at Ji Xiao, showing a puzzled look: "What's the matter?"

"No..." After hearing the sound, Ji Xiao shook his head, not daring to look directly at Wei Qingyu.

After that, she looked at the piece of paper under the two men in an attempt to calm down.

But an exquisite and unrestrained word "light" made a fire in her heart.

Ji Xiao almost subconsciously thought of the three words "Wei Qingyu" from this word, and couldn't help but burn his cheeks.

The temperature of the girl coming from the back was full of ambiguity, making her heartbeat that was not peaceful, beating faster.

After sinking a little, Ji Xiao dared to tap the pen tip, pretending to be calm and asked: "Why do you teach me to write this character."

"I was left-handed when I was a child. As a result, it didn't take long after I learned to write my name, and my mother asked me to change it. This is the one word I can draw the most so far." Wei Qingyu preached indifferently. His gaze swept across the bouquet of flowers inadvertently.

The invisible threat from the owner of the bouquet made her uneasy again as the only one staying beside Ji Xiao.

Oga's possessiveness pushes her to be presumptuous, and the first word that Ji Xiao needs to learn is the Chinese character of her name, which is selfish.

It is not Jinnan Feng, nor is it anyone else.

The bright sunshine fell between the two with the vitality of the early spring. When Wei Qingyu saw that Ji Xiao hadn't responded to him late, he added: "Did you forget?"

"I can't remember it." Ji Xiao said and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

It's just that Wei Qingyu doesn't know, why did Ji Xiao forget this?

She doesn't even remember...

Her effective memory in this world is only one year.

She doesn't even belong to this world.

The current "Ji Xiao" is not the "Ji Xiao" of this world, and this world has never belonged to her.

The invisible sense of fragmentation is everywhere, even if she tried very hard to pass the biological A, it could not be filled.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu beside him, suddenly jealous of the original owner.

I was jealous of the past that she once had with Wei Qingyu and could not experience it again.

Is this kind of self, can you like that kind of her?

Ji Xiao's hand holding the pen tightened slightly in Wei Qingyu's palm, with complex colors in his eyes.

How easy it is not to like, a look can kill a heart.

How much courage it takes to admit that I like someone.

The branches of the willow tree outside the classroom window have been pulled out, and as soon as the wind blows, there is a green sea wave.

In this April, when the spring is back to the earth, the High School Affiliated to us celebrated her 60th anniversary.

It's still early for the art performance at three o'clock, and the warm sunshine brings joy to the busy back of the campus at noon.

The off-travel northwest corner of the campus is also playing the school song in the loudspeaker. A young girl sits on an abandoned table humming a song. A pair of well-proportioned slender legs hang down from the dark green skirt, swinging leisurely to the melody of the school song.

The plaster on Ji Xiao's arm has been removed, but the bones have not fully grown, and the fragile right arm is still hanging on his chest.

Qi Qi went out to buy milk tea over the wall alone, but she had no choice but to help out here, who couldn't go out with it.

"Sister Xiao." Suddenly Ji Xiao called out.

Five cups of milk tea were neatly placed on the wall, and Qi Qi, the master of the voice, was already sitting on it.

"Why have you been there for a long time?" Ji Xiao said while taking the milk tea that Qi Qi handed over with one hand.

"Don't mention it, for today's school celebration, there was a class of senior high school who had ordered more than forty cups of milk tea. It was still the school gate with a fake slip. It is another day to witness other people's class teachers." Qi Qi said, she was about to turn off the wall. .

"Hey, isn't it."


Just as Ji Xiao sighed enviously while holding the milk tea, there was a sound of something slamming on the table.

Qi Qi didn't know what was going on, and didn't step on it firmly, so she fell on her back and fell off the table.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly put down the milk tea in her hand and went to help Qi Qi: "Qi Qi, are you okay!"

"It's okay." Qi Qi shook her head, but when she raised her head, she drew a red blood mark from under her nose.

Ji Xiao was stabbed fiercely by this color, and while nervously getting her paper, he preached: "My God, it's okay, my nose is broken, walk around, I'll accompany you to the school hospital."

When Qi Qi heard the words, he stopped and waved his hand: "No, it's just that I didn't step on it and knocked my nose. Let's go to the playground."

Ji Xiao was still worried, and persuaded, "Can this work? Or go and check it out. Your knees are all blue, so it's okay to get some medicine."

"Oh, what kind of school to go to the hospital? I'm not Oga. I just went to the hospital with an Alpha. It's so shameless! It's not good, it doesn't bleed anymore." Qi Qi said and showed Ji Xiao the quilt The white toilet paper stuffed in her nostrils.

The soft paper dazzled the girl's Zhang Yangmingyan face, and the blood dyed the pure white into a cherry-like color, faintly exposed outside.

Ji Xiao glanced at Qi Qi, knowing that Qi Qi's stubborn temper would not change, so he had to follow her towards the playground.

The school celebration gave the originally lonely playground more students who took shortcuts to the opposite auditorium. The noon that was supposed to be full of rest atmosphere was full of joy and excitement in the sun.

"They are so busy." Ji Xiao and Qi Qi sat next to each other on the concrete floor of the rostrum, and sighed as they watched the busy people.

"Yes, I don't know what happened to Xiao Mingming, who was called by our class teacher to help." Qi Qi said while distinguishing the confused milk tea, and elbow Ji Xiao, "This is Wei Qingyu of."

Ji Xiao said "thank you" and took Wei Qingyu's share.

In the past two months, her relationship with Wei Qingyu did not have any substantial development, and the hands once held by Wei Qingyu did not usher in the girl's second impudence.

When Ji Xiao felt a little fortunate, he felt a little lonely and lost.

She enjoys spending time with Wei Qingyu, and often thinks of her in many things.

It's just that the word "like" was handcuffed and locked in her heart by her own hands, and she didn't dare to make a second heartbeat easily.

The faint taste of tea was a bit bitter, and there was still a trace of mint that was not easily detectable across the tip of the girl's tongue.

Ji Xiao let go of the straw he was biting and looked at Qi Qi who was still looking for his milk tea.

When thinking about that conversation on the rooftop, Qi Qi showed an opinion beyond her age, and Ji Xiao had a lot of reliability in her.

She pursed her lower lip, and preached a little nervously: "Qi Qi, a friend of mine has encountered something difficult recently. You can help her advise her."

Qi Qi turned around the straw in her hand, jokingly written on her expression: "That friend you are talking about is not you, right?"

With a thud in Ji Xiao's heart, her golden-orange eyes trembled.

Then she pretended to be a bohemian dude, and retorted confidently: "How come! Can't this lady ask you directly if there is a question? Why bother to go around such a big bend!"

Qi Qi looked at Ji Xiao's reaction, her peachy eyes curled slightly, and she said with a smile: "Okay, let's talk about it. Let me see if I can help your friend analyze it."

Ji Xiao was still a little nervous. After taking a sip of the milk tea, he said slowly: "That's right...My friend, she has fallen in love with someone recently. But...she doesn't know if she should like someone..."


Before Ji Xiao could finish her words, Qi Qi interrupted her.

That book became decisive with a somewhat hearty and bright voice, and the two simple syllables were full of certainty.

Ji Xiao's heart moved slightly, and felt that she was a little sloppy before she finished speaking, so she continued: "However, if she chases that girl, she will delay others in the end, then shouldn't she go..."

In an invisible future, how should she take responsibility for Wei Qingyu.

"Go," Qi Qi listened to Ji Xiao's words still firm.

"Why didn't you go?" Qi Qi asked again, "Are you going to wait until the end to watch Wei Qingyu fall in love with another Alpha?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the straw that Ji Xiao just put to her mouth poked her lips unceremoniously.

It was not only her lips that Wu's reddened, but also the sensual cheeks under her eyebrows.

"No, the person I'm talking about is not Wei Qingyu." Ji Xiao hurriedly denied.

Realizing that she seemed to have sold herself, she hurriedly corrected: "No, no, I mean the person my friend likes is not Wei Qingyu, I'm not my friend!"

The sun fell in the girl's golden orange eyes, and shame and tension occupied a large area of ​​luster.

Ji Xiao watched Qi Qi look at her eyes with a smile that could see through everything, and repudiated herself in denial: "...It's really not what you think."

"Why not?" Qi Qi asked back, "Sister Xiao, you weren't like this before. Where is my sister Xiao who dare to love and hate?"

Ji Xiao lowered his gaze while listening, and shook his head: "You don't understand, I am not the sister Xiao you used to be."

Qi Qi patted Ji Xiao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I know, you have changed your evil to the righteous."

"But Sister Xiao, it doesn't matter if you are the same you were in the past, but how long have you passed in your entire life? Do you have to see through every step before you go? If you know the ending, wouldn't it be too boring. Reading novels Spoiler, the whole family is going to die now!"

"Go if you like it, what if she likes you too?"

The warm spring breeze blew across Ji Xiao's cheeks, and a group of students chasing and playing in the distance ran across the playground.

The dialogue was mixed with hearty and crisp laughter, and it was full of youthful vitality from a distance.

The deep eyes were written with envy, and a bright smile appeared in a flash.

Ji Xiao has forgotten that she is also a sixteen-year-old child now.

Isn't she really shouldn't worry so much.

Whether it's the world in the book or the real world, this is where she lives now.

She didn't know how long she would stay in this world, but if she lived through the finale but was lonely because of fear of death, wouldn't it be a pity?

"Wei Qingyu!"

Qi Qi's bright voice rang from Ji Xiao's ears, and stopped a pure white figure just as he ran to the top not far from the two of them.

Wei Qingyu was holding a speech from an outstanding student, preparing to go to the auditorium for the final rehearsal.

"Qi Qi?"

"What a coincidence, Wei Qingyu." Qi Qi said hello to Wei Qingyu, and pointed to Ji Xiao next to him, "Well... Ji Xiao wants to go to the auditorium and wait in advance, but she can't find your classmate. The position is up, you can take her there."

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao sitting next to Qi Qi, a smile flashed in his eyes.

She didn't pause, and when she heard the words, she nodded slightly: "Okay."