The spring wind blew the hem of the girl's white skirt slightly, and the light fabric danced with the wind like water plants.

The shawl's long hair was lifted slightly by the wind, and a simple green-spotted headband on a white background was embellished with exquisiteness.

Wei Qingyu held the manuscript in both hands and stood there waiting for Ji Xiao to come over.

The light shrouded in her clean little face looked extraordinarily well-behaved, and it looked a bit like a girl next door.

Ji Xiao sat on the rostrum and looked a little dazed.

Even if she repeatedly suppressed the unbalanced beating of her heart, the heart that was written with admiration would still sneak out disobediently.

Qi Qi elbows Ji Xiao, who has never responded, and said: "Sister Xiao, what are you doing, don't you go now."

Ji Xiao only reacted, and jumped off the stage with one hand, "Oh, oh, then I'm leaving."

Qi Qi looked at Ji Xiao recklessly, nodding her head while exhorting: "You be careful."

"Hey." Ji Xiao gave her an OK, and ran in the direction of Wei Qingyu.

"Give you."

Ji Xiao handed the milk tea to Wei Qingyu as he spoke. Wei Qingyu looked at and said thank you and accepted the milk tea.

I don't know when it started, but Fan Jixiao and the others would have bought something for the trio to skip classes, and they would always have their own share.

Wei Qingyu took a sip of the strawberry mousse snow top in her hand, and the sweetness mixed with the taste of peach brandy flowed into her heart.

The heart that is warmed by the sun is filled with the little luck of today.

The wind gently blew across the gap between Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu, and everyone was surrounded by classmates hurriedly walking towards the auditorium.

Ji Xiao looked at the shadow of her and Wei Qingyu next to each other on the green ground. He felt that it was too quiet. He took the initiative to find a topic and said, "You will speak as a student representative later. Are you after the principal?"

Wei Qingyu nodded: "Yeah."

Ji Xiao glanced at Wei Qingyu's speech draft, and said, "Can I see your speech draft?"

"Yes." Wei Qingyu said and passed the manuscript in his hand to Ji Xiao.

Unlike other people Ji Xiao met in the original world, Wei Qingyu's manuscript was purely handwritten.

The beautiful and familiar fonts are written on A4 paper without horizontal lines. They are neat and tidy, even if they are not bound, they are not messy at all.

Ji Xiao read Wei Qingyu's manuscript word by word, and the hand holding the paper couldn't help but recall the temperature of Wei Qingyu's hand.

Even now, recalling the heart palpitations that day, Ji Xiao's mind is full of "like".

The cool mint scent blew her cheeks with the wind, and fixed her eyes on the last paragraph of the speech.

"Students, I believe everyone has heard of Li Bai's "Innate talents must be useful, and I will come back when my daughter is gone." But I want to say, "Life must be happy, don't let Jinzunkong be happy. Moon'. What we should do now is to cherish the present and live for ourselves. Only when we realize our true self-worth can we come to this world in vain..."

Ji Xiao couldn't help but think of the things she had just sat and chatted with Qi Qi just now.

Even the speech draft reminded her to cherish the present, and don't let herself regret it when she thinks about it later...

But is she really okay?

You can just let yourself like Wei Qingyu in front of you, even if the final ending is to be killed by her.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao with his eyes fixed on the last paragraph of the speech, a little puzzled and a little unconfident: "What's wrong? Isn't it written here?"

After hearing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly recovered, and shook his head with the speech draft: "No, I think this passage is so well written, I only read it for a long time."

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao say this, he pursed his lips and smiled: "If you feel it, let's talk about it."

"If I felt that the future was gloomy, I would give up on myself and be in a downturn, I wouldn't be able to go today."

After that, she looked at Ji Xiao, and secretly preached in her heart the half of the remaining words: I can't go to the day where I can stand with you.

"That's why I feel that even if the future you are about to reach has a huge torrent, if you don't cherish the present, indulge in the past or covet the future, you will only be engulfed by the torrent of destiny and swallowed in the impractical. In illusion."

The girl's voice was as calm as ever, but Ji Xiao felt that it contained a lot of power.

She looked at Wei Qingyu, who was standing in front of her, and felt the thump of the suppressed heart.

Feng quietly swept over the speech draft in Ji Xiao's hand, making a soft rustle.

Ji Xiao returned this speech to Wei Qingyu, nodding and saying: "Yeah. You are right."

A novel is a novel, and the world she lives in is the world she lives in.

The fear of death will only be swallowed by the fear of death in the end. Her love can't die in the soil before it blooms.

In fact, if you end up dying in the hands of someone you like.

That death is also a grand romance.

The two of them chatted and soon came to the third floor auditorium, and booming music filled the whole hall.

The large LED screen behind the stage changes colors and looks extraordinarily gorgeous.

As soon as Wei Qingyu entered the auditorium, he was stopped by a school girl at the door.

She looked a little anxious, and her voice was nervous: "Sister, you can count it."

Wei Qingyu looked at the students and teachers gathered together under the stage, and he knew clearly: "Is it going to start the rehearsal?"

The school girl nodded: "Yes, we're taking everyone along the process. Senior sister, come with me."

Wei Qingyu was not good at wasting time after hearing the words, said to Ji Xiao, "I'm going now," and left in a hurry.

The dim light should have swallowed all colors, but the swaying whiteness has been stuck in Ji Xiao's sight.

The sheep's hooves sleeves decorated the girl's arms hanging down to his side to be extraordinarily slender and slender, and each step was written elegantly and calmly.

What Ji Xiao didn't expect was that such a person turned back after a few steps.

The long, submissive hair showed an unusually messy appearance under the swift footsteps, and the snow top floating on the strawberry milk tea was also mostly overwhelmed by the sudden pink wave.

Wei Qingyu still remembered what Qi Qi had just said to himself, pointing to the middle auditorium and said: "Our class is in rows 12 to 15 in the middle. You can sit as you please."


Ji Xiao nodded calmly, but a bunch of fireworks burst into his heart.

That calm reminder was like a mint-flavored sugar ball, rolling in Ji Xiao's heart filled with Wei Qingyu's attention to his own details.

Ji Xiao watched Wei Qingyu disappear from his line of sight again, and then walked to the auditorium level and picked a 15-row aisle position.

She took a sip of the milk tea in her hand, but when she picked up the phone, she found that her breathing light was on.

Qi Qi chatted with Fang Yiming in a small group of three of them who hadn't used it for a long time.

【Qi Qi: [Picture]】

[Qi Qi: Let’s just say if it’s the best of the year, is it a perfect match, and it looks very beautiful! 】

[Fang Yiming:! ! ! I'm not here is what happened! ! ! 】

[Fang Yiming: I look familiar with that person, isn't it Wei Qingyu? 】

【Qi Qi: Yes. 】


Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi and Fang Yiming like a fan, and couldn't help showing the expression of Metro Grandpa looking at his cell phone.

It was just disgusting and disgusting, she still found the photo Qi Qi originally sent by scratching the chat log.

The structure of the photo is very simple. The blue sky and green land occupies a large part, and only a small area in the lower right corner is occupied by two young girls.

But it's such a small piece, but this picture of an ordinary campus playground that looks a little awkward to everyone is upgraded to a notch.

The girls standing side by side seem to be two completely contradictory types, but with the help of the sun, they merge the splendor and elegance.

The skirts of different lengths were blown and overlapped by the breeze.

The two pairs of clear eyes looked at each other, as if they were filled with affection under the bright spring light.

Even Ji Xiao herself didn't know that this was the moment, but she couldn't help but make her heart tremble slightly.

At this time, Ji Xiao’s phone vibrated again, and Qi Qi sent another message: [How about it, is my technology good? 】

Ji Xiao glanced at Qi Qi's words, and replied disgustingly: [People are so small, you should improve your photography skills first. 】

But just in the next second.

Someone duplicity long-tap the screen and clicked the picture to save it.

"Senior sister, can I sit next to you?"

Just as Ji Xiao continued to fight Qi Qi and the others for eight hundred rounds, a familiar and unfamiliar voice came from above her head.

No way, come again.

This was the case last time for the High-Level Division of the Small Auditorium, and the same was true for this school celebration art performance?

Ji Xiao slowly raised her head and saw Qiao Ni's face that hadn't been seen for a long time appeared in her sight.

Somehow, Ji Xiao felt that she was not able to prevaricate this matter well this time.

"Senior Ji Xiao, can you?" Qiao Ni preached after seeing Ji Xiao not answering himself for a long time.

"This... isn't it necessary to sit in class? You should go back to your class. Today is the 60th anniversary, and the disciplinary inspections are very strict. It is not good to deduct points for your class." Ji Xiao took out her Tried and tried rhetoric.

It’s just that Qiao Ni didn’t take this set this time, and she easily deciphered it in a few sentences: “I asked for leave when the statistics were reported in the class last week. I can just find a place to sit today."

"The position in the senior sister's class is in the middle. With such a good vision, it certainly looks much clearer than the one next to it."

Speaking, Qiao Ni took out a box from his backpack: "And I also brought mangoes, we can eat together later."

When Ji Xiao saw the box, his eyelids jumped instantly.

The familiar box reflected the dazzling light under the lights of the stage in front, which made her understand what Qiao Ni meant to herself even if she was dull.

As a last resort, Ji Xiao took out her assassin: "But I'm really embarrassed, I have someone here, she just left."

Qiao Ni refused, and said: "I was just looking at the senior sister in the back row. I waited for a long time and I didn't see anyone coming over, nor did I see anyone walking."

"Senior sister, are you waiting for someone, or are you despising me?"

When he said that, Qiao Ni showed a very aggrieved appearance, and the watery apricot eyes were filled with pitiful enough to shake any Alpha.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but calmly said: "I don't despise you..."

When Qiao Ni heard Ji Xiao say this, he increased his firepower and said in a soft voice: "Then senior sister, let me sit down... There is no place for me in the class, and I only know senior sister..."

Ji Xiao still hesitated very much.

She didn't just reject Qiao Ni, but all Oga would reject it.

However, this child was not in good health after splitting into Oga. This time he was forgotten by the classmates on the list because of illness. It is a bit too pitiful...

But just when Ji Xiao was about to compromise, the extraordinarily cold mint smell came from a distance with the south wind.

The refreshing mint leaves with a touch of pungent sensation stuck to the girl's slightly opened lips, and instantly awakened her.

Wei Qingyu, who didn't know when he came over, passed Qiao Ni, and put the things in his hand directly beside Ji Xiao.

She stood a step lower than Qiao Ni, looked at her indifferently, and said, "Sorry, there are already people here."