The song played on the distant stage fell to the last syllable, half an hour before the school celebration art performance began.

The students who entered the hall one after another added a bit of chaos to the auditorium. No one noticed that Wei Qingyu, who was still preparing in the background, passed Qiao Ni and sat down beside Ji Xiao casually.

Mint brushed her calf with the hem of the girl's skirt, creating a tingling.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu sitting next to him with a little surprise, but saw that the expression on the girl's face was still calm, as if he was just passing by to help him out.

The lights were dim, and that extra feeling appeared in Qiao Ni's heart again.

She looked at Ji Xiao, who had obviously taken off the left wrist of the little peach basket, and the last drop that she had just squeezed out of her heart fell to the dim ground, silently broken.

There is weird silence in the small space, how will Ji Xiao end in a while.

Wei Qingyu hadn't spoken since sitting down, Yingfen's lips were drinking casually with a straw in his mouth.

Qiao Ni was standing aside, fingers clasping the fruit platter in his schoolbag, and his feet seemed to be nailed to the steps.

"Didn't you let you wait for me at the door?"

A familiar and gentle voice came from behind the three ears, breaking Qiao Ni's embarrassment.

The light from the door hit the person who came, drawing a slim figure.

Qi Qi came over here with two cups of milk tea.

"I bought you cheese and meaty grapes."

After that, Qi Qi put the fruit tea with ice-cold water vapor on top of Qiao Ni's head, "Let’s go, I just asked, a girl in our class has asked for leave. You can sit with me later. ."

When the voice fell, Qi Qi did not wait for Qiao Ni to not resist herself.

The little girl silently took the fruit tea that Qi Qi placed on top of her head, nodded and followed Qi Qi towards the seating area of ​​her class.

The two people walking along the way were a little too quiet.

Qiao Ni looked at the two shadows on the ground and asked awkwardly: "Hey, is Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu together?"

Qi Qi tilted her head slightly when she heard the words, and asked: "Why do you feel that way?"

Qiao Ni's hand rubbed the cold milk tea in his palm, and said in a low voice: "It just feels like..."

"I thought I felt wrong last semester, but when I saw them standing together just now, I still thought they were a good match."

"Then do you like Ji Xiao very much?" Qi Qi asked.

The long hair like seaweed shrouded her cheeks in the shadows, and she couldn't see through her expression.

Qiao Ni thought about it, and shook his little head with the straw gently.

The sourness of the off-season grape blossomed on the tip of her tongue, making her voice a bit of sorrow: "I think I don't like her now."

"I just watched her sitting there again today, thinking about whether I should try to find her again. Maybe it's not reconciled, not reconciled, the first Alpha I fell in love with after the split only existed for a short time in my heart. In three months, he was forced to announce his abandonment."

"Oh." Qiao Ni sighed, but the expression on his face has disappeared last year when he saw Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu share the same little peach basket across the road, "When will I meet someone who likes me? What about people?"

"Don't be sad, there are some Alpha who likes you Oga, and some who are forced to give up liking you." Qi Qi raised her hand and rubbed Qiao Ni's little head as she said, her eyes filled with tenderness that she never gave others.

Qiao Ni held the tousled hair by Qi Qi and looked up at her: "Really?"

Qi Qi looked at it and nodded: "Really."

Maybe he was really soothed by Qi Qi's words, Qiao Ni's voice even drinking fruit tea became much lighter.

The shining eyes were filled with a little girl's ignorant spring heart.

Suddenly, the light that had not been adjusted quickly flashed through Qiao Ni's eyes, and his conviction turned into doubt at this moment.

She looked up at Qi Qi, her eyes seemingly dull: "Are you lying to me again, if someone really likes me, why would I not know?"

"How do you know." Qi Qi smiled at Qiao Ni when he heard the words, "You hold your head up, and you always only look far away."

The shallow smile greeted the light of the stage behind, like a rose blooming proudly in a colorful flower field.

It's so beautiful that people can't look away from the bouquet next to it.

Qiao Ni's pupils couldn't help but tremble slightly, and there was a moment of loss in Qi Qi's vision.

Something deep in my heart made a clear sound, and the little girl's face was hot.

She held the succulent grapes in her hand and didn't speak, and she just sat in the position planned for Qi Qi's class.

Let this heart throb and throb, just like when I ran out of home and sat on the swing with Qi Qi that night a long time ago.

More and more classmates entered, and the hustle and bustle soon engulfed Qiao Ni and Qi Qi.

Ji Xiao looked at the back of Qi Qi no longer seen, and closed his gaze back.

Wei Qingyu still looked at the manuscripts to be spoken with a faint expression, his stiff body was written with the coldness of falling apart.

It's just that this fairy who doesn't eat fireworks has an extra cup of pink milk tea in his hand.

The lips that had just been painted with lipstick contained the white straws, which were crystal clear, but also showed a bit of softness that was pressed out by the straws.

It was as if a soft powder was applied to the glacier floating in the deep blue abyss.

Although it looks a bit inconsistent, but it makes Ji Xiao feel very suitable.

Ji Xiao took a peek, and took the initiative to find a topic again: "Aren't you going to rehearse? Why are you back so soon? This is about to begin, don't you need to wait in the background?"

The straw contained in the girl's mouth was slightly let go, Wei Qingyu first raised his head and glanced at Ji Xiao in silence.

She wouldn't tell Ji Xiao that she saw Qiao Ni coming just now when she was about to go on stage for a cutscene.

At first, Wei Qingyu just watched quietly when the enemy didn't move.

But when the familiar box appeared, she directly picked up the bag that she had placed in the backstage in the morning, put the manuscript in her pocket, and walked over.

The girl secretly hid her own possessiveness in her heart, and faintly preached: "The last rehearsal was just a cutscene. My part is over."

Wei Qingyu spoke and glanced at the people around him, then asked, "Don't don't welcome me over?"

Then she remembered the fact that Ji Xiao almost promised Qiao Ni just now, and said: "Or, I'm ruining your good deeds?"

Ji Xiao hurriedly shook his head when he heard the words, "How come!"

I wish you would sit here.

God knows how happy I was when I saw you.

But Ji Xiao didn't dare to say these things to Wei Qingyu.

She would only hide them secretly in her heart, and take them out to secretly aftertaste when there is no one.

Thinking about this, Ji Xiao looked at the milk tea half drunk by Wei Qingyu, and asked as if he changed the subject: "Is the milk tea I bought you this time delicious?"

Wei Qingyu nodded: "It's delicious."

Then she looked at the strawberry meat hanging on the wall of the cup, remembered the first cup of milk tea that Ji Xiao gave her, and added: "But...not as good as the cup of peach snow top you bought me last semester. The peach flesh inside is very fresh and big, and it tastes sweet."

The girl's voice was calm and serious, as if she was just making an objective evaluation of the two milk teas.

But Ji Xiao was listening, but his cheeks blushed as if the speaker had no intention of listening.

Her pheromone is the taste of peach brandy. Knowing this, she even said in front of her that she likes peach snow tops.

Ji Xiao felt that Wei Qingyu's words were definitely not trying to provoke her, but the heart still beat faster.

This is not the first time Ji Xiao has shown such an expression.

Wei Qingyu watched from the side, clearly remembering the hot pot game after the last examination. When she commented on Ji Xiao's pheromone taste, she also showed such a shy and embarrassing expression.

The girl narrowed her gaze slightly, her drooping face showing the matte finish after being teased by words.

White and translucent, it looks like the most full-bodied and most favored peach in summer.

In the dim auditorium, Wei Qingyu's eyes were slightly curved, and his turquoise eyes were full of black-bellied smiles.

She leaned down towards Ji Xiao, and was interrupted by someone when she was about to say something to her.

The school girl who had just met when they entered the door again appeared in front of the two of them, and cautiously preached to Wei Qingyu: "Senior Qingyu, the show is about to begin, and the teacher asked to go backstage to prepare."

"Now?" Wei Qingyu felt a little disappointed.

The school girl felt the invisible pressure on her by Wei Qingyu, an S-level Oga, and said helplessly, "Well...It was actually four minutes ago. The teacher has already notified in the group, and I have also sent you a message. It’s just that you’re busy and didn’t see..."

Hearing this, Wei Qingyu couldn't say anything. He simply said the word "good" and put down the milk tea in his hand and stood up.

Just walking out of the aisle of the auditorium, he looked back at Ji Xiao and whispered, "Then I'm leaving."

"Yeah." Ji Xiao nodded, "Don't be nervous."

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu nodded to Ji Xiao, and walked towards the stage with the school girl with the manuscript in his hand.

Only before the two steps went down, Wei Qingyu was stopped by a call behind him.

"By the way, Wei Qingyu." Ji Xiao shouted, getting up from her seat as if there was something important.

Wei Qingyu didn't know why, suddenly he had some expectations for Ji Xiao's behavior, pretending to be calm and asked, "What's the matter?"


With a somewhat casual tone of voice from Ji Xiao's throat, a shining little thing traced a beautiful curve in the air along her open hand.

Wei Qingyu reached out his hand very skillfully and caught the little thing.

A candy with a familiar packaging appeared in her hand in the same way again.

Ji Xiaoang raised his chin, pretending to be chic, and said: "Go up don't be ashamed of this lady, eat a lemon when you are nervous."

Listening to this familiar awkward tone, Wei Qingyu nodded to Ji Xiao: "I see, thank you."

Then she clenched the sugar in her hand tightly, turned around and left with the school girl.

There were noisy conversations all around, but Wei Qingyu and the school girl walked together, but they were extremely quiet.

When she walked to the backstage, the school girl looked up at Wei Qingyu carefully when she was about to walk into the lounge, and asked: "Senior sister...Do you think Senior Sister Ji Xiao is so arrogant?"

Wei Qingyu listened, and a slightly unexplained smile appeared in his turquoise eyes: "Even you can see it."

It is obvious that the young girl is the coldest and lonely person in the hearts of anyone who knows her, but her clean face has a sly agility at this moment.

The incandescent light fell between the school girl and Wei Qingyu, and without the temptation of pheromone, this person who had just split into Alpha was lost.

Not long after Wei Qingyu left, the students from the Discipline Inspection Office followed a few teachers in.

The countdown to the school celebration art show entered, and the students looked at the red armbands on the arms of the Disciplinary Inspection Department and silenced them one by one, and did not dare to make any loud noises.

The stage lights were lit up under the eyes of the public, and the principal walked out after the two student hosts gave an affectionate host speech.

It's just that the school celebrations were complicated and lengthy, and it quickly cooled the atmosphere that was still warm.

The students leaned boringly on each other's shoulders, secretly hiding from the disciplinary inspection office, playing with their mobile phones, waiting for the speech session to pass.

But I didn't expect that before the speech session was completely over, everyone's eyes were attracted by a young girl.

Wei Qingyu walked up from the right side of the stage gracefully and calmly holding the black clip holding the draft of her speech.

The girl's slender and well-proportioned legs were looming under the swaying skirt, and the slender ankles were cold and white.

She just stood in front of the small speaking platform, and the light hit her white and cold face, perfectly interpreting the natural decoration.

Many students in the audience put down their mobile phones one after another when they saw this, sitting in a hurry, waiting for the girl to utter the first syllable.

All eyes were on Wei Qingyu's body, but Ji Xiao was the only one in her sight.

She stared at the girl sitting in the crowd from the corner of her eye, and when she spread the manuscript, her palm showed a clear stream of light.

The candy Ji Xiao gave her has been held in her hand ever since she was ready to take the stage.

It was obviously a naive behavior, but Wei Qingyu felt that he really seemed to have a lot of power at once.

After adjusting the microphone in front of him, Wei Qingyu calmly opened her speech under everyone's attention: "Teachers and classmates, everyone..."

As soon as the cold voice came out, the audience was instantly filled with sighs one after another.

The suppressed voice surrounded Ji Xiao in all directions, and all of her ears were filled with the three words "Wei Qingyu" for a while.

"Damn...who is this, beautiful sister, I love it."

"You don't know yet, she is the Wei Qingyu in the experimental class of the second year of high school."

"Is that the one who had an accident at home during that time?"

"Yes, yes, she is her."

"But now it seems that she is not as miserable as in the rumors, she is still so beautiful, and she broke the school record at 1,500 meters in the last sports meeting."

"That's her too!"

"Oh, our baby, are you stupid? You don't know why."

"Huh. But if such a beautiful and powerful person had split into Alpha in the first place, it would be great."

"Haha, you sigh here that they are not Alpha, and Alpha sighs over there for such a good-looking person, but fortunately it has split into Oga."

"Damn, I admire it fiercely."

"Actually, if you want me to say, double O is also fine. As long as the younger sister is willing, the older sister can do anything!"

"Right! Right!"

Ji Xiao laughed with a sense of disdain as he listened to the whispers of a few high school seniors in the back row.

I'm sorry, Wei Qingyu definitely doesn't like you.

A little mint-flavored milk tea slipped into Ji Xiao's throat, giving her a sense of satisfaction that only she knew.

The feeling that others have just known, and that he has already known or even knows more than them makes Ji Xiao feel a little more proud in her heart.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu who was standing on the stage shining, and his heart trembled slightly.

She is just as written in the original text, no matter what the situation, as long as she stands on the stage, she will always be the focus of people's sight.

It's always exciting.

At this moment, Ji Xiao's mobile phone on her lap vibrated.

Qi Qi posted several live photos in a row among their four groups: [[Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture]]

[Qi Qi: We invite everyone to appreciate the beauty of our Miss Qingyu up close. 】

[Fang Yiming: Yo, yes, are you looking for someone to borrow a SLR? 】

[Qi Qi: Of course, I borrowed it from a senior who studied art in high school. ] [Qi Qi: Didn’t someone dislike my camera skills just now? How about now? @Your universe invincible season is cute. 】

Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi's almost crusade tone, and silently turned to the pictures sent by Qi Qi.

I have to say that with the SLR's blessing Qi Qi, this originally very good composition shooting technique is even more powerful.

Wei Qingyu was just standing there to read the school celebration speech, but Qi Qi took a picture of the feeling of a big celebrity having a media meeting.

The long black hair poured down like a waterfall, and the superior and delicate features came out.

Especially for those turquoise eyes that were as clear as a pool of water, the light from above fell into her eyes as if thousands of stars had fallen.

The girl's slender body is still straight like a bamboo even if it has been occupied for more than half an hour, and the overall style is exactly the same as that of the well-mannered plutocratic lady portrayed in Korean dramas.

Ji Xiao's eyes were a little straighter. She tapped the picture lightly, knocking the screen with a crisp sound.

Wei Qingyu's delicate face was magnified from the phone screen, and the girl's lips appeared in Ji Xiao's sight.

The faint cherry pink color fell on her cold white skin, but it didn't seem conventional.

The lip bead refracts the light, and it makes people feel soft and deceptive.

Ji Xiao stared at it for a while and then felt dry.

The dim environment concealed the redness of her cheeks. She took the milk tea in one hand and returned the picture with the other.

But before Ji Xiao finished a sip of milk tea, the phone vibrated again.

Qi Qi couldn't wait to see that Ji Xiao didn't return to herself, and Aite started her in the group: [Sister Xiao, you have something to say, Sister Xiao? @你的宇宙无敌季Lovely]

After all, his face blushed just now when he looked at the picture, Ji Xiao no longer picks out what Qiqi lacks.

While calming her mood, she typed two words on the screen with one hand: [It looks good. 】

Qi Qi looked a little dissatisfied: [What is good? You have to make it clear. Is it because I made a good-looking one? 】

Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi's question and smiled, then choked: [Of course we whispered and looked good! 】

Qi Qi made a tearful cat head expression upon hearing the words, and said: "Is it because of my photography skills? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ji Xiao also made a joke just now, and then seriously commented: [Of course there is, Wuli Qiqi also contributed. It is because of your good skills that you can take such atmospheric photos. 】

Fang Yiming popped up at this moment and joked: [Sister Xiao, Master of Duan Shui! 】

After the speech, the cultural performance officially began. There were wonderful performances on the stage. Ji Xiao and several people chatted in the group.

Wei Qingyu followed Liu Yue's instructions to the backstage meeting room to rest. Just after restarting his phone, he saw their group of four and drew a red circle of message 99+.

The three of Ji Xiao talked about this as fast as ever. The increasing number of unread messages in the lower right corner reminds the viewer to be dazzled.

It's just that Wei Qingyu, who is already familiar with this mode of getting along, doesn't find the news annoying at all, but sometimes watch it silently.

It's just that this time the girl's idea of ​​keeping silent and watching her wholeheartedly did not succeed, but set a fire on her originally calm heart.

The topics of the three people from start to finish revolved around the speeches they had just made on stage.

The fluorescent light of the screen was reflected in Wei Qingyu's eyes, and a chat record was clearly contained in the turquoise pool water.

—[Your Cosmos Invincible Season is lovely: Of course, we look good in whispers! 】

Our home...

She actually put herself and her together, framed by the word "home".

Wei Qingyu tried his best to convince himself with Ji Xiao just rushing to here, but the thumping heartbeat in his heart became more and more intense uncontrollably.

Wei Qingyu had never thought that a person's words and words could make her blush to such a degree.

That simple sentence was put into her eyes like this, and it was carved into the girl's heart by taking advantage of the candy she gave to herself today.

At almost the same moment, Ji Xiao smelled the mint fragrance in the air, and hurriedly raised his head but found that there was nothing.

Just when she was puzzled by her reaction, the phone vibrated a few times.

[Wei Qingyu: I have stepped down. 】

Looking at the news from Wei Qingyu, Ji Xiao suddenly felt guilty and nervous. He typed a few times on the keyboard and typed two wrong words: 【Will you come back from there? 】

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's typo, almost imagining her one-handed typing speed to reply to herself.

A smile burst into the corner of the girl's eyes, and she learned the words of the opposite person and replied: [I'll get fat in a while. 】

Ji Xiao's cheeks stunned, but he couldn't help feeling that Wei Qingyu on the other side of the screen was very interesting, and said: [You performed really well just now, I heard many people around you are complimenting you. 】

Wei Qingyu smiled lightly when he heard the words, and asked Ji Xiao expectantly: [What about you? 】


Ji Xiao was a little surprised at Wei Qingyu's throwing this topic to himself.

Just now in the group and Qi Qi and others praised Wei Qingyu's words, Cihai suddenly forgot, she licked her slightly dry lips, tapped the screen suddenly and commented: [I think you did it too pretty good. 】

In the past, Ji Xiao felt that the effort was not enough, and added: [It is very good. 】

When the news came, Wei Qingyu felt a real and unpretentious smile of a young girl blooming in front of him.

The taste of peach brandy also fell on Wei Qingyu's heart at this moment. She looked at the two sentences sent by Ji Xiao and actively invited: [Would you like to come backstage later, I will show you around? 】

Seeing this news, Ji Xiao instantly felt that the long-awaited performance on the stage was boring, and nodded and said: [Okay, I will go to you now. 】

Wei Qingyu smiled slightly and said: [Okay, you come in from the back door of the auditorium outside, and you will be closer, and there is no disciplinary inspection office there. 】

[I'm in the second conference room on the left that comes in from here. 】

"Quietly, it's early."

At this moment, Liu Yue's crisp voice came from behind Wei Qingyu, and she unexpectedly interrupted her typing hands.

Hearing Liu Yue's words, Wei Qingyu hurriedly sent out the news, and asked nonchalantly, "Aunt Liuyue, is it something you called me here?"

"It's not a private matter. It's our school's friendship school Hualan Private High School just sent high school sophomores to participate in our school's celebration. Suddenly they came, and the principal and I meant to send you as a representative for this friendly exchange. How about it?"

"Yes." Wei Qingyu is often used to being delegated such things, and it is not very surprising.

It's just that she just made an appointment with Ji Xiao just now to wait for her to come over. She didn't want to miss the appointment, so she asked again: "But, shall we go now?"

"No need to go, the vice-principal has already brought them over."

As he was speaking, the door in Wei Qingyu's sight was pushed open from the outside.

The leather shoes knocked on the tiled floor and made an exceptionally cold and crisp sound.

A few students in Western-style school uniforms that were more refined than those of the attached middle school walked in.

Wei Qingyu stared at the figures of the visiting group, his hands hanging beside him couldn't help tightening slightly.

Right at the front of the team, Jin Nanfeng suddenly appeared in the center of the girl's sight.

No wonder she thought the name of this school was familiar.

This is actually the school that Jinnanfeng attended.

"This is Teacher Zhao from Hualan Private High School and the student representative." Liu Yue introduced.

"We have just listened to Wei Qingyu's speech, and we have learned a lot. Your school is worthy of being the old school for the 60th anniversary of the city." Teacher Zhao politely extended a hand to Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu also politely stretched out his hand and replied, "Teacher Zhao, you are polite."

"Let me introduce it below." Teacher Zhao pointed to the frontmost Jinnan wind.

"This is the style of southern Shanxi. The top student in our school is the winner of the gold medal in the youth category of this year's Science and Technology Innovation Competition."

"Hello, I am Jinnanfeng." Jinnanfeng nodded slightly, and politely stretched out his hand to Wei Qingyu.

Although Wei Qingyu didn't have much affection for this person, he had to follow social etiquette and stretched out his hand to Jin Nanfeng: "Hello, my name is Wei Qingyu."

It's just that everyone didn't expect that when the girl's skeletal hand was gently tapped on Jin Nanfeng's palm, the door was pushed open again from the outside.

Ji Xiao, who didn't know what was going on in the meeting room, pushed the door straight and walked in.

Before she could recognize what was happening, the hand that Wei Qingyu and Jin Nanfeng shook together first appeared in her sight.

The author has something to say: Two in one, happy weekend everyone!