The corridor outside the door was full of busy noises in the backstage, but the huge conference room was full of weird silence.

Liu Yue and the vice principal looked at the girl who broke in suddenly, Wei Qingyu yanked his hand out of Jin Nanfeng's.

"Why are you here?" Liu Yue asked when she walked to Ji Xiao's side.

Ji Xiao instantly reflected what was going on.

She knew that she, an outsider, should apologize to bow and then leave the occasion, but when she noticed the Jin Nanfeng beside Wei Qingyu, she instantly changed her mind.

"It was a whisper that asked me to come." Ji Xiao calmly explained to Liu Yue, "Teacher, she can't let her take care of this scene alone."

When she said that, the girl's eyes curled up with a smile, like a pair of delicious cashews.

This harmless appearance of humans and animals is quite deceptive, Liu Yue didn't think much to verify, and nodded: "Okay, in that case, you can follow it today, but you have to show me well."

"Yeah." Ji Xiao nodded, "Don't worry."

"I will do well."

As she said that, she saw Xiang Nanfeng standing with Wei Qingyu until now.

But I don't want Jin Nanfeng to look at her in the same way.

The juvenile's deep black pupil is like a black hole that cannot be peeped, making those who look at each other feel dangerous.

It's just that in the danger of falling into the golden orange color, Ji Xiao also saw a friendly smile on himself.

Doesn’t it mean that Alpha is mutually exclusive?

What's more, the two of them are still S-level Alphas.

Ji Xiao suddenly felt that Jin Nanfeng was as unfathomable as it was written in the original text, and he didn't know what he was calculating in his dark eyes.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao couldn't help but feel that the glands at the back of his neck were cold, so he didn't stop looking at him much, and turned his head to stop the two of them looking at each other.

But I didn't want to, it was just a momentary thing that was clearly seen by Wei Qingyu on the side.

It also includes the unexplained smile that Jin Nanfeng cast at Ji Xiao.

She once read in a Biology Encyclopedia that Alphas of the same level in the animal kingdom will be attracted to each other because they cannot compete with each other...

The warm wind of early spring blew the long stairs outside the auditorium, and three thoughtful people led by Liu Yue to the concert hall on the top floor of the auditorium.

Although the hall on the top floor of the auditorium is not as grand as the orthodox concert hall, the supporting facilities are not inferior to the professional stage at all.

The light fell on the light brown floor that had just been waxed, making the hall bright and regular, and the concert troupe members who had just finished the school celebration performance were resting in the hall.

Teacher Zhao from Hualan Private High School saw the tripod piano placed on one side and thoughtfully stepped forward and said, "This is Steinway's piano."

The conductor of the concert troupe who was welcoming the crowd nodded, "Yes."

"I heard that Qingyu can play the piano, right?" Teacher Zhao asked.

Wei Qingyu nodded slightly: "Yeah."

I don’t know if the interest is coming, Teacher Zhao immediately suggested: “Since this is the case, it’s better to whisper and play a song with Nanfeng for us to listen to, how about it.”

The voice fell in Ji Xiao's heart and the alarm bell mastered.

The keys of the piano are the best thing to cultivate tacit understanding, not to mention that the two people have a certain fate in the original text.

It was already unexpected for Wei Qingyu to meet Jin Nanfeng again, how could she let them play together with four hands.

Before Wei Qingyu could speak, Ji Xiao said hurriedly: "Since Jin is a classmate who is here to visit and study, how can I be embarrassed and troublesome. Why not let me and Wei Qingyu play for everyone."

Like many children, Ji Xiao was forced to learn piano from an early age by his parents in the original world.

Even if she changed her body now, she could still think of the pain when the cane tucked on her arm and shoulder.

At that time, Ji Xiao couldn't think of it, she hated things that she felt useless, but helped her a lot today.

Wei Qingyu did not expect that Ji Xiao would take the initiative to invite Ying, and some worries appeared in his eyebrows: "When did you learn to play the piano?"

When Ji Xiao heard Wei Qingyu's question, he realized something.

-The hands of the original owner show that she has never learned piano.

She only took care of separating Wei Qingyu from Jin Nanfeng, and forgot about it.

Ji Xiao lightly licked her dry lips, and forcibly explained: "Just... in the years when you were separated from me... I signed up for an interest class."

Wei Qingyu was dubious, and asked, "But are your hands better? Are you sure you can?"

"Don't worry." Ji Xiao said as he lowered his arm that had been hanging for almost four months. "If I don't move, my hands are almost numb."

Those slender fingers dexterously passed the eyes of Wei Qingyu and others like a gentle jade.

Although Liu Yue didn't know what Ji Xiao was doing, she still refused to let her baby whisper with a four-handed play with an unfamiliar male Alpha.

So after Liu Yue heard Ji Xiao’s conversation with Wei Qingyu, she also preached: “What Ji Xiao said is, it’s better to let the two of them play a piece of music. It can be regarded as our landlord’s friendship. Welcome everyone. s arrival."

"Teacher Zhao, can you?"

Liu Yue smiled as she spoke, and the prosperous red flowers bloomed in front of her eyes in an instant.

Teacher Zhao looked a little stunned, nodded and said: "Yes."

In this way, Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao walked to the piano.

The piano seems to have been used by someone just now, and the music score is still open on it.

Wei Qingyu tapped the piano twice to test the pitch, and then asked, "What do you want to play?"

"Then to Alice." Ji Xiao said and struck the keys three times, but she struck out the first three notes of "To Alice".

The young girl raised her chin to Wei Qingyu with a bit of pride, and motioned her to look at the piano score in front of her.

Wei Qingyu also noticed Ji Xiao's familiarity from this action, and his uneasy heart was slightly let go.

After saying "Okay", Wei Qingyu decided to sit in the main seat on the left.

But I don't want to see an extra figure in my sight.

Ji Xiao unbuttoned his suit jacket with one hand, and sat on her left hand stiffly.

The girl gently raised her arm, her green fingers pressed precisely on the black and white keys, and a few gentle syllables flowed out.

As if the player was whispering Alice's name, the piano tone became gentle and gentle as Ji Xiao controlled his opponent's speed.

Just this small piece of familiar music instantly attracted everyone present, including the rest of the concert group nearby.

The sunlight falling from the side of the window enveloped the girl who was playing music, and Wei Qingyu's eyes trembled when he looked at Ji Xiao.

The long hair was tied high above her head, pouring down like a waterfall in thick and dark darkness, and the golden light was always hanging on her back.

Elegance and wanton are intertwined with the music on the girl's body, something Wei Qingyu has never seen since childhood.

She looked at Ji Xiao quietly, wondering how she felt that at this moment she had a great sense of separation from her in the past.

With the sound of Ji Xiao's calls over, Wei Qingyu also experienced absent-mindedness like Alice, swimming, and then returning to his senses.

In the end, she seemed to be responding to Ji Xiao's call, raising her hand and tapping the piano keys in accordance with Ji Xiao's rhythm.

With the cooperation of the two people, the gurgling music will push the song a little bit and it will evolve into a wonderful one.

Every syllable produced by the keyboard is on tiptoes like a ballet, dancing to the hearts of the audience under the control of Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu.

As the music came to an end, Ji Xiao's lack of a neat right hand began to lack strength, and a lush white hand landed on the key that she should have fallen ahead of time.

The light fell on Wei Qingyu's profile, giving her a hazy beauty.

She silently and calmly followed Ji Xiao's left hand to play this little tune, and at this moment became Ji Xiao's right hand.

The smooth music flowed into Ji Xiao's heart, like a gentle palm brushing her profile.

I don't know if it's because of the long connection that she and Wei Qingyu have developed a silent understanding.

She knew where Wei Qingyu's next note should fall, and Wei Qingyu also tapped the keys lightly or harder in accordance with her rhythm.

Ji Xiao looked at the hand that had overlapped his sight, and lost consciousness for a moment.

It would be great if time could stand still at this moment forever.

Still at this moment, she and Wei Qingyu are incomparably tacit understanding.

The wind on the horizon seemed to be enjoying the performance, slowly blowing through the camphor tree outside the window, bringing a burst of green waves.

A melody of the emotion returning to the beginning sounded, and both hands were placed on the knees almost at the same time.

There was thunderous applause in the auditorium, and the vice principal's face was full of pride.

Wei Qingyu sighed slightly, then looked at Ji Xiao who was still resting aside: "How about your hands?"

Ji Xiao pursed her lips and smiled: "It's very flexible."

The two people were sitting on the same bench, and the girl's warm breath fell into Wei Qingyu's ear with some ambiguity and impartiality.

The smell of peach brandy steamed around her with a slight sweat. Wei Qingyu looked at the slender fingers in his sight, clearly knowing that Ji Xiao didn't mean that, and blushed.

"Playing very well."

The voice of Jin Nanfeng came from Ji Xiao, interrupting Wei Qingyu's thoughts.

Xu is the existence of a relationship with rivals, Ji Xiao didn't feel too happy about the male protagonist's praise to him, and faintly replied: "Thank you."

Jin Nanfeng was not hit by Ji Xiao’s indifference, and said: “I’ve read a book and it says that this piece is said to have been written by Beethoven for his student Elizabeth when he was 40 years old, and Alice is an alias for Elizabeth. During that time, there has never been another woman named Alice in Beethoven’s life."

As soon as this sentence came out, a small hill appeared between Ji Xiao's originally flat eyebrows.

As early as when she was reading the original text, she wanted to spit out this sentence that the male lead used to broaden the topic with Wei Qingyu.

Ji Xiao's mind was inexplicably replayed the picture of Jin Nanfeng holding Wei Qingyu's hand. He didn't hold back and said, "But during that time, there were other names in his life. The girl. This is really a scumbag with love and righteousness."

"I don't know if Classmate Jin said so, does he have the same idea?"

Speaking of Ji Xiao, he drew a smile from his face and looked at Jin Nanfeng with a somewhat virtual smile.

Jinnan Feng froze for a while, he didn't expect Ji Xiao to answer himself this way.

Or he should have expected that at the dinner party that first met, the girl didn't play the cards according to the routine.

"You're right." Jin Nanfeng said for no reason.

Then he glanced around, leaned down, and whispered in Ji Xiao's ear: "But this place is not as boring as you said at the beginning."

The boy's inexplicable voice has deep magnetism, like a piece of heavy iron hitting the bottom of Ji Xiao's heart.

Is the thing or person that he said that makes him not "boring"?

Does the place he just scanned include Wei Qingyu on the side?

After going around for a few rounds, Jin Nanfeng still fell in love with Wei Qingyu?

The spring sunshine gave them a layer of gentle yellow, which made the scene a little ambiguous.

Wei Qingyu clearly heard what Jin Nanfeng said to Ji Xiao, and his expression became cold as he watched the faint smile on the young man's face.

She just got up from the piano bench and said to Ji Xiao with a deep voice: "Ji Xiao, let's go."

The taste of mint was cold, but it made Ji Xiao's uneasy heart return to a bit of truth.

When Ji Xiao heard Wei Qingyu's words, no matter whether her voice was cold or not, he immediately left this place with southern Jinfeng wind with her.

At least Wei Qingyu is on his side now.

At least Wei Qingyu hasn't had any feelings for Jinnanfeng...

Hualan Private High School's trip was mainly to congratulate the 60th anniversary of the attached high school. After visiting the related programs of the school, he was ready to leave.

Before leaving, it is customary for everyone to take a group photo, with the teacher in the front and the students in the back.

When Ji Xiao watched Jin Nanfeng automatically stand on the edge of the Hualan Senior Two delegation near him, the alarm sounded in his heart.

A strong sense of possession and crisis surged in her heart, pushing her firmly to occupy the fashionable and idle left side of southern Shanxi, and in order to look good, the fixed belt was also taken off according to the photographer's requirements.

Wei Qingyu stood aside and frowned slightly.

The snake named "Jealous" entangled the girl's heart and spit out a greedy letter.

Wei Qingyu slightly shook his sagging hand at his side, and walked quietly between Ji Xiao and Jin Nanfeng.

Then she relentlessly dialed the south Jinfeng wind from the side, intervened casually between the two, and said to Liu Yue in front: "Ms. Liu."

"What's the matter?" Liu Yue turned her head hurriedly when she heard Wei Qingyu's call.

The photographer who was about to shoot saw Liu Yue turning around and reminded him hurriedly: "Teacher, we are going to take pictures now, can we say okay if we have something to do later?"

Liu Yue nodded when she heard the words, and patted Wei Qingyu's hand on her shoulder.

After that, she temporarily put aside the doubts in her heart and turned her head again.

It's just that Ji Xiao's doubts can't let go.

She looked at Wei Qingyu who was standing on her right, and Jin Nanfeng who was standing behind her a head higher than her, and asked nervously, "Why are you here?"

"Can't I stand here?"

Wei Qingyu asked coldly, his cold pupils staring straight ahead.

The faint smell of mint passed through Ji Xiao's nose again. The girl hadn't distinguished the smell mixed in it this time, she felt that her right arm was slightly framed by some force.

A wrist with a red string appeared at the bottom right of Ji Xiao's sight.

The flash in the line of sight clicked on, brightening the surprise in the girl's eyes.

Ji Xiao couldn't think that Wei Qingyu would take the initiative to take his arm one day.

The author has something to say: A long time ago, a young girl named Ji Xiaozun was walking in the desert. At this time, a golden bottle attracted her attention.

Ji Xiaocao thought this was the legendary Aladdin lamp, so he rubbed the lamp three times.

A puff of smoke passed, and a beautiful-looking woman appeared in front of her.

Wei Lengmo: Did you summon me?

Ji Xiaocao: Yes, yes, so you want...

Wei indifferent: So you have to satisfy my three wishes.

Ji Xiaocao:? ? ?

Wei Lengmo: First, you are not allowed to talk to other people (especially male Alpha), secondly, you are not allowed to accept gifts from other people (especially male Alpha), and thirdly, you must fall in love with the **** you summoned, and never betray your whole life. .

Ji Xiaocao discovered that the Aladdin magic lamp she picked up was engraved with a big "vinegar" character!