The wind gently brushed the crabapple tree beside the lens, sending a scent of fragrance.

The tender petals are stacked in clusters, and the bright red color presses against the branches and trembles slightly in the wind.

Ji Xiao stood beside Kazuki's fiery red, and his heart was beating disorderly like this weak petal.

The girl's arm was tightly close to her arm, and the thin shirt material could not block the warmth from others, carrying the familiar mint fragrance unscrupulously invaded the heart that had opened the door for it.

Ji Xiao didn't know the expression on his face, and only asked with a trembling voice: "You, what are you doing."

In contrast, Wei Qingyu seemed very calm.

She looked at the photographer who was going to take a photo in front, and reminded Ji Xiao who was looking at her faintly: "Look at the camera."

Then, she made an excuse to explain: "I just helped you hold your right hand. The piano that has been played for so long can't be put down and fell."

Ji Xiao heard a small "Oh" and turned his head obediently.

It's just that the arm hanging on the right turned slightly, and it was placed in the opposite direction on Wei Qingyu's clasped palm.

Bold and presumptuous.

Ji Xiao pretended to be arrogant and raised her neck slightly, and preached to her without squinting while learning Wei Qingyu: "Then let this lady let her go."

The wind stopped at this moment, but Wei Qingyu's still calm heart made waves in an instant.

The two small round peach baskets below the girl's sight touched gently, and the same red rope silently deepened the inseparable bond between the two at this moment.

Wei Qingyu saw the south Jinfeng on one side standing straight without knowing it, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

A sense of satisfaction that I don't know how to describe blows through her heart.

Her hand remained the same as when Ji Xiao relied on it just now, and she gave her a faint "um" expression.

It seemed that he was really just taking care of Ji Xiao's injury.

"Okay, teachers and students, the test film just now was good. Let's take it officially below!" The photographer preached while holding the SLR in his hand.

The scent of begonia fell, and the peach brandy and mint were intertwined.

The two girls stood erect under the camera, and no one noticed their arms together.

Nervous and apprehensive, with a hint of unspeakable liking.

Secretly, hiding in Ji Xiao's heart.

Also, the bottom of Wei Qingyu's heart.


The flashlight flashed in the sight of the two again, and the Begonia flowers were blown by the wind over the heads of Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao.

Blooming flowers are blooming, it is the eccentricity of Spring that gave these two people the red romance.

The night breeze blows silently into the room filled with hand-made pillows. The taste of peach brandy is like the sprouts spawned in the spring breeze, and it grows rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Tan vines filled the room with the fragrance of wine, and the wind blew for a while, and the peach blossoms were shaking.

Ji Xiao curled up in the thin quilt and fainted in mud.

The mint scent in the dream turned into the appearance of its owner, and his smile was even more agile than in the real world.

The pure cotton pajamas that girls often wear are hung on her body, not fascinating.

The slender and well-proportioned legs are separated on both sides, like the low and undulating hills on both sides of the Jiangnan River, with a layer of water mist floating in a gentle stretch.

Wei Qingyu deceived himself and pressed his body down, and his long black hair fell on Ji Xiao's shoulders, the whiteness that seemed unconcealed and exuded the warm fragrance of mint.

A damp sensation came from Ji Xiao's right arm, the unremoved scar on her arm that she had coveted for countless lip kisses.

Although the doctor has worked very hard to reduce the wound on the arm, the traces left by the broken skin still resemble a centipede, occupies on the white skin, ugly and sensitive, incompatible with the delicate lips of the girl.

Ji Xiao couldn't help feeling a little inferior, and moved his arm slightly, trying to pull it out: "Don't..."

When the voice fell, the girl in front of her raised her head.

Those turquoise eyes were filled with a hazy mist, looking at her beamingly.

"Really not?" Wei Qingyu asked.

The voice was stubborn, with a bit of grievance, and it looked like a sorrowful cat who was always pleasing the owner.

This caused Ji Xiao to roll his throat up and down, and it took a long time before he uttered the word "yes" from his vocal cords.

With this sound, the development of things became uncontrollable.

The ambiguity around was ignited by the fire, and the strong mint scent tempted Ji Xiao not to suppress herself, but Ji Xiao, who had always restrained, didn't know what happened this time, and he followed the beast that released his heart.

She stretched out her hand to clasp the shoulders of the person in front of her, turned over and pressed Wei Qingyu into her hand.

The shoulders clasped by the fingers glowed with a soft reddish color, and the feeling of soft and smooth jade came from the palm of his hand.

The peach blossom branches into the mint bushes, and the pear blossoms pressed the crabapples.

Wei Qingyu leaned on Ji Xiao's shoulders, his teeth lightly biting, and he whispered softly.

"Ji Xiao...Ji Xiao..."

For a while, Ji Xiao's ears were full of his own name.

The girl's high neck is like the most beautiful one in the swans.

And he is the master who monopolizes her holiness and purity.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao couldn't help but put his hand to the back of Wei Qingyu's neck.

She pushed aside the muddy jungle, waded across the winding river, and finally stood in front of the glorious lake.

The turquoise lake was crystal clear, and the mint grass growing around it looked like a goblin hooking people, tempting people who came to bow down.

Ji Xiao protruded her canine teeth, and at this moment layers of ripples were set off on the surface of the lake.

The smell of peach blanc was wet by the lake water, and the tingling and numbness burst on the tip of the girl's tongue.


Wei Qingyu whimpered and let out a low moan, subconsciously let her bite the round shoulder of the person in front of him.

[That was the first time Ji Xiao really tasted the deliciousness of the Oga in front of him. The refreshment temporarily marked in the past was not as good as one ten thousandth of this moment.

She looked at the girl in front of her who was tortured by herself in this dim and damp place, a lot of complicated light flashed in her golden orange eyes.

Pity, love.

There is also the heartache that she can't soothe anyway...]

The sentence in the original text suddenly flashed into Ji Xiao's mind, and the girl's golden orange eyes could not help but dilate.

That frantically beating heart was stopped by the hammer.


The sun slipped in through the gap between the two curtains that were not covered, and a slender golden light fell on Ji Xiao's face impartially.

The girl opened her eyes abruptly, and her pupils shrank with horror.

Before Ji Xiao had time to think about the original plot that had just appeared in his mind, he felt a damp.

The smell of peach brandy filled every corner of the room, and her fiercely beating heart exuded a fiery and intense gloom.

Ji Xiao realized that this was his susceptibility period.

And he was completely released in the dream of his talent.

"Ji Xiao...slow down..."

The young girl's voice rang in Ji Xiao's mind, and the heat burned her completely.

Obviously she had turned on the fresh air system in the room, but she felt that she could still smell the mint fragrance in her dreams.

That tempting mint fragrance.

Ji Xiao looked at her bedside with a tutoring poster. The girl in the next room was the girl who seduced herself in a dream just now.

The sound of the fresh air system rang in the quiet room, and Ji Xiao's neat sheets were vortexed.


The sheets were ripped off the bed brutally by Ji Xiao.

The girl's feet slammed on the floor, and there was a splash of water in the porcelain-white bathtub.

Ji Xiao lifted his foot and took off the clothes on his lower body, and threw them in with the wet sheets.

There was a sound of pushing and pulling the drawer, and a drop of pure white liquid poured out from the very thin needle under the warm yellow light above the girl's head.

Ji Xiao sat on the toilet and injected himself with an inhibitor.

What are you thinking about?

It's already embarrassing to have that kind of dream to someone else, how can you really go to occupy her next door.

You are Ji Xiao, a law-abiding citizen, not the little **** of the same name and surname in the original text who can only take the same name and surname!

Since you like her.

You must learn to restrain yourself.

A shot of the inhibitor was pushed into Ji Xiao's body, and she had also done a good job of mental construction for herself.

The water in the bathtub was also full.

In the morning, the beautiful sunshine fell in from the huge French window next to the bathtub, reflecting the leisurely and beautiful scenery of the villa area.

Ji Xiao never imagined that after she became an arrogant lady, one day she would wash herself the sheets and pajamas by herself.

The girl's delicate belly rubbed the underwear that was wet by herself, and the soap bubbles reached her elbow.

Ji Xiao sat on the small bench and sighed: "Really, what is my fate..."

But she changed her mind again, let's exercise occasionally.

After Ji Qingyun went bankrupt, she was afraid that she would really have to live the life of a civilian girl who washes her sheets by herself.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao couldn't help but think of the original text that had just appeared in his dream.

It was obviously such a lingering picture, why did she feel the sadness that belonged to her from the text?

"That'heartache that can't be relieved anyhow'...what does it mean?"

Ji Xiao frowned slightly as he thought about it.

When she read the original text, she didn't care what she had experienced with the villain of the same name and surname.

Seeing Wei Qingyu's tragic situation is enough for her to be sad, how can she go to get to know a hateful and vicious female villain.

But now that she has become "Ji Xiao", she really wants to know why the original owner completely marked Wei Qingyu.

What exactly happened would make her such a torturing dude give a desperate blow to Wei Qingyu, who is about to usher in the dawn of life.


At this time, when Ji Xiao was left outside, she shook crazily.

Immediately after that, the particularly passionate cell phone ringtone set by the original owner rang through the room.

Ji Xiao frowned and wiped his hands hurriedly, and ran towards the bedside table.

I saw the words "Qi Qi" jumping on the black screen, and he looked extremely anxious.

Ji Xiao: "What's wrong?"

Before the voice was over, Qi Qi said: "Sister Xiao, I said what you were doing just now, and you won't answer when we send you a message, and you won't answer if you make a voice call. You have to call you before you answer?"

After hearing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly quit the call interface and took a look.

Good guy, not only did she and Fang Yiming talk to themselves in the group, they also reminded themselves in private conversations that there would be three links just for missed calls.

"What's the matter? Are you anxious?" Ji Xiao was a little nervous when he saw this, "What happened?"

"Let's see what I post for you. Just yesterday, my cp became a trend!" Qi Qi's voice was hard to hide excitement, and she hung up the phone.

Ji Xiao looked at the phone that rang and was quickly deducted, so he opened the post on the campus forum sent by Qi Qi without knowing it.

After a period of lag in the jump of the APP page, a hot post that was bolded and reddened appeared in Ji Xiao's sight.

——【Help, see what I knocked on! What kind of tacit understanding is this, what kind of immortal couple! 】

In the main building just below the title, a video was placed directly on it.

The background on the cover is the concert hall on the top floor of the auditorium that I visited yesterday.

And the profile of himself sitting side by side with Wei Qingyu appeared in the center of the cover.


The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-08-3009:13:48~2021-08-3109:01:58~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 star-grabbing photo;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: Tong Shang Jiannan, 543,596,661;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Tong Shangyanan, short-handed kangaroo, Iris773, 7 total, vast sea, 49294795, cold bird duck in my bowl, Reba’s wife, 54495131, Xiyu Luohua, 368076581 ;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 80 bottles of not very smart; 70 bottles of Abigail; 4853004740 bottles; 36 bottles of uninhibited drunk; 35 bottles of firefly night cold; 30 bottles of the whistling wind; 24 bottles of oranges are so sour; nice23 bottles; frightened, ugly pickup, oh hello, Xu Baijiang, Yiqi Yuanmeng, Tang Jiu is not human, acridine, 1430862120 bottles; 38854174,52441021, grade three 15 bottles; 49788462, Reba’s wife, qw, Moshangren like fish, 54168358, 4213411310 bottles; 8 bottles of Qingmo, Qi Ke, Jiang Jin; 20379366, 6 bottles of golden axe and silver axe; Follow the light, 50110960, SUETYEE, Zhouyue, Jiuyan, monster, REoslon, Jintai 5 bottles of Wife Yan; Langlangzi, Yaha, 452,298,113 bottles; 505,393,612 bottles; Jingzi, Xiaok~, 48652094, nnnice, Who Xu Liunian first met, 50508529, dry rice and use basin, 0171 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!