The sunlight in the gaps of the curtains spilled into the quiet bedroom along with the piano tune of "To Alice".

Ji Xiao sat in the dim room, her pupils slightly startled.

She couldn't think that her decision yesterday to block Wei Qingyu from cooperating with Jin Nanfeng turned into what she is now.

Everyone was discussing how seductive and envious they were sitting together with Wei Qingyu.

It seems that the most secret secret in my heart has been revealed to the public, but it seems that it has not been discovered by anyone.

Ji Xiao slid the post and looked at the picture cut by the host, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

She never knew how beautiful the picture when she and Wei Qingyu were in the same lens.

The Begonia flower that had fallen when the photo was taken that day trembled slightly on the tip of her heart, full of likes.

Ji Xiao looked down while preserving the pictures, but saw that the microscopy poster had actually found the school celebration Weibo that was just posted on the official website.

In that photo with Hualan Private High School, the magnified picture of himself and Wei Qingyu's unassailable calm expressions was sold out.

The white shirt is stacked with the navy blue suit jacket. From the enlarged picture, it can be clearly seen that the two of them are holding each other's arms behind Liu Yue.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the stairs that went down began to scream like a relay.

AO is different. This kind of intimacy makes everyone happy that the cp that they knocked on is true.

What's more, I also found a photo of Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu hugging at the finish line during last year's sports meeting.

Although the crowd was crowded, we could clearly see the scene of Wei Qingyu leaning against Ji Xiao.

[Tutu is so cute, of course we want to eat Tutu: Damn it, I was in the audience at the time, ah, ah, ah, so regretful, why didn't I notice. 】

[Just eat the rabbit: Even if I paid attention, I didn’t know it was Ji Xiao. I thought it was a sister ♀mei♀ with deep affection. 】

[Wuhu turn: The ♀♀ upstairs is very magical. 】

[TOEFL does not reach a hundred and does not change the name: No! I'm broken in love, my new goddess! ! 】

[Doudou is the cutest: Today is the day when countless Alpha gains new goddesses and loses them. 】


Just as the "Doudou is the cutest" said, how many people knocked cp last night, as many as Oga or Alpha were heartbroken.

Especially the Alphas who just fell in love with Wei Qingyu.

Ji Xiao watched everyone knocking or wailing, and the arc of the corners of his mouth was filled with smiles.

I just don't know what happened, and found that the sound in the building became a little discordant at a point in time.

[Emotional lunatic: Why do we want to match our whisper with Ji Xiao? Isn't Wei Qingyu pitiful enough for Ji Xiao to fix him last year? 】

[Your Nanazi: Yes, it's just a four-handed piano playing. Maybe Wei Qingyu was coerced. 】

[Are you not going to sleep at all: Can't you see it? In the end, Ji Xiao just put his hand down. That part of her solo was played by Wei Qingyu with her right hand instead of her. I really don't know where it's sweet. 】

[Your Nanako: What you said upstairs is right. This is obviously a encounter with the pig teammates, as a last resort. Are you not sprinkling salt on Wei Qingyu's wound? 】


Looking at the "Your Nanazi" who forcibly resonated with Wei Qingyu that she had imagined, Ji Xiao couldn't help but feel familiar.

She clicked into this person's space, and Liu Meina's artificial self-portrait appeared on the screen, almost blinding Ji Xiao's eyes.

She knew it.

She might have hired someone to do it at the Games last year.

This Liu Meina had no backing, she didn't dare to do that kind of substantive campus bullying, but she kept making small moves behind her back.

It's really leprosy, lying on the feet, not biting or responding to others.

But Ji Xiao hadn't been disgusted with Liu Meina for long, and the portrait she was so familiar with jumped out from under her eyes.

[User 190245: The mouth smells so bad? Did Ji Xiao provoke you? 】

Wei Qingyu slept later than usual last night, and she sniffed carefully while holding the school uniform jacket that had taken Ji Xiao's arm.

The faint taste of peach brandy with Alpha's temptation refreshed my heart, making her Oga a little intoxicated.

But this kind of happiness has not been maintained, Wei Qingyu saw this post on the forum.

It happened at the time when Liu Meina came to disappoint.

He slandered and slandered, and even used his own pretext to hurt Ji Xiao.

Wei Qingyu looked at the group of so-called justice messengers on the opposite side, and the screen crackled: [How did you know that Wei Qingyu felt that he was **** with Ji Xiao? 】

[Your Nanazi: Haven't you seen how smelly our whispered expressions are in the photo? Are you not happy anymore? 】

[Ni Ni Ni Ni: Silent, Wei Qingyu's expression has always been like this, don't you know? Ji Xiao didn't think that her lonely self-admiring expression was very good, okay? 】

Wei Qingyu looked at the two pieces of news, and turned his face to the bay window.

The face that had always been calm was reflected on it, and only the slight frowning of her brows could express her current puzzled emotions.

Is it really smelly?

Does she really hate it?

The girl’s calm and calm eyes rarely pretend to be a little unconfident.

She recalled the impression of Oga who had tried to get close to Ji Xiao, and pulled the corners of her mouth with a bit of force.



Extremely untrue.

Wei Qingyu looked at himself on the window and found that he seemed to have forgotten how to laugh.

I don't know when she started, she has become accustomed to wearing this expressionless mask, concealing all her emotions in her heart and digesting it alone.

A few more posts in the forum were refreshed. The poster and the person named "Ni Ni Ni Ni" lost to Pi Hei, and "Your Nana Zi" used Wei Qingyu's reputation to smear Ji Xiao, which was a mess that day. Wei Qingyu's eyes hurt because of the noise.

Wei Qingyu's gentle expression sank in an instant before he tried, and he knocked coldly: [Don't you find that in the video, the little peach basket worn by Ji Xiao's wrist is the same as Wei Qingyu's? 】

[Wei Qingyu gets along with Ji Xiao day and night, if you really hate Ji Xiao, would you pluck this identical little peach basket long ago? 】

When this remark came out of the forum, there was another uproar, so that the fine details were not even discovered by the microscope poster.

[Ni Ni Ni Ni: Did you hear that? Some people who want to take Wei Qingyu away can see clearly that Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu's little peach basket is the same on their wrists, they are even more real than your mother's grave. 】

[LZ: Once again, our building is dedicated to cp, if you want to be really worthless for Wei Qingyu, go to Ji Xiao if you have the ability! 】

[My wife in the future Kuriyama: That is, Liu Mina, don't pretend, if you have the ability, you can come out and respond to this? 】


The sun gradually climbed into the sky, and the sun’s blazing heat made the heart warm.

After half an hour of melee, Ji Xiao once again witnessed Miss Rabbit's record of turning the tide, and admired her even more in his heart.

She quickly clicked into the chat dialog with Miss Rabbit, and said: [Boss, thank you! 】

By the way, she also sent her a lot of emoticons that worshipped, spread flowers, and even posted stickers.

It's just different this time.

After a moment of silence, Ji Xiao did not receive a response from Miss Rabbit.

Want to come too, that incident happened at three o'clock in the morning last night.

I had entered a dream at that time, but Miss Rabbit was fighting for herself.

Ji Xiao didn't dare to disturb Miss Rabbit's rest anymore, and left the sentence "You take a good rest".

It's just that she doesn't know, it's in the bedroom across the wall from her.

The one-and-three violent rabbit was curled up in her soft quilt, blushing secretly.

The school uniform was folded squarely on the pillow, and the taste of peach brandy was perfectly locked inside.

Wei Qingyu looked at the two Q version villains pasted together on the screen, his face flushed with his mobile phone.

Even the girl herself didn't notice.

The gentle smile that she couldn't do well last night was vividly shown by her in this morning sun.

The speech at the school celebration made Wei Qingyu instantly become the goddess of many Alpha, but it also made Ji Xiao the new public enemy of Alpha.

The difficult morning class ended on Monday, and the bustling cafeteria was full of noise from students talking.

Qi Qi, who was going to take up a seat after finishing the meal, looked at Ji Xiao and Fang Yiming who came in the distance, and clearly saw the unhappiness on her face.

Qi Qi asked curiously: "What's wrong, our Xiao sister still has one day lingering?"

Ji Xiao glanced at Qi Qi and said that he did not want to answer.

Fang Yiming sat aside, gloating and preaching: "You don’t know, I was discussing what to eat when I was in line with Sister Xiao. Sister Xiao was thinking about her sweet and sour pork, but Alpha in front of it heard it. I've finished the meal, and turned around to wrap up the last three."

When Ji Xiao heard this sentence, his face collapsed and said angrily: "Damn, my sweet and sour crispy pork."

Hearing this, Qi Qi patted Ji Xiao on the shoulder sympathetically, but her eyes were filled with a smile: "It seems that our sister Xiao has become the public enemy of Alpha in the school, but she is also sad. It’s a price. It’s okay, Sister Xiao, you can share my sweet and sour chicken with rice."

Fang Yiming also hurriedly said: "And my sweet and sour small crispy fish."

Ji Xiao looked at the extra sweet and sour chicken rice noodles and small crispy fish on the plate, his eyes groaning.

I haven't been able to hold on to it yet, I have already begun to bear the price.

If you really can hold it, you won't have to be eaten by these Alphas.

I don't know if Alpha's mutual repulsion and hostility are really stronger than Oga's.

From when Ji Xiao sat down to eat, he felt the pheromone rushing towards her from all directions.

The small and eager Alpha pheromone is like a worm trying to shake Ji Xiao, the S-class Alpha.

It's just that these pheromones that dared not come close pose no threat to Ji Xiao, but they also made her lose her appetite. After eating two bites in a hurry, she went back to the classroom to study.

Soon time came the regular school meeting of the second-to-last class in the afternoon.

The warm spring breeze made people take off their jackets quickly, and Ji Xiao walked slowly towards the auditorium carrying his school uniform jacket.

As soon as he pushed the door and came in, Ji Xiao felt the unfriendly breath that nearby Alpha released to him again.

This feeling of being scrutinized with various eyes is simply more annoying than when I was in the cafeteria at noon.

Especially for an Alpha, it is particularly offensive and provocative.

The afternoon sun poured in from the windows on both sides, and the small auditorium was not too crowded, bright and empty.

The neatly arranged chairs are arranged in groups, and in the center of the left area sits a thin back.

Half of the girl's long hair was swelled, and a beautiful bow was rarely tied on it.

The light fell on the delicate silk and exuded a light and soft powder, just like an orchid blooming leisurely by a secluded lake.

Wei Qingyu lowered his head slightly, sitting quietly in his seat, reading an ancient poem.

She felt the hostility of Alpha around her towards Ji Xiao, and Wei Qingyu, who didn't want to cause her too much trouble, even deliberately didn't take the initiative to come with Ji Xiao.

It's just that although she deliberately avoided it, someone came over.

The dark and slender shadow blocked the gentle light from one side of the window, and enveloped the girl's thin body.

Ji Xiao pulled down the chair next to him, and under the eyes of everyone, he carried his school uniform and coat directly to Wei Qingyu's side.

I don't know if it is Wei Qingyu's illusion, she feels that the sunlight in her sight today is extraordinarily dazzling.

She stared at the girl next to her in a daze and looked towards herself, her gold-orange eyes containing indescribable ambiguity.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ji Xiao's mouth, and the words were more ambiguous than his pupils: "Hello, gossip girlfriend."

The author has something to say: Pigeon: Cub, you are so lucky today!

Ji Counseling: (holding his chest).

Wei glanced indifferently and said that he hadn't caught sight.