It fell into Wei Qingyu's ears with a somewhat lazy and casual voice, and the hot temperature burned all the way from her earlobes to her cheeks.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao incredulously, his slightly trembling voice hidden a bit of joy: "You, what are you talking about?"

"Isn't it?" Ji Xiao didn't notice the difference in Wei Qingyu's voice.

With that, she leaned back in the chair and looked back at a certain Alpha who was casting hostile eyes at her not far away.

The girl's golden-orange pupils were filled with warnings of no anger and prestige, and instantly frightened those who were overpowered in the distance.

Ji Xiao snorted disdainfully, and said, "Today, those Alphas who like you almost swallowed me up."

Wei Qingyu naturally knew about this and asked tentatively, "But in this case, shouldn't you keep your distance from me?"

"I don't want to." Ji Xiao said simply, leaning on the chair as soon as his back loosened.

"Why?" Wei Qingyu asked immediately afterwards.

Ji Xiao: "Because this lady is not afraid of the shadow leaning."

It's one thing that she likes Wei Qingyu.

It's another matter that she and Wei Qingyu are really together.

Instead of keeping a distance from Wei Qingyu, then continue to suffer from these Alpha hostility for no apparent reason.

She might as well make this scandal more real without doing it. Anyway, she didn't admit it to Wei Qingyu, and she and Wei Qingyu would do Schrödinger's CP for a day.

This can be regarded as a declaration of sovereignty.

Let them, Alpha and Beta, know that Wei Qingyu has his own backing behind him, and stop those people from wanting to provoke Wei Qingyu in the future.

By the way, I can also help myself kill the peach blossoms.

It was just Ji Xiao's answer that made Wei Qingyu's eyes flash a bit of loss.

She still thought that when Ji Xiao sat down, it meant that she had acquiesced to the scandals, and that she had a good impression of herself.

But in the end, she was just because she was not afraid of the shadow leaning.

Wei Qingyu sighed without a trace, and took out the little cake that had been in her pocket since noon.

She gently pushed Ji Xiao's left arm with her elbow, and said, "Hey, here you are."

Ji Xiao was a little surprised when he saw the little cake in a bulging bag in front of him.

She didn't expect that when she was hungry, a small cake would appear right in front of her.

Wei Qingyu was the one who gave himself the cake.

Ji Xiao: "Why would you bring..."

"I heard that you didn't eat much at noon, and brought you a small cake." Wei Qingyu explained lightly, and stuffed the small cake into Ji Xiao's hands.

The girl's cool fingers rubbed the palm of Ji Xiao's palm, and easily lifted the numbness of her palm.

"Ji Xiao..."

The deep and deep tone passed through Ji Xiao's mind, and the white face flushed immediately.

This action reminded her of her dream that morning.

Wei Qingyu's slender fingers passed over her arm in the same way, and in the next moment, he leaned towards her neck little by little.

Ji Xiao tightened his fingers slightly, and the little cake in his hand was pulled out of wrinkles.

She stuttered: "Thank you, thank you."

The slightly slanting sunlight cast their shadows on the smooth floor.

In fact, someone's body is not upright.

"Students, this week we are coming to the midterm of a semester. The school celebration has just ended. I believe that many students are still talking about last week's party, but we have to take care of it..."

The super-loud headmaster’s speech echoed from the speakers in the small auditorium, and many students had bowed their heads and picked up vocabulary and ancient poems.

Ji Xiaobai looked boredly at the principal's bald head reflecting the light, and in his hand he held the bag of small cakes that had been eaten by her.

"Sister Xiao, Sister Xiao."

Two low-pitched calls came from behind Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao turned his head and saw that Fang Yiming didn't know when he came to the southeast corner of the experimental class from the northwest corner of his class.

The face with a smile all the year round still has a rare anxiety written on it.

A bad premonition rose in Ji Xiao's heart instantly: "What's the matter?"

"Qi Qi fainted just now, now in the school hospital, would you like to go with me?" Fang Yiming preached in a low voice.

When Ji Xiao heard the words, there was a thump in his heart, as if something was about to pop out in his mind for an instant.

But the headmaster's endless voice from the speaker in her ears made her mind roaring, and she couldn't remember anything.

Chaos, disorder.

Ji Xiao frowned, as if he had come to the edge of loss of control.

At this moment, those cool hands fell on Ji Xiao's wrists.

Wei Qingyu said, "Go ahead, I'll take things home for you."

The girl's tone was as calm as ever, and Ji Xiao's somewhat chaotic brain instantly returned to normal.

I don't know how to get it, but the existence of Wei Qingyu always makes Ji Xiao feel at ease.

Even at this moment, she didn't smell the familiar mint smell.

"Good." Ji Xiao nodded.

After that, she followed Fang Yiming out of the auditorium and ran towards the school doctor.

The school and hospital near the end of get off work are a bit quiet, and the sparrows parked on the lawn outside the gate leisurely jump and eat grass seeds on the lawn.

The galloping figures of the two girls flashed past, and the alert sparrow fluttered its wings straight into the sky.

There were noisy and anxious footsteps in the hospital corridors filled with the smell of disinfectant water.

Ji Xiao found Qiqi's ward before Fang Yiming, and opened the door and said: "Qiqi, how are you doing?"

Qi Qi, who was leaning on the bed and biting the apple, showed a fake smile on her face: "Isn't it all right? It's anxious for you."

The setting sun outside the window burned half of the sky, and also painted Qi Qi's face a bit of rosy.

She is still wearing a school uniform, and the shirt is drawn straight on her body, which gives her some vitality.

It looked like it was all right.

But Hao Hui interrupted Qi Qi and asked, "This classmate, do you know that you seemed to be okay just now?"

Fang Yiming heard the words and hurriedly asked: "Doctor, what is going on with Qi Qi?"

As soon as Hao Hui was about to speak, Qi Qi grabbed her one step and confessed: "I...something wrong with my body, it's on the glands."

Ji Xiao's heart was immediately tugged. She suddenly thought of many things in the past, and hurriedly asked: "So, it was not an accident that you fell over the wall that day. It was because your body was bad at that time, right. ?"

"So you came to see me during the winter vacation. It's not your way. The person in your family who has been living in the hospital is actually you, right?"

Facing Ji Xiao's continuous questioning, Qi Qi nodded with blinking eyes.

Although she had repeatedly concealed that she did not want others to worry about herself, but now it seems that her friends are worried and sad.

"Then, is this disease easy to treat?" Fang Yiming asked nervously.

Qi Qi: "It's okay. I have always controlled well, but maybe the pressure of studying in high school is heavy and serious."

Then she raised her hand again and said, "But only a little bit, so don't worry."

"A little bit, a little bit of a fart."

Qiao Ni's familiar arrogant voice came over, and two boxes of medicines written in English were put on the bedside with her temper.

The little girl looked a little angry, but there was a red faint at the end of her eyes, as if she had cried just now.

Qiao Ni opened the medicine skillfully and handed the water cup to Qi Qi: "Fortunately, there is the medicine you want to take here, otherwise it depends on what you do."

Qi Qi looked at the awkward expression on Qiao Ni’s face and gently squeezed her hand: "Oh, don’t you guys be so nervous about me. The worst thing is to cut off the glands. It’s a big deal to be a Beta. , Just as if you haven't divided."

The expression on Hao Hui's face became serious in an instant: "You kid, do you think it is so easy to cut off the glands?"

Qi Qi smiled stubbornly at Hao Hui as usual: "Just talk, let the atmosphere live up."

The heavy clouds were blown away by the wind, and the blocked sunlight once again shone into the room unreservedly, and Qi Qi's smiling face was pale.

Ji Xiao stared at the toilet paper that was thrown in the trash can with nosebleeds, and was startled.

She finally remembered why the original owner had suddenly lost control and completely marked Wei Qingyu, and why there was the phrase "Heartache that can't be relieved anyway".

One day for a long time, Qi Qi will die on this hospital bed, and she will lose her best friend in her life.

The flaming clouds rolled in the orange sky, and people on the bridge stopped to take pictures. Only Ji Xiao walked across the bridge in silence.

The pony tail that was tied high above his head fell slightly, I don't know if the hanging arm fell to her, and the girl's high neck was lowered.

On the way home from the school hospital, Ji Xiao was a little confused.

She thought she had changed the plot, her relationship with Wei Qingyu had eased and improved, Liu Yue had no hostility towards her, and even Wei Qingyu and Jin Nanfeng had not had the same fetters as in the original text.

She thought everything was getting better.

She thought she would be able to live to the finale by walking along the timeline without changing anything.

But not wanting, the plot gave her a knife at this moment.

Ji Xiao realized that the plot to go was still going, as if Wei Qingyu didn't meet Jin Nanfeng at the ball that day, but they still knew each other at the school celebration.

So the unsuspecting disaster that I suffered from the dance party was not an accident?

It's a punishment that the plot world imposes on itself for destroying the first acquaintance of the hero and the hero...

The wind blew over the green plants on both sides of the road, making a dizzying rustle.

A feeling of anxiety and panic swallowed Ji Xiao's calm heart little by little.

She pushed open the door, just when Wei Qingyu, who had just returned, was also changing his shoes at the hallway.

The light above her head shrouded the girl's stiff body, and the light-transmitting white shirt vaguely outlined a pair of beautiful butterfly bones.

The faint mint flavor slowly accumulates in this area, and I like it when it falls in Ji Xiao's nasal cavity.

I really don't want to give her to anyone at all.

Even the plot rules in this world.

At this time, Wei Qingyu, who had been facing Ji Xiao with his back, also noticed the incoming person, and said hello: "You are back, is Qi Qi okay?"

The voice fell silent.

Standing at the door, Ji Xiao did not respond to Wei Qingyu.

The sunset behind it rolled vigorously, as if to completely burn the world of this girl.

There were shirt folds piled on the collapsed shoulders, Wei Qingyu found that the gold-orange pupils had fallen in half for no reason, and her heart couldn't help but sink.


Wei Qingyu was about to speak to Ji Xiao, but was grasped by his wrist.

The smell of peach brandy filled her nose, and the person standing at the door hugged her tightly in an absolutely possessive posture.