The sunset gradually receded, casting a hazy haze on the evening world.

The overlapping shadows are projected from the monotonous doorway on the smooth marble floor.

In this way, Wei Qingyu was hugged by Ji Xiao from behind, and hugged tightly in his arms.

The peach brandy quivered slightly on the tip of her heart, and it was full of the master's anxiety and depression.

Wei Qingyu looked at the arm that clasped his right arm tightly in his sight, and asked softly: "What's the matter, Ji Xiao."

Hearing this, Ji Xiao tightened Wei Qingyu's hands a bit, "I'm so scared, I will lose you too."

The round chin was buried on the girl's shoulders with her long hair, and it moved every time she uttered a word.

The details are all crushed on her heart.

The scorching breath fell on Wei Qingyu's sensitive earlobes through the dense long hair, and the girl's restless heartbeat became faster and faster.

The uneasy voice with ambiguous greed, silently announcing his importance to the owner of the voice.

But why is it "also"?

Wei Qingyu remembered what happened when he was separated from Ji Xiao, and stroked the slightly stretched back of his hand: "Yes... Qi Qi, isn't it good?"

Xu is afraid of the plot of this world, and Xu is possessive still at work.

Hearing the name "Qi Qi", Ji Xiao buried his face in Wei Qingyu's shoulder and neck again.

The face that was slightly cool by the wind all the way pressed against the warmth of his neck, and it took a few seconds for him to make an "um" sound.

Hearing the sound, Wei Qingyu gave a soft thud in his heart.

Although the intersection between her and Qi Qi is only a situation less than this year, it is still a bit uncomfortable.

She is like this. What's more, Ji Xiao and Qi Qi met Ji Xiao in junior high school.

"Ji Xiao." Wei Qingyu whispered Ji Xiao's name, clutching her hand from her arms to her.

The lush white hand stroked the uneasy cheeks of the person in front of him, and said: "If you want, you can tell me, I also want to help you share all this, whether it is pain or joy."

The wind slowly blew in from the small courtyard outside the door, raising the skirts of the girls.

Ji Xiao felt the warmth from Wei Qingyu's palm, and his dim pupils trembled slightly.

She heard the thumping heartbeat of herself, and she could hear the heartbeat of the other person.

Both of them looked at each other tacitly.


Aunt Wu's voice abruptly interrupted the two people hugging at the hallway, and the whole person was stunned at the hallway door again. Wei Qingyu also hurriedly took off the hand that stroked Ji Xiao's cheek.

Withdrawing from the warmth, Ji Xiao looked at Aunt Wu who was standing in the distance, and instantly realized how bold he was just before Wei whispered.

She pursed her lower lip, and pretended to pretend to be calm, preaching to Aunt Wu: "You, what are you doing here?"

At this point, Aunt Wu can only bite the bullet and continue: "Miss... dinner is ready."

Hearing that, Ji Xiao's disturbed mood can no longer be mentioned.

She waved her hand to Aunt Wu: "I don't want to eat tonight. You can pack mine."

"It's better to eat, Ji Xiao." Wei Qingyu was a little worried about Ji Xiao's body, and persuaded, "You didn't eat well at noon today."

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu standing beside him, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Then make me a bowl of instant noodles."

I don’t know if it’s because I was hit hard by this world today, and now Ji Xiao misses her original world very much.

Especially when she stayed in the dormitory every night without class, she often ate instant noodle supper.

But Ji Xiao didn't expect that the words she blurted out suddenly stunned the two people present.

You know, Xiao Jixiao has eaten instant noodles several times since he was kidnapped at the age of ten, and has never eaten instant noodles ever since.

Ji Xiao didn't know about this. He watched Aunt Wu not responding to herself, and rolled his eyes to look at her with drooping eyebrows: "Can't you?"

She hasn't eaten this for a long time since she came to this world.

Couldn't even this mouth satisfy her?

Aunt Wu was embarrassed at once, and she was afraid that she would have to eat it and buy it.

But for their young lady's temperament, it would be inevitable to say that.

Fortunately, Wei Qingyu spoke first, "I still have a few packets in my room. I'll cook them for you."

It was hidden in the room after she came to Ji's house last year.

At that time she was penniless, so bubble noodles was the most economical way.

"Okay." Ji Xiao nodded, and walked straight to the restaurant.

Wei Qingyu followed behind and said, "Aunt Wu, go down first. I have something to discuss with Ji Xiao."

"Yes, Miss Wei." Aunt Wu nodded slightly, beckoning and beckoning the servant in the house to leave.

The sound of the clock rang in the quiet and deserted room, except that there was a bit of warm smoke in the kitchen.

A young girl wearing a light gray apron was doing something in front of the console. The long hair that was rolled up at random added a touch of homely gentleness to her back.

The thick mist drifted around the light above the restaurant, and the warm yellow light engulfed Ji Xiao's sight.

She listened to the prickly frying sound from the console, and told Wei Qingyu about Qi Qi.

Not long after the voice fell, a bowl of hot instant noodles was brought up by Wei Qingyu in a small porcelain pot.

Wei Qing said, "Come on, seafood instant noodles."

When the voice fell, the small pot fell on the table and let out a clear "Da".

The fried tender red shrimp lined up neatly on the noodles, and there were neatly opened clams next to it.

The white and tender sugar-hearted egg was divided into two, and the golden thick syrup that flowed out looked particularly attractive.

Ji Xiao's eyes were a little straight.

If she had these ingredients in the dormitory before, would she still need instant noodles?

"Where did you learn this?" Ji Xiao asked curiously.

Wei Qingyu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as the obvious emotion on Ji Xiao's face improved.

She pressed her lower lip lightly and said, "This is what I learned from my mother."

The girl's tone was soft, but she was slightly lonely.

When Ji Xiao heard this, the hand holding the chopsticks tightened, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean it."

Wei Qingyu shook his head, and pushed the face in front of him again towards Ji Xiao: "Hurry up, eat, you will feel much better when you are full, and you will have the strength to think of a solution."

Ji Xiao nodded and enjoyed the noodles Wei Qingyu had prepared for him.

Wei Qingyu also sat opposite Ji Xiao, contacting Chen Linji while eating, and wanted to ask if he could contact the medical people her father had known before his death.

What she said at the entrance hall just now was not a lie, and she wanted to do her part for Qi Qi.

She didn't want to see that expression on Ji Xiao's face again.

I don't want to see Ji Xiao lose her light.

Halfway through the meal, Wei Qingyu put down the chopsticks in his hand and said, "Ji Xiao, my father had a good aunt when he was alive. He just returned to China last month and is now working in a major medical hospital in the city. The authority on gland research at home and abroad mainly focuses on the repair and healing of glands. I think she should be able to help Qi Qi."

After hearing this, Ji Xiao seemed to think of something, and hurriedly asked: "What is her name?"

"An Cen." Wei Qingyu replied.

Ji Xiao heard a ray of hope flashing in his eyes.

She had seen this person's name in the original text, and this person was the doctor who later helped Wei Qingyu eliminate her forcibly marking her.

Wei Qingyu's father used to support her when she was the most impoverished, and she also knew the gratitude to repay her. After returning to China, she would do her best to do everything related to Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu saw Ji Xiao's thoughtful look, and asked suspiciously: "Have you heard his name?"

Ji Xiao hurriedly retracted his thoughts, shook his head and said: "No, I just thought that when I told Qi Qi, I had to tell others' names."

"Then you agree?" Wei Qingyu was a little surprised that Ji Xiao would agree so quickly.

She thought Ji Xiao would hesitate for a while.

After all, she was just a down-and-out lady in front of her, and whether she could succeed or not had to say otherwise.

"Yeah. I believe you."

The girl raised her head as she spoke, and her dim pupils were filled with light again in these words.

The golden-orange pupils were as bright as gems, and they also dispelled the dark clouds in Wei Qingyu's heart.

Wei Qingyu blinked his eyes unnaturally, and buckled the phone in his hand on the table, "Then when I contact Dr. An, let's tell Qi Qi the news again."

"Okay." Ji Xiao nodded, "I listen to you."

His eyes were smiling and his eyes were firm.

The full moon climbed up to the center of the sky, sprinkling a bright spot on the dark night.

Ji Xiao looked at the girl sitting across from him and made a bold decision.

She wants to really change the plot completely.

I want to use Ancen's medical skills to save Qi Qi's fate of death in July in the original text.

I want to use Qi Qi to survive as a fulcrum to pry open this world astray, and save all the people who are important to him one by one.

The instant noodles in front of me exudes the fresh fragrance of seafood, and the warm air outlines the cold look of the girl opposite.

What Ji Xiao wanted more was that she could really come together with Wei Qingyu in the end.

Wei Qingyu's contact with An Cen went smoothly. As stated in the original text, she was responsive to the Wei family, especially Wei Qingyu.

It is no secret that Qi Qi goes to the hospital every week for treatment. Ji Xiao went to the hospital with Wei Qingyu early in the morning and told her the good news.

As spring and summer transition, the morning sun becomes brighter and brighter.

Both Qi Qi's mothers had undisguised smiles on their faces.

Qiao Ni still couldn't believe the good news, and asked again and again: "Senior Qingyu, Senior Sister Ji Xiao, is this true?"

Wei Qingyu shared the contact information to several people in the ward and said, "Really, this is her contact information. Auntie can contact her directly. We have already said hello and can go for an inspection at any time. "

Qi Qi’s mother looked at the string of numbers on the screen, as if she had seen hope: “We know that Dr. An Cen is a top expert on glands, but she has been abroad a few years ago. Not long ago, we learned that she was this year. After returning to China, I also tried to find someone to contact her, but she didn't get in touch with her. Thank you so much for being able to contact her now, whisper."

Wei Qingyu shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, Auntie."

Ji Xiao shook Qi Qi's hand and said, "You can hear it, but don't let us down."

"I will definitely get a good treatment." Qi Qi nodded, the expression on her face was brighter than the previous day.

If you can survive, who would choose to die hopelessly?

Ji Xiao rubbed the back of Qi Qi's hand with emotion. She looked at the sun-filled ward and the joy on the faces of the aunts, and suggested: "Since it is such a happy thing, I will go to the vending machine to buy some drinks and let's celebrate. ."

"Okay." Qi Qi nodded, "but I can only drink soy milk."

"got it."

As Ji Xiao said, he put his index finger and **** close together as usual, compared with temples, and walked out of the ward briskly.

The vending machine is in the rest area near the stairwell, and few people pass by in the early morning.

In the quiet corridor, there was the sound of the girl's steps from far and near.

As soon as Ji Xiao took out the last bottle of drink from the vending machine, the lights of the vending machine rotating with colorful beams were blocked.

A huge figure fell on Ji Xiao impartially, covering her with a sense of oppression.

Just as Ji Xiao was about to raise his head and say something, he met the man's dark eyes.

In the early morning of spring, the cold wind raged.

The cool breeze poured into the room from the end of the corridor lifted Ji Xiao's skirt.

Chen Linji was standing in front of Ji Xiao wearing a heavy black long trench coat.

The face with a few gullies painted on it was scheming and deep, which made people unable to see through.