Although Ji Xiao did not have any intersection with Chen Linji, she still recognized him at a glance, who had seen him from the back at the auction.

The pitch-black coat shrouded him in the darkness, and his wide body blocked half of the light from the vending machine, making Ji Xiao couldn't help feeling a little dangerous.

Neither of them spoke, but each other's Alpha pheromone was playing games in the air.

Chen Linji looked at Ji Xiao standing in front of him without saying a word. The faint smell of peach brandy made his calmness a little uneasy.

He looked at the little girl standing in front of him, and his hand that had been copied in his pocket moved slightly.

"Ji Xiao."

Just when Chen Linji was about to do something to Ji Xiao, a cold voice rang from behind Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao looked back when he heard the sound, but saw Wei Qingyu standing not far from the corridor, walking slowly toward him. For some reason, her hanging heart fell down.

As if she was certain that Wei Qingyu was there, Chen Linji would not dare to do anything to herself, but it was obvious that Wei Qingyu in the original text was the most dangerous one for herself.

And Chen Linji, who was standing opposite Ji Xiao, withdrew the hand he wanted to take out of his pocket, with an invisible calm on his face.

Ji Xiao calmly looked at the coming Wei Qingyu and asked, "Why are you here?"

Wei Qingyu was a little disturbed since Ji Xiao left the ward just now, and then she learned from An Cen that Chen Linji was also coming to the hospital today.

Although she didn't know what Chen Linji did in the hospital, she knew that Chen Linji had always been unfriendly to the Ji family, and she must not let Ji Xiao run into Chen Linji.

It's just that Wei Qingyu can't talk to Ji Xiao, and only briefly explained: "We were talking in the ward just now and felt that you took too many things, so Qi Qi asked me to come and help you get it."

Ji Xiao heard Wei Qingyu say this and showed her the six bottles of drinks in her arms, "It's okay, you see, I can get them by myself."

Wei Qingyu nodded: "Then let's go, don't let Qiqi and the others wait in a hurry."

"Okay." Ji Xiao nodded, raising his foot to leave with Wei Qingyu.

But not wanting, Chen Linji's strong voice rang from behind the two.

"Two ladies."

The two deliberately ignored Chen Linji's departure, but stopped almost at the same time when the voice sounded.

Ji Xiao's heart slammed, and Wei Qingyu turned his head to look at Chen Linji relatively calmly: "Is there anything wrong?"

She understood that when they were still in the dark, Chen Linji did not dare to clarify their relationship in front of Ji Xiao like Liu Yue.

Chen Linji smiled at Wei Qingyu and asked politely: "Excuse me, how can I get to the intensive care unit?"

When Wei Qingyu heard the words, he understood Chen Linji's meaning at once, and calmly replied, "I am not very clear. You can go to the nurse's station and ask."

"Okay, thank you." Chen Linji nodded slightly to Wei Qingyu, turned around and really walked towards the nursing station in the distance.

I don't know if the timing is really coincidental, when Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao returned to the ward, it happened that Qi Qi's attending doctor came to the ward round.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Ji Xiao to listen in, Wei Qingyu left the ward without being noticed, and came to the ward of the intensive care unit agreed with Chen Linji.

Chen Linji was sitting on a chair in the most hidden corridor of the ward, and his dark windbreaker completely enveloped his drooping face.

The silent environment made the man's back more solid, and the elongated shadow projected on the wall was filled with calmness.

Wei Qingyu walked to the front lightly and said, "Uncle Chen."

Chen Linji was frightened when he heard the sound, and the solemn atmosphere that had just lingered around suddenly dissipated.

With a stern face, he opened the eyes that had just been closed in the chair, and preached in a nasal tone: "Here comes the light talk."

"Yeah." Wei Qingyu nodded and asked again: "Why are you here."

"If you ask me to do things, I always want to know who that person is." Chen Linji preached.

The man's aura just dissipated quickly, and he returned quickly.

Chen Linji looked at Wei Qingyu standing in front of him with a calm tone: "Qingyu, uncle has a word to remind you. It is good to help classmates, but it should be modest."

"Although the child is innocent when it comes to adults, Ji Qingyun will definitely go to jail in the future, and Ji Xiao will definitely be implicated when he comes."

"There is an egg under the nest, uncle still advises you not to be intimate with the people of the Ji family."

Chen Linji's tone was like a serious father educating his daughter, and his serious and rigid expression contained a bit of bitterness.

He could have not said this to Wei Qingyu, but yesterday he accidentally saw the post on the campus forum of the High School Attached to Liuyue's mobile phone, and had to think of what Wei Qingyu asked himself the other day.

This allowed him to come to the hospital in person today.

The quiet intensive care unit corridor heard the footsteps of nurses walking far and near.

Wei Qingyu listened to Chen Linji's side knocking words in a low voice, and pressed his lips in silence.

She can agree to any request of Chen Linji, but she can't make a clear distinction with Ji Xiao.

That Wei Qingyu had been evading what he had deliberately ignored, but was finally picked up by Chen Linji today.

——My inheritance in Ji Qingyun's hands will eventually be taken back by herself, and she will also send this person to jail, so that all those involved in this matter will receive corresponding retribution.

But only Ji Xiao, she wants to save.

How much she once hated Ji Xiao, now how much she hopes that she will not be affected in the future.

Chen Linji looked at Wei Qingyu's silence, and said, "Qingyu, it's been half a year since my uncle reunited with you at the auction, right?"

"Yeah." Wei Qingyu nodded.

She understood that Chen Linji came to the hospital personally on this adventure not only to warn Ji Xiao, but also to discuss with herself any plans.

And from what he said just now, the topic they are going to talk about this time-"Uncle, you want to talk about preparing for the future."

Chen Linji wiped a teachable smile at the end of his eyes, nodded and said: "Yes."

"Lightly speaking, it is less than a year before you become an adult at the age of 18. You should understand that the more you reach adulthood, the more Ji Qingyun wants to force you to give up the company's inheritance rights, no matter what dirty methods are used. "

The sign of the emergency passage flashed in the girl's eyes, and the cyan color was full of mockery.

Wei Qingyu's dirty tricks have been really experienced once.

Had it not been for Ji Xiao's move that time, she would not have dared to think about what she would be like now.

Chen Linji: "In the future, your Uncle Liu Hu will send someone to protect you more secretly, but at the same time it is time for you to get in touch with these things. Uncle wants to hire a teacher to teach you from now on. At this time next year, you will come out of the battlefield of the college entrance examination. , We must join this battlefield immediately."

"There is no gunpowder on this battlefield, but any mistake will cause all of our preparations to fall short and be completely defeated."

At this point, Chen Linji's tone became heavier.

After a pause, he said again: "But, on the contrary, if we get the initiative, what you want to protect now, regardless of whether you change your mind in the future, you can protect it."

"Do you understand what Uncle said?"

While speaking, Chen Linji looked at Wei Qingyu.

In the interweaving of light and shadow, the girl's thick eyelashes lifted up slightly, her cold eyes filled with determination and determination.

Wei Qingyu did not let Chen Linji disappointed and nodded: "I understand Uncle."

Just like Chen Linji said, only when he has the initiative can he protect what he wants to protect.

Only under his nose can Ji Xiao's future safety be kept.

If it wasn't from An Cen who accidentally learned that Chen Linji had also come to the hospital today, she didn't know how Ji Xiao would be treated by him.

"But I have a request, Uncle Chen." After sinking for a moment, Wei Qingyu said again.

She understands that Chen Linji is doing all this for her own sake, but some people are her bottom line.

Calm as she didn't want to experience such a passive moment again.

Chen Linji paused when he heard the words.

The girl's mind was too easy to guess, but he still gave Wei Qingyu corresponding respect: "You said it."

"Until Ji Qingyun falls, you have to assure me Ji Xiao's safety. I will listen to your arrangements and do my best to complete those things quickly."

Wei Qingyu wanted to get his own things back from the beginning, but now he greedily wants to ask fate for another Ji Xiao.

Through Ji Qingyun, the girl re-recognized the indifference of this world, and through Chen Linji, she understood the importance of rights.

Now she has no bargaining chips, only exchanges by herself.

Although Chen Linji didn't have any affection for his benefactor's ruined Ji family, he still compromised when he looked at Wei Qingyu's sharp eyes.

"Okay, Uncle promises you."

Chen Linji felt that Wei Qingyu was like a young lion, with a beautiful mane burning with a fire that could swallow everything.

He simply thinks that Ji Xiao is just a fire book that she needs to ignite faith.

When the little lion grows up in the future, Huo Zhezi can be thrown away.

"You follow the route your uncle has planned for you. Now it's a little harder. In the end, you will definitely take back all of your husband's things. Then, there will be some excellent Alpha for you to choose."

As Chen Linji said, he put his heavy hand on Wei Qingyu's shoulder and squeezed it.

Obviously the girl's shoulders looked so thin, even a little vulnerable.

But after taking the heavy blow of Alpha's palm, there was no half-tilt.

The long wind brushed Wei Qingyu's face, but this time there was no smell of peach brandy.

Wei Qingyu secretly made up his mind to make all the preparations, and finally master his cards to protect Ji Xiao.

No matter how good Alpha is, she doesn't want it as long as it is not Ji Xiao.

As the spring grew stronger, the rose in the courtyard of the teaching building opened up a courtyard.

The wind blew and fell on every student's shoulders, and the fragrance of flowers became a unique pheromone for flowers to lure Alpha or Oga.

The bell rang for the last class in the afternoon, and the students in the classroom couldn't wait to file out with their schoolbags on their backs.

Looking from the window of the experimental classroom under the emptiness, there is a lonely figure among the stacked textbooks.

After finishing his homework, Wei Qingyu lay on the desk in the classroom and rested for a while, but didn't want to fall asleep.

The thick eyelashes spread out in front of the eyes like a fan, filled with ease.

Ever since I met Chen Linji, these Japanese and Wei whispers have been working desperately.

Just not to be forced to throw away Ji Xiao like she was forced to throw away the inheritance left to her by her parents.

The warm sunlight cast the girl's shadow on the tortuous screen of tables and chairs, and another dark shadow slowly walked in.

The shadow of the little head with the ponytail slowly leaned toward the top of the girl's head, overlapping together like a kiss.

A chill suddenly came from Wei Qingyu's forehead, and she woke up instantly when she was still asleep.

Before Wei Qingyu could react, the familiar voice with a certain unique aversion fell from the top of her head.

"Hey, still sleeping after school?"

Wei Qingyu opened his eyes with a bit of sleepiness, and he saw Ji Xiao as expected.

She didn't know when she stood in front of her desk, two popsicles with different flavors were dangling in her hand, one of them still had some obvious drops of water on it.

——This is the cold thing that just stuck to her forehead.

Ji Xiao was wearing a half-sleeve school uniform shirt, with a white ice sleeve over his lowered arm.

There was a stubborn smile in those gold-orange eyes, and Wei Qingyu's heart trembled slightly as he watched.

Is there anything more exciting than when I wake up and open my eyes and you appear in front of me?

The author has something to say: Wei Lengmo: Yes.

Ji Zengcao: What?

Wei Lengmo: kiss.