The turquoise green in the line of sight became thicker, and the car slowly drove into the outskirts of the mountain where the most expensive cemetery in City A was located.

When Ji Xiao heard Ji Qingyun's words, he realized that he had made a mistake and pressed his lower lip lightly and said nothing.

Ji Qingyun exhorted again: "Xiaoxiao, you can remember nothing, but you have to remember, you can only forget your mother."

Dark clouds shrouded the world in dim darkness, and the car stopped at this moment.

Hearing Ji Qingyun's words, Ji Xiao always felt that there were a lot of unspeakable gloom and paranoia in his instructions.

Stepping on the bluestone stairs, Ji Xiao led by Ji Qingyun to the tombstone of the original owner's mother.

The black stele was still hung with the light rain in the morning, and a photo of a young woman appeared in Ji Xiao's sight.

The black and white photos can hardly conceal the delicate features of a woman, and under the small nose peak is a slightly raised lips.

Those deep eyes, with a bit of mother-only gentleness, smiled crookedly, and looked very friendly.

Ji Xiao looked at the words "Xiao Yu" engraved on the tombstone in red and black, and noticed that the time of death on the tombstone was six years ago, that is, when the original owner was ten years old. tight.

"Xiao Yu'er, I came to see you with Xiaoxiao." Ji Qingyun said, knelt on one knee in front of Xiao Yu's tombstone.

He shook Ji Xiao's hand next to him, and introduced to Xiao Yu with a little smile: "Look, isn't our Xiaoxiao taller than six years ago? It looks better, it's already a success. It's the big girl."

"Xiao Yu'er, don't you know, Xiaoxiao went to the experimental class in the school, and I am very proud of it."

Hearing this, Ji Xiao also leaned down and put down the flower in his hand, and said: "Mom, I know I made you worry about it in the past, so you don't have to worry about me in the future."

Listening to Ji Xiao's words, Ji Qingyun's heart moved slightly.

He let go of Ji Xiao's hand and placed it on Xiao Yu's photo, while wiping off the drops of water on her, he said: "Xiao Yu'er, our daughter is fine, don't worry. But you, you are over there. Okay, I don’t need food and clothes. If I don’t need anything, or if I’ve been bullied, just ask me to dream of it. You’re here and I won’t let you be wronged. Now I’m down here. I won't let you be wronged..."

The sun is locked behind the clouds, and the dark clouds are densely intertwined, making people unable to see a glimmer of sky.

The breeze carried the moist air across Ji Xiao's arm, and the low hairs suddenly stood up.

I don't know, she always felt a little creepy listening to what Ji Qingyun said to Xiao Yu's photo.

Finally, Ji Qingyun finished speaking to Xiao Yu.

He took a breath, turned his head slightly to look at Ji Xiao aside, and asked: "Xiao Xiao, do you have anything else to say to your mother?"

Ji Xiao shook his head when he heard the words.

She didn't know what the original owner was with Xiao Yu, and she was afraid that she would say something wrong just now. She said, "Dad, I think mom can see it by my side, so I don't have to say it to her again. And mom knows. I'm doing well, she can rest assured."

Ji Qingyun nodded thoughtfully, and put his hand on top of Ji Xiao's head: "Good boy, Dad thinks you have really grown up."

The memorial ceremony ended in this way, and Ji Xiao and Ji Qingyun returned to the car.

The atmosphere in the car seemed better than before. Ji Qingyun put his hands on the overlapping knees and said: "Xiaoxiao, I heard about what happened that day, Xiaoshan did too much."

These words suddenly sounded in the quiet carriage, making Ji Xiao startled.

Afterwards, she thought of the maid's arrogance at the time, and felt that this person was not simple, it was indeed an eyeliner that Ji Qingyun put on her.

But Ji Qingyun looked at the maid high and underestimated herself.

"I heard that you bought some funds?" Ji Qingyun said, "Why, are you interested in these? Dad has told you before that you will be annoying."

Hearing this, Ji Xiao leaned on the back of the leather chair, with an indulgent look: "I am still very annoying now."

"Dad, didn't she tell you that the things I bought were all green? If I didn't understand these things, I wouldn't let Wei Qingyu learn to help me with these things."

Upon hearing this, Ji Qingyun couldn't help but let go of Wei Qingyu's suspicion.

Then he patted Ji Xiao on the shoulder and encouraged: "Don't be discouraged, you are still young."

"Since Xiaoxiao is rarely interested in this, do you want Dad to find a teacher to teach you? After all, the company will be handed over to you in the future."

When Ji Xiao heard Ji Qingyun throw this olive branch with herself, she dodges and said: "No, Dad. You said you are in the prime of life, why are you so anxious?"

After sinking, Ji Xiao added sternly: "Furthermore, Dad, have you ever thought about letting the teacher come in and Wei Qingyu eavesdropping? What if I let her learn by herself is already relaxing. Your ban on her is no longer like that."

After the words fell, Ji Xiao unexpectedly saw the faint satisfaction on Ji Qingyun's face.

Ji Qingyun thought that what he said to Ji Xiao in the hospital worked, and nodded: "Yes, we Xiaoxiao just want to be more thoughtful than Dad."

"Then since you want to play the fund, then dad will give you some more money in the past. The pocket money is pocket money, and the money for playing the fund is the money of the fund. Don't worry about it if you lose it. If you make a profit, buy more things for reward. Reward yourself, understand?"

Speaking of Ji Qingyun, he took out his mobile phone.

After a few simple operations, Ji Xiao saw the remittance text message sent by the bank.

The young girl looked at the ten million that was suddenly added to her account. The tight-fitting cheongsam hugged her waist, making her breathe slowly.

Holding the phone, Ji Xiao had to show a smile to Ji Qingyun: "Thank you, Dad."

Looking at the smile that would never appear on Ji Xiao's face at this time in the past, Ji Qingyun couldn't help but smile.

His generous palm landed on the back of Ji Xiao's head, and gently rubbed it a few times: "It's nothing, I'll just accompany my parents to a meal later."

Ji Qingyun deliberately said the words "parents and mothers" very lightly.

Ji Xiao would never think that at this moment, Ji Qingyun was even more pampering with herself than before, just to pave the way for the next thing.

The car drove the two to the small manor where Ji Qingyun lived.

The European-style main building was located in the very center of the manor, but the car deviated from the center and drove towards the small auxiliary building on the side.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but feel suspicious.

It's not that she has never been here before. She usually eats with Ji Qingyun in the main building. During the New Year, she even went to the grand banquet hall on the second floor.

Why are you going to the auxiliary building this time?

The dark cloud-enclosed sky was forced to turn on the lights in the well-lit room. The furniture in the quiet two-story auxiliary building was still brand new, but the wear and tear of the details showed that someone had lived here.

The ceiling light hits a photo frame on the TV cabinet unbiasedly.

The invisible photo exudes a weird atmosphere.

Ji Xiao walked over boldly, only to find that it was a family portrait.

In the photo, Xiao Yu is sitting on a high stool and hugging herself, while Ji Qingyun is standing aside, hands on Xiao Yu's shoulders.

And what Xiao Yu was wearing was an exquisite dark green cheongsam printed with peony.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but raised his hand and touched the cheongsam on her body. The satin that looked very similar made her feel cold in her fingers.

At this time, the cold wind with rainwater was blowing from nowhere.

Ji Xiao stood in the room, and the feeling of standing hairs in the cemetery came once again.


An abrupt percussion sounded in the quiet room, Ji Xiao shook abruptly, and could not help but retreat subconsciously.

But in the next second, he ran into a generous and unfamiliar embrace with his back facing off.

I don't know when Ji Qingyun, who was standing behind Ji Xiao, held her arm and said softly, "Don't be afraid, it's just that the windows are not closed."

It's just that the man's voice is gentle, but Ji Xiao doesn't feel the slightest sense of security.

Instead, it made her feel that Ji Qingyun seemed to expect that she would be afraid.

For some reason, Ji Xiao felt that his body had suddenly become nervous since entering this small auxiliary building, and the cells in his body had not stopped clamoring for him to leave quickly.

With this kind of resistance, Ji Xiao still followed Ji Qingyun up the stairs leading to the second floor.

The maid in charge of this small auxiliary building saw the arrival of the two and took the initiative to push open the simple and elegant mahogany door in front of her.


With the sound of the door opening, an old-fashioned room with retro furnishings appeared in front of Ji Xiao's eyes.

Valuable mahogany cabinets are placed on both sides of the room. I don't know if it enhances the elegant atmosphere. The light in the room is very dim.

On the left is like a place for people to drink tea and paint, and on the right is a delicate chaise couch like a resting area for people to rest.

And in the middle of the door, there is a table of Eight Immortals standing upright, and on it there are a selection of delicious delicacies at noon today.

It's just different from usual, there was a color photo of Xiao Yu's half-length on the head-up table facing the front.

The woman sits at the small round table, just as she has seen tenderness appear in Ji Xiao's sight on her tombstone.

The dim light stripped Ji Xiao's sense of security little by little, and the strange atmosphere did not dissipate as she entered, but worsened.

Obviously everything in this room looks so ordinary and ordinary, but she feels weird everywhere.


At this moment, the door was suddenly closed from the outside, and Ji Xiao's heart also followed.

Ji Qingyun watched Ji Xiao look back at the door, put her hand on her arm again, and preached: "Xiaoxiao, after eating this meal, Dad will naturally let someone take you back."

Ji Qingyun was still smiling, but this smile made Ji Xiao shudder.

She felt that this reality was too weird, and she wanted to end all this quickly without returning to Ji Qingyun, and sitting straight at the table of the Eight Immortals.

But when she was sitting on the Grand Master's chair on one side, she discovered that there was a black and red cheongsam on the chair in front of her.

The exquisite tailoring is exactly the same as the one I wear, even more delicate.

The neckline was facing upwards impartially, and it looked like Xiao Yu was wearing it.

It's just that, I don't know if the tailor made a mistake, the collar of this dress is actually on the left side.


It should be the left side.

This thought came out of Ji Xiao's mind, and she suddenly felt her mind buzzing.

A sense of depression from all directions enveloped her.

"One day, one year, one month, it's like a broken face..."

Suddenly, the record was old and even a slightly distorted sound spun out of the turntable.

Even if Ji Xiao is an S-class Alpha, the hand holding the back of the chair can't help but tighten.

But Ji Qingyun was standing next to the cabinet on one side, sorting out the yellowed records in a leisurely manner, and asked: "Xiaoxiao, what do you think about the birthday party for your mother this year?"

Listening to Ji Qingyun's question, Ji Xiao instantly felt his fingers feel cold.

She did not expect that the stories she only saw from Hong Kong horror films in the past would actually happen to her in such a real way.

Ji Xiao suddenly understood what Ji Qingyun said when he went to sweep the grave.

I finally understood why she felt that this man's back was gloomy and lonely.

This is not a restaurant for lunch at all, but a mourning hall dedicated to Ji Qingyun to commemorate Xiao Yu!

He built this entire area into Xiao Yu's room over there, enshrining her, commemorating her...

Ji Qingyun is not only the daughter slave in the original text, but also an almost paranoid pervert.

Even if Xiao Yu has passed away for many years, he would still choose to celebrate her birthday in this way!

"They all say that birthdays, such a happy event, cannot be in conflict with the anniversary of death, but I still want to celebrate your mother's birthday, because they say that the more at this time, the more the souls of the dead can break through the yin and yang and come to us." Ji Qingyun didn't seem to care about Ji at all. Xiao replied, and sat down next to the Grand Master's chair where the cheongsam was placed.

"Don't you think your mother is back?"

With that, Ji Qingyun lit the cake candles on the table.

The lingering candlelight was much brighter than the dim light in the room, lighting up the dining table.

The fish in the middle opened his mouth slightly, with a pale eye looking straight at Ji Xiao, her fingers accidentally touched a dent that had been modified but still left traces.

In other words, every year the original owner will be invited by Ji Qingyun or forced to bring Xiao Yu to this place to celebrate his birthday.

A mature adult of hers would have such a reaction. It is difficult for the original owner who has been exposed to such a repressive and weird atmosphere since childhood to not be psychologically distorted.

Ji Xiao can almost judge that the depression he touched was caused by the actions of the original owner when he rebelled against Ji Qingyun.

Either lift the table, or smash the chair.

But in the end, without exception, they all declared that the little girl had failed in the struggle against her father.

Then there is compromise.

Then it homogenizes, becoming the paranoid and perverted vicious female villain in the original text.

Ji Xiao didn't expect that the light sentence in the original text would have been used.

In this real world, it is such a horror.

But it is clear that Ji Qingyun is so doting on the original owner.

How can he bear...

Ji Qingyun: "It's been six years. I don't know if this cheongsam made for you this year fits you well. Go ahead and try it. The material used this time is your favorite, the same as Xiaoxiao's."

"Xiao Yu'er, it's all my fault. If I knew that my pheromone would separate you and me from yin and yang, I would never let you risk getting pregnant..."

Ji Xiao watched Ji Qingyun mumble almost paranoidly under the candlelight, and suddenly felt that the satin on his body was colder than the ice.

She suddenly understood that, in fact, the setting of Wei Qingyu's daughter slave in the original text is actually more accurate. It should be because of Xiao Yu's death that he became a daughter slave who spoiled herself.

—Because I am the child Xiao Yu has to give birth to after desperately trying his life.

The horrible old song is still ringing in the room, Ji Xiao bites the white rice in front of him bit by bit, and has never missed Wei Qingyu's pheromone so much.

The dark clouds on the horizon slowly receded, and the depressive birthday party finally ended.

Ji Xiao escaped and got in the car as if, and the unstoppable cold wind hit her through this dark cheongsam on her body.

Obviously it was almost summer, but Ji Xiao still felt cold all over her body.

She was sitting in the car where the driver came to pick her up. The tiny pheromone that Wei Qingyu left in the car became the only remedy that could support her to go home.

The car was speeding on a road with sparse traffic, and the river that Ji Xiao was so familiar with was shining with gentle waves.

When the car stopped at the door of his house, Ji Xiao saw Wei Qingyu who was standing at the door with Aunt Wu.

She seemed to be ready long ago, waiting for herself at the door early.

The little white face is more gentle and gentle than the sun at any time.

The thick cloud was ripped apart by the sun, and the golden sunlight radiantly fell on the girl's back.

All the panic and gloom that Ji Xiao experienced at noon burst out of her depressed heart.

She got out of the car and kissed Wei Qingyu unscrupulously.

As if holding his shaky world in his hands.