God has given Alpha extraordinary perception and insight, making them natural leaders and dominators, but at the same time making them extremely vulnerable at a certain point.

It is like the four corners of tempered glass, which will instantly shatter when stimulated by a huge external force.

The bitter alcoholic scent was like a torrent, rolling in Ji Xiao's body.

Everything around was blurred, she wanted only Wei Qingyu standing in the center of her sight.

The smell of blood bloomed on the tip of the tongue with the lips and teeth that were roughly pried apart by her.

Like poppies suddenly blooming in the darkness, one after another bloomed all over Ji Xiao's brain, pulling away her anxiety and depression a little bit.

The smell of peach brandy wrapped Wei Qingyu tightly, making her unable to dodge the squally rain from the girl in front of her.

The pierced lips brought Wei Qingyu's unavoidable pain, and it also made her feel the fragile cautiousness of the Alpha in front of her.

They used to be such close friends. Of course, Wei Qingyu also heard what Ji Xiao experienced today.

She still remembered Xiao Ji Xiao shuddering in her arms and couldn't stop shaking. The terrifying scene made Xiao Wei shudder shuddering only with Xiao Ji Xiao's narration.

Thin air flowed in the two overlapping lips, and the blood mixed with peach brandy smelled fiercely burning through the throat, squeezing out a touch of sweetness.

Because he understood the fear of the people in front of him better than others, Wei Qingyu allowed Ji Xiao's tongue to churn in her domain wantonly, using such a submissive and ambiguous way to appease the fragile Alpha in front of him.

The taste of mint is a bit cool, as gentle as the breeze in spring.

The violent Alpha tightly hugged Oga in front of him, and greedily asked for her Oga's kiss during the quietly coming susceptibility period.

Meet in the spring breeze, enter the Luowei.

The rain-dropped roses dangled.

They kissed in Chun and Jingming.

Gentle and careful, each indulged.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe a few seconds, maybe a century.

Standing on the soft lawn like falling clouds, Wei Qingyu suddenly felt the power imprisoned on him fade away.


Aunt Wu's exclamation sounded in Wei Qingyu's ear.

The sun bursting out of the clouds poured radiantly on the ground, brightly illuminating the world.

Wei Qingyu saw Ji Xiao fall on the lawn like a broken black tea flower.

Only then did she discover that there was an unusual scorching heat in the palm of the girl's palms on her body.

It is the same as last year, or it should be said that it is the same as every year.

Ji Xiao who came out of the small auxiliary building inevitably had a fever.

But what made the situation worse this year was that she also came with a period of susceptibility this time.

The whole family was prepared to deal with this matter a long time ago, and the family doctor also waited in the living room early.

As soon as Ji Xiao was taken into the bedroom by the bodyguard, the family doctor began to see a doctor and prescribe medicine.

Everyone was busy, and Wei Qingyu seemed a little redundant to stand aside.

She also wanted to go forward to help Ji Xiao do something, but she couldn't get in at all.

The light in the room fell on Wei Qingyu's shoulders, looking a little collapsed.

She even wanted to go back to last year. At that time, at least she was yelled by the servants of the family and went downstairs to help Ji Xiao get an ice pack to cool down.

"It's okay, Miss will do this every year, Miss Wei don't worry too much."

At this time, a gentle hand fell on Wei Qingyu's shoulder, and Aunt Wu's voice came from her ear.

The voice was as gentle as usual, but it was a little more comforting in it.

A shadow that was a circle wider than Wei Qingyu enveloped her, making the girl a little bit more safe from her elders.

"Ms. Wei, even though you are only half a year older than our young lady, which is not much older, you are also sensible earlier than her."

Aunt Wu paused after hesitating, and then hesitated to preach: "There are some things that we who are servants shouldn't say, but since we have seen today's things, then I have to say one more thing. "

"Our young lady is usually spoiled by her husband, and she doesn't quite understand many things herself. In the past, half of the things she did to you were instigated by those servants. Since you are together now, I still hope you are right. Our young lady is sincere, she is actually very naive..."

Wei Qingyu couldn't help but stunned when he heard these words of Aunt Wu, and the ears under his long hair turned red at the same time.

She rarely interrupted the other party's words: "Aunt Wu."

"What's wrong, Miss Wei." Aunt Wu stopped in confusion.

"I'm not together with Ji Xiao." Wei Qingyu looked at Aunt Wu and preached in a very low voice.

At this time, Aunt Wu was a little stunned, "What? You weren't just..."

The burning sensation on Wei Qingyu's face even worsened when Aunt Wu talked about it just now.

She drooped her eyes and shook her head gently: "We really don't have..."

"Is this?" Aunt Wu realized that she was thinking too much, and she apologized, "I'm the one who talked too much. I really apologize to Miss Wei."

"It's okay." Wei Qing said calmly, without any sorrow.

She thinks whoever sees just Ji Xiao's bold move will be wrong.

The atmosphere became a little embarrassing between the two people.

Aunt Wu looked at Ji Xiao who was lying on the bed with a fever and was in a coma. She couldn't help but said what she wanted to say: "But Miss Wei, I hope you can take what I said just now."

"No matter how you are with the young lady, I still hope you can treat our young lady well. Although I haven't been with the young lady for a long time, I can see that she cares about you. It is not always said that the Alpha susceptibility period depends on the person most. Is it actually the person who can bring her the most sense of security?"

The maid standing in front of the light walked away, and the scorching light fell into Wei Qingyu's eyes, causing her to blink twice unnaturally.

Aunt Wu's words were like a blunt knife, slowly slitting the gauze paper covering her eyes.

"Sister Wu."

At this time, the doctor who had been seeing Ji Xiao came over with his medicine box and interrupted Wei Qingyu's unexpanded thoughts.

Doctor: "I have already injected the antipyretic needle and inhibitor into the lady. You can rest assured that these two medicines will not conflict. As long as you wake up before noon tomorrow, you will be fine. If you have not woken up at noon, you must call me."

"Okay, I will trouble you today." Aunt Wu nodded slightly to the doctor and motioned to the maid to send her off.

Then she beckoned to the others in the room and said to Wei Qing: "Okay, Miss hates noise, I will take them down first. Miss Wei also pay attention to rest."

Wei Qingyu understood what Aunt Wu meant, and stood there until the door that had been open was closed before finally raising his foot to the person in her eyes.

Ji Xiao is still asleep, the ice pack used to cool her has melted a bit, hanging softly on her forehead, covering half of her face.

The thick eyelashes are softly covered with cold drops of water, and the stiff nose is a bit less heroic.

His little white face was dull yellow, and even the slightly opened lips looked pale and bloodless.

The high temperature that has not yet faded slowly spit out from the gap between the lips, wrapped in the smell of uncontrollable peach brandy.

Wei Qingyu watched Ji Xiao's lip quietly, and couldn't help biting his inner lip.

The barely healed wound issued a painful resistance, faintly showing some blood.

That violent and affectionate kiss reappeared in her mind just now, like a omnipotent jigsaw puzzle, just filling all her reveries about "kiss".

"Isn't it said that the person whom Alpha is most dependent on during the susceptibility period is actually the person who can bring her the most sense of security?"

Aunt Wu's words appeared in Wei Qingyu's ear again, causing her to hold her breath.

She only knew that she could see her heart clearly, but she never tried to discover what Ji Xiao meant to her actions.

Does she like herself too?

Is it not just the likes between friends?

Is it what Alpha likes Oga?

All kinds of questions with their corresponding memory answers seemed like naughty fish jumping in Wei Qingyu's mind, swimming in and out, so that she could not catch the corresponding evidence.

Wei Qingyu couldn't help but frowned, and exhaled a rare sullen air from his nose.

"Does it hurt?"

The girl's familiar and weak voice rang in Wei Qingyu's ears.

Ji Xiao didn't know when she slowly opened her eyes, and now she was looking at herself quietly.

The author has something to say: Today's second is a bit shorter, sorry. (Never write horror anymore)

Little cute pointed out a bug earlier, Xiao Yu died sixteen years ago, not six years ago, sorry.