The second hand on the wall clicked around, and the night framed by the window lattices added a bit of silence to the room.

There were no answers to the questions that had just been thinking by the bed, and the wound on his lips threw the ambiguity to Wei Qingyu again.

Wei Qingyu lowered his eyes slightly to avoid the confrontation with Ji Xiao, and shook his head: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Although Wei Qingyu said so, the red blood scabs on the cold white skin were particularly striking in Ji Xiao's sight.

The burning in her body still didn't fade away, and Ji Xiao dullly remembered the thing that she had just lost control of at the door.

Wei Qingyu's lips were softer than she thought.

The remaining mint flavor rolled on her tongue, like the sweetest fruit in the world.

She still remembers that in the original text, Wei Qingyu didn't have the first kiss in her life until Wei Qingyu was an adult.

In other words, what I took away that day was her first kiss.

At that time, the impulsiveness followed my heart, but when I was sober, I was full of regrets.

How could she **** Wei Qingyu's first kiss so hastily, she didn't even ask her if she wanted it.

How is this different from that odious original owner?

Ji Xiao's mind was full of guilt.

She put a hand out of the quilt and gently pulled Wei Qingyu's clothes corner, "I'm sorry, I didn't control myself at the time. I didn't mean it..."

Her voice was a little dumb, with some nasal sounds of susceptibility to Microsoft.

It wasn't purely the sickness entangled in the golden orange color, as if it was a reminder of the weakness of the person opposite Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's pale and sick face, and the softness of his heart was poked and poked.

In fact, there is no regret or guilt.

If I really don't want this kiss from Ji Xiao, I can bite it back then.

She has countless ways to reject Ji Xiao.

But she still indulged in her violent tenderness and chose to surrender.

It's just that how could Wei Qingyu tell Ji Xiao straightforwardly.

She looked at Ji Xiao's dim eyes, nodded, and said: "Well, I don't blame you."

The light flickered into Ji Xiao's sight. She felt her head dizzy and swell, and she couldn't believe Wei Qingyu's words.

The dark orange pupils stared at Wei Qingyu without any concealment. The words between the lines were all about caring, and Wei Qingyu's heart trembled slightly when he saw it.

Does she really care about how she feels?

She really likes herself, even a little bit.

The two people looked at each other like this, as if they were going to draw each other into the deep black holes in each other's eyes.

The hazy light intertwined into that unbroken tulle, filled with unspoken ambiguity.

Mint leaves floated in the stream of peach brandy, gurgling past them.

Wei Qingyu heard the secretly screaming like in his heart, beating her heart one after another.

Can I tell her now that I like her too?

The night wind passed through the window and brushed Wei Qingyu's cheek, making her instantly refreshed.

What if she treats you just like an ordinary friend?

She realized that she began to think more and more, and the more she thought, the more greedy she became. She tried her best to refrain from replacing the desire contained in her lips with caring: "It's getting late, you have a good rest, I'm going back."

When Ji Xiao heard the words, he suddenly regained his senses, and gave a soft "um".

She looked at the back of Wei Qingyu's departure, even though she wrote a lot of liking in her heart, she knew that there was no reason for her Alpha to keep an Oga.

"Wei Qingyu."

Suddenly, Ji Xiao's weak voice sounded in the quiet room.

She still couldn't help but stopped Wei Qingyu.

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu stopped at the door instantly.

As if expecting something.

Moonlight spilled in from the window on one side, covering her with a bright white gauze.

The cold white skin was pink and tender in spring, and the slightly fleshy cheeks were like a beautiful and delicate peach.

Ji Xiao watched, her lips trembled slightly: "Good night."

"Good night." Wei Qingyu also replied.

There was some gentleness that belonged to Ji Xiao in her voice, some joyful and some lost.

The girl's slender back swayed in Ji Xiao's dizzy sight, and she put her arm on the ice pack on her forehead until the door was closed.

A heavy turbid air slowly spit out from her lips, the suppressed peach brandy taste was released uncontrollably, and every cell was written like it.

Ji Xiao suddenly wanted to make the gear of time turn faster.

That kiss just now can no longer satisfy her.

It was another weekend, and the weather forecast would see heavy rain, but the sky was clear.

The breeze brought the gentle sunlight into the room, lifting up the girl's long black hair, and the tablet was written with chic fine print.

Wei Qingyu went to the library and returned to Wei's house with the same excuse as before. Feng Yue sat next to her and taught her one-on-one.

At the end of the morning teaching, Feng Yue looked at the project book written by Wei Qingyu and nodded in recognition: "Well, the completion of this project is very good. You have mastered these things really quickly. Mr. Chen will definitely see it. It will be very gratifying."

Wei Qingyu nodded slightly: "Thank you, teacher."

Feng Yue pursed her lips and smiled. While returning the tablet to Wei Qingyu, she raised her finger on her lips and motioned, "I looked awkward when I walked in just now. What's wrong with my mouth? I also used concealer."

Wei Qingyu realized that the small wound on his lips was discovered by Feng Yue, and pretended to answer calmly: "It's okay, I accidentally made it."

"Is it scratched by the cat at home?" Feng Yueman casually guessed.

When Wei Qingyu heard Feng Yue's words, he was slightly startled, but the image of Ri Jixiao reappeared in his mind.

The scent of peach brandy hugged herself tightly, and the cool cheongsam against her body looked like a greedy and violent black cat.

She lightly touched the wound that had been scabbed quickly with her finger, and there was a trace of secret honey in her eyes: "Forget it."


At this time, Feng Yue's phone rang on the table, and the word "wife" bounced happily with the vibration of the phone.

Feng Yue made a gesture for Wei Qingyu to answer the phone by himself, and then answered the call with his back to Wei Qingyu.

"Hey, dear."

"Anything, it's up to you."


The light above his head fell impartially on Feng Yue's face, and his light brown eyes were filled with dazzling love and pampering.

Wei Qingyu sat on the chair and watched, and Teacher Feng in his sight gradually changed to Ji Xiao's appearance.

It seems that the present scene is a certain moment after she and Ji Xiao are together in the future.

Or any moment.

But this scene didn't last long, and the next second Wei Qingyu couldn't help but feel shame in his heart.

What are you thinking about?

I don't even know that Ji Xiaoxi doesn't like me, so I remembered what happened here...

I don't know if it was the kiss that pried another desire in Wei Qingyu's heart, or the words of Aunt Wu gave her another obsession.

Before she knew it, she was unwilling to hide her likes, and wanted to be with Ji Xiao in an open and honest manner.

Wei Qingyu looked at Feng Yue who had hung up, and whispered, "Teacher."

Feng Yue: "What's wrong?"

Wei Qingyu pursed his lower lip a little embarrassedly, hesitated for a second and still mustered up the courage to ask, "How do you and your wife determine each other's feelings?"

Feng Yue was very surprised that Wei Qingyu, who was usually cold-tempered, would ask such questions, "Why are you suddenly interested in this kind of thing?"

"I have a friend who has been upset about this matter recently. She likes someone and doesn't know if she should take the initiative to take that step."

The girl was only seventeen years old, still young.

Pretending to be a calm lie, while talking, his eyes drooped subconsciously.

"Oh...Is this?" Feng Yue understood it at a glance, and sat back in her chair, "Then I can tell you."

"Actually, I'm embarrassed to say that I first confessed to my wife. You know that I was a project manager in the company before. She is one of my customers. Once we have more contact with each other, we start from ordinary customers. The relationship became a friend, and then I confessed to her during a dinner with her."

Listening to Feng Yue's narration, Wei Qingyu was a little surprised: "Aren't you afraid that after you tell her, the relationship between you will not go back?"

Feng Yue thought for a while, and shook her head: "At the time I thought she should like me, so she got the courage to go. Then she told me that if I didn't confess to her, she actually planned to confess to me. ."

"I think this should be a manifestation of the fit between Alpha and Oga."

Upon hearing the words, Wei Qingyu thought of the peach brandy that can often be smelled, as well as the feelings that came from Ji Xiao's heart more than once.

There was something in her heart to confirm the emotional excitement of the other party, and doubts and worries also surfaced: "What if the Alpha is only a pheromone to her? It is only because Alpha is sensitive in the susceptible period that I went to the one that approached me. What about my friends..."

"Lightly speaking, the fit degree is different from the match degree. The fit degree is made by getting along with each other. Pheromone will disrupt judgment, but it will also hide the answer."

Feng Yue said, patted Wei Qingyu's shoulder, "Since the person your friend likes has done this, maybe she also subconsciously likes your friend, so let her give it a try. "

Wei Qingyu was slightly moved by Feng Yue's words, and he just fell down when he was about to say something: "However, my friend is not sure about it. What if their relationship is pushed back by her behavior? What should I do if it’s better now?"

"It's better to keep the status quo..."

The girl is like a snail with its tentacles cautiously protruding, walking slow and slow on the road called Xindong.

She has always been well-founded in analyzing things, but she rarely loses self-confidence. As soon as a pair of trembling tentacles are protruding out, she put them back.

Feng Yue pursed her lower lip in dissatisfaction: "Then when will your friend be prepared to be fully confident? If you don't knock on the other person's door, you will never know whether the opposite party greets you with cold eyes or a room full of flowers. ."

"Quietly, the future is for two people. No one will work hard, and the other will enjoy the truth. You should throw the other end of the line to the other party. What if the other party also throws her line to you?"

Hearing Feng Yue's words, Wei Qingyu remained silent and did not refute, but he did not nod his approval.

She understands the truth, but the more cherished, the more afraid of loss.

Wei Qingyu stood in her desolate and lonely heart, watching the few weak flowers finally grow.

Even if she keeps the status quo forever, she can't lose this sun again.

Feng Yue looked at Wei Qingyu who was sitting opposite, and the light outside the window clearly outlined her immature profile.

Only then did she remember that the girl in front of her who had mastered a lot of business knowledge in a short period of time was just a 17-year-old.

Feng Yue thought for a while, and said: "Actually, I have a test method, which can let your friend not be exposed, but also can judge whether she is indifferent to your friend and whether she has that kind of meaning."

Wei Qingyu's eyes lit up as he listened, "What?"

"That is, you can ask that friend of yours to post an ambiguity in the Moments of Friends, just say something like'Today's weather forecast has a heavy rain, without an umbrella, so distressed.'"

"Sometimes even if you don't say it, the action will be expressed."

Feng Yue showed a very deep smile to Wei Qingyu.

The author has something to say: Pigeon: Project to catch Ji Xiaogui: 1/100!

Feng Yue: 2/100!

Wei Lengmo: Confiscate the tools of the crime (and secretly activate the shadow clone skill: 100/100).