The peony in front of the inpatient department of the hospital was opened, and the garden was full of double stamens with morning dew.

The patients who walked in the morning slowly sat under the wisteria trellis on the side, the blue and white stripes interspersed among the series of hanging purple waterfalls, very harmonious.

Ji Xiao carried a bag of apples and walked through the garden at the door, and a few small purple petals fell on her shoulders.

The smell of disinfectant water in the inpatient department mixed with the faint fragrance of wisteria flowers, followed her to the Glandular Department on the 16th floor.

As soon as Ji Xiao pushed the door into the house, he saw Qi Qi, who had just finished the operation, sitting cross-legged on the bed and eating an apple.

The bright sunshine outside the window made the apple in her hand especially red, and also made her face a little pale.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but worry: "How is your recovery? Why don't you look good?"

Qi Qi was more optimistic than Ji Xiao, voicing: "Sister Xiao, why are you making a fuss like Qiao Ni. I have just finished the operation in less than a week. Give me a recovery period. Anyway, it's the gland at the back of my neck. The body was stabbed to give it some face."

Speaking of Qi Qi, she waved her hand to signal Ji Xiao to put down her things and sit over.

Ji Xiao also felt reasonable when she listened, so she was not as worried as before, and only exhorted: "Then you take a good rest, don't stay up late to chase the drama."

Qi Qi smiled when he heard the words, turned around and looked at the empty doorway, and said, "Hey, Wei Qingyu didn't come with you?"


As Ji Xiao said, she walked to the bedside table next to Qiqi’s hospital bed, helping her put the apple back, and said: "What? You look quite lost?"

Qi Qi leaned back on the soft pillow on the bedside, bit an apple and said, "I'm not in school recently, and there are not so many cp posts on the forum. I don't know how you and her are doing. "

After hearing this, Ji Xiao held Apple's hand tightly, and then pretended to explain calmly: "It's almost the end of the term recently. She's very busy, so I didn't bring her."

Qi Qi raised her eyebrows and asked tentatively: "Did something happen to you and her?"

This question of Qi Qi happened to poke the secret in Ji Xiao's heart, making her guilty to stop the action of returning to Apple.

Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi's black pupils, which seemed to be able to see everything, and slowly preached, "I have a friend..."

In the end, Qi Qi interrupted her before she finished speaking, "Sister Xiao, you're here again."

Ji Xiao leaned on the bedside table and lowered her head shyly, "Sister Qi, I'm sorry."

Qi Qi couldn't say anything more when he heard the words. She straightened the soft pillow under her body and made a look of listening respectfully, "Then tell me, what happened to your friend?"

Ji Xiao pursed her lower lip, and said the secret she had held in her heart for a long time: "When she was feverish, she forcedly kissed Oga, which she likes..."

"Ji Xiao!"

The tree in the window frame trembled and trembled, and a few leisurely and lazy sparrows suddenly fluttered their wings when they heard the exclamation from the room, and took off into the sky in surprise.

Ji Xiao rubbed his left ear and patted Qi Qi who was sitting upright from the bed, "Sister Qi, calm down, you have just finished the operation and you need to rest still."

Qi Qi ignored Ji Xiao's comfort, and asked anxiously, "Then tell me that she didn't come to see me with you because of this?"

Ji Xiao shook his head hurriedly, "No, she is really busy. I and her are still the same as before, going to school together and leaving school together, not because of that."

Listening to Ji Xiao's explanation, Qi Qi's eyes obviously pretended to be unbelievable.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly stretched out **** to make an oath: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Fang Yiming!"

The clock in the room clicked, and the doubt in Qi Qi's eyes gradually disappeared.

After a while, she raised her arm and patted Ji Xiao on the shoulder, preaching to her earnestly: "Sister Xiao, it's time, confess to her."

In fact, Ji Xiao deliberately didn't call Wei Qingyu when she came here. She just wanted to talk to Qi Qi about this matter and listen to her opinions.

But she didn't want Qi Qi's idea to be so direct.

Ji Xiao was a little surprised at Qi Qi's choice to play straight. "Sister Qi, you never play straight. Or, wait a minute."

Qi Qi looked at Ji Xiao dissatisfied, and retorted: "Wait? When will you wait? I told you more than once, don't wait for Wei Qingyu to be snatched away by others and regret it. You kissed her, she She still doesn't alienate you, which shows that she has that meaning to you somewhat."

Ji Xiao was slightly taken aback when he heard Qi Qi's words.

Can she understand this?

Can we not be afraid of the existence of the south Jinfeng?

The sunlight was projected obliquely into the ward, adding some magnificent changes to the girl's pupils.

She couldn't help feeling the scar on her right arm that was covered under the ice sleeve-the punishment she got for changing the plot.

In the original text, shouldn't Wei Qingyu have a good relationship with Jinnanfeng in the next semester?

Was Wei Qingyu changed the plot?

"Ten thousand steps back, you are doing that to her, shouldn't you make any representations? Are you going to let her pass this matter hastily? What will she think? You don't think you are too casual Isn't it disheartened to you?" Qi Qi said again.

"Yes..." Ji Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

She didn't want Wei Qingyu to be sad at all, nor did she want Wei Qingyu to think that she was that kind of person.

Qi Qi showed a teachable smile upon hearing this, and said: "Sister Xiao, let's plan and prepare to confess to Wei Qingyu. It's June, and I think it's a very suitable time for your birthday at the end of July."

The warm sunlight outside the window fell into Ji Xiao's hands, with a little bit of the heat of summer.

As Qi Qi said, it is now June, and it is less than a month before the turning point of her destiny in the original text.

A month is said to be long and not long, and short but not short.

It may be calmly like the wide river on the way to school after school, flowing slowly there unchangingly.

It may also be like a car that suddenly rushed over when the party ended the year after the new year, and broke his arm in an instant.

Looking at the smile on Qi Qi's face lying on the hospital bed, Ji Xiao suddenly felt a lot of guilt in her heart.

Qi Qi regards herself as her best friend, solves problems and expels herself from the fog on the road.

But while I wanted to keep her alive, I secretly made her the person who would change the plot.

Ji Xiao subconsciously touched the scar on his right arm again, and said: "Qi Qi, before planning, you should answer one of my questions first. This is very important to me."

Qi Qi was a little puzzled, but nodded, "You can ask."

Ji Xiao: "Do you feel that you are much better after the operation?"

"Of course." Qi Qi nodded, "It's fragrant to eat, and the body is strong, and this gland is not so congested."

"Why are you asking this question? It's weird. I am so important to you?"

Listening to Qi Qi's description, Ji Xiao's heart hanging down slightly, stretched out and shook her hand, and said, "Of course, you are very important in my heart, so don't underestimate yourself."

Qi Qi sniffed Ji Xiao in disgust, and said with a grin, "Alpha and Alpha's are numb to death."

"It's numb there, I am concerned about you." Ji Xiao said, "Sister Qi, seriously, if you have any discomfort, you must contact Dr. An, especially this month, don't take it lightly..."

"Buzzing buzzing..."

At this moment, Ji Xiao's phone vibrated for a while, interrupting Ji Xiao's instructions to Qi Qi.

Qi Qi looked at the phone that Ji Xiao took out, and immediately showed a meaningful expression of jokes.

——Long vibration can only be a special concern. And with her Xiao Jie's personality, this particular concern is almost always Wei Qingyu.

Sure enough, a message from Wei Qingyu popped up on Ji Xiao's screen, but this time it was a comment.

——[Wei Qingyu: Forgot to bring an umbrella. [Rabbit sighs]]

Ji Xiao looked at the fluffy little rabbit sitting on the ground on the screen, as if seeing Wei Qingyu sitting at the table in distress.

She glanced at the clouds slowly rising outside the window, and said to Qi Qi: "You wait a minute."

Qi Qi glanced at the screen of Ji Xiao's quick mobile phone that showed a dialog box with Wei Qingyu, and immediately nodded to Qi Qu'er and picked up the apple that was set aside.

The dense clouds slightly blocked the sunlight passing through the window, and the light fell on the girl lying on the bed in a hazy manner.

The little rabbit in Wei Qingyu's arms was strangled and deformed, and his twisted look was full of expectations and anxiety from its owner.

After the talk was sent out, the time became very long.

Finally, the silent cell phone rang while lying on the bed.

Wei Qingyu let go of the rabbit in his arms almost instantly, and then his calm little face was full of joy the moment he saw the news.

——[Ji Xiao: Why didn’t you bring an umbrella? Didn't Aunt Wu tell you when you went out today? 】

Wei Qingyu touched the umbrella beside him, pretending to be calm and said: [I still forgot. 】

The clouds outside the window swallowed half of the sunlight in the ward, and Ji Xiao knocked on the screen crackling and said: [Where are you now, I will pick you up. 】

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's words with a little smile in his eyes, and even the words that were typed out were a little girlish: [I'm in the library. 】

Ji Xiao nodded: [OK, wait for me. 】

Wei Qingyu remembered Feng Yue's words, and Qingyu asked tentatively again, "Aren't you looking at Qi Qi, I'm not in a hurry." 】

After hearing this, Ji Xiao glanced at Qi Qi on the hospital bed, and Qi Qi also handed her a smile that I understand.

Ji Xiao angered Qi Qi and said, "It's okay, I will leave the hospital and be there in ten minutes." 】

After receiving this news, Wei Qingyu seemed to have received a speechless confession from Ji Xiao, and the dim room was filled with jubilant mint.

When he asked for help, that person gave him an appropriate sense of security, and a white rose bloomed in full bloom on the pure face of the girl who had never been surprised.

She seems...really likes me too.

The soft and flat sheets were crumpled, and Wei Qingyu held the phone and rolled on the bed circle after circle.

The slender and well-proportioned legs drawn out in the air are full of excitement after discovering the fit of mind.

The rain is coming and the wind is all over the building.

Originally, I staggered the noon rush hour, but the cars on the road got more due to the coming heavy rain.

Even if the car that Ji Xiao asked the driver to drive today was that dazzling silver-white Porsche, it was barely separated from the front and rear cars by a wider distance than the ordinary cars.

By the time the driver drove the car to the library, it was already ten minutes longer than the ten minutes Ji Xiao said.

As she got out of the car, she sent a message to Wei Qingyu: [I'm here, come out. 】

Almost the second after Ji Xiao sent the message, she got Wei Qingyu's reply.

It's just that she didn't expect that the message Wei Qingyu sent to herself was so simple in two words.

——[Wei Qingyu: Look up. 】

Ji Xiao looked at these two words at a loss, but raised his head as Wei Qingyu said.

Just in front of the flower stand next to the library, a young girl in a pale white suspender dress was waving at herself.

There is still a golden light that has not been swallowed by the cloud on the horizon, and behind her are clusters of flowers stacked in various bright colors.

The wind with a bit of damp moisture lifted her long hair, and her face with cold writing on her face became a little bit more agile.

Ji Xiao watched Wei Qingyu walk quickly towards her, and couldn't help raising her foot to welcome her in the direction where she was.

The camphor tree at the entrance of the library enveloped the two of them.

"Give it to you." Wei Qingyu said and passed the flower in his hand to Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao was a little surprised, but he recognized this flower as soon as he received it: "Tumi flower?"

Wei Qingyu looked at the words in Ji Xiao's hand and nodded: "Yeah."

The summer breeze floated darkly, and the faint floral fragrance was diffused with the moisture in the air.

Ji Xiao looked at the simple and exquisite small bouquet in her hand, and the double-petaled white tenderly surged in her sight.

It's like the girl standing opposite her.

Ji Xiao felt the residual temperature of Wei Qingyu in the bouquet, and asked awkwardly: "What is the flower language of Tu蘼花?"

Hearing this, Wei Qingyu raised his eyes and looked at Ji Xiao. The turquoise pupils contained invisible clarity.

A sudden gust of wind pressed the hem of the girl's skirt to Ji Xiao's bare calf, their long hair entangled in the air.

The sound of the horn sounded on the surrounding road was pressed the mute button at this moment, and the flow of people hurrying around was also blurred.

"The last love."

Wei Qingyu replied softly in the wind.