The voice of the girl fell, and the world was quiet.

Ji Xiao held the flower in his hand. For a while, he didn't know whether Wei Qingyu was simply explaining the words of the flower, or whether he wanted to tell himself something through the flower.

"I just came out of the library and saw that there was a flower shop on the side, so I bought a bunch." Wei Qingyu also felt that his words were a bit too ambiguous, and explained.

"That's it." Ji Xiao shook the words in his handshake, feeling a little lost in his heart for some reason.

The weather forecast's torrential rain is coming, and the air is filled with dull and humid water vapor.

The wind wiped the exposed skin of the two of them, and a few drops of cold suddenly wet Ji Xiao's arm.

Before Ji Xiao could react, the thick cloud covered the last gleam of golden light on the horizon.

After waiting for a day of heavy rain, there was not a trace of excessive pouring down at this moment.

Wei Qingyu was caught off guard, and his thin body was washed away by the rain.

Ji Xiao reacted quickly and took off his jacket, putting it on top of his and Wei Qingyu's heads.

Wei Qingyu instantly felt that the rain on his body was getting weaker, and the cold hand was also grasped by the other warm hand.

Ji Xiao's "Run" came from her ear, and the girl in her sight ran towards the car parked on the side of the road.

The rain curtain was too big and splashed everywhere on the ground.

The pedestrians caught on the street were embarrassed, and the car broadcast also commented on the rain as bad, but both of them felt that the moment was extremely beautiful.

The hidden thoughts and throbbing melted into the rain, and they were held together by the sudden rainstorm and flowed into each other's bodies silently.

"Miss! Miss Wei!"

The driver running here finally joined them, and a huge black umbrella shrouded them over their heads.

Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu looked at each other in the same embarrassment, and laughed at the same time, as if what they had just experienced was not a rain, but a life and death.

The torrential rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the silver-white car is driving fast in the rain like a bolt of lightning.

The warm air in the car was turned on to its maximum, and a thin layer of mist was attached to the driver's forehead, and a faint scent of tea scented in the car.

A spare large towel was placed on Wei Qingyu's head, covering her whole body. Ji Xiao sitting aside carefully helped her rub her drenched long hair.

The silky long hair became more black and shiny after being drenched in the rain, and the wisps of hair hung over his shoulders exposing the slender white neck.

The skin of Wei Qingyu's shoulders, neck and collarbone were not covered by clothing. After being washed by the cold rain, it turned pale pink.

The white skirt soaked by the rain tightly clung to the girl's body, unreservedly outlines her soft and slender curve.

The light above their heads fell on the thin cloth, faintly revealing her cold white complexion, which formed a strong contrast with the light pink on the shoulder collarbone.

The scent of mint came out leisurely through the wet restraint stickers, and Wei Qingyu had never shown that Oga's frailty was displayed vividly at this moment.

Ji Xiao rubbed Wei Qingyu's hair, and couldn't help feeling his cheeks hot.

She avoided contact with Wei Qingyu's body, and put the towel back to Wei Qingyu with one hand.

Before she finished her words, Ji Xiao pulled up the towel on her shoulders, neatly raised her hand to cover her head, and tilted her head to the side of the car window. No one could see the redness on her cheeks.

The rain outside the window is getting heavier and stronger, the green plants on the roadside are swayed crazily by the strong wind, and the inside of the car is still as quiet as ever.

Ji Xiao rubbed her hair and couldn't help but remember what she had just discussed with Qi Qi in the ward.

Indeed, confessing to Wei Qingyu on his birthday is a good choice.

After all, it was his home court, even if Wei Qingyu didn't accept him, he could still play haha ​​and continue to maintain the relationship he had before confessed.

"That Wei Qingyu." Ji Xiao looked at the car window glass and preached, "At the end of next month, it will be my seventeenth birthday."

Wei Qingyu stopped wiping his hair and gave Ji Xiao's back lightly with a "um".

"I will hold a birthday party at home then, will you come?" Ji Xiao said, turning his head to look at Wei Qingyu who was sitting aside.

Wei Qingyu understood the meaning of Ji Xiao's words, but didn't want to answer directly.

She looked at Ji Xiao calmly, once again stretched out her temptation olive branch, and threw the question back to her: "Then what about you? Do you want me to come?"

Of course Ji Xiao wanted Wei Qingyu to come, otherwise she wouldn't ask.

It’s just that Ji Xiao didn’t want to expose her expectation of Wei Qingyu so early, so she raised her face again, pretending to be a proud replied: "Then you have to prepare a good birthday present for me. ."

Wei Qingyu smiled when he heard the words, "Okay."

The street lights outside the car windows lit up, and golden lights moved fast in the dark screen, like stars with tails.

Wei Qingyu was sitting in the galaxy.

The long, slightly dry hair band clung to the side of her face in a mess, and the tip of her small round nose was still dyed a little bit of unfading pink.

The plump fuchsia lips evoke a beautiful arc, which formed a sharp contrast with the cold white skin under the light, **** and alluring.

Plop, plop...

Ji Xiao heard the thump from his heart.

How can she not make people like this.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu and blinked unnaturally, and the feeling of hot cheeks once again fell on her face.

While rubbing her hair, she said to the driver angrily: "Oh, don't open such a hot wind. It's too hot in the summer."

With that said, Ji Xiao turned his head away again.

The yellow light at the intersection turned into a red light, and the car that had cooled down slowly stopped at the traffic light.

Outside the window, a slender tree was struggling with the strong wind under the light. The wet green leaves fell on the ground and piled up on the side of the sewer with the running water.

Ji Xiao thought, curling the corner of her lower lip slightly.

She feels that she is this tree, stubbornly fighting against this world where the ending has been written.

From not wanting to die, to wanting to rewrite the plot, let Wei Qingyu belong to him.

People are always so greedy and indulged in greedy desires.

Tirelessly, so back and forth.

The heavy rain drew the entire city into the night ahead of time, and the dark sky could not see the stars, only the pouring rain washed the window lattices.

The wind was raging outside the house, and the ocean was full, but the light in the room was warm, quiet and peaceful.

The steaming heat covered the huge floor-to-ceiling windows with a layer of white mist, and small white flowers bloomed in them.

It's like that tea flower, but it's not like it.

The rain continued to wash the glass, but the small white flowers still bloomed on the glass in clusters.

Under the illumination of both the lights and the squally rain, it seemed to have a special mood.

I saw the girl's fingers walking gently on the glass, and another small white flower appeared on the glass.

Childish and beautiful.

Ji Xiao lay comfortably in the bathtub and admired this glass painting of herself, and took a picture of the tablet that was still playing anime.

Toning and cutting.

Ji Xiao intercepted a part of the photo he made, and was particularly satisfied with the social profile picture of the stick figure set by the original owner.

Soaking in the bath is almost complete, Ji Xiao walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a white bath towel.

She was holding the tablet and admiring her new face, with a smiling face under her wet long hair.

No one knows what these little flowers she painted are.

No one knows what these little flowers represent.

Holding a secret that only he knew, Ji Xiao secretly planted a tea tree in his heart.

She thought, if the scar on her arm is not clean, she will get a tattoo on it.

Just after changing his clothes and returning to the bedroom, Ji Xiao saw a small porcelain white vase with a tall neck dignified and elegantly placed on his table.

The floral tools that I wanted had also been prepared by Aunt Wu, and she was next to the bunch of Tu Bian flowers that she had brought back.

Ji Xiao carefully unwrapped the ribbons tied to the bouquet and arranged the flowers sent by Wei Qingyu.

Although he has only been baptized and beaten by the rainstorm, the state of Tumi lying on the table is still very good.

The white and tender petals are studded with raindrops, and the tender green leaves are vibrant with tiny barbs.

As Su Shi has said, "Tumi does not compete for spring, loneliness opens at the latest."

Tu Fen is the latest blooming flower among the spring fragrances and the longest blooming flower.

Flowers bloom in late spring, and you can still see them in late summer.

Ji Xiao trimmed the flowering branches in his hands, hoping that he could do the same.

What about Wei Qingyu?

"What is the flower language of Tu Binghua?"

"The last love."

The wind gently blew Ji Xiao's cheeks, the conversation between the two before the rain rang in Ji Xiao's ears, and the girl's ambiguous words made Ji Xiao smile.

Even if there are other explanations behind, it seems to be a bit overwhelming.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao was in a daze, letting the flower branch in his hand fall under the table by mistake.

The soft white fell on the ground, making Ji Xiao particularly distressed.

She crouched down to pick up the flowers, but didn't want to bump her head directly into the bottom of the desk drawer.


As if there was an empty voice, Ji Xiao couldn't help but startled.

She remembered that her drawer was full, and it was impossible for her to make such an empty sound.

Ji Xiao looked at the drawer with suspicious eyes, but saw a small buckle between the two interlaced beams.

She stretched out her hand and pulled it, and she opened a hidden space behind the desk.

Ji Xiao took a flashlight and took photos in it. There were several books neatly placed in a small clean space.

From cartoon to pure color, from yellowing to brand new, it looks like the diary of the original owner.

Ji Xiao opened the latest book like discovering a new world, and turned a page curiously.

【February 20, 2735, heavy rain

I went to her family’s funeral today. It rained so heavily. The stone road was covered with mud and it was hard to walk. I really don’t understand. There are so many people. She chose my father to help her. I just Can follow the bodyguard. I really hate dying to the cemetery. When I come back, there are mud spots on my trouser legs and my shoes. I shouldn't wear these shoes today. 】

The original owner's words are much more scribbled than his own, and her arrogant and indulgent disposition exudes between the lines.

It's just that, under the dissatisfaction and complaints throughout this article, there is a line of small characters far away from the winner.

—[She looks like she is thin. 】

The author has something to say: Guess if there is a second update