
The man with the sound of his little brother chasing through the water park full of lively noise, like a group of geese, clinging to these two groups of people.

While escaping, Ji Xiao and Qi Qi respectively led Wei Qingyu and Qiao Ni to a fork in the road.

Without any words, the two of them looked at each other and ran away in two separate ways.

It was this action that made the man and his brothers stop.

The man touched his head, which was still moistened with cheese, and roared angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze? Chase separately!"

A cool breeze whizzed past their ears, and the water on the ground splashed on the girls' legs.

Ji Xiao held Wei Qingyu's hand tightly and shuttled through the streets of the water park, and the people behind him were fierce and vicious.

It looked like a couple running away.

"How about? Can you keep up?" Ji Xiao asked while looking back at the man and his accomplices.

"It's okay." Wei Qingyu panted slightly, looking okay.

Ji Xiao lowered his heart slightly, but his brows were still frowning.

No matter how you can run with Wei Qingyu, it is not a way for the few people behind to chase like crazy dogs.

The man also said that his uncle was in charge of this water park, and it would be difficult for them to get caught.

You have to find a place to contact the bodyguard at home.

At this moment, several water park equipment stores appeared in front of Ji Xiao's sight.

The small shop has a small storefront. The various things inside are full of piles, and the stalls are outside. It is indeed a good place to hide and get rid of these people.

So before these people caught up, Ji Xiao took Wei Qingyu and ran into an equipment store, and quickly locked the messy place where swimming laps were placed on the east side of the room.

The shopkeeper looked at the two uninvited guests who broke into the shop, and immediately became unhappy, and shouted angrily: "Hey! What are you doing?! What are you doing in my shop! You want to buy things and go to the stall at the door!"

The matter was urgent, Ji Xiao quickly took out a few red banknotes from his pocket and slapped them into the hands of the shopkeeper, "Just as if he didn't see us."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Although the shop owner has a bad temper, he smiles instantly after receiving the money.

He nodded, not forgetting to help Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu build a few more swimming laps around.

"Hey, did you see two women just now, they look like seventeen eighty|nine."

At this moment, the man ran over with his little brother, and the ferocious voice sounded like he was going to devour life.

The shopkeeper shook his head while putting on the swimming ring, "No, Brother Zhu."

Several swimming laps were pushed into the originally small space, and the distance that Ji Xiao had originally maintained with Wei Qingyu narrowed.

The smell of mint radiated along Wei Qingyu's wet hair. She was not standing very firmly, and the swimming ring beside her moved slightly with her unsupported legs.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly grabbed Wei Qingyu.

The girls had just gone through vigorous exercise, and there was a light sweat on their skin.

Now they are tightly pasted together, and scattered pheromones are secretly fermenting in the sultry space.

Two hearts from different heart cavities spontaneously beat like crazy.

"Really?" The man said, knocking on the table of the shopkeeper's booth with the thing in his hand, "Don't you bluff me."

The sound of that thing hitting the table was exceptionally crisp and powerful, and Ji Xiao could tell it was the sound of swinging a stick.

She looked at the shadow of the shopkeeper in front of her, and couldn't help but pull her heart.

The shopkeeper has also suffered from this man for a long time. Knowing his character, he continued to put on a calm cover and said: "Brother Zhu, how could I bluff you? I really didn't see it. Two guests came just now, and I was busy entertaining them. ."

The man glanced at the shopkeeper and felt that he didn't dare to offend himself, so he said: "That's OK, if you see the girl I just told you about, remember to contact me, and I will come back later."

"Hey, good." The shopkeeper smiled and watched the man take away a pair of goggles from his stall, his palms were sweaty.

Hearing this, Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu, who were hiding in the swimming ring, unanimously relaxed.

The smell of peach brandy slowly stuck to Wei Qingyu's throat along with the breath of the girl's breath, and the spirits burned her cheeks instantly.

She looked at Ji Xiao who was holding her tightly, and whispered in her ear: "Thank you."

It's too close, it's too close.

Ji Xiao could feel that every syllable of Wei Qingyu's spit was the trembling of his throat, and the breath of hot peppermint.

The sunlight above the head passes through the transparent swimming ring, and it is reflected in Wei Qingyu's pupils with colorful and beautiful colors.

Ji Xiao's hand holding the girl's waist tightened slightly, only to feel that the surroundings had become magnificent and dreamy, unreal as if in a dream.

Even after many years, Ji Xiao stood on the bridge they had passed countless times and remembered today again.

I still feel that this is the most beautiful pair of eyes she has ever seen.

After a while, Ji Xiao slowly preached: "...no thanks."

Then she took out her mobile phone with difficulty from her pocket and said: "I will contact our bodyguard, I will definitely not let these people go."

"Um, it's not..."

"Oh, oh, these big brothers, what are you doing? I am in the warehouse, you can't just enter it casually!"

Before Wei Qingyu finished speaking, the shopkeeper's panicked voice came from the shop again.

Ji Xiao's hand that was about to dial the number stopped in an instant, and turned to press down on her wrist to use the mobile phone as her only weapon.

This place is too narrow, if you fight, you can only fight to the death.


The swimming ring in his sight was lifted up with a man's voice.

Ji Xiao guarded Wei Qingyu behind him and was about to fight back, but the flower arm she was not familiar with appeared in his sight.

"Brother Xie Yong?"

"Miss Ji?"

At almost the same time, the two uttered surprise sounds.

Ji Xiao looked at Xie Yong, who was particularly docile in front of him, with surprise and surprise.

Hearing the "Miss" he shouted just now, he really became a bodyguard to protect Wei Qingyu, just like the original text.

It seems that this is what Wei Qingyu stopped him from saying just now.

Ji Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she didn't contact her family. Wouldn't it be a disaster for Wei Qingyu if her family met someone who protected Wei Qingyu?

"Do you know each other?" Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao and Xie Yong's familiar names, a little strange.

"When I saved you last time, I asked him for help." Ji Xiao explained.

"At that time, I was still a small bastard, and then I was hired by Brother Tiger." Xie Yong touched his head and added embarrassingly.

Wei Qingyu nodded and smiled at the words, only lamenting that the world is too small.

A few people walked out of the shop as they said. The few people who were still very horizontal were surrounded by a few sturdy men, squatting on the side and daring not to make a loud noise.

Just when Ji Xiao felt very cool, he saw two familiar figures walking in the distance.

Qi Qi and Qiao Ni also came to meet under the **** of Wei Qingyu's bodyguard.

"Sister Qi, are you all right?" Ji Xiao hurried forward and looked at Qi Qi with concern.

Qi Qi shook her head, and Qiao Ni preached very gratefully: "Fortunately, Sister Qingyu put her positioning watch in my backpack, otherwise we would be miserable, and we were almost caught up."

"Thank you, Sister Qingyu." Qiao Ni returned Wei Qingyu's white mechanical watch to her as he said.

Wei Qingyu shook his head, "It's okay."

Just when the four of them had survived the catastrophe, and there was still Yu Qing, a thin and slender Beta man walked over.

The man squatting in the corner became arrogant when he saw this, and said loudly, "Don't be so arrogant! My uncle is here!"

"You shut up!" The Beta man instantly glared, looking back at the sturdy man walking behind him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Liu just laughed, it's because I'm not strict in discipline, your lord has a lot of it. Just spare my nephew this time."

Liu Hu sneered when he saw it, "I'll spare you easily, but Mr. Chen won't allow it. You should worry about your own safety. You, as the supervisor here, have spent many years fishing here, right?"

As soon as Liu Hu said this, different emotions were written on everyone's face.

The Beta director was horrified.

Ji Xiao, Qi Qi, and Qiao Ni were secretly refreshed.

But Wei Qingyu's eyes became obscure at this moment.

The last thing she didn't want was to disturb Chen Linji, but she was stabbed out by Liu Hu who didn't know it.

Chen Linji always didn't like to walk too close with the people of Ji's family, and he didn't know what he would say to him this time.

The time of the return journey was forced to advance because of this unexpected incident. Qiao Ni got tired and sat in the car and fell asleep leaning on Qi Qi's shoulder.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu, who was sitting next to him, and felt that her calm complexion was a little serious. In the rearview mirror, Liu Hu's particularly low-key black Wuling business was escorting four people back to the hospital.

Ji Xiao hooked Wei Qingyu's finger and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Upon hearing the sound, Wei Qingyu turned his head to look at Ji Xiao, and he was ready to reveal the deepest secret hidden in his heart.

Not knowing that Ji Xiao had known all this, she slightly opened her lower lip, hesitated for a moment or said nothing, only shook her head, and said, "I'm a little tired."

Ji Xiao changed Wei Qingyu’s eyes to see clearly. Knowing that she had something to say to herself, and that she was hesitating, he followed her and preached without breaking, "Sleep for a while, after running for so long. Qiao Ni is exhausted."

"Then borrow your shoulder and use it."

Wei Qingyu said, regardless of Ji Xiaotong's disagreement, he put his head on her shoulder.

The rounded head lightly landed on Ji Xiao's neck, emitting a fragrance from the thick black hair.

Ji Xiao turned his eyes slightly to see Wei Qingyu's curvy nose, with fan-like thick eyelashes hanging down slightly, looking really tired.

The green plants on the side of the road retreated quickly, and the picture of the girls leaning against each other was reflected on the windowpane.

Ji Xiao sniffed the mint fragrance from Wei Qingyu's neck, and her uncontrollable heartbeat made her eager to come to her birthday.

Can't wait to tell her in person...


The two vibrations of the mobile phone called Ji Xiao back from her imaginative thoughts.

[Qi Qi: Sister Xiao, I really like her. 】

Ji Xiao looked at it and quickly replied: [Sister Qi, I also like her so much. 】

The sunlight leaped between the street lights and the green plants, shining light and dark in the carriage.

Ji Xiao glanced at the front row of Qi Qi's gaze, and the two Alphas, who were resting on their shoulders by the favorite Oga, smiled at each other.

Before the sun went down, the car returned to the inpatient department of the hospital.

Wei Qingyu exchanged a few words with Liu Hu, and Liu Hu led some people to retreat, and a group of four people sneaked into the elevator.

"Huh, it was really more thrilling than playing 10,000 water slide rafting." Qiao Ni preached.

When Qi Qi heard this, the dissatisfaction in his eyes was a little bit more uneasy: "What's so good about this kind of thing, how can you make me feel at ease in the future?"

"Oh, just remember it. After that, won't you still protect me? What am I afraid of?" Qiao Ni said, arrogantly and awkwardly, he rushed Qi Qi's nose and pushed the door straight into Qi. Qi's ward.

Only the next scene stunned the four people standing at the door.

The lights in the ward were bright, and the human-shaped quilts Qi Qi used to disguise were now neatly stacked at the end of the bed.

An Cen, who obviously should be out for a meeting, is now wearing her white coat, with her arms folded on her chest, and sitting silently on a side chair.

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-09-1009:03:31~2021-09-1109:00:47~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Star-grabbing and Zhaoye, two;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: ______ prime 1;

Thank you for the little angels who cast mines: 2 Fengrense; 1 short-hand kangaroo, 54618393, TiAo, Bo^·o^/, Han, SUETYEE, My Zhien, Xu, DetectiveLi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4910729871 bottles; Xixin 53 bottles; Saki 28 bottles; help me up, I can still knock, a leaf knows autumn, the world, the world, the ugly pickup 20 bottles; Guanshan wine, 3885417415 bottles; **** little cute, 50571542 , Luo Luo, Yu, AAAAlex 10 bottles; 12 9 bottles; Where 8 bottles; 54000264, I will always love to lure, Ling Jing, Yu Cong, winter rain 5 bottles; um~2 bottles; Moonrise Dongshan, Wild Wolf Valley Hands, dry rice and use a basin, acridine acridine, and a bottle of white night water;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!