The lights covered this huge ward, bright but not warm.

An Cen looked at the four people at the door in this way, and the two slightly curved temples gently hung on the side of her face, but they couldn't neutralize the seriousness of her expression.

An Cen: "Where did you go?"

"We went out to play..." Qi Qi said.

The hills between An Cen's eyebrows were even worse, and he educated: "You are a patient now, don't you know it yourself?"

Then she looked at Wei Qingyu who was standing on the very side, and said: "And you whisper, why do you follow them to mess around? You have never been such a wayward child."

Wei Qingyu couldn't help lowering his head when he heard the words, "I'm sorry, Aunt Ann..."

But before Wei Qingyu finished speaking, Ji Xiao interrupted: "Doctor An, if you want to blame it, blame me. I planned the series of things today."

Qiao Ni also stood up and took the initiative: "No, it was Qi Qi who brought me sister Ji Xiao and Qingyu for my birthday. It was my fault. If I didn't follow everyone, everyone would not be there today. Slipped out."

Hearing what Qiao Ni said, Qi Qi pulled her arm and pulled her back behind her: "Doctor An, don't blame others, it's all my fault, I started it."

An Cen laughed angrily at the scene of the four people competing to admit their mistakes.

She lifted her right leg and landed on her left knee, her tight expression slightly relaxed: "You guys are quite loyal?"

"Qi Qi, you are a patient now, you have to know how to be responsible for yourself, do you know?"

When Qi Qi heard An Cen's words, her expression sank slightly, "I just did this when I knew it."

The girl's voice was a bit low and stubborn, and any doctor would be angry when he heard such words.

But instead of An Cen, he calmed down.

She pressed her lower lip silently when she heard Qi Qi's words, and said calmly: "That's not okay."

Qi Qi looked at An Cen and begged for mercy: "I promise this is the last time. Don't be angry, Doctor An."

Her voice regained its former vitality, as if the lowness just now didn't exist.

An Cen also raised his head and sternly preached: "Of course it is the last time. From now on, you will stay in the hospital for me until I recover."

Qi Qi said dissatisfied "Ah", "But...I still want to go to Sister Xiao's birthday party next week."

"No." Anzen resolutely preached.

"Doctor Ann, I beg you." Qi Qi begged again.

The dim light in the ward fell on An Cen's face, a seriousness visible to the naked eye.

Ji Xiao didn't want to let An Cen and Qi Qi fight too much, so he hurriedly persuaded: "Qi Qi, you just listen to Doctor An and get well."

Qi Qi shook her head, "But I don't want to miss your birthday this time."

Ji Xiao knew that Qi Qi was saying that she wanted to confess to Wei Qingyu, and immediately said, "You can ask Qiao Ni to broadcast it live."

Qiao Ni also nodded, "Yes, just stay in the hospital. I will borrow the best cell phone to show you the live broadcast."

"In the future, we will have opportunities, not to mention that I will have a coming-of-age ceremony next year." Ji Xiao said again.

The light magnifies everyone's expressions clearly, and also makes some details blurred by soft light.

Everyone didn't notice that after hearing Ji Xiaozhi's words, Qi Qi's eyes flashed with obscure emotions.

An Cen looked at Qi Qi who was standing at the door, and took the initiative to stand up and walk to her, saying to the others: "Okay, it's been a day of trouble, you all go back, Qi Qi should rest."

Qiao Ni hurriedly said, "Then I will stay with the bed today."

The voice fell, and before Qi Qi could speak, An Cen denied it first: "No, you guys have been playing for a day today. If you still have a rest when you get together, go back and reflect on it. I will stay here tonight. "

Qiao Ni was a little bit lost and wanted to say something more, but Wei Qingyu, who stood by, saw that An Cen had something to say to Qi Qi alone.

She raised her hand and brushed Qiao Ni's shoulder, and said softly: "Let's go, we will see Qi Qi tomorrow."

"Then I'm leaving, call me if you have something to do." Qiao Niyi said reluctantly, and left the ward with Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu.

There were few people in the secluded corridor, Qi Qi stood beside An Cen, watching Ji Xiao and the others leave.

On the back of the hand hanging on his side, the veins stretched.

The night sky in the evening was unusually peaceful, like the eve of a storm.

After sending Qiao Ni home, the lively atmosphere above the car quieted down.

Ji Xiao looked at the bustling street scene outside the car, and said, "I feel Qi Qi is recovering well. She didn't let the gangsters catch up when we split up just now."

"Yeah." Wei Qingyu nodded lightly, as if something was on his mind.

First Liu Yue was exposed to Ji Xiao, then An Cen, and then Liu Hu, following the "Mr. Chen" that appeared in his mouth.

Wei Qingyu didn't know if Ji Xiao would be suspicious of this, but the feeling of keeping her in the dark made her a little guilty.

The appearance of Ji Xiao just protecting herself in front of An Cen still exists in her mind, but she will ruin her family in the near future.

"...Ji Xiao." Wei Qingyu spoke slowly, his voice full of contradictions.

She wanted to confess these things to Ji Xiao, but she was afraid that everything she did now would fall short.

What's more scared is that Ji Xiao will break with himself because of this.

Ji Xiao didn't know Wei Qingyu's thoughts, and he said with some doubts.

Wei Qingyu hesitated and said, "The uncle who came to rescue us just now is called Liu Hu. He is actually mine..."

Just before finishing the words, Ji Xiao pressed him: "It's okay, you don't want to say it, you can leave it alone."

Ji Xiao knew that Wei Qingyu would never expose Liu Hu to everyone's sight unless the incident happened suddenly today.

Liu Hu is different from An Cen and Liu Yue. He is not a teacher or a doctor, but a bodyguard, a threatening existence.

If Ji Qingyun is allowed to know about this matter today, his defense against the Wei family will not relax, and will only get worse.

It would be great for Wei Qingyu to have the idea to explain it to herself, and there is no need to force her to say it when she is not ready.

"Tell me when you want to say it." Ji Xiao whispered.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's profile in surprise.

The street lamp outside the window quickly retreated, and in Ji Xiao's eyes, one shooting star after another flickered.

Even if I think of her again many years later, I still think that night is the most beautiful.

Thousands of stars dotted the dark night, and the brightly lit streets became blurred.

Ji Xiao raised his head and looked at him. His long black hair was lifted by the wind coming in from the car window, and brushed his shoulders, leaving a light peach brandy aroma.

She is being trusted by her unconditionally.

Wei Qingyu shook his backpack strap slightly and said, "Ji Xiao, I will tell you everything about me after your birthday."

Also including I like you.

Ji Xiao nodded, "Well, I'm waiting for you."

The intertwined leaves made a rustling sound, and the emotions that were ready to come out accompanied the quiet moonlight darkly floating.

The two people sitting side by side thought that they would be the one who spoke first on the birthday party.

Time soon came to Ji Xiao's birthday.

The last day of July.

The sun setting in the west is still hanging lazily on the horizon, and a strand of gold connects with the city in the distance.

The backyard of Ji Xiao's house did not have the leisurely approaching evening, on the contrary, it was full of liveliness and busyness.

Although it was only a small gathering, after lunch, Ji Qingyun brought a professional team to Zhang Luoqi for Ji Xiao's seventeenth birthday party.

The not-so-large backyard is full of beautiful transparent hydrogen balloons, and the twinkling lights have already seen a dreamy and delicate prototype under the dim sunset.

The setting sun casts its last bright light into this small villa, into Ji Xiaoan's quiet room.

The piled up tables were deliberately cleared out of an empty space, and a pink box was placed in the center of the empty space.

The blue ribbon exudes a soft glow under the light, and the dark pink dark pattern on the box floats, full of exquisite writing.

It was the handmade box that Ji Xiao and Qi Qi learned the day before yesterday when they watched the movie "Budapest Hotel" in the ward.

God knows how long it took these two Alphas, who are not good at handcrafts, to follow the tutorial to make such a beautiful box.

Each of the stars that were well preserved in the glass jar was filled with love words she wanted to say to Wei Qingyu.

It was a little naive, but poured all the sincerity of the person who made it.

Even in the situation in the original world for more than 20 years, Ji Xiao has never been so concerned about a person.

"Da da."

A few crisp sounds of shoes hitting the floor sounded, and the owner of the box walked out of the cloakroom in his room.

For today's confession, Ji Xiao listened to Qi Qi's opinion and wore a black suspender dress for the first time.

The skirt that had just reached the calf had two long forks in the middle of the two legs, and a pair of long legs were looming in it.

The small silver rings lined up neatly on both sides of the skirt until the tightened waistline made Ji Xiao extraordinarily vigorous.

After Ji Xiao gave himself a shallow bottom, he took out the lip glaze that day from Qi Qi from the drawer.

The clay is evenly smeared with a deep red color on the lips, and it will faint a seductive beauty that is not close to anyone.

A scorching breath was gently exhaled from the two lips of the girl, leaving a white mist in front of the bright window.

Ji Xiao stood in front of the window of the room and looked down at the backyard. The lip glaze that she turned in her hand was full of the owner's tension and expectations.

On the last day of July when the world story is about to be rewritten, Ji Xiao wants to confess to Wei Qingyu.

She had prepared everything, thinking that when the dinner party was over, Ji Qingyun would give this box to Wei Qingyu and tell her that she liked her.

I like the one I like very much.


At this moment, Ji Xiao's phone on the table rang.

The words "Qiao Ni" jumped on the screen, as if writing her excitement and blessings for Ji Xiao's birthday.

"Hey, Jo Ni, what's the matter?"

Ji Xiao answered the phone with a relaxed voice, but the lip glaze he was holding in his hand fell off the next second.

The long red glass tube rolled to the ground, and the harsh sound filled her eardrums.

On the other side of the phone, Qiao Ni's voice was trembling and crying, and every syllable was writing the grief she tried hard to endure.

"Ji Xiao... can you come to the hospital soon... Qi Qi... she has entered the rescue room."