The sun barely hangs on the horizon, and the golden light hanging on the top of the mountain feels like the sun is over.

There were messy footsteps in the silent hospital corridor, and Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu hurriedly came to the door of the rescue room.

Ji Xiao didn't even have time to change her high heels, and the soles of her feet hurt with the extremely thin high heels.

But she still couldn't even take a break, looking at Qiao Ni, whose eyes were red, and asked: "Qi Qi, how is it."

"The doctor said that the condition is not very good."

Qiao Ni said this sentence with difficulty, and every syllable seemed to be a piece of meat in her heart.

"How could this happen? Didn't it mean that the operation was successful? Didn't it mean that the recovery was very good?" Ji Xiao couldn't believe her ears. These days, she would go to Qiqi Zhexingxing every day and never saw her. Anything wrong.

"I don't know, I don't know what's going on." Qiao Ni shook his head, his voice became more and more choked, "She is like this all of a sudden, I don't know..."

Upon seeing this, Wei Qingyu hurriedly stepped forward to support Qiao Ni, patted her back lightly with his palm, and calmly said, "It's okay, maybe it's just a small accident, and it will be out soon."

Qiao Ni looked at Wei Qingyu with teary eyes, and nodded with his head tied in a big bow.

"Sit down, too." Wei Qingyu lightly nodded Ji Xiao's arm and motioned for her to sit down.

Ji Xiaoqiang sat down calmly, but the seat underneath in the burning summer made people feel cold.

She hoped that she really did what Wei Qingyu said, except that there was a small accident that would not hurt her life.

But the restless heart in her heart cavity told her that things were not that simple.

As time passed, the silent corridor seemed to be stagnant.

Qi Qi's mother held Qiao Ni's mother tightly and said nothing.

Qiao Ni leaned on Wei Qingyu's shoulder, and the delicate bow tied behind his head drooped its wings.

No one spoke, and all the comforting sentences seemed to have no effect at this moment.

All the reasons that can make people feel at ease are rolling around in everyone's hearts, but they can't feel at ease.

Finally the dazzling red light above the rescue room turned green, and the sound of the opening and closing of the electric doors of the operating room sounded in the corridor.

An Cen walked out of the open operating room door with everyone's raised eyes, like an angel bringing hope.

Or Hades who brought death.

An Cen took off the mask in front of everyone, revealing his low expression face.

She shook her head and said, "Sorry everyone, it's not very good."

As if to say something very difficult, An Cen said in a heavy voice: "We have adopted the most aggressive plan, but we still failed to prevent a certain part of Qi Qi’s glands from becoming lesions, and the resection of the lesion failed. …"

"There is not much time left for Qi Qi."

An Cen's voice fell, as if Qi Qi's death sentence was announced on the spot.

Qi Qi's mother instantly slumped back on the chair behind her, and the tears that Qiao Ni had been holding back in her eyes could no longer control her eyes.

Ji Xiao couldn't believe her ears, and walked up to An Cen, and said: "Doctor An, what do you mean by this? What is not much...what is the failure of the resection of the lesion...not that the operation was successful. Is it? How could this be, how...impossible."

Wei Qingyu hurriedly stopped Ji Xiao, "Ji Xiao, calm down first, and you continue to listen to Aunt An."

The girl's voice was extremely calm, and Ji Xiao was immediately pulled out of her excitement.

Ji Xiao also realized that his behavior was too extreme, and bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry, Doctor Ann."

An Cen shook his head and said, "I know that everyone is reluctant to face this fact, but we still have to be strong. My team and I are trying to maintain Qi Qi's life as much as possible. She still hopes Goodbye, I have something to say to you."

Speaking of An Cen, she looked at the nearest Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu, "Ji Xiao, Qingyu, Qi Qi wants to see you two first."

The locker room leading to the operating room is quieter than the corridor, and the green environment that should have been relaxing is extremely heavy.

Ji Xiao listened to the sound of various instruments running around, and put on the white protective clothing that smelled of mild disinfectant.

Walking through a corridor, Qi Qi lay in that closed room.

She has been transferred from the operating table to the hospital bed, her skinny body filled with various tubes.

She leaned on the bed that was shaken up, her pale lips made a smile at Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu.

As in the past, but withered a lot.

Qi Qi: "You are here."

"How could it happen, how could it be so sudden."

Ji Xiaoqiang resisted the tears in his eyes and tried to calm his voice.

But every syllable was still full of tremors.

"I'm sorry, I lied to you." Qi Qi's voice was weak, and she barely managed to silence the sound of the surrounding instruments, "Do you remember the day when you came with the box, Dr. An said 0.01?"

Ji Xiao nodded.

"That was the closest I was to recovery. Since then, it has been bad." Qi Qi said, smiling reluctantly.

Ji Xiao was stunned when he heard Qi Qi's words.

A heart seemed to be slapped severely, and the pain made her brain stupefied.

These days, she is chatting and laughing with Qi Qi, is it an illusion that she insists on it?

Is she also holding on like this when facing the aunts and Qiao Ni?

Looking at Ji Xiao like this, Qi Qi raised her hand with the blood oxygen finger clip on it with difficulty: "Did you wear lipstick?"

"Take it." Ji Xiao nodded, and quickly took out the lipstick that Qi Qi gave her from the side pocket of her skirt, and asked puzzledly, "What do you want this for?"

Qi Qi raised her hand and took the tube of lip glaze reluctantly, with a slight disgust in her weak tone: "Although I don't like this color very much, I only have it now."

The light in the center of the room was dazzling, and Ji Xiaodai stood there watching Qi Qi take out the lip glaze with the help of Wei Qingyu.

The pale lip color was painted with a bright red clay, which instantly transformed her powerless appearance.

It's just that Qi Qi didn't stop.

Under Ji Xiao's gaze, she stretched out her finger and dipped the lipstick on her lip brush, and touched her cheek skillfully and weakly.

The **** Jiao Hao that Ji Xiao had seen countless times reappeared on Qi Qi's bloodless face again, as if he had performed some magical magic.

In an instant, all the details that Ji Xiao hadn't paid attention to when he was with Qi Qi these days all flooded into her mind.

Before going to the water park, Qi Qi "pretended" to be lethargic, and when time was urgent, she applied lipstick again without any hassle.

And the weird conversation between the two of them after being caught by An Cen that night...

"Did you know that you are in a bad condition from a long time ago?" Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi and asked softly.

She has never said a word so heavy.

It was so heavy that it seemed to be studded with huge boulders, and every word rolled stiffly across the narrow throat, with trembling blood.

Just as she was preparing for Wei Qingyu's confession gift with expectation, the plot had already quietly descended by her side.

It started at the moment the horn sounded in July and continued until the last day.

Ji Xiao watched Qi Qi nod her head in front of him, heartbroken.

She thought she had changed the plot, but the plot was crushed by reality.

"Sorry, I ruined your birthday today." Qi Qi shook Ji Xiao's hand laboriously, "I might...may not see you and Qingyu together..."

When Ji Xiao listened to Qi Qi's words, tears began to roll in his eyes.

The despair of hindsight wrapped her tightly, suffocating her.

She finally understood why Qi Qi almost fought with An Cen to come to her birthday party that day.

I also understand why she took the risk of letting herself escape from the hospital and help Qiao Ni celebrate her birthday when she was recuperating in the hospital.

Qi Qi had foreseen that her life was about to come to an end, so she was trying her best to help her realize her dream.

As Qi Qi said, she shook Wei Qingyu's hand again, and said: "Qingyu, I know that the things that our sister Xiao did in the past are not human affairs...but, but I can feel that she has changed for the better. She is not the one she used to be. You must treat her well. Don’t think she is an S-level Alpha. In fact, she is very stupid... She only knows that I will buy you a box of inhibitors, but I don’t know how to say "I like you"..."

Qi Qi's voice sounded extremely weak, but she was still thinking about her friends.

Even if he was as calm as Wei Qingyu, he couldn't help but flush under his eyes when he heard these words.

Qi Qi let out a sigh of relief and turned her head slightly to look at Ji Xiao: "Sister Xiao, I can only help you get here. You must speak to Wei Qingyu in the future, I can't be with Qiao Ni anymore. But you two have to be good. Otherwise, believe it or not...I will not let you be a ghost in the future. At the Zhongyuan Festival, I will be the first to rush out of the underground palace and stand by your bed."

"Sister Qi...what are you talking about?" Ji Xiao couldn't help tears after hearing Qi Qi's words, and burst into tears, "I don't believe it, you will get better, it's only temporary, you won't just leave like this. of…"

Ji Xiao held Qi Qi's cold hand tightly, and never thought that life and death would one day be so close to her.

The various instruments around were operating didily, and each of them seemed to be high-tech that she couldn't understand, but there was still no way to pull her best friend back from the death line.

Is it really bad?

Is it really not possible?

Ji Xiao looked at the clock hung on the wall, and the shortest black pointer moved closer to the number twelve.

She seemed to have thought of something, wiped the tears in her own eyes, and choked up and muttered: "Qi Qi, really, listen to me, you can hold on for a while... as long as you last through tonight, August, August The month is here, there will be a turn for the better! Really, really..."

"Sister Xiao..." Qi Qi looked at Ji Xiao and shook her head feebly.

But Ji Xiao refused to give up. Holding the last glimmer of hope, she kept repeating "really" and "you believe me" to Qi Qi, and walked toward the operating room in a stride.

A few stars hung lonely in the night sky, and the long wind blew across the river under the bridge, bringing a lot of coolness on the girl's face.

Ji Xiao walked aimlessly on the road the five of them passed by countless times, and the words that had just been communicated with An Cen kept repeating in her ears.

"Let's give it a try, but Ji Xiao, don't hope too much about it."

"Yes, this month, Qi Qi has been telling us to hide it from you, including her mother. She has concealed it very hard. In fact, Qi Qi does not want to make you sad at all, and has been actively treating."

"But including surgical removal and drug assistance, we have tried all of them to treat the symptoms but not the root cause. This is a mutant gland disease that we have never encountered before. It is very cunning. Whenever we think we are going to succeed, we will Repeat again."

"Moreover, even if we continue her life today, the days to come will be a painful torture for Qi Qi. She can only be on the bed, debride her wounds regularly, take medications on time, and everything else. Can't do it, this is a torture for the arrogant Alpha."

The clock tower in the distance under the night was shining brightly, and the hour and minute hands and the second hands were about to rejoin on the Roman numeral "XII".

Ji Xiao stood on the bridge and looked at the brightly lit world in the distance, with tangled greed and despair in his gold-orange eyes.

The wind blew the hair on the side of Ji Xiao's face, and she knew the name of the mutated gland disease that even An Cen could not handle.


Across the river in the distance came the disgusting roar of the exhaust pipe of a sports car, and the bell that symbolized the beginning of a new day was also ringing at this moment.

Ji Xiao looked at the men and women sitting in the sports car, looking for pleasure, the mobile phone in his pocket buzzed and vibrated at this moment.

Almost at the same time, a mouthful of blood coughed out of her mouth with a heart-breaking anger.

Bright red and glaring, full of desolation.