The morning sunlight slanted into the car from the window, sprinkling its freshness and purity on Wei Qingyu's cold side face.

Like the most beautiful flower blooming in the flower bush, a piebald snake spitting a letter was hovering over it.

You can't tell whether the snake is lined with flowers that are extraordinarily pure, or the flower lined with snakes is particularly dangerous, but you are fascinated by her charm.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao, his calm eyes like a pond that nourishes this flower.

She had already decided to do this.

From when Chen Linji left at Qi Qi's funeral, or when Ji Xiao refused himself at the door of the room.

She is just the person in the book, and she doesn't understand why Qi Qi still entrusted herself to Ji Xiao when she died, and Ji Xiao rejected herself backhandedly.

She always felt that something must have happened that made Ji Xiao be so abnormal to herself.

Now that you have noticed it, go to figure it out.

Since you can't give up, go after it.

"So you decide whether to walk to school or take a car to school."

Wei Qingyu said, letting go of Ji Xiao's hand and handing over the initiative to her.

But Ji Xiao's hand holding the door opening button hung in the air, and the cicada screaming outside the window seemed to be her tangled and scorched heart.

After a long while, she finally retracted her hand that had not fallen for a long time, and ordered the driver: "Let's drive."

The scenery outside the window receded slowly, forming a green sea in Ji Xiao's line of sight, and Wei Qingyu's profile suddenly appeared and appeared in it.

She never thought that she and Wei Qingyu would be in the same situation as they are today, let alone whether she should be happy or anxious.

Death was too heavy, so she didn't dare to test the laws of this world, nor did she dare to change the plot without others knowing.

Especially that person is still she likes people.

Ji Xiao looked at the scene outside the window without focusing, and said again: "Wei Qingyu, I still said that. You shouldn't like me."

Wei Qingyu blinked his eyes lightly and tilted his head to look at Ji Xiao: "But you still haven't answered my question."

Ji Xiao pressed her lips when she heard the words, and did not speak any more.

She knew what the question Wei Qingyu was talking about, and the answer to that question had now been locked in the cabinet.

Shelved it and will never be sent out again.

The car returned to quietness again, Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiaobie's gaze in the past, his gaze was too calm.

Although she was extremely indifferent to herself.

But still reluctant to speak harshly to himself.

This is enough.

The placement test at the beginning of the school ended quickly in the continuous cicadas. Sitting in the first seat of the third examination room, Ji Xiao unexpectedly performed abnormally. After she pushed the reason for her abnormal performance to the cicada who didn't know whether she was still alive, she entered the parallel class by one position, and was assigned to the same class with Fang Yiming.

There was a quiet campus under the clear blue sky. Even the pigeons in the sky were still lazily in the first class in the afternoon, waving their wings and landing on the upper floors of the residents not far away.

"Hey, OK, you pass me yours."

"Sure, then you can pick up Sister Xiao."

The conversation broke the silence in the northwest corner of the campus. A girl in a sports school uniform and skirt sat neatly on the wall, stretched out her arms and barely took the milk tea from the people on the other side of the wall.

The parallel class is much more relaxed than the experimental class. After being honest for a day in the new class, Ji Xiao, under the influence of Fang Yiming, slipped over the wall to buy milk tea with her.

"Hey, these two people are really struggling." Fang Yiming complained and climbed up the wall neatly, and sat on the wall with Ji Xiao.

"Yes..." Ji Xiao sighed as he said, and couldn't help but feel depressed again.

She looked at the familiar street covered by the shade of trees, always feeling that Qi Qi would also run over in the next second, calling out to help her up.

Now my scarred hand has completely recovered, but he can no longer hold Qi Qi's arm to help her turn it over.

"Do you remember that Qi Qi is the one of the three of us who knows how to climb the wall?" Ji Xiao smiled bitterly. "The last time I crossed the wall with Qi Qi, she fell off the table. "

"Actually, I should have noticed it at the time. You said that sister Qi has been hospitalized in the winter and summer vacations, shouldn't we have been aware of it long ago..."

Fang Yiming knew that Ji Xiao had begun to fall into self-denial again, and shook his head hurriedly, "Well, it's sister Qi that she covered up too well. I think sister Qi must want us not to treat her differently. That's it. Sister Xiao, don't think too much about it."

With that said, in order to divert Ji Xiao’s attention, she opened a new topic: "Hey, yes, I heard gossip about an experimental class when I bought milk tea just now. Do you know, I heard that our grade transfers? I got an S-level Alpha, and didn’t take the opening test like us, so I went straight into the experimental class. It’s really weird. He was already in the third year of high school. How could he think of transferring?"

"Who knows."

Ji Xiao didn't listen to Fang Yiming's words carefully, but thought it was another privilege to open the back door, and didn't feel any fuss. After pressing a sentence, he was ready to jump off the wall and turn back to school with his arms folded.

"I also heard, what is his name... Ji Nanfeng."

When Fang Yiming's words came out, Ji Xiao who had just jumped off was instantly distracted.

He only heard a sound of "boom", Ji Xiao stepped on the table where Qi Qi stumbled last time, and fell straight to the ground.

The sun fell on Ji Xiao's drooping eyes, and a slow and bitter smile flashed from inside.

So it was him...

Look, it's ridiculous.

In order to prevent this incident, I also folded an arm, and now that scar can be seen carefully.

But he came anyway.

"Oh, my sister Xiao, are you okay." Fang Yiming rushed down the wall when he saw this and ran to help Ji Xiao, preaching in fright, "You won't be sick, too?"

"No." Ji Xiao shook his head and stood up with Fang Yiming's help.

However, the moment she stood up, there was an instant tingling from the unprotected ankle, and she frowned in pain.

"Is it twisted?" Fang Yiming helped Ji Xiao and tweeted at the table, "This broken table is really bad, and I must smash it someday."

Ji Xiao waved his hand as he listened, and motioned: "Okay, don't scold me. Let me go to the convenience store over there to buy a bottle of swelling and pain relief spray."

"Hey, walk around." Fang Yiming nodded repeatedly, helping Ji Xiao limping towards the convenience store.

After walking for a while, Ji Xiao seemed to remember something, and turned to Fang Yiming next to him and preached: "Also, Yiming, they are not called Ji Nanfeng, their surname is Jin, don’t hesitate that he has the same surname as me. Same clan."

Fang Yiming looked at Ji Xiao's particularly indifferent face, puzzled: "Sister Xiao, are you familiar with that South Wind? Why are you so hostile to others when you come up?"

"I don't dare to say that I am familiar, but I know it." Ji Xiao looked at the various students on the playground in the distance, with a cold voice, "I don't dare to climb high for a person like him."

The sound fell, and the bell for the end of get out of class rang punctually, startling a sparrow.

Students filed out in the teaching building not far away, and the noise in Ji Xiao's voice instantly dissipated the coldness in Ji Xiao's voice.

Ji Xiao limped like this and was helped by Fang Yiming to the Universal Convenience Store, and saw two girls come out talking and laughing.

"Who are you buying this for?" the short-haired girl asked curiously.

"Of course it's the Jinnan wind." The long-haired girl smiled while holding the anti-swelling and pain-relieving ointment on her cheek. "Don't you know, he had a bad foot in basketball in physical education class and was just in time for him to send it."

The little girl with short hair narrowed her mouth when she heard the words, "Have you not heard? He was just trying to save Wei Qingyu, who was almost hit by a basketball. You have nothing to play with."

The long-haired girl raised her head and retorted: "But he has just turned around, how could he be able to get along with Wei Qingyu so soon."

"Of course it is possible." The short-haired girl said, knocking on the head of the person next to her. "They have an S-level Alpha and an S-level Oga, and the pheromone match must be high..."

What else did the little girl with short hair want to say, when she looked up, she saw Ji Xiao's somber eyes.

She felt her heart pressured and out of breath, and pulled the long-haired girl next to her: "Hey, let's go."

"Oh oh oh..." The long-haired girl also felt a little horrible, nodded quickly, and hurriedly followed the short-haired girl.

Fang Yiming looked at these two people who had fled from the back, and was a little angry, "Sister Xiao, listen to what they are talking about! How can Wei Qingyu be with that Nanfeng! "

Ji Xiao chuckled slightly, and commented: "You see what a midnight romance drama."

At that time, scenes and scenes made up by the brain while reading the novel popped up in Ji Xiao's mind.

It's just that the joy at that time has all become the equivalent pain now, so that she can't even feel the dull pain from the ankle.

After all, Ji Xiao walked into the convenience store without doing anything, and came to the side of the over-the-counter drug shelf.

A bottle of anti-swelling spray that had been tanned by the sun stood alone behind the "Yunnan Baiyao Anti-swelling and Pain-Reducing Spray" brand.

Ji Xiao picked up the bottle and asked the boss at the cashier counter: "Boss, is this just this bottle?"

The convenience store owner glanced at the things in Ji Xiao's hand and nodded: "Yes, it's just this bottle. If you are late, you won't even have one bottle."

As he said, the boss showed the joy of making money, and sighed: "Hey, it's really evil. Several young girls have come to buy this medicine this afternoon, and this thing is almost out of stock. It seems that it will be back tomorrow. More stocks."

Ji Xiao looked at the small spray bottle in his hand, of course he knew why.

She raised her head and reminded her boss faintly: "Boss, you still don't want to buy too much, this stuff is in demand today..."

While she was talking, a young girl walked into the door full of afternoon sun.

The wind gently blew the hem of her skirt, and a pair of straight legs crossed the threshold neatly.

The convenience store is dim, and the backward light makes it difficult to see the girl's facial features, only dimly depicting her slender and cold body.

Ji Xiao can recognize her at a glance, even if she is across the shelves.

Wei Qingyu.

"Boss, do you have a swelling and pain relief spray?" Wei Qingyu didn't notice Ji Xiao who was standing in the store. He stood in front of the cashier and asked in a soft voice, her voice still bringing her to walk quickly to gasp.

The boss raised his eyebrows interestingly, and pointed his finger at the over-the-counter drug shelf: "Hey, there is only one bottle in the hands of the little student."

Wei Qingyu heard the boss' gesture and looked at the shelf on one side, and his calm and calm eyes suddenly trembled unsteadily.

In the dim light, a bunch of beautiful long hair was tied high above the girl's head, pouring down like a waterfall with a black luster.

Ji Xiao was holding the swelling and pain relief spray in his hand, and looked at herself indifferently.

The boss looked at the two of them and suggested, "Why don't you discuss it?"

Ji Xiao rolled the medicine in her hand, and she guessed that Wei Qingyu must have bought the medicine for the Jinnan wind.

In that case, she should take advantage of the situation to break Wei Qingyu back.

So Ji Xiao pretended to be innocent in front of Wei Qingyu's face, supporting Fang Yiming's hand and walking towards the cashier steadily.

Wei Qingyu saw Ji Xiao stretch out his hand to her side, and the white vial that was in her hand was placed in front of him.

Then the girl's indifferent voice rang from her ears, dull and cold, like a machine with no emotions: "Send it to the south Jinfeng."

After that, Ji Xiao didn't wait for Wei Qingyu to speak, so he ordered the ice cream in the freezer beside him: "Boss, bring me a popsicle."