After paying the money to the boss, Ji Xiao checked out with a snow brick and left.

Fang Yiming, who was standing by, looked at Wei Qingyu who was standing by, and at Ji Xiao, who had just walked out, fell into a daze.

"Hey, Sister Xiao, why did you leave? What did you mean by that sentence?" Fang Yiming said and ran back to Ji Xiao again.

"What's the meaning, it's literal." Ji Xiao preached lightly with milk tea and snow bricks.

Fang Yiming was puzzled: "Isn't it? You asked Wei Qingyu to deliver medicine to that Jinnan wind? Hey, what's the matter with you, that's Wei Qingyu!"

"What about Wei Qingyu?" Ji Xiao asked indifferently, showing as much as possible that she didn't care about her.

Fang Yiming looked at Ji Xiao as if he had figured out something, and said: "Sister Xiao, are you jealous of that Ji Nanfeng?!"

Ji Xiao looked at Fang Yiming, who was still out of condition, and corrected: "My family's surname is Jin."

Then she limped faster and ended the topic unilaterally neatly.

The afternoon sun made the shadows of the two young girls on the small square extremely long, and one of them was slightly staggering from the back.

Wei Qingyu took the vial that was on the cash register and walked out of the convenience store, chasing the shadow extremely violently.

If she hadn't noticed that Ji Xiao had slipped and fell off the wall, she wouldn't have been almost hit by the ball, and she wouldn't have anything to do with that Jin Nanfeng.

The noise of the students after class filled the small square, and Wei Qingyu's long legs also took tight steps, and soon walked around in front of Ji Xiao.

She didn't wait for herself to stabilize, and shouted with an aura: "Ji Xiao."

Ji Xiao didn't expect Wei Qingyu to catch up. He just limped a little and reluctantly made an appearance. As he walked forward, he asked: "What are you doing?"

Wei Qingyu watched, his pace took a few steps faster.

Before Ji Xiao could react, she directly pressed her against the wall on one side.

Wei Qingyu: "Did you twist your ankle?"

Behind Wei Qingyu is the sun, and the light falling on her is simply too dazzling.

Ji Xiao turned his head away with blinking eyes, and said coldly: "Yes."

"Then why give me the swelling and pain relief spray?" Wei Qingyu asked rhetorically.

"There is no why." Ji Xiao replied.

Fang Yiming looked at the atmosphere between these two people a little too anxious, and couldn't help but relax to the side: "Quietly, sister Xiao is actually kind, she is not looking at you and Jin Nanfeng..."

Just before Fang Yiming finished speaking, a sharp gaze slashed from the side of her face.

Wei Qingyu's expression became more gloomy when he heard the "Southern Jinfeng" in Fang Yiming's mouth.

Fang Yiming couldn't help but get a chill. When he reached his mouth, he was swallowed instantly, and turned to: "Ah, what, I remembered, I have to hand in math homework in the next class, and I will finish copying it. Let's talk, I will withdraw first."

Ji Xiao looked at Fang Yiming's back indifferently, who was scared away by Wei Qingyu, and suddenly felt that the fabric on his ankle was picked up.

Wei Qingyu squatted under her while Ji Xiao was stunned, and opened the bottle in his hand blankly.

The girl's slightly cool hands were on her slightly swollen ankles, and the cold spray floated into Ji Xiao's nose with the smell of Chinese medicine, and there was also a subtle mint smell along the way.

Although Ji Xiao knew that this was not Wei Qingyu's pheromone, she still raised a little heart palpitations, making her frown.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu, who was squatting under him, and wanted to pull out his feet: "What are you doing?"

Ji Xiao's voice sounded a little irritable, but Wei Qingyu was still unmoved.

She is neither light nor heavy, but Ji Xiao, who is still stuck, cannot dodge the Alpha.

Wei Qingyu gave Ji Xiao the medicine blankly, and asked calmly, "I want to know what you are doing."

"You have to give it to yourself, and let me give it to you."

Wei Qingyu raised her head and looked up at Ji Xiao.

The turquoise eyes were a bit obviously stunned, which made Ji Xiao's heart palpitations.

Her hand behind the wall tightened slightly, and she tried to preach calmly: "Don't you want to give it to him? Give you a favor."

Wei Qingyu frowned: "Who said I'm going to give it to him."

Hearing Wei Qingyu's words, Ji Xiao didn't know how to let go of his frustrated heart.

It's just that she didn't want Wei Qingyu to miss this opportunity to advance the relationship line, enduring the resistance in her heart, and calmly prompting: "Aren't you responsible for saving you?"

"I also saved you in the past, and I didn't see you being responsible for me." Wei Qingyu retorted calmly, letting go of Ji Xiao's well-medicated ankle, and stood up in front of her.

The two men returned to almost the same height again, and there was still silence around them.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu dumbly, and she felt the comfort of the warm fingertips remaining on her painful ankle.

With a bit of warmth, Xia Feng blew from the sides of the two, rippling with the ambiguity that the two should have existed.

What should she say to Wei Qingyu?

Is it someone who doesn't know what is good or bad, or that he doesn't care about it at all.

It's so hurtful, she can't say it.

The noise around is constant, but here is abnormally quiet.

After a long while, Wei Qingyu took the lead in breaking the silence that seemed to have pressed the pause button, and added: "Thank you, I have told him, and watched him being helped by a few people in the class to the school hospital, no What do you owe him."

Ji Xiao came back to his senses silently, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

She gave a faint "Oh", as if she didn't care at all, she raised her foot and walked towards the teaching building.

But Ji Xiao didn't take a few steps, and that cool hand touched her arm again.

Wei Qingyu stepped forward silently, still expressionless, still actively holding Ji Xiao on the armrest.

Ji Xiao frowned: "Wei Qingyu, what are you doing?"

Wei Qingyu raised his eyes and glanced at Ji Xiao, before faintly preaching: "If you don't want to get worse, and you will be supported by me every day from now on, please bear with me for the time being."

The tone of this voice is exactly the same as it was on the first day of school, cold and paranoid, entwined with love.

It is the other side that Ji Xiao has never seen when reading the original text.

Wei Qingyu's warning of blocking all roads made Ji Xiao no choice at all. Ji Xiao could only compromise to let Wei Qingyu support herself and return to the teaching building with her.

One second before the preparation bell rang, Wei Qingyu helped Ji Xiao to the door of their class, "I will go to you when I go home at night and give you medicine."

Ji Xiao leaned on the back door frame and indifferently refused: "No."

The preparation bell has rang, and Wei Qingyu does not entangle with Ji Xiao. While pulling his hand out of Ji Xiao's wrist, he took the milk tea in Ji Xiao's hand and said, "This is a thank you gift."

Before Ji Xiao could react, Wei Qingyu took the medicine and left with the milk tea.

Ji Xiao just stood at the door looking at Wei Qingyu's leaving back, with a contradictory expression.

While she was gratified that Wei Qingyu did not have any overwhelming feelings for the south Jinfeng, she was also worried about it.

She really didn't want to give Wei Qingyu to others, but it was of no use, the person in the book could not escape her established fate.

But no matter what, she has had such contact with Jinnanfeng today, even if she doesn't mean it for the time being, it seems that Jinnanfeng should have it.

Ji Xiao thought so and sighed long.

At this time, Fang Yiming, who had just witnessed everything in his seat, walked out graciously while drinking her milk tea: "Sister Xiao, is this a new popular flirting method recently? Why can't I understand it? ?"

Ji Xiao glanced at Fang Yiming, reached out and took the milk tea in her hand, "Fuck off."

The night was silently shrouded in the sky, and a few anxious sounds of pen nibs across the paper came from the quiet room.

Ji Xiao was writing homework with a pen in his left hand, and looked a little upset.

Wei Qingyu didn't go home with her this afternoon. Ji Xiao thought she had figured it out and was about to give up, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Only when she returned home, she was about to find some medicine for bruises, but found that the medicine for bruises at home was gone.

Wei Qingyu didn't give up on his own brains at all.

She was sure that she didn't want to listen to Aunt Wu's nagging, she would definitely find the medicine by herself and solve it by herself. She simply missed the last self-study class, came back early and put away all the medicine at home, leaving herself no choice.


Just when Ji Xiao didn't know how to describe his feelings after knowing this, Wei Qingyu's knock on the door came as scheduled.

The door in front of him opened, and the two stood at the door and looked at each other. Ji Xiao did not ask Wei Qingyu to enter the door.

Wei Qingyu held the small medicine box in his hand, and asked nonchalantly, "Should I get the medicine here? Aunt Wu will come anytime."

Hearing this, Ji Xiao had no choice but to compromise, and stepped forward to let Wei Qingyu walk in.

Wei Qingyu was also very kind, walked straight to Ji Xiao's bedside stool, put the small medicine box on it, took out the ointments he had prepared one by one, and motioned to Ji Xiao who was still standing at the door: "Sit down. "

Ji Xiao sighed lightly, closed the door obediently and sat on the stool at the end of the bed.

She looked at these ointments that she had never seen before, picked up a bottle of potion that looked like safflower oil, and said, "I just do it myself."

Wei Qingyu didn't listen, she took back the bottle of "safflower oil" from Ji Xiao's hand, and knelt down to Ji Xiao's side.

Then, unexpectedly, Ji Xiao put her feet on her knees.

The girl's fingers passed over her unprepared sensitive ankle, and there was a tingling moment on Ji Xiao's body.

Electricity passed through Ji Xiao’s brain. She watched Wei Qingyu, who never bowed her head, squatted in front of her, feeling incomprehensible in her heart. Just a little ointment."

Wei Qingyu was as unmoved as he was at school in the afternoon, and while squeezing the ointment onto Ji Xiao's ankle, he calmly preached: "Help you invigorate blood and remove blood stasis, so that it will be better and faster."

The girl's fingers gently spread the ointment applied to Ji Xiao's ankle, and the light fell on her focused side face impartially.

The fan-like eyelashes broke open a pool of clear water, and the delicate nose was decorated with a crystal clear lips, exhaling like blue.

I don't know if the autumn heat has not dissipated, Wei Qingyu's clothes today are cooler than before.

The light cloth hung on her shoulders, through the light to depict her slender body line, snow-white and delicate looming under the slightly open neckline, written with the temptation to fascinate imagination.

Ji Xiao peeped at Wei Qingyu, and uncontrollably remembered the sentence he heard at the door of the convenience store this afternoon: "They have an S-grade Alpha and an S-grade Oga. The pheromone match must be high... "

Thinking that Wei Qingyu would be marked by that man in the future, jealousy climbed to Ji Xiao's heart without being noticed, and controlled her to ask abruptly, "What about Jinnanfeng? Will you do this for him tomorrow?" "

When the words fell, Wei Qingyu paused for Ji Xiao's massage hands.

This is not the first time that she has heard the three words "Southern Jinfeng" from Ji Xiao.

It was not the first day I heard Ji Xiao say the name "Southern Jinfeng".

The last time she talked to him at the dinner party all night.

This time he sprained his foot.

Wei Qingyu remembered that Ji Xiao had said that she did not reject liking an Alpha. The sense of crisis made her ask very frankly and sharply: "Why do you always talk about Jin Nanfeng today? Do you like him?"

Ji Xiao frowned, "What are you talking about?"

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's words, he seemed to touch the switch of a secret box in her heart.

She looked at the girl in front of her, laughed funny, and asked, "Is it nonsense, or your recent behavior is too confusing."

Before the voice fell, Ji Xiao felt the hand on his ankle move upward a little bit.

Wei Qingyu suddenly got up in the rear sight, and the light above her head dazzled Ji Xiao's eyes, making her sense of touch forced to magnify.

So in the world surrounded by light, Ji Xiao felt her left calf being held tightly by one hand, followed by her right wrist supporting her body.

The mint that hasn't been seen for a long time is faint but very tempting, making the peach brandy instantly lose its armor.

When Ji Xiao opened his eyes again, he saw Wei Qingyu's magnified exquisite face domineeringly occupying most of her sight.

Wei Qingyu leaned forward with great ease and leaned in front of Ji Xiao, and asked softly: "Ji Xiao, I really want to know what happened after you got out of the hospital that day."

"You said I shouldn't like you, do you think you shouldn't like me?"