Wei Qingyu didn't dare to ask Ji Xiao this question recklessly.

She originally thought that Ji Xiao's such a big change in her attitude was because Chen Linji had an appointment with her that night when she hadn't noticed, just like the last time she was in front of the vending machine in the hospital. But these days, she secretly observed the side strikes, and did not find any traces of Chen Linji and Ji Xiao meeting.

She thought she was holding the correct answer, but it was still a dead end when she opened the door.

The moss-covered deep corridor blew out her hope and sent her a heavy despair.

Wei Qingyu really couldn't understand why Ji Xiao's attitude towards him suddenly changed like this.

She said every word that she shouldn't, but kept silent about the word "dislike".

Wei Qingyu felt that there was definitely something else hidden in it. There must be something that checks and balances Ji Xiao, making her unable to accept the fact that she likes her, nor can she face the fact that she likes herself.

"Does it make sense for you to ask this question?" After a long silence, Ji Xiao asked back.

Perhaps because of Ji Xiao’s indifference, Wei Qingyu continued to preach straightforwardly: “I don’t believe that what Qi Qi said when he died that day was only good and good.”

The voice is calm and tough, and the turquoise eyes are the oppressiveness of S-class Oga.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but think of the cold wind blowing on the bridge when Qi Qi passed away, as well as the blood that she squirted out as punishment.

The special theory of relativity says that when the speed reaches the speed of light, it will stand still.

But that also stopped at a standstill, and no one could reverse the ending that fate had already written on the notebook.

The tiny life wanted to challenge the established rules of the world, and the world easily grasped her weakness.

Thinking that Ji Xiao might really be a gambler with bad luck, after losing Qi Qi, he didn't dare to take Wei Qingyu as a bet.

The window lattice framed the silent night, and the still cloud stayed quietly in the upper left corner of the window, watching the heart-wrenching scene about to be performed in the room.

Ji Xiao was slightly squeezed by Wei Qingyu's five fingers under his hand, pulling up a wrinkle in the bed sheet.

She looked at Wei Qingyu with a bitter voice: "This world is not going to function if you don't believe it. On the contrary, you will be blamed and punished because of your apostasy."

"Wei Qingyu, I am doing well for you."

Wei Qingyu frowned when he heard Ji Xiao's words.

It seemed that countless emotions were surging in her heart, this kind of words that seemed to be for her sake made her feel extremely resistant.


A chuckle came from Ji Xiao's ear.

Wei Qingyu leaned over to block the round lamp above his head, and his cyan eyes were full of chills in his heart.

"Are you doing me good?"

"Are you doing me good?"

The girl's voice was rapid, and there was a lot of uncontrollable tremors.

Ji Xiao felt a tight pain from his wrist controlled by Wei Qingyu, and the eye sockets above his sight turned red.

As if the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time were ignited by these words, Wei Qingyu leaned over to stare at Ji Xiao, and asked: "Ji Xiao, what did you know to make you say something like this? You haven't seen it before. My future, why do you say that you are good for me!"

Wei Qingyu's slightly uncontrollable voice slammed into Ji Xiao's heart, smashing a hole in her heart.

The close skin conveys the temperature of each other, and Ji Xiao seems to be able to empathize with the feelings of the sorrowful powerlessness from Wei Qingyu through the fluctuating mint taste.

She was liking herself wanting to abandon her without knowing anything.

Ji Xiao's lips incited, she wanted to tell Wei Qingyu, she just saw the future, you must be with Jin Nanfeng.

But as soon as she said the word "I" with difficulty, there was a burst of colic in her heart.

The heart with the huge sadness was squeezed hard by a huge force, and the heart that had lost its blood supply was tightly pinched together.

The facial features on Ji Xiao's face were twisted in an instant, and the veins of the left hand on her heart violently, her whole body curled up uncontrollably, and she couldn't make any sound in pain.

"Ji Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

Wei Qingyu, who was still in a state of loss of control, woke up in an instant. As she spoke, she let go of Ji Xiao's hand and leaned down to check Ji Xiao's condition.

But before Wei Qingyu could get close to Ji Xiao, Ji Xiao raised her hand indifferently to block Wei Qingyu's aid to her, pretending to be nothing wrong, pretending to be nothing wrong: "I'm fine."

With that said, Ji Xiao reluctantly propped up his body according to his own heart.

She knew that the rules of this world did not allow herself to say any spoilers, if she didn't want to die.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's stubbornness, and unwillingly retracted his hand hanging in the air.

Despite Ji Xiao's rejection, Wei Qingyu still couldn't let Ji Xiao go. She looked at her pale lips and asked: "You don't look like nothing at all. Let's go to the hospital or not."

Through the mirror behind Wei Qingyu, Ji Xiao also saw the paleness of her face now.

The girl's clenched brows couldn't be pretended. Ji Xiao knew that Wei Qingyu was really nervous about herself, but she couldn't be happy, and the unspeakable taste entangled her heart.

Ji Xiao bit her lips secretly, causing it to congest quickly, but within a few seconds it seemed to regain its blood.

Then she curled her lower lip slightly, showing a small smile, and showed Wei Qingyu: "I'm really fine."

As Ji Xiao said, he took the ointment that Wei Qingyu had used most often, and said, "Thank you for applying the ointment to me today. I have left the ointment. I will apply the ointment by myself in the future. Don’t bother you, I’ll find Aunt Wu and the others. When it’s late, you can go back and rest. The experimental class is not more important than the parallel class, your tasks are heavier."

Wei Qingyu knew that Ji Xiao needed a rest now, and he couldn't entangle him anymore, so he compromised and nodded, "Okay, then you have a good rest."

After that, she packed the medicine box, turned and walked to the door.

Only when she buttoned the doorknob, she turned and took a deep look at Ji Xiao.

The light was gentle, the girl's lips lightly opened, and a soft voice fell: "Good night."

Ji Xiao didn't respond until the door closed.

She just sat on the end of the bed with her lips tightly closed and watched the door opened and closed again. Watching Wei Qingyu's thin figure disappear at the door, the crowded room became empty.

The sluggish pain slowly swept across Ji Xiao's body, even more painful than before.

The young girl's left hand stretched with blue veins, pressing her heart ferociously.

The soft cloth was scratched with deep marks, and the thin shoulders were trembling visible to the naked eye.

Ji Xiao could feel that the deep hole smashed by Wei Qingyu just now was a little bigger, but she had no other choice but to accept it abruptly.

She was cherished by someone she liked, but she opened her hand like that.

Obviously, she kept silent when she heard the "good night" she was expecting so much.

The round teardrops pattered down from Ji Xiao's eye sockets, mixed with unspeakable heartache, and merged into her still dim heart who didn't know when it started.

The night grew thicker, and a contemptuous smile came from the silent room.

Ji Xiao tugged bitterly at the corners of her mouth, her eyes full of mist.

It really deserves it if you want to come, and make it yourself.

The roaring winter wind drove away the laziness of autumn, and the lonely yellow leaves hanging on the branches made a heart-piercing but subtle "crack", and finally fell from the branches overwhelmed.

In this way, the winter quietly replaced the autumn day, shrouding the cold wind over the city.

"Miss Ji, do you think it's okay?" asked the woman who had been standing behind Ji Xiao doing her hairstyle.

Bored and swiping his phone, Ji Xiao looked up at herself in the mirror after hearing this.

The soft black hair was caught behind his head, and two curly hairs were deliberately left on both cheeks to fade the young girl's greenness.

Although Ji Xiao didn't see the difference between her hair and the woman who just said to help herself take care of it more delicately, he still nodded: "Okay."

Ji Qingyun, who was sitting on the sofa and waiting, accurately pointed out the finishing touch of Ji Xiao's hairstyle: "This volume is better than the one just now."

The woman nodded in approval, "Yes, Miss Ji's face is perfect, the curl just now is a bit unnatural, but it makes her less delicate."

Ji Xiao felt a little uncomfortable looking at the sentiment between Ji Qingyun and the woman's eyebrows.

She coughed lightly, got up and said, "Then I'm going to change my dress."

Ji Qingyun nodded hurriedly, and directed the humane aside: "Okay, Xiao Liu, hurry up and accompany Miss."

The upper circle always has banquets from time to time. On Thanksgiving Day, Mr. Wu held a winter banquet in City A, and Ji Qingyun was also invited. And because it was the weekend, Ji Xiao was inevitably pulled by Ji Qingyun.

Only this time, Ji Xiao did not bring Wei Qingyu.

The warm-colored lights in the dressing room cast on Ji Xiao's head, and she looked lonely as she watched the gentle cloth fall on her body.

Wei Qingyu went out to the library as usual in the morning, and Ji Xiao didn't meet her until he went out in the afternoon, and felt a little empty in his heart.

The incense in the Gaoding store exudes an elegant floral fragrance, but the mint fragrance in the memory floats out uncontrollably.

Ji Xiao stood in front of the mirror and watched the clerk help him put on a delicate brooch, the scene of helping Wei Qingyu put on the rose brooch in his mind could not help but come to mind at the beginning of this year.

She knew she should learn to let go, but she couldn't help it.

"What's wrong, Miss Ji, don't you like this brooch?" The clerk on the side didn't know that Ji Xiao had gone away, only to see her standing motionless in front of the mirror, thinking that she didn't like the brooch she chose for her.

After hearing the words, Ji Xiao calmly recovered, looked at the little white flower on his chest, and shook his head: "No, it looks good."

"What kind of flower is this?" Ji Xiao asked again.

"It's a flower," the clerk replied.

Hearing this word, Ji Xiao's calm face set off a ripple.

She took out her bank card from her handbag and handed it to the clerk: "Swipe the card, I bought it."

Like an exquisite scavenger, collecting these insignificant but significant things in a lonely world.

The clerk instantly smiled, and respectfully accepted Ji Xiao's card: "Okay, Miss Ji"

Ji Xiao knew that the brooch's commission could be worth the clerk's one month's salary. Seeing the joy that she even stole from her back, he curled his lips and smiled lightly.

Such ordinary happiness is really good, and I really hope I can do the same after my family goes bankrupt.

The sunset outside the window gradually dimmed. Ji Qingyun was sitting in the car and couldn't help but reminded Ji Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, the number of places to participate in the dinner is not easy to come by. You have to perform well later, understand?"

Ji Xiao nodded, she knew what to do on this occasion.

Ji Qingyun patted Ji Xiao's hand: "Xiaoxiao, you should also have a snack at the company at home. Dad's company will give it to you in the future. You must attend these social occasions frequently in the future. You have split, so you can. I started to get in touch with these. In fact, I only started to take you in this year. Dad felt it was a bit late. After all, the family is not gone. In the future, Dad will merge with the company of Qingyujia, and the burden on you will be even heavier."

Listening to Ji Qingyun's words, Ji Xiao nodded as he knew it was useless to refute.

Ji Qingyun didn't know the end of his betrayal, but Ji Xiao knew it herself.

Now is the timeline in the original text. My life has been saved in the free time of the past year. Then I don’t know if there will be any changes in the official plot. Ji Xiao drew a picture in his heart. question mark.

She really imagined how Wei Qingyu, who was not there, would gouge out her glands and kill herself.

There are too many unknowns, but there are also many known clues.

The male and female master met for the first time, stopped, broke his arm, met again, and had feelings? Safe and sound.

Qi Qi passed away and continued her life. She was tortured and vomited blood by herself.

Ji Xiao looked at the regular greening of the backing roadside, and felt as if there were a lot of threads leading to the correct answer in her hand, but she didn't know how to put it on. She felt as if she was about to be able to snoop into the laws of this world, but every time she was a little bit worse.

After all, I still feel a little unwilling.

Not reconciled to really surrender the person he likes to others, but fear the punishment the world will bring.

If this matter is only about herself, Ji Xiao doesn't mind fighting to the death.

But if she wants to catch Wei Qingyu, she really doesn't dare.

"Miss Ji."

While thinking, a polite voice came, and Ji Xiao realized that he had come to the door of the hotel where Mr. Wu held the winter banquet.

The waiter opened the door on Ji Xiao's side and looked at her respectfully. Ji Xiao also slightly nodded to him, dragged his skirt and got out of the car.

The lights were brighter than the last banquet, and Ji Qingyun led Ji Xiao to the banquet hall on the first floor under the guidance of the waiter.

Ji Qingyun's status in City A should not be underestimated. As soon as the father and daughter entered the venue, many people came over with wine glasses to compliment. Ji Xiao also saw a few of her familiar classmates and her parents in school.

However, Ji Qingyun is here to talk like a fish in water, but Ji Xiao is not interested in these things.

After slightly nodding to the classmates, she stood silently and looked around the luxurious banquet.

It was also at this time that she seemed to have received some guidance, passing through the sea of ​​people, and looked at the small champagne tower not far away.

The golden light casts a drunken haze over the entire huge banquet hall.

Jin Nanfeng, who was wearing a straight suit, was standing with Wei Qingyu who was supposed to be in the library.

In the elegant chat and laughter of the people around, the boy's hand slowly passed through the girl's hair, and the jade-white fingers were entwined with blue silk.