The dark Maybach slowly stopped at the door of the Public Security Bureau under the darkness of the night.

The bright light illuminates the girl waiting at the door. Wei Qingyu watched a woman in a suit and a narrow skirt stepped out of the car with a serious expression, and nodded slightly: "Aunt Xu."

"Qingyu, why are you waiting outside for me, isn't it cold?" The woman saw Wei Qingyu's expression visibly softer.

The woman's name is Xu Hui, Feng Yue's wife, and one of the top lawyers in City A and even in China.

Wei Qingyu shook his head, "Let's talk while walking."

"Okay." Xu Hui nodded, followed by an assistant and a bodyguard.

High-heeled shoes hit the quiet corridor, but the four people walked out of the feeling of an army.

The closer you get to the mediation conference room, the louder the loud noise from inside, as if a chaotic duel is going on in the door of the room with 201 written on it.

"Look at what it was like to beat up my child! The tooth was knocked out! He is an Alpha! What do you ask him to do in the future?"

"My son is in the third year of high school this year! Tell me, what should I do if my child has to recuperate, and it delays our college entrance examination?"

"I tell you, this matter can't be over simply! We have to compensate us for medical expenses, mental damage, and..."

"And the lost work pay for our childcare!"

Wei Qingyu watched Xu Hui walk into the meeting room, and saw the chaotic but united look of the three gangster parents, and the helplessness of Feng Yue and the policeman next to him.

The three little gangsters who had just been extraordinarily dignified were all sitting on the chairs on the side of the large conference room, all wrapped in gauze, listening to their mothers arguing for them.

As the center of the incident, Ji Xiao was blankly accepting Hao Hui's wound cleaning and dressing, and Liu Yue's ideological education in another meeting room next to him.

"A crime of skipping class, a crime of fighting badly, and another crime of exploding pheromones. Ji Xiao, you have to make up for things you haven't done last year, right?"

"Seventeen, and I'm not a kid anymore. I'll be an adult soon. Do you know how much trouble you caused yourself this time?"

"It’s in the third year of high school. If the other parent insists on sue to the school and hold you accountable, you can’t escape the penalty. Do you know that the school has regulations that you can’t revoke the demerit in less than one year. Like you, your demerit will follow Your life!"


But no matter how Liu Yue hated the education of iron and steel, Ji Xiao never responded.

She hung her head down and hadn't wiped her face completely clean, and there was still a few drops of dried blood on her face, and her dim eyes were like a dangerous beast that would violent at any time.

The lighting in the room is not bright, and the already low atmosphere is even more gloomy.

Wei Qingyu stood at the door watching Ji Xiao look like this, full of distress.

She still remembers how Ji Xiao had just been picked up in the alley. Her body and even her face were tattered, blood stains entangled in the smell of brandy floating in the air, and the dirty snow was full of self-defeating decadence.

There is also a cry for help.

"Aunt Liu Yue."

Just when Liu Yue pinched her waist and wanted to say something to the girl in front of her who would not respond no matter how much she said, Wei Qingyu crossed the threshold and interrupted her.

"Qingyu?" Liu Yue let go of her anger, looked back at Wei Qingyu, and asked, "Lawyer Xu is here?"

Wei Qingyu nodded lightly, "Well, Teacher Feng said that I need to invite you over."

"Okay. You can help her with medicine." Liu Yue put the blood-stained cotton swab in Wei Qingyu's hand as she said, took her bag and walked towards the next door.

Hao Hui looked at the quiet conference room, and said to Ji Xiao: "She is like this, she tends to get irritable when she is in a hurry, so don't feel impatient."

Ji Xiao still did not answer. She looked at the people on her side in this room and the meeting room next door, from Liu Yue to Hao Hui, from Feng Yue to Xu Hui. These four people were involved in politics and business, education and medicine, almost covering everything. Any aspect that she will be involved in today.

She watched Wei Qingyu, who was squatting in front of her and holding up her hand, concentrated on administering medicine to herself, a dumb voice tearing her throat and sending out: "Did you ask them to come?"

Wei Qingyu nodded softly when he heard the words.

The cotton swab in her hand carefully wiped the abrasions on the joints of Ji Xiao’s back of hands. It was not until the scratches were applied that Wei Qingyu took advantage of the gap between re-dipping the alcohol and explained: “I was talking to me at the time. Teacher Feng was chatting in a nearby coffee shop. He heard that the classmate who came to buy coffee said about it, so he asked her by the way. I met Aunt Liuyue on the way to the school gate, and I asked her to call it too. Doctor Hao."

The voice was calm and faint, as if describing how unattainable a little thing was.

But everyone knows how difficult it is to think about all these aspects in an instant.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu beside him, not knowing what to say for a while, and just preached dryly: "Thank you."

"No." Wei Qingyu shook her head. She gently held Ji Xiao's scarred hands, her voice was not calm, "Does it hurt?"

After hearing this, Ji Xiao moved his gaze to the bruise on his left hand following Wei Qingyu's question.

She once thought that Wei Qingyu's acceptance without expression was really great, but now it's her turn, she understands the helplessness that lies deep under such greatness.

In the great loneliness, any pain becomes meaningless.

If the touch of alcohol rubbing the wound on the back of her hand is called pain, then what is the name of the cavity in her heart that is more intolerable than this?

"You've never been such a person who doesn't cherish yourself so much." Wei Qingyu said again.

Ji Xiao knew what Wei Qingyu meant by asking himself why he was fighting.

Ever since I was in the police car and came to the police station, I didn't say a word, and Wei Qingyu didn't know that he was fighting for her.

Ji Xiao looked at the scarlet wound on the back of his hand, and the drooping wrist was written with weak decadence.

She didn't want to tell Wei Qingyu the truth, but only answered her superficial question: "I used to be."

But Wei Qingyu was not as silent as Ji Xiao had hoped. Instead, he asked, "But you are not the same you were in the past, are you?"

The girl raised her face as she said, the light above her head made her turquoise eyes shining like gems.

Sincere and serious.

It turned out that she still remembered what she said to her on Thanksgiving night.

Ji Xiao's heart trembled slightly, and he gave Wei Qingyu "um" unclearly.

"Then our child is too wronged! What is that little vixen of Wei Qingyu, our child was beaten after just saying a few words about her?"

The moment Liu Yue opened the door to the meeting room next door, the woman's sharp shout broke the peace between the two.

Wei Qingyu felt the subconscious tightening of the girl's fingers in the palm of her hand almost at the same time. She calmly raised her head to look at Ji Xiao, only to see a spitting letter out of her almost decadent eyes just now. Zi's ​​snake, the evil bird exudes a danger that is not easy to detect.

Wei Qingyu felt that the solitude of the sky in his heart was wrapped in softness.

She seemed to know the reason for Ji Xiao's fight.

Hao Hui rolled her eyes in disgust, and cursed: "It's really a small market, whisper it, don't worry, they are the most unpleasant curse, and they can say anything."

Wei Qingyu nodded indifferently, and then lowered her head again to continue to help Ji Xiao with medicine, and gently reminded the girl in front of her to preach: "Don't do this next time, I'm fine."

Wei Qingyu's voice trembled slightly, his tone full of distress.

The clock on one side clicked, and Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu, who already knew the answer, and did not answer her for a long time.

She thought that even if it was the next time, even if Wei Qingyu really said to that man in the future, she would still do it as Mrs. Jin.

It is both ridiculous and powerless.

Her loss of control, her violence, and her uncontrollability were all handed over to the button named Wei Qingyu. Whether it doesn't matter or not, it is never by her.

Ji Xiao raised his bandaged other hand and took out his pocket.

Sure enough, she put a few candies in her coat pocket, which still had the body of the original owner.

She laid out her proficient multicolored cellophane candy in her palm, and said to Hao Hui and Wei Qingyu in a very simple way: "Sugar."

The gold-orange eyes were raised in the messy hair in front of Ji Xiao, and he looked at Wei Qingyu with scarlet and watery eyes.

There were wounds all over her body, as if a little beast that had just learned to integrate into society was trying to please the people around her.

The pungent disinfectant lingered in this space, Hao Hui picked two candies and continued to tidy up the wound on Ji Xiao's forehead.

The moonlit night was silent, Wei Qingyu thought of it as if she and Ji Xiao and Hao Hui had been together like this a long time ago, and Ji Xiao also used a candy instead of her in denial.

In fact, it didn't take long to think about it, but it was what happened last fall.

The steam was steaming in the warm room, Wei Qingyu grasped the candy in the palm of his hand, but seemed to have grasped something crucial.

She suddenly found out that all the changes seemed to start suddenly a year ago.

Xu is in the vortex of things, and doesn't think that person has changed too much.

Now that I think about it, I feel that every day after coming out of the small black room for the last time, Ji Xiao is Ji Xiao, and Ji Xiao is not Ji Xiao.

And the mango-flavored jealousy was the bud that came out last fall.

"I really trouble you a few today."


"Hey, don't forget the compensation!"


The door opened sounded in the next door, and the sound of intertwined footsteps rang.

With the participation of Xu Hui and the support of Feng Yue and Liu Yue, things went from chaos to clarity. It was negotiated to compensate the parents of the three children who were beaten by Ji Xiao who did not know their parents. They immediately compromised and signed. After the word, he led his son to prepare to leave.

Except for the yellow-haired mother.

She heard that the person who beat her son was next door, and even the fuse was there. While the police and Liu Yue relaxed their vigilance, she turned around and pushed open the door of the conference room where Ji Xiao was. It’s Alpha, and he arrogantly said: "You two little vixens, bastards, I let you go today, and you will see my son stay away from him at school in the future! Otherwise, you will wait. Let me report to school!"

The voice fell, and Ji Xiao burst into anger without waiting for everyone's reaction.

The strength and speed of the S-class Alpha are superb. Huang Mao's mother was violently pulled up by the collar before she could see what was happening.

Several people around saw hurriedly and said, "Ji Xiao, let go!"

But Ji Xiao had long been blushing, and the foul language once again involved Wei Qingyu, how could she listen.

Seeing that the fat-eared woman was about to be strangled by her collar, Wei Qingyu walked over quickly and took Ji Xiao's hand.

"Well, we don't care about them."

The gauze that had just been bandaged was bloody, and Wei Qingyu's palm was dyed red.

However, the girl did not dislike it and continued to use her gentle palms to flow into Ji Xiao's heart with the special warmth of winter, and even the only mint flavor that could calm Ji Xiao.

People who are valued value it, and those who value it maintain it.

It seemed that a person who was in a deep quagmire had been slapped half of her body, causing her heart that had been suppressed to breathe slightly.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu beside him, blinked twice, and slowly let go of his hand.

Then Wei Qingyu and Hao Hui took them back to bandage the wound again.

At this moment, Liu Yueze, who was standing on the side, looked at the shocked woman in front of him with a smile and said: "Mother Huang Ming, you should know that Huang Ming has a serious punishment, if this semester A smooth life can be eliminated in the file before going to college. If the parents want to pursue this fight with the school, I can guarantee that both parties will be punished by the school. Huang Ming is likely to be punished because of another punishment. The risk of expulsion. Are you sure, do you still have to think about it?"

Speaking of this, Huang Ming's mother's face was completely unsightly.

Just now that arrogance no longer existed, she hurriedly pulled her son and said: "Then...then there is no need...Trouble you, Teacher Liu, bother to come here today."

Liu Yue looked ridiculous, but still maintained her polite face, and nodded slightly: "You are welcome."

The silent night was dotted with several stars, and the follow-up record of the case ended in the early morning when the moon was the darkest.

Ji Xiao dubbed his pockets and walked out of the police station side by side with Wei Qingyu. The two shadows seemed to touch each other.

Liu Yue wanted to stop Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu who were walking in front, but was stopped by Feng Yue and Hao Hui.

Hao Hui said to Liu Yue in a meaningful way: "I think after experiencing this incident today, the two of them must have something to say to each other. Let's not disturb them."

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-09-1809:03:37~2021-09-1814:22:18~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: two;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 in Jinghu;

Thank you for the little angel who threw landmines: SUETYEE, Ta Jiawen Knife, Short Hand Kangaroo, 48545484, Resen_Sun, Mar_韶光1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 66 bottles of hxwtc; 40 bottles of THO; 20 bottles of dust-free, what yo oh; 19 bottles of Li; kitten, 99 groups of yyds, llllll, 10 bottles of Guaiguai; 6 bottles of yoyo; happy dog ​​axi , 336699, five thousand and seven, the hero kills 5 bottles of my teammates first; it is 17 and 4 bottles; takes a glass of Feibing big cola in 3,513 bottles; picks up 2 bottles; 42313671, 51842291, Baiyeshui, Ghost, Beimu in the North 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!