The joyous atmosphere of Christmas spreads from the city center to the surroundings, and two shadows stand side by side in the quiet snow.

The driver who Ji Xiao didn't call, walked out of the police station slowly with Wei Qingyu, and walked towards home in silence.

After walking for a while, the two of them came to the bridge that they must pass through after school on weekdays.

Wei Qingyu looked at the unfrozen river, and the neon reflected on the side of the river was still like last Christmas.

Only on the way home this time, she and Ji Xiao were the only ones.

Wei Qingyu preached thoughtfully: "Since school started this year, we haven't walked home like this for a long time."

Ji Xiao copied his pockets and gave a soft "um".

She looked at the stall with Christmas light **** not far away, and suddenly realized that it had been almost four months.

"But I still feel that going home with you was yesterday's thing, and we went back together this way." Wei Qingyu said again.

When Ji Xiao listened, he couldn't help being reminded of some beautiful but cruel memories of the past.

She frowned and said, "You know what I don't want to think of."

Wei Qingyu didn't keep silent, as if he had been ready for a long time, and preached to Ji Xiao: "But there are some things you have to face."

Ji Xiao knew what Wei Qingyu was referring to, and calmly replied, "I have been facing it all the time."


Wei Qingyu raised her head to look at Ji Xiao as he spoke. Qi Qi’s affairs had a great impact on each of them. Wei Qingyu didn’t know what Ji Xiao had experienced at that time, but the only thing she could be sure of was— —"Ji Xiao, you are not facing, but trapped by the shadow of death."

When Ji Xiao heard this, his frown deepened.

The cold wind dazzled her long hair, she pulled the corners of her lips and looked at Wei Qingyu helplessly, "I'm trapped? Wei Qingyu, you don't even know what happened..."

"I want to know, but you didn't tell me at all." Wei Qing said calmly, accusing Ji Xiao of cruelty to her like a narrative.

The winter wind blew across the river and wrinkled the neon phantom inside.

The question once again returned to the answer that Wei Qingyu once wanted to find out.

Ji Xiao looked down slightly at Wei Qingyu, as if gambling with the devil in his heart.

The world seemed to have foreseen her eagerness in advance, poking her heart like a reminder.

Silence condensed in the small space of these two people, and the girl's colic became more and more obvious.

After a long while, Ji Xiao's lips stirred.

Xu was just now, Wei Qingyu reached out to herself in the alley and touched her numb heartstrings. Alpha's innate unwillingness to surrender prevented her from bowing to fate this time: "Fate, Qi Qi's death made me understand what It is destiny. Life and death have fate, and everything is fixed."

I don't know if the cold wind blows by, the girl's voice is a little deeper than before in the police station.

Ji Xiao's words sounded illusory and unrealistic, but Wei Qingyu seemed to have guessed it a long time ago and calmly believed it.

Now that she has eliminated all the human factors that may cause external interference to Ji Xiao, she is the only one who can make Ji Xiao choose to stay away from herself.

At the beginning, Ji Xiao had so much hope for Qi Qi to survive, and how easy it was to fall into a dead end when facing Qi Qi's death.

It's just like when my parents passed away, they also blamed themselves and couldn't get rid of themselves.

Wei Qingyu looked at the river on one side and said softly: "Ji Xiao, if you tell me, everything in the world is fixed, and we can't change much. Cruelty is the second thing. Don't you think this is too hopeless. Is it? We Pantu's life, is it all useless?"

This question of Wei Qingyu made Ji Xiao's heart beat in pain now.

She leaned on the railing in front of her, and looked at the calm river surface, the bottom of her emotions gradually surged.

Yes, how could it be useless...

"Even if life and death are established, we cannot change, but in addition to life and death, even if your hands and feet are shackled by fate, you can still change. Maybe you think you haven't changed anything, but in fact there are many places you haven't noticed. , You have changed."

As he said, Wei Qingyu's hand in his pocket squeezed the palm of his hand slightly.

She looked at the thoughtful girl next to her and mentioned Qi Qi again in a cautious tone: "With the help of you and me, Qi Qi has the strength to go to the water park with us in the end, and even outperformed the group of small gangsters. , Instead of being on the bed like other people with congenital diseases of glands, convulsions, hideousness, and can't even pretend, this is already very good. She is such a decent person who cares about her own decent, even let us in the end Help her make up. If we didn't take the initiative to help her, how embarrassed she would be, how unwilling she should be to leave, have you ever thought about it?"

The night wind blew past, wrinkling the surface of the river in Ji Xiao's sight, and even causing her eyes to flicker.

At that time, she was only blindly pursuing results, and was stunned by the blow of failure. She had never thought about it more carefully and deeply in accordance with Wei Qingyu's thinking.

Perhaps, if you live long and live short, everyone will end in death.

Sometimes the ending is not so important. Life is not just the ending, the process is actually more important than the ending.

The world cruelly set a final date and a rough framework for everyone.

No one can change the speed of death's sickle, but he can change the fragile frame that has not yet been built.

Ji Xiao looked at this girl who knew nothing about the future she knew. Even in the past few months when she didn't intervene anymore, Jin Nanfeng's relationship with Wei Qingyu was always zero. They didn't seem to have caused any punishment.

Is it true that even the world prefers the heroine and is not willing to be punished a little bit for her.

Ji Xiao looked at the sparkling river, the illusion and reality intertwined, pushing her and asking: "Then what if you...If you know that changing these will pay a price, would you still do it?"

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's question, he smiled lightly at her.

Perhaps she had experienced parting from life and death a long time ago, and she had taken these things very lightly for a long time.

"What price can I pay? Since I chose to do it, of course there are things more precious than the price I paid that I should protect. Then there is nothing wrong with paying a little price."

"Even life?" Ji Xiao asked.

Wei Qingyu nodded, "Even life."

Her tone was cold and firm enough to be desired.

Ji Xiao listened to the faint pain that faded from his heart, and nodded: "I see."

On the winter day when the year was about to end, Wei Qingyu helped her pull her out of the quagmire of a dead end.

Ji Xiao held the candy in her pocket. Although her heart was still covered by a bit of inferiority and sadness, she wanted to give her some more time to go back and refresh her thoughts.

Then, reload and prepare.

"Since you answered this question for me, then I will answer you a question too."

Wei Qingyu's voice rang from Ji Xiao's ear, interrupting her thoughts.

She gently shook the candy in her pocket that she had been reluctant to eat.

She borrowed a few minutes of the courage Ji Xiao bestowed on her, and calmly preached: "I like you when I was a child, just the cherishment and remembrance between my friends. And I really like you, the Oga vs. Alpha for you This kind of love happened a year ago."

"Xiaoxue in 2735."

Satan taught girls to be jealous.

And Ji Xiao taught her love.

Snow began to fall in the sky, and little white patches fell in the center of the two men's sights.

Two heartbeats that were also beating at the heart finally beat together again after four months.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's profile, and even if she remembered it again many years later, she still felt that the night of that night was the most beautiful.

Thousands of stars dotted the dark night, and the crowded Christmas streets were also blurred.

Wei Qingyu held his head up and looked at him. The long black hair was lifted by the wind and rubbed his shoulders as if nothing, leaving a precious mint fragrance.

Even if it has been controlled for so long.

She will still be moved by her.

"Two classmates, it's almost zero o'clock, don't you buy an apple for each other?"

At this moment, an apple vendor passing by, wearing a big army green uniform, shouted to the two people who had been standing by the bridge for a long time.

Wei Qingyu followed the voice of the vendor, and the clock in the clock tower not far away indicated that Christmas Eve was about to pass in less than a minute.

She wanted to keep up with the apples she kept at home, so she turned to the stall and picked the most beautiful one and gave it to Ji Xiao.

"Merry Christmas, Ji Xiao." Wei Qingyu said, putting the apple into Ji Xiao's hand.

The beautiful crimson apple was squeezed into Ji Xiao's hand, who was still a little out of condition. She looked at the apple, but Wei Qingyu's cold smile was all in her eyes.

Frost and snow flew, but Ji Xiao felt that the infinitely collapsed hole in his heart was just filled by this apple.

She felt the flash of warmth from Wei Qingyu remaining on the cool apples, and glanced sideways at the sparse apples on the stall.

The bell of zero o'clock rang in the snowy night, and Ji Xiao handed an apple from the stall to Wei Qingyu with one hand.

"Merry Christmas, Wei Qingyu."

The early winter morning is much quieter than other times. The melted snow falls from the pines and cypresses that have been bent over, shaking off the whiteness of the ground.

Aunt Wu stood in the kitchen tidying up the stall, with a smile in her eyes.

The new maid on the side looked at Aunt Wu in confusion, "Aunt Wu, why are you in such a good mood these days? Is your son going to marry a wife?"

"Go, little child, what nonsense." Aunt Wu squeezed the little maid's face with a grin, motioned her to look at the dining area, "I am happy for this."

The faint morning light shines through the long floor-to-ceiling windows on one side and spills into the golden room, which is especially bright under the light of catering.

Ji Xiao was sitting at the dining table with Wei Qingyu, chatting with each other, just like in the past.

"The young lady is so strange, why is she so kind to Miss Wei all of a sudden?" The little maid only came in the second half of the year. She was used to Ji Xiao's cold face, but now she felt that Ji Xiao was abnormal.

Aunt Wu shook her head: "You are late, I don't know. Our young lady is just like this temper. She always keeps a lot of things in her heart. When she understands it, she is all right. That is, Miss Wei is patient with our young lady, so she can change it. Others can't stand it a long time ago."

The little maid nodded thoughtfully, watching the scene of Ji Xiao walking side by side with Wei Qingyu towards the entrance, suddenly excited, "Then are the two of them......!!!"

"Oh, you kid." Aunt Wu looked at the little maid who was throwing the foam on the dish towel everywhere with disgust, "The character is just a bit short."

"Ah tweeted!"

At this moment, Ji Xiao, who was standing at the gate of the courtyard, sneezed.

Wei Qingyu, who got in the driver's car, stopped closing the door and reminded, "Pull the zipper up."

Ji Xiao rubbed his nose, only tucked the down jacket with his open arms, "Okay, I'm fine, the library will open now."

Wei Qingyu glanced at Ji Xiao again, without saying anything, and closed the car door with a faint "um".

The car quickly started and drove away from the yard. Ji Xiao tucked his down jacket and stood at the door until the black Mercedes disappeared from her sight.

The entire villa area was quiet, and the wind was lying on the ground.

Ji Xiao's gaze has been stopped at the point where the car disappeared in the distance, his gaze is like a torch.

Perhaps Wei Qingyu was right. Life and death are fixed, but the story can be changed.

At this moment, an indigo-blue Lamborghini passed Ji Xiao's sight like lightning.

Ji Qingyun got out of the car with a serious expression: "Xiaoxiao, Dad has something to do, I want to talk to you."