The morning sun spread brightly to the world, and a few sparrows fell on the branches of the tree and shook off a piece of snowflakes.

The atmosphere outside has begun to be a bit active, but the atmosphere in the study room on the second floor is a bit too quiet.

The little maid followed Aunt Wu and placed refreshments in front of Ji Qingyun and Ji Xiao, and didn't dare to sigh until she quit: "Why do I think Mr.'s expression is so serious today."

Aunt Wu has always known that this home looks peaceful and peaceful, but in fact it has always been undercurrents.

She shook her head to the little maid and reminded: "Don't look at things that shouldn't be seen, don't listen to things that shouldn't be heard, and pretend to be confused if you don't understand."

The little maid didn't quite understand, but still nodded seriously to Aunt Wu's teaching: "I know Aunt Wu."

Aunt Wu nodded and took the little maid down.

The shadows of the two of them were cast in the quiet corridor, and Aunt Wu still looked back at the study door uneasy.

The heavy red carved wooden door patterned the sound inside and outside the house. Ji Qingyun was sitting on a chair by the window, like an elegant gentleman, picking up the white porcelain tea cup in his hand, and taking a sip of his talent. ?"

Ji Xiao knew that Ji Qingyun had just come over and had a face-to-face meeting with the car at home, so he did not hide: "Yeah."

"Then do you know where she went?" Ji Qingyun asked again.

Ji Xiao raised her eyes and glanced at Ji Qingyun secretly. For some reason, she felt even more ominous when she saw Ji Qingyun at the door.

She pretended to be a calm cover for Wei Qingyu: "Library, she goes there to study every week."

Ji Qingyun smiled, "Silly boy, Wei Qingyu actually went to her home in Yanluxiang."

Ji Xiao paused with the golden fork in his hand, and the soft cotton candy was directly pierced by the sharp fork.

She was a little surprised, Ji Qingyun actually knew.

Ji Qingyun saw Ji Xiao’s actions clearly, thinking that Ji Xiao’s surprise was a surprise, Wei Qingyu lied to her and Ji Qingyun said again: "Child, do you remember the Chen Linji we met at the Thanksgiving dinner? "

Ji Xiao stiffened her neck, nodded, and asked inexplicably, "What's the matter?"

"I have sent someone to find out. The villa of Wei Qingyu's house was photographed by him at the beginning. Wei Qingyu would go there every week to meet with them."

Ji Qingyun said, not knowing whether it was really sad or acting, his voice choked for a while, and the expression on his face seemed to be depressed.

He stirred the coffee in front of him with the long-handled spoon in his hand, and said, "Ji Xiao, my father is really sad when he knows this. Our family is helping her like this, exhausting manpower and financial resources, and she turned her elbow away. Now, The inheritance left by your Uncle Wei is being transferred by that Chen Linji. Dad really can't imagine what our family will be like by their Wei family in the future."

When Ji Xiao heard Ji Qingyun say this, he finally understood his purpose of coming home.

Wei Qingyu did not have his own obstruction, and with the help of Chen Linji, he had already begun to take back what belonged to her in advance.

The plot of the story seemed to happen ahead of schedule, and from the day of the Thanksgiving banquet, Ji Qingyun was caught off guard.

If Ji Xiao hadn't known Ji Qingyun's true face a long time ago, she would really have to be deceived by Ji Qingyun's superb acting skills and become Wei Qingyu's stumbling block on the way to get back her inheritance.

Ji Xiao put the marshmallow that had just been crossed into her mouth, and calmly preached: "But Dad, those things were originally Wei Qingyu's, right? It's her freedom for whoever she wants to appoint an agent. "

Ji Qingyun was obviously blundered at Ji Xiao’s lack of thunderous reaction. He frowned and looked like he hated iron and steel: "My silly boy, she didn’t say anything like this. If it weren’t for his father’s response, he would wait until later. Our family will plummet!"

"You don't want your family to be ruined, and you don't want you to lose your father like Wei Qingyu? You no longer have a mother, do you want your father to leave you too?"

Ji Qingyun took Ji Xiao's hand as he spoke.

The man's hands are generous and damp, and his delicate skin hides a cocoon that he can't get rid of even if he has been pampered, recording the unsatisfactory days of his life.

Xu is a father-daughter connecting heart, perhaps Ji Qingyun deliberately revealed it, Ji Xiao felt the fear and tension from the people in front of him.

She looked at Ji Qingyun, with a little distraction, and persuaded: "Dad, why can't our two families live in harmony? Let Wei Qingyu take back the inheritance that belongs to her, and our Ji family cooperates with the Wei family. It’s not impossible to make a comeback."

A falling snow fell outside the window, and the sunlight scattered Ji Xiao's voice in Ji Qingyun's ears, making him stupefied as if he had seen Xiao Yu.

A long time ago, he remembered that Xiao Yu held his hand in this way, and softly persuaded, "Qingyun is fine. The failure of this venture is not a complete failure. At least we have learned lessons. I can talk to my family. If you want a sum of money to cooperate with Lin Hao's Man Qing, you can make a comeback."

Maybe people really have luck, but Ji Qingyun has never been a lucky one.

More than a decade ago, Ji Qingyun gave up the olive branch of a big company in order to be able to marry Xiao Yu. After Wei Linyu, he also chose to start his own business.

Wei Lindong's graceful wind rose, but his laughter was completely defeated.

The debtor's debt collection, the father-in-law's ridicule, Ji Qingyun was in despair, Xiao Yu helped him open Wei Linyu's door.

Wei Linxiu is elegant and righteous.

Before Ji Qingyun could speak, he contributed money and effort to help Ji Qingyun build his company, and even later went to Xiao Yu's house to propose marriage with Ji Qingyun.

Ji Qingyun sat in his office, overlooking the bustling city center, still remembering Xiao Yu's words when he didn't choose to abandon him.

At that time, he was very grateful to the Wei family. Even though he put down his dignity and went to Wei Linyu's office and bowed his head, he still regarded Wei Linyu as his best brother in his life.

Until that day...

"What? The money belongs to my wife, and the company was built by Mr. Wei. It's still an Alpha, it's really useless."

"I think the total ability of Ji is still okay, how can I say that?"

"You don't know, if it weren't for his wife, where did the investment come from. Without Mr. Wei, where did Xiaoyun come from. I still heard from Vice President Liu that at that time, Mr. Ji’s project was simply No, if it weren't for Mr. Wei to help him change it, there is no Xiaoyun yet."

"Mr. Wei is really good. Mr. Ji, who is born like this, you can tell him how he talks and behaves in his daily life, and he is almost the same as Mr. Wei. If I don’t know how to take him to the banquet and introduce him to other people. Boss."

"Maybe it's to set off. Who wouldn't be a charity yet."

As the discussion outside the bathroom faded away, Ji Qingyun's barely fighting dignity was once again torn apart.

The appearance of Wei Linyu sitting in his boss chair at the same time as Ji Qingyun was constantly magnifying and becoming aloof in his mind.

Ji Qingyun looked at Ji Xiao in front of him and shook his head, with a lot of hatred in his eyes: "Xiaoxiao, you don't understand, their Wei family has never looked so good. You never know what you will do with them. Their family was not pure to us from the beginning, and it almost caused you to be killed. Have you forgotten it?"

Ji Xiao frowned, "Dad, what I said was that I had to pretend to be Wei Qingyu to get revenge. Why don't you believe it?"

Ji Qingyun immediately showed a distressed expression on his face, "Child, you are so stupid, Wei Qingyu is very careful, how do you know she didn't mean it. Dad is all for your good!"

The man's last words hit Ji Xiao's heart fiercely.

It was also at this time that she discovered how cruel and self-righteous she was when she said to Wei Qingyu that ‘I’m doing it for you’.

She thought she was doing her good, but in fact it was a selfish arrogance.

She thought she was suffering, with difficulties she couldn't tell. In fact, her silent indifference caused even more pain to others.

Ji Xiao shook his head, as if to Ji Qingyun or to himself, "Dad, you are not doing me well, you are just satisfying your own heart."

Ji Xiao said, thinking of the chaotic ten-year-old in the diary of the original owner.

Obviously he was such a good child, but because of the adult's self-righteous guidance, he was forced to walk into the dark quagmire.

Selfish, violent, perverse, arrogant.

Ji Qingyun used his "for my good" to raise flowers with fangs for the original owner in that bad soil, and swallowed the girl's pure and kind soul bit by bit.

Ji Xiao looked at the hand held with Ji Qingyun, and slowly pulled it out in the warm winter sun, "I am not your marionette, I am a person who can think independently. Be good for me and I will really get better."

When the voice fell, Ji Qingyun did not speak for a long time.

After a long while, there was a sound of unknown meaning in the quiet study.

Ji Qingyun looked at Ji Xiao in front of him, and said with emotion: "So Xiaoxiao, do you have a different opinion from your father now?"

Ji Xiao: "Yes."

The girl's voice was faint, but she wrote about resistance to certain concepts.

Ji Qingyun looked at the drop of white milk in the cup in front of him that gradually deviated from the center, his eyes darkened.

"Xiaoxiao, don't forget, everything you enjoy now is the same as your father, from the Wei family. Without your father's protection, you think your Wei Qingyu can save you from Chen Linji's hands. Do you think that your wish to be a stable teacher can be realized?"

Ji Qingyun bluntly and cruelly revealed the **** truth of this family to Ji Xiao, a pair of deep eyes staring at the girl in front of him.

He was obviously smiling, but Ji Xiao shuddered.

He could spoil the only bloodline that Xiao Yu left him in every possible way, without principle, indulge everything, and even give up his wealth.

But if this child doesn't learn well, then he will force her to face the things he wants her to face, just like he had to take part in the Xiao Yusheng sacrifice when he pressed her.

Ji Qingyun helped his glasses and preached thoughtfully: "Xiaoxiao, Dad only discovered now that Dad was so kind to you before."

"Child, you have to know that when you don’t have any bargaining chips, no one will listen to you. Dad’s limit to love the house and Wu is also limited, especially for a'teacher'. If you can’t show proof that you can talk to Wei in the future Family checks and balances, then I will take my measures, starting from the root cause, so that Wei Qingyu will no longer pose any threat to our family from now on."

The atmosphere in the study suddenly dropped to freezing point, Ji Xiao's tongue was firmly pressed against her upper gums, and the granular feeling of melting cotton candy spread in her mouth.

Seeing that Ji Xiao did not respond to him for a long time, Ji Qingyun changed the conversation and returned to his usual fatherly appearance: "Of course, if Xiaoxiao is willing to listen to her father, she will stop paying attention to it. If you want to be a teacher, your father can let him You go to teach with the best teacher in the country..."

It's just that Ji Qingyun's sweet temptation candy didn't finish, and was interrupted by Ji Xiao.

"No need. Don't worry, I will give up all my past peaceful and decadent plans and start learning to take over the company's affairs."

Ji Xiao's eyes were firm and his tone was firm.

But she only has these.

Until today, Ji Xiao realized the powerlessness of being empty-handed.

Sometimes the torrent of fate will push a person with no ambitions to shoulder the responsibilities she didn't want to bear at the beginning, and push her into a second fork in the road.

But people always give up the ease at their fingertips for something they value.

If you go upstream, then go upstream.

When Ji Qingyun heard Ji Xiao's answer, the corners of her lips curled up.

The man's slender fingers tapped the cup in front of him one by one, and compared to the young **** the opposite side, he was like a hypocrite with deep thoughts.

The purpose of Ji Qingyun is not only to put Ji Xiao on the path of inheriting the company.

What he wanted to see even more was when Ji Xiao also stood at a high position and confronted Wei Qingyu, whether he would re-identify his father's thinking, and would he also become his own.

She is his daughter.

It should be the best artwork he has created in his life.

It's just that Ji Qingyun's proud vision for the future didn't last long.

Ji Xiao's words rang again in the study.

"But don't forget, you and I are each other's last relatives in this world."


The sun fell on Ji Qingyun's gentle side face, and the calm and smiling pupils shuddered suddenly.

Just now, in the girl's raised eyes, he saw a wolf who decided to leave the pack.

Isolated and fierce.

Paranoid guarding the territory that belongs to her.

The author has something to say: Pigeon: Wuli counsels A to get up today.

Ji Xiaocao: Super A!