Just as the sun rose on the top of the mountain, the group of three came to Ding Lao's house in the middle of the mountain.

Before Ding Lao's house, I saw the looming courtyard wall from a distance. Two young welcoming pine trees at the door were blown by the wind, and the coniferous leaves made a rustling sound.

Standing in the middle, Wei Qingyu held the bolt on the golden silk-nan door in front of him, tapped twice, but heard a few crisp dog barks suddenly sounded in the quiet surroundings.


The three people at the door hadn't reacted yet, but saw that the door in front of him was slowly opened from the inside. A yellow and white dog curled its flowered tail and ran out, and rushed at Wei Qingyu. .

When it was too late, Ji Xiao quickly covered Wei Qingyu with his eyesight and hands.

The taste of peach brandy is more pure in the fresh air of the mountain. Wei Qingyu has a lingering fear. He puts his hands on Ji Xiao's shoulders, just like Xiao Ji Xiao was protecting himself from fighting a big goose when he was a child.

It's just that this dog is not a big goose, not so cruel, but a naive face.

The stubby forelimbs lifted up hard and hooked on Ji Xiao's legs excitedly, and the beautiful full tail swayed rhythmically with its Shihashal panting, as if it was directed at Ji Xiao from the beginning.


A childish voice sounded in the ears of the three of them with a little bit of anger, and a little girl who seemed to be thirteen or fourteen years old ran over panting.

"Wow!" Hearing this, Gouzi turned his head and looked at the little girl barking twice as a response, still relying on Ji Xiao's body and refused to leave.

Ji Xiao found out that the dog was wearing a collar, and the red leash was dragged to the ground weakly, making it extremely gray and embarrassed.

She guessed that the dog must have just heard the slamming of the door. The dog was excited. The little girl was too young and could not hold it, so she squatted down and picked up the traction rope on the ground, and handed it back to the little girl: " Be tight next time."

The little girl looked at Ji Xiao who returned the traction rope to herself, and looked at Ji Xiao with big watery eyes a little lost.

Wei Qingyu looked at his involuntary lips and pressed his lips together, his cold voice broke the situation where there were only these two people: "Little girl, did Uncle Ding call you?"

The little girl seemed to think of something when she heard the words, and nodded hurriedly: "Big sister, my grandfather is letting you in."

When the three people heard that their eyes were facing each other, they suddenly realized that they were able to come up so smoothly. Ding must have seen them from the surveillance and let the nearby security guards go.

"Little sister, where is your grandpa?" Ji Xiao asked again.

"Here." The little girl hadn't answered yet, an old voice came from behind a small scene in the courtyard.

Ding Lao wore a cotton and linen buttoned gown, and walked steadily on the cobblestone path.

"Uncle Ding." The three said hello in unison.

Upon seeing this, the little girl took the dog and ran to Ding Lao: "Grandpa."

Lao Ding rubbed her head especially fond of the little girl, and introduced to a few people: "This is a child from my distant relative, named Ding Yutong, who just entered the third year of junior high, and now comes here to accompany me on vacation."

"This is your sister Qingyu." Ding Lao said to Ding Yutong.

"Sister Qingyu is good." Ding Yutong preached obediently.

"This is your brother Nanfeng."

"Hello, Brother Nanfeng."

"This is you..." Ding Lao watched Ji Xiao commit an embarrassment.

The two-character name is not as good as the three-character name. After removing the surname, only one word is left. One word is too intimate, the repetition is too naive, and it may overlap with the nickname, making it even more disrespectful.

Ji Xiao could see Ding Lao's hesitation, and took the initiative to say to Ding Yutong: "My name is Ji Xiao, you just call my sister Ji Xiao."

Ding Yutong nodded and shouted: "Sister Ji Xiao."

The little girl's voice was obviously more twisted than before, quietly hiding some of the girl's thoughts.

Wei Qingyu stood by and listened and couldn't help but put more of his gaze on the child.

Ding Lao also noticed Wei Qingyu’s gaze, but he thought that Wei Qingyu was looking at the dog next to Ding Yutong, so he smiled and said, "Look familiar, this is the child of your sister Corgi. She's a niece."

Hearing the words, Wei Qingyu put his gaze on the Corgi's body calmly, looked at the familiar pattern on it, and nodded: "It's a bit familiar."

"Since I'm here, let me take you to take a look at my courtyard. My courtyard was completely completed last month. You are still the first group of guests to visit." Ding Lao said and took a few people toward him. Go deep in the yard.

This well-designed courtyard by Ding Lao is a classic mountain-style retreat garden. The wooden architecture is combined with the exquisite landscape, maintaining a subtle harmony with nature. In the original text, Jin Nanfeng did a lot of research on these things, and the communication with Ding Lao along the way was also very harmonious.

After a while, Ding Lao led Ji Xiao and his party to an independent yard again.

Jin Osmanthus fragrant, and Ji Xiao could smell the mellow fragrance before he opened the door. An osmanthus tree with a special mood stands on the left side of the courtyard, with golden petals and fine stamens covering the courtyard.

Old Ding held his back, looked at Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu in a particularly mysterious manner, and asked, "Do you remember here?"

Ji Xiao was obviously confused when he heard Ding Lao's question.

She has no memory of the past at all, and her impression of this courtyard is even harder to talk about.

Wei Qingyu stood beside Ji Xiao, looked at the beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and whispered softly: "This is the small courtyard where we lived in Uncle Ding before."

"That's right." Old Ding nodded his head with special relief with his hands behind his back, "It's rare that you still remember this."

Wei Qingyu nodded slightly: "In fact, I only remember this sweet-scented osmanthus tree. Uncle Ding, after your careful care, this yard has changed a lot."

After staying away from the chaos, Ding focused on his yard. Hearing Wei Qingyu's words was very helpful, he patted Wei Qingyu on the shoulder and said, "Since you are here this time, you should live a few more times. sky."

"Okay." Wei Qingyu nodded, and Ji Xiao and Jin Nanfeng on the side could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This sentence of Ding Lao not only forgave the performance of these three people's rash visit, but also didn't care about it.

The Corgi named Douhua seemed to understand the words of Ding Lao and Wei Qingyu, and after the two voices fell off, he yelled happily.

The big furry tail was wagging, a pair of round eyes looked at Ji Xiao like obsidian, and they surrounded her and refused to leave.

Ji Xiao has never been such a physique that attracts small animals in the original world, and her eyebrows are curvy when she sees Douhua so close to her.

She knelt down and rubbed Douhua's head, and the soft and rough hair brushed across her palms, which was especially comfortable.

"Dou Hua has never been so excited before." Ding Yutong preached to Ji Xiao with a smile.

"It seems Douhua likes Ji Xiao very much." Ding Lao let go of Douhua's towing rope and patted its ass, "Go, go play in the yard."

"Wow!" The bean curd ran to the yard happily after hearing the words, and looked back from time to time to see if Ji Xiao had followed.

The wind blew a stronger fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus and merged with the blue sky into a bright painting.

Ding Lao looked at Ji Xiao and Ding Yutong who were playing with Douhua in the courtyard, and he was particularly pleased to preach to Wei Qingyu: "Qingyu, you don’t look like Yutong when you were a kid, even Corgi is like the one when you were a kid. , Especially sticky Jixiao."

I don't know if Ding Lao's phrase "extraordinarily sticky Jixiao" refers to the bean curd, or even Ding Yutong was included. Wei Qingyu stood aside and watched quietly, and out of politeness, he made an unknown "um".

Douhua like.

But Ding Yutong is absolutely different.

When Ding heard the words, he glanced at Wei Qingyu and said with a smile: "It's just like, no one is second."

Wei Qingyu was so pierced by Ding Lao, his eyes that had always been calm blinked unnaturally.

The joyous cries of bean curd came from the courtyard, and Ding Lao smiled and said, "I recently got a cake tea, which is very rare. I don’t know if Qingyu is interested in tasting something with me. I just want to I'll try it for you."

Ding Lao Zongheng for many years, how could he not know the purpose of Wei Qingyu's visit this time.

Wei Qingyu naturally understood the meaning of these words and nodded slightly: "Then we will pack up the post later, and I will visit you."

Ding Lao waved his hand, "Don't worry, this good tea has always been able to stand the wait. It will be cleaned up later, you can go to the garden over there to see it, it's much more beautiful than when you and Ji Xiao were children."

The sun is slowly climbing up to the center of the sky, and the cool autumn breeze blows over the flowers and plants in the courtyard to bring a cool breeze.

Ji Xiao, who had cleaned up his room, wandered alone in Ding Lao's courtyard, and unknowingly walked to a gable full of vines.

The flower that had already blossomed had only turquoise leaves, with barbed leaves intertwined with vines.

The wind blew from afar, and it easily set off a lush green wave. A few rare tea flowers stood weakly on the flower vines, and the pure white was a little yellowish, which was already the end of the strong crossbow.

Ji Xiao looked at the sea of ​​intertwined flowers and vines, sitting on the wooden bench across the vines, twisting a flower hanging on the back of the chair.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that this place was very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"Do you know what flower this is?"

The girl's soft voice came from not far away.

Ji Xiao looked up and saw Wei Qingyu standing under the wooden frame at the end of the path, his light and gentle voice seemed like a dream.

"This is the Tumi flower." Wei Qingyu gently pinched a perfectly blooming flower, and said to Ji Xiao.

The girl said, lowering her eyes and sniffing the flower in her hand.

Those two words that hit the depths of the heart made Ji Xiao feel like a dream.

It turned out that the scene in the memory of the original owner that I dreamed about for the first time was actually here!

The breeze lifted Wei Qingyu's hair, and the suspender skirt was replaced with a big brown woolen skirt.

The clean cheeks echoed with the pure white petals, which was even more beautiful than in a dream.

"Send you." Wei Qingyu said, putting the Tumihua in her hand into Ji Xiao's hand.

Ji Xiao looked at the flower in her hand, the light yellow stamen exuded bursts of fragrance.

People always do things that are a little disappointing when they are beautiful. Ji Xiao suddenly remembered that dream, and couldn't help feeling a little more jealous, "Why are you here? Are you here to remember the past?"

"No." Wei Qingyu replied softly, sitting next to Ji Xiao, "It's been a long time since I've been here, if it hadn't been for Uncle Ding, I would have forgotten it."

Obviously it was just a plain sentence, but Ji Xiao was greatly satisfied.

She twisted the flower in her hand, raised her lips slightly, and said: "By the way, when I walked over just now, I was thinking about one thing. Uncle Ding's yard is pursuing a kind of harmony. Isn't it true that we have been wondering? He would stand on my father's side because of this concept?"

Wei Qingyu thought about the words for a moment and nodded: "It is very possible. After all, Uncle Ding has been hospitalized abroad after my father's accident. He has only recently returned to China. He should have some delays in the domestic information or some people have stalked it. , So that he can't be clear. Maybe I can also pry Uncle Ding from this point."

"Yes." Ji Xiao nodded, "Since my father is playing the time difference with his old man, we will break the time difference."

"Let me think about it."

Just as the breeze was blowing, Wei Qingyu sighed in the wind as he spoke.

Then she unloaded the strength of her neck and shoulders, tilted her body slightly to rest on Ji Xiao's shoulders, and showed her truest side in front of Ji Xiao.

Xu is that each other has grown up, and Xu is the experience of the past six months, so that they can understand the meaning of each other's actions without words.

Ji Xiao approached Wei Qingyu slightly, letting her lean on herself in a more comfortable position.

The floral scent of the tea flower is tainted with the scent of mint, and it is slightly cool in the elegance.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's side face, that small and delicate face was pressed out a little sensual, no matter how many times it still made her feel heartbeat.

Just as Ji Xiao carefully raised his hand, trying to help Wei Qingyu lift the long hair that blocked his eyes from his face, a lively voice of the girl suddenly sounded.

Ding Yutong suddenly sprang out of the vines in the distance like a rabbit.

She changed her clothes, and the beautiful skirt was decorated with a few childish bows: "Sister Ji Xiao, I knew you were here!"

Wei Qingyu immediately sat upright when he heard the words, Ji Xiao looked at it puzzledly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Let's go, Grandpa told us to have lunch."

Before the words fell, Ding Yutong unceremoniously took Ji Xiao's arm in front of Wei Qingyu, trying to take her away.

The author has something to say: no prize quiz, no more