The noon sun passed through the clouds and fell on this flower path, illuminating the expression on Wei Qingyu's face clearly.

She stood up from the bench and silently looked at Ji Xiao's arm held by Ding Yutong, with a faint discomfort between her eyebrows.

The feeling of not seeing for a long time returned to her heart again.

Although the other party is just an undifferentiated little girl.

It's just that Wei Qingyu's emotions didn't last long before they were broken by the reappearing figure in front of him.

Ji Xiao was dragged by Ding Yutong and walked out without a few steps before decisively letting go of Ding Yutong's arm, turning around and walking back to Wei Qingyu's side.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu standing by the bench, and asked puzzledly: "What's the matter, don't you go?"

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao who had returned to him again, and immediately felt relieved, "Let's go."

The wind swept across the flower vines, making a rustling sound, and the tea flower that the girl was holding in her hand trembled with the wind.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's arm hanging next to him, and, just like Ding Yutong, took the arm that Ji Xiao had just touched.

Ji Xiao was a little surprised at Wei Qingyu's move.

She glanced at the hand that was on her arm, the jade knot-like fingers were really on her arm, and the manicured nails were still tinged with a faint pink.

Ji Xiao gave Wei Qingyu an "um" with questions.

Wei Qingyu glanced at Ji Xiao lightly, and tightened her arm tightly without explaining.

"Tofu! Don't chase the butterfly!"

At this time, Ding Yutong ran past two people like flying tofu.

The clouds blocking the sun floated across the sky, and the sun was splendid on this person and dog.

Wei Qingyu looked at Dou Hua who was particularly uncooperative with Ding Yutong, who was struggling to control Dou Hua, with Ji Xiao in the rest.

The sun fell in her turquoise eyes, and a smirk flashed across the calm water.

I really care about you so much so that every second of my mood will be easily affected by you.

The next day, the sky was clear and clear.

After breakfast, Ding Lao sent his family servant to invite Wei Qingyu to have a cup of tea there. Ji Xiao sent Wei Qingyu away and sat at the square table on the edge of the house, swiping her mobile phone and waiting for her to return.

It’s just that whether it’s entertainment gossip or current political news, Ji Xiao is a little absent-minded. He clicks in three or two and then exits. The short video is directly updated to the bottom and cannot be updated.

Jin Nanfeng, who had been observing Ji Xiao in the room, walked out. He sat directly opposite Ji Xiao and asked, "Since Wei Qingyu has gone to drink tea, should we also drink tea here?"

Ji Xiao felt that sitting like this was really boring, so he nodded: "Okay."

The surging heat floated into the air that was not yet cold as the water sitting on one side of the carbon stove boiled. Jinnan Feng held the handle of the purple clay pot and slowly poured the water into the transparent glass tea set.

Ji Xiao watched the tea leaves that were still shrinking together gradually stretched out in the current, and sighed in surprise: "I didn't expect you to do this again."

Jin Nanfeng put the pot back on the stove steadily with his wrists, and faintly preached: "I have learned a little."

When he said that, he buckled the tea lid with one hand and turned the glass tea set with his wrist at a constant speed, and the clear tea color was instantly revealed.

Jin Nanfeng poured the tea into the teacup, and said: "Don't worry too much, Wei Qingyu can definitely talk to Ding Lao."

Ji Xiao took the tea, took a sip, waited to fill her mouth with a bit of bitter tea fragrance, and then said: "I'm not worried about this. I just want your family and Chen family to help, but my father The company was so blocked that no one could get in, so she was the only one to support it. I looked like it was really hard."

When Jinnan Feng heard the words, he gently turned the tea cup in his hand, and preached thoughtfully: "Ji Xiao, in fact, I always have a question for you."

Ji Xiao raised his eyes and glanced at Jin Nanfeng. He is always calm as described in the original text, making it hard to see what he is thinking.

Only with these days of contact, Ji Xiao also noticed that many Jinnan winds were separated from the human sentiment set in the original text, and he nodded particularly refreshingly: "You ask."

Jin Nanfeng: "Uncle Ji is also your father, won't you contradict when doing this?"

This is a problem that makes him puzzled these days, and it is also a place that makes him feel admiration for Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao shook his head, "I will always favor Wei Qingyu, no matter what she does."

"Even if what she has to do is not correct?" Jin Nanfeng asked again.

"Yes." Ji Xiao replied, his eyes firm.

There was a gust of wind in the courtyard, the sweet-scented osmanthus was blowing, and the slightly bitter tea aroma gave out a hint of sweetness.

Ji Xiao looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus petals floating at her feet, and said: "She once rescued me from the mud. If she goes astray, I will accompany her in and pull her out."

Jinnan Feng heard the words and remembered the banquet on Thanksgiving last year. Ji Xiao was sitting alone on the back of the fountain, lonely he had never seen before.

But he has never been a person who can warm this loneliness, but the girl who can warm her is the girl who was dressed in silver and white starlight that night.

Jin Nanfeng thought about it, nodded, took a sip of the teacup in his hand, and a bit of bitterness flashed through the dark pupils.

"Sister Ji Xiao!"


Right here, the young girl's green and loud voice sounded at the gate of the yard together with the cries of Douhua.

Ding Yutong took the Douhua and ran in without any warning, and the quiet yard suddenly became lively.

Dou Hua broke free of Ding Yutong's hand, wagging his tail and rushed towards Ji Xiao again.

Ji Xiao was slightly tilted under the pressure of Douhua. While rubbing the dog, she asked: "Yutong, why are you here?"

Ding Yutong rubbed his head embarrassedly, "I... Douhua wants to see you, so I brought Douhua with me."

After hearing this, Ji Xiao smiled and looked at the dog in his arms, and rubbed harder: "Really, Dou Hua?"

Dou Hua especially cooperated with the "Wow Wang" that fluttered in Ji Xiao's arms, and then wagged his tail to look at the Jinnan Wind sitting aside. The black eyes looked straight at Jin Nanfeng, as if they were also eager for his touch.

When Ji Xiao saw this, he said, "You touch it, it's easy to touch."

Jin Nanfeng regained the indifference of his male lead and took a sip of the tea, "No need."

Douhua is extremely human, and I feel a little disappointed to see Jinnanfeng like this.

The dog just sat beside him like this and refused to walk away, and Ji Xiao couldn't help it for a while.

At this time, Ding Yutong pulled La Jixiao's arm, touched her short student head with a bit of tweak, and said: "Sister Ji Xiao seems to have osmanthus on my head, can you help me take it down? It's incense."

After hearing this, Ji Xiao turned and looked at Ding Yutong, who was standing aside. Dou Hua took her from under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree just now, and now there are really a lot of petals entangled in her hair.

Ji Xiao didn’t know the thoughts of Ding Yutong’s young girls, and she was very patient with children, so she beckoned to let her sit on the side of the margin, "Come on, I'll help you pull it, not a lot. ."

The tea-making water rolled again, and the heat moved the fragrance of osmanthus into the air, merging with the blue sky.

Suddenly Dou Hua, who had been sitting next to Jin Nanfeng, stood up, and heard a clear cry "Wang" toward the door.

Wei Qingyu didn't know when he would be back. Her thin shoulders were gently leaning against the white wall where she entered the door. The wind was blowing her long hair slightly, and there was no expression on her calm face.

Ji Xiao just stroked the sweet-scented osmanthus in Ding Yutong's hair, watching Wei Qingyu come back, and asked with concern: "How about you coming back?"

Wei Qingyu looked at the black hair belonging to others still entangled in Ji Xiao's nails, did not answer her, but said to Ding Yutong sitting in the front of the corridor: "Yutong, Uncle Ding is looking for you. He said that you didn't practice calligraphy, so he ran out and wanted to deduct your sweet-scented osmanthus cake at night."

Ding Yutong heard that her small face was full of panic, and while talking, she jumped off the edge side, "Ah! Then I'm going back! Goodbye Sister Ji Xiao! Sister Ji Xiao, goodbye Nanfeng brother!"


Ji Xiao looked at Ding Yutong's back left in a panic, with his eyebrows curled, and he didn't notice the sight from behind.

Jin Nanfeng put down the tea cup in his hand at that time, looked at Wei Qingyu and asked, "Soon?"

Wei Qingyu calmly retracted his gaze, and replied calmly, "Successfully."

It's just that the girl's words are calm, but in fact her heart is already extremely excited.

She also didn't expect things to go so smoothly. Ding Lao is not the kind of person who is easily deceived. Once the data and evidence are released, he will understand it himself, and there is no need for Wei Qingyu to do any more lobbying.

"Because of Uncle Ji, it is not convenient for Ji Xiao to attend. Uncle Ding has decided to hand over his shareholder rights this time to Nanfeng. Nanfeng, you have to prepare." Wei Qingyu said again.

Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but smiled at the corner of his eyes when he heard it, nodded and said, "Okay."

After hearing this, Ji Xiao took the initiative, "Then I will go back and continue preparing materials."

Wei Qingyu nodded, "Yeah."

Having won a phased victory, Ji Xiao feels particularly comfortable, and even very energetic.

While packing up the sweet-scented osmanthus petals on the table, she said, "The vacation is over, and now I'm working!"

Wei Qingyu watched Ji Xiao stand up, noticed the sweet-scented osmanthus petals in her hand, and reminded her in a very calm voice: "Don't touch other little girls casually in the future."

When the voice fell, a faint mint smell stuck on Ji Xiao's temples, making her startled.

She looked at Wei Qingyu, who was standing in front of her, and suddenly realized something, and hurriedly explained, "I touched her because of the sweet-scented osmanthus on her head."

Wei Qingyu frowned, "This is not an excuse."

Ji Xiao frowned when he heard the words, and reminded him like a grudge: "Then you let someone touch you on Thanksgiving last year."

"I didn't have a girlfriend at the time." Wei Qingyu preached lightly.

Ji Xiao retorted without thinking about it: "Then neither do I!"

When the voice fell to Ji Xiao, he felt that his words were a bit too much.

Although she didn't have any substantive confirmation with Wei Qingyu now, the two people's tacit understanding of each other is not false.

On the contrary, his words seem to have not taken the current hazy relationship to heart.

The wind was blowing in the courtyard, and the trees full of sweet-scented osmanthus rustle and fell countless golden colors.

Ji Xiao just wanted to make corrections, but he didn't want a soft rhetoric from the wind.

"Am I not?"

Ji Xiao's voice stuck in her throat, and she blinked her eyes frequently when she looked at Wei Qingyu in front of her.

Wei Qingyu seemed to feel that the sentence just now was inaccurate, and asked more calmly, "Isn't I your girlfriend?"

The ambiguous mint smell and the girl's calm voice made Ji Xiao's mind go blank.

When Ji Xiao got stuck in his throat trying to explain, there were only two words left: "Yes!"

Even the wind stopped in the quiet yard, and after the crisp answer, it was Wei Qingyu's turn to be at a loss.

She knew this was not the time to talk about love, and she just wanted to tease Ji Xiao to make her remember, but she didn't want to tease Ji Xiao's truth.

It took a while for Ji Xiao to realize what she had said, and the burning sensation instantly spread to her cheeks until her earlobes.

It was crazy, how could she just say what she was saying in her heart like this!

The two pairs of equally magnified eyes looked at each other for a moment, and then a chaotic sound of footsteps rang at the same time.



With two closing sounds, Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu fled back to their rooms.

The sweet-scented osmanthus scattered all over the place, and was blown messy by the wind from the door of the living room to the edge.


Returning to the quiet side, only a crisp knock was heard, and Jin Nanfeng, who was drinking tea alone, put down the tea cup in his hand with no expression.

Douhua, who had been squatting on the sidelines, wagged its tail excitedly: "Wang!"

The author has something to say: Jin ex-husband: Even if you have no role, you will still be trampled on.