How much sense of ritual does life need?

Wei Qingyu didn't know.

Although Ji Xiao personally admitted that she was her girlfriend in Ding's hometown that time, the relationship between her and Ji Xiao remained the same as in the past.

Sitting together in class, after class, while discussing the general meeting of shareholders, while walking out to eat, she sleeps on her lap with a pillow on her lap during the lunch break.

Wei Qingyu was sitting at the dining table eating whole wheat bread alone, some of them couldn't imagine the scene of them being together.

Or, the way they get along now and in the past is the best and most comfortable picture when they are together.

Late autumn morning sunlight fell into the dining room through the red Geling window, and the milk in the glass goblet was drunk by the girl.

Wei Qingyu took the napkin and wiped off the crumbs on his lips, then took out the lipstick from his pocket and painted his lips again.

The shareholders meeting of the third quarter was held on this seemingly peaceful Monday. Wei Qingyu was fully armed and walked out of the house wearing a blue-gray woolen coat.

But she didn't want to stop her calm steps when she just took the first step out of the house.

Ji Xiao didn't know when he had arrived at her house, and was leaning against the stone wall next to the courtyard gate and looking at the phone.

She was wearing a gray woolen coat that was slightly darker than Wei Qingyu's body. The hair that had just been cut last week would hang down her shoulders, soft and a bit of Alpha neat and capable.

Wei Qingyu bends his eyes and walks towards Ji Xiao with his pockets: "Why are you here?"

After hearing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly put away his mobile phone, looked at Wei Qingyu who had already stood in front of him, and asked, "Can't I come?"

Wei Qingyu nodded: "Of course it can. Even if you didn't say it yesterday, I was a little surprised."

Ji Xiao smiled. She stretched out her hand to help Wei Qingyu tidy up the long hair in her ears, and exhorted: "Don't be nervous, as you think, no one will hinder you anymore."

"Yeah." Wei Qingyu nodded.

She looked into Ji Xiao's eyes and wanted to say something to her. The driver drove the car she was going to take out of the garage on the side.

This time the general meeting of shareholders needs to be prepared early. Wei Qingyu didn't dare to delay the time, and left the sentence "Then I'm going", then turned and walked toward the car that was about to drive aside.

"Wei Qingyu."

Just then Ji Xiao's call sounded behind Wei Qingyu.

Just when Wei Qingyu was about to turn his head, he felt a wet and warm hand holding her wrist.

The smell of peach brandy penetrated her lips unexpectedly, prying her teeth away.

Ji Xiao just hooked Wei Qingyu's arm and kissed her against the stone wall in front of the courtyard.

Even in the early morning of the autumn day, the sound of the resurgence of everything sounded around, but Wei Qingyu could only hear his heartbeat from being frightened to irritating.

Plop, plop.

This voice entangled Ji Xiao's dense kiss, and rubbed into her limbs little by little, making her gradually unable to exert strength, so she tried to respond.

Peach brandy and mint are intertwined on this side. I don't know how long it took Ji Xiao to let go of Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu's hand lightly touched Ji Xiao's shoulder, and on the crystal-clear and slightly swollen lips were a pair of slightly flushed pupils, like an impulse like the Alpha in front of You Yuan, and also like Chuchu and pitiful. He's tempting that person to bully a few more times.

"Angry?" Ji Xiao's voice was especially soft.

She also felt that she was just a little impulsive.

But she couldn't think of any better way to make Wei Qingyu feel like he was by her side besides kissing.

Wei Qingyu lowered his eyes slightly, thick eyelashes covering the spring water.

She shook her head, and whispered a little bit of anger: "You took my lipstick kiss."

Ji Xiao smiled when she heard the words, she really liked the way Wei Qingyu was in her arms.

She embraced Wei Qingyu's waist and leaned in front of her again, kissed her upper lip affectionately, and said, "Then as compensation, I will give you all my luck today."

Unlike Ling Li, who was just like a torrential rain, this kiss was like a sweet peach in summer.

Wei Qingyu looked at the girl in front of him, hooked Ji Xiao's neck, and followed her approach and kissed her upper lip.

Ji Xiao was struck by Wei Qingyu's proactive kiss, and her hands couldn't help being clasped together.

At the same time, she was also a little puzzled, and her eyes looked deeply into Wei Qingyu's eyes: "Is this a no-brainer?"

"This is half of you." Wei Qingyu whispered in Ji Xiao's ear.

The voice was calm but contained infinite stringiness. Who would believe that this was a person who seemed so cold to speak?

Mint leaves fell into Ji Xiao's heart with warmth, making her heartbeat that hadn't been calmed down even more violently.

At this moment, Wei Qingyu's car stopped at the door.

Wei Qingyu hooked Gou Jixiao's hand and said, "I really want to go."

Ji Xiao knew that he couldn't waste any more time, so he nodded and escorted Wei Qingyu into the car and leave.

The sun gradually rising above the sky will set the morning light on her palms and chest, full of warmth.

The weather today was exceptionally good. The bleakness of autumn collided with the sunshine, and the blue sky was dotted with withered branches.

Ji Xiao was walking on the way to class with a book of meditation, and when he was about to walk away, he bumped into a person who suddenly rushed out.

"Oh, who is it."

"Sister Xiao!"

Just as Ji Xiao was about to get angry, a particularly excited and familiar voice rang.

She fixed her eyes, Fang Yiming was supporting herself with a smile on her face.

"Why are you here?" Ji Xiao was particularly surprised.

"There is no class today, come here to experience life in a top university." Fang Yiming said.

In fact, she received Wei Qingyu's commission yesterday and asked her to accompany Ji Xiao today.

It was not because Wei Qingyu worried that Ji Xiao would be lonely without his own company, but worried that Ji Xiao would be held down by someone with ulterior motives today. This was why Fang Yiming was specifically asked to accompany Ji Xiao and let her know what to do.

Ji Xiao didn't doubt that she was destined to be unable to concentrate this morning, so she simply stuffed the Sixiu textbook into the schoolbag that Fang Yiming was carrying, and took her to skip class to play.

Rehearsal music from the sports cheerleaders came from under the blue sky. Freshmen wearing short skirts and thick coats waved red colored **** with the music, and looked at the past with slender and beautiful legs.

Ji Xiao bought two cups of milk tea with Fang Yiming, and chatted on the playground like a high school.

It's just that this time they are no longer sitting on the tall rostrum, but a step-shaped auditorium.

Holding the warm milk tea, Fang Yiming asked a little worried: "Sister Xiao, is it okay for you to skip class like this?"

Ji Xiao shook his head, "It's okay. We will start this lesson in the morning, and the teacher will not care about it."

Fang Yiming immediately showed an expression of envy when he heard the words, "You are so kind, we can't do it. Our old thinking man has to sign in for every class. No matter what you are here for, he has to sit in the classroom anyway."

When Ji Xiao heard Fang Yiming say this, he showed the laughter of professional damaging friends, "You are so miserable."

Fang Yiming took a sip of milk tea to vent his anger, and then said, "Fortunately, I always sit with Qian Qian, so it's not that boring."

Ji Xiao raised his eyebrows, and asked from memory: "This Qianqian is your little Qingmei?"

Fang Yiming let out an "um" and nodded openly.

Ji Xiao looked quite envious of Fang Yiming, the characters at the very edge of the plot, without experiencing such a big storm, two people are sweet together.

If only she and Wei Qingyu could do this after everything was over.

Thinking about this, Ji Xiao looked down at the phone that was still silent, and said: "After waiting for a while, Wei Qingyu and I are stable, so I will bring your little Qingmei out. Let's get together. Gather, call Qiao Ni again."

Fang Yiming nodded hard when he heard the words, "Okay."

Listening to Ji Xiao talking about Qiao Ni, she couldn't help but extend: "I don't know whether Qiao Ni is tired recently. She is in the third year of high school this year."

"It must be very tiring." Ji Xiao said, "Chatting with her during the holiday a few days ago, she also told me that she was going to the medical school, and she didn't rest during the National Day holiday."

Fang Yiming and Ji Xiao both understood why Qiao Ni was admitted to the medical school, and there was a moment of silence between each other.

After a long while, Fang Yiming put his head on Ji Xiao's shoulder, and whispered: "Sister Xiao, I miss Sister Qi."

Ji Xiao turned around the milk tea in his hand, and his eyes lightened slightly with water also followed, "Me too."

"If she were there, she must be pulling us around now. She has never been idle."

That arrogant girl will always be like a wild rose, fiery red and brilliant.

She knew that her life was limited, so she never gave up any second.

There was a breeze from the sky, and a thin and floating cloud just stopped above the two of them.

But without waiting for Ji Xiao's attention, he slowly drifted away in the wind.

It's as if Qi Qi just came here.

The cheerleading rehearsal went on over and over again, and the students in the teaching building not far away filed out.

The noise of the school wave at noon came over. Ji Xiao didn't know how many times he looked at her mobile phone, but he still didn't see Wei Qingyu send a message.

Ji Xiao was a little worried, "It's already twelve o'clock, why is there no news yet?"

Fang Yiming soothed: "Sister Xiao, don't worry too much, who is Wei Qingyu, she must be able to do it. Besides, there is no monsoon wind."

Listening to Fang Yiming's words, Ji Xiao was not in the mood to correct the name of Jin Nanfeng that Fang Yiming mispronounced again.

She believes in the strength of Wei Qingyu and Jinnanfeng, but she is also worried that the plot, which is very important in the original text, has not been changed by herself.

Because I care too much, I don't even dare to rest assured that I have a 100% chance of winning.

Ji Xiao clasped his heart, worried that angina in the future would suddenly come.


After a few seconds, Ji Xiao didn't wait for her angina, but the mobile phone in her hand vibrated.

Wei Qingyu's head jumped, followed by a pink rabbit emoji sent from behind.

——This is the secret signal for the victory of the general meeting of shareholders they drafted.

The melancholy cloud on Ji Xiao's face was instantly shrouded in sunlight, she quickly tapped the screen and said: [I'm going to find you. 】

In the Manqing Building in the city center, Wei Qingyu had just completed a review with a few major shareholders, and calmly walked out of the meeting room with Jin Nanfeng.

This girl, who had just calmly challenged and killed the Quartet at the meeting, showed a soft smile on her face when she saw the news of Ji Xiao: [Okay. 】

Ji Xiao stood up from her position instantly when she heard the words, Fang Yiming beside her was very knowledgeable, and said, "Go, I'll go back by myself later."

Ji Xiao smiled embarrassedly, leaving a sentence "please have dinner in a few days", and while contacting the driver at home, he walked quickly under the stands.

The noon wind was warm, and Ji Xiao's short hair was floating in the wind.

She stepped on the red maple leaves that fell on the concrete road, and every next step she fell was written the joy of the girl.

After passing through the bleakness of autumn, the golden and white sun is directly in front of Ji Xiao.

It seemed to be the result that she had been waiting for in the past, and she finally got her happy ending at this moment, her heart has never been happier.

In a moment, Ji Xiao's hair came to the school gate with a slightly messy hair, and the black Maybach also slowly drove over.

Just behind it, followed by a more low-key business bodyguard car.

Ji Xiao tidyed up her hair, and wondered if Wei Qingyu was too exaggerated.

But I don't want to hear an abnormal movement from the bodyguard car behind.

Several sturdy men in suits and leather shoes got out of the car and blocked Ji Xiao's path.

The window behind the Maybach slowly fell down at this moment, and a face that Ji Xiao was very familiar with appeared in the back seat that should have been empty.

Ji Qingyun leaned back on the leather seat leisurely, and then slowly dropped the window to reveal his face with an expressionless expression.

He raised his hand and hooked to Ji Xiao, and motioned: "Xiaoxiao, Dad has asked for a leave for you, let's get in the car."