The beautiful sun at noon made people feel warm, but the ten fingers that Ji Xiao grabbed were getting cold.

She stared at Ji Qingyun who was sitting on the right, and the dim light in the car made people feel that he was now showing a gentle chill.

Ji Qingyun's words were relaxed and kind, but the actual actions were full of threats.

The bodyguards surrounding Ji Xiao are not at the same level as the gangsters who met in the alley that day. Even if she is an S-level Alpha, even if she has learned Sanda, she can't match it at all.

Ji Xiao was still in a stalemate with Ji Qingyun, and the few sturdy men who came out at the school gate immediately attracted the attention of many people around him.

Ji Qingyun looked at the gaze projected from the surroundings through the car window glass, and reminded: "Xiaoxiao, many students are watching."

Ji Xiao knew that it would be no good for him to stay in a stalemate. The hand clasped on the door still opened the door and got into the car without saying a word.

The street scene outside the window flew by Ji Xiao's sight, and the low buildings in the old city were gradually replaced by the towering buildings in the city center.

The car had just drove into the underground parking lot of Guangtong Building, a landmark building in City A, and several people in waiters had already stood by and waited for a long time.

The car stopped steadily in the parking space, and Ji Xiao looked at Ji Qingyun suspiciously.

As if feeling the sight of Ji Xiao, Ji Qingyun quickly buttoned a button on his suit jacket, and said: "I haven't eaten yet. Don't you like TSTA steak the most? Dad will take TSTA upstairs. Packed it down."

Ji Xiao didn't know what medicine Ji Qingyun was selling in the gourd, so he looked at him warily, but Ji Qingyun still had a calm face.

After a while, Ji Xiao dug out four words from his throat: "Thank you, Dad."

When Ji Qingyun heard this, his face immediately showed the same smile as usual, "You're welcome."

After all, he pushed the door and got out of the car.

Under the leadership of the waiter, the father and daughter got on the elevator that leads directly to the 68th floor where TSTA is located.

In the elevator cabin surrounded by glass, you can see the rapidly descending high-rise buildings, and slowly Ji Xiao's sight filled the entire bustling city center.


Ji Qingyun's unidentified laugh suddenly came from the quiet space.

He watched the news automatically pushed on his mobile phone and preached to Ji Xiao: "Boss Chen really values ​​light words."

"You see, the general meeting of shareholders has just ended. Wei Qingyu has become a hot newcomer in the upper circle in the press release. How many of these people took advantage of Wei Linyu's death and fell into trouble with Wei Qingyu, and how they treat her now. Flattery."

Ji Xiao heard Ji Qingyun's words and did not respond.

These people have always been like this. When they fail, they can't wait to step you into the dirt, and when they succeed, they can't wait to lift you to the sky.

They are just a gun for these people to fight for.

At that time, Ji Qingyun was able to buy those drafts to sing bad news, and now Chen Linji can buy these drafts to build momentum for Wei Qingyu.

"Can you see it? That building over there is where Man Qing is located." Ji Qingyun took out the left hand that had been in his pocket and pointed to the southwest. "The building next to him is our house. Xiaoyun."

After hearing the words, Ji Xiao shifted his gaze for a while and followed the direction of Ji Qingyun's fingers.

The sun is shining during the day, and the tall buildings are just a jagged group of buildings, and nothing can be distinguished.

Ji Xiao didn't know how Ji Qingyun recognized the two high and low buildings from the towering buildings at once, and he was not very interested in this.

Just out of courtesy and respect, Ji Xiao still uttered an "um", expressing his response to Ji Qingyun.

Soon the group reached the 68th floor, the elevator door slowly opened, and Ji Xiao's vision changed.

The melodious violin and piano sounded from the concert stage not far away, and the lightly decorated western restaurant was lit up with light balls, looking at the quiet illusion like sinking into the galaxy from a distance.

Ji Xiao knew that a western restaurant like this would not be available without eight figures.

She looked at Ji Qingyun, who was talking to the waiter, and even suspected that it was not Wei Qingyu who won today, but him.

The steak makes a sizzling sound in a quiet space, and the firm meat bursts with tender gravy with every bite.

The Wellington steak that Ji Xiao likes so much on weekdays, she now feels it tastes like chewing wax.

Ji Xiao really couldn't guess what Ji Qingyun was going to do.

Obviously, the shareholder meeting ended in failure, and his business dream is about to collapse. He is still in the mood to eat Western food here with himself.

"Dad, what are you going to do?" Ji Xiao asked.

Hearing this question, Ji Qingyun looked up at Ji Xiao calmly and tenderly, and said: "Xiaoxiao, Dad is only you, how can Dad be willing to do anything to you? Dad will take you out of here."

Ji Xiao said in his heart, "I won't go."

Ji Qingyun curled her lips and preached with extra confidence: "You must go with Dad."

Ji Xiao: "I won't."

Ji Qingyun seemed to have guessed that Ji Xiao would be so determined, and raised his hand to beckon the bodyguard on the side to take his things over, "Look at this, it's not too late to refuse Dad."

After all, a blue folder appeared at the table of the two of them.

Ji Xiao looked at the blue shell, always feeling that this document carries a faint danger. She was still holding the knife and fork with both hands on the table, and she didn't mean to take this information at all.

When Ji Qingyun saw it, she still smiled, took the file and opened it personally, and said, "Since Xiaoxiao doesn't want to read it, then Dad will read it to you."

"In the autumn of 2734, at this time three years ago, Ji Qingyun, that is, his father, bought the car serviceman Chen Dong of Wei Linyu’s family. He moved the car Wei Linyu drove that day, and deliberately loosened the brake cable. When he was avoiding an oncoming truck on the ring road, the brakes were loose, and he could not brake in time."

When Ji Qingyun's voice fell, Ji Xiao only felt his brain dazed.

She remembered that this accident was not caused by Ji Qingyun. Didn't it mean that it was just an accident of unbeautiful nature?

Seeing Ji Xiao's reaction, Ji Qingyun closed the file in his hand again and asked, "Does Xiaoxiao want Dad to continue reading, or do you see it for yourself?"

"I'll see it for myself." Ji Xiao said, and pretended to take over the information in Ji Qingyun's hand calmly.

The sound of the paper flipping through the photo sounded in the restaurant, and the piano band didn't know when it was quiet, the whole space was quiet as if there was no breathing.

I have to say that Ji Qingyun's design is too delicate.

The loosening of the brake cable, the sudden appearance of overloaded trucks, the ring road that Wei Linyu chose, and the time of departure were all within Ji Qingyun's design.

At that time, rain was judged to be the direct cause of the accident, but it was the icing on the cake that fate gave Ji Qingyun's plan.

Ji Xiao squeezed the already cooled paper tightly, and wrinkles stretched from under her fingers.

Only then did she realize that what she thought was not mentioned in the original text should actually be missed at the time.

She thought Ji Qingyun too well.

"Xiaoxiao, Dad never fights unprepared, but this time Dad missed it. Sure enough, my daughter is still very good." Ji Qingyun said with a relieved and perverted smile.

Listening to Ji Qingyun's words, Ji Xiao asked calmly, "So is this your gift for me to win?"

Ji Qingyun shook his head, "Of course not. Regardless of whether I can regain Man Qing's initiative in the shareholders meeting today, I will give you this information at the meeting today."

"Of course besides you, there are also Qingyu and Boss Chen."

Speaking of Ji Qingyun, he looked at the watch on his wrist and said with a smile: "Presumably they have already seen it at this time. I picked you up just now and added it to you. It took a while. So you know. It will be later than them... about half an hour."

Ji Xiao couldn't believe Ji Qingyun's almost self-reporting behavior, "You gave Wei Qingyu back?"

Ji Qingyun nodded, "Yes, even if her father doesn't give it to her, she will know it sooner or later, right? She's smart, don't you know? Even if it is a gift from her father to take over Man Qing. Xiaoxiao, you Do you think this gift from Dad is very good?"

Ji Xiao looked at the man opposite with heavy eyes.

Even if she had been his daughter for two years, she still couldn't understand Ji Qingyun's logic.

Ji Qingyun slowly cut the steak in front of him, with a bit of blame and a bit of gentle preaching: "You disobedient daughter, don't do what Dad said, you see now, there is nothing left."

"You helped Wei Qingyu return Man Qing from her father. Do you think she still appreciates it now?"

"You are the daughter of her father and enemy, do you think she can still be with you?"

"Even if she is willing, do you think Chen Linji, who has been supporting her, will agree?"


Ji Qingyun moved his knife every time he said something, and the sharp blade cut the tender beef without any effort.

Ji Xiao sat opposite him, just thinking that he was the steak under his hands, let him kill.

Finally Ji Qingyun finished cutting his steak, and very tenderly placed his own cut of beef on Ji Xiao's plate: "Come to Dad, Dad is the only person you can rely on."

The scent of musk fell into Ji Xiao's sight along with the blood-stained beef, and the man's voice was very enchanting with Alpha.

Ji Xiao still looked at Ji Qingyun resistingly, and felt that the man in front of him was a paranoid lunatic.

Ji Xiao wanted to leave here, just as he was about to stand up, the bodyguards on the side surrounded him again.

It's dark and airtight.

Ji Xiao looked at Ji Qingyun, "What are you doing?"

Ji Qingyun is still very patient and said to Ji Xiao: "Daddy, it's all for your own good."

"Xiaoxiao, go with Dad. Dad has already bought it..."

"Sir, you can't go in, sir, we have already booked here today, sir..."


Just before Ji Qingyun finished speaking, there was a noise not far away, and then the door of the restaurant was violently kicked open from the outside.

Seeing this, the bodyguards rushed to deal with these uninvited guests, and Ji Xiao and Ji Qingyun also looked at the door at the same time.

I saw Liu Hu in a suit and a group of people rushed in. With agile hands, all Ji Qingyun's bodyguards were knocked down and controlled.

Then from the door of the restaurant, another man walked out.

Chen Linji looked scheming and stood calmly in front of Ji Qingyun under the protection of Liu Hu.

"Mr. Ji, you may not be able to leave today."

Ji Qingyun stared at Chen Linji and sneered: "I didn't expect Boss Chen to act so quickly."

Chen Linji smiled when he heard the words, "If we don't go quickly, I'm afraid Mr. Ji will take a private jet to go abroad in a while."

"We have already received the gifts that President Ji gave to me and Qingyu. Qingyu asked me to convey to you. She is very grateful for the information you sent her. She said that if you receive such a gift, you must'pay a tooth for a tooth. "Blood for blood' is fine."

[Wei Qingyu just stood condescendingly in front of Ji Xiao, and her hatred made her always calm eyes tremble.

She bent over and pinched the face of Ji Xiao who could not fight back, looked at her eyes that wished to swallow her alive, and whispered in her ear: "About the gift you gave me these years , I will definitely give a tooth for a tooth, and blood for blood."】

When Ji Xiao heard these words, a paragraph from the original text suddenly appeared in his mind.

Suddenly she felt a colic in her heart. She stood there, but saw the light ball in the dining room start to sway and spin. The Liuhu in front of her was divided into countless phantoms in her sight, and the world began to spin.

Ji Xiao looked at the steak in front of him that was half eaten by himself, and the countless Ji Qingyun in his sight seemed to rush over to support him as if he had expected it a long time ago.

——It turns out that he decided early in the morning, whether he will follow him today or not, he will take himself away!

It's a pity that the surrounding bodyguards saw Ji Qingyun's action and took the lead in controlling Ji Qingyun.


Ji Xiao's eyes were dark, and he fell straight to the ground.

In the afternoon, the city center is still prosperous. The bright sunshine seems to brighten everything in the world. Unfortunately, the underground parking lot of Guangtong Building is still dark.

Liu Hu hugged Ji Xiao out of the elevator, and placed it in his commercial car under the sign of Chen Linji.

"Don't you need to notify Miss?" Liu Hu asked.

Chen Linji glanced at Ji Xiao who was lying in the back row, then returned his gaze back to the front, and replied lightly: "You don't need to talk lightly about this kind of thing."