"Doctor Ann, the patient has a cardiac arrest."

"Prepare for an electric shock."


"Doctor Ann, no way."

"One milligram of adrenaline."


"One milligram of atropine."


The sounds of various electronic devices rang in Ji Xiao's ears, including An Cen's voice.

The girl struggled and opened her eyes, but she found that she was in a world that was so pure and dazzling.

There was a wave of light flowing under her, like a clear water, but she was lifted up.

Ji Xiao lay in the center of the world with no strength, and flashbacks and various memories played back and forth in his chaotic brain.

Wei Qingyu appeared in her mind and smiled and couldn't tell the story, but she couldn't help but look up.

It is also very emotional.

It turned out that Wei Qingyu has been the only one who has been throughout her three years since she came to this world.

Ji Xiao struggled to raise his hand to keep these memories, but she felt that these images were being peeled from her mind a little bit and disappeared.

A sense of powerlessness fills her body that doesn't have a trace of strength.

The harder she struggled, the more embarrassed she appeared.

At this moment, someone in this world didn't know that direction, and there was a voice that was vague but directly hitting the soul.

"My child, do you want to live?"

The voice made Ji Xiao raise his head blankly, and a small but huge double-petaled golden lotus suddenly appeared in front of his sight.

Like the gatekeeper in this nihil world, or the incarnation of God.

Ji Xiao looked at the diminishing Wei Qingyu's face in his mind, and pulled out an obsessive voice from his dumb voice at the lotus flower: "...think."

"Come here," the voice said again.

Ji Xiao then tried his best to stand up from the vain ground, her weak legs supporting her thin body.

Her body looks intact, but in fact it is just the perfect appearance of this pure white world. Every step of the injured body will involve a wound that she doesn't even know where it is.

The blood ran across her neck and across the snow-like back, a drop of heavy trembling fell to the white ground, and before the ripples were lifted, the still water disappeared.

I don't know if it was a trial given by the gods, but the golden lotus that looked close in front of her was far away.

There is no sign of the illusion of nothingness. Ji Xiao doesn't know how long he has been walking. The only instruction left in his numb body is to see Wei Qingyu again.

Until the end, Ji Xiao seemed to have tripped over something, and she staggered and fell directly to the ground.

The golden lotus in front of her was also knocked off a lotus petal by her at this moment. The soft-looking petals rubbed her face, and a thin red mark was drawn on the white face.

The blood beads quickly condensed under the wound, and the round scarlet beads landed in the center of the lotus petal.

Ji Xiao's eyes were instantly filled with panic.

This is something of God, and she should not be defiled.

However, when Ji Xiao was panicked and helpless, she felt a soft kiss on her forehead.

The **** sitting condescendingly on the lotus, gently and forcefully lifted up Ji Xiao's frail face.

"My child, what has been done will be there again, and what has been done will be done again. This is just a gift for you."

After all, Ji Xiao felt that the world in front of him suddenly went dark.

The running water under her body that held her up suddenly disappeared, and the weightlessness squeezed her heart, and even the memories of being pulled out just started pouring back into her brain little by little.


"Great, my heartbeat has recovered."

The sound of the icy electronic instruments around him entered Ji Xiao's ears again, as if there was a dazzling light.

She heard Ancen's excited voice, even though she didn't hear clearly what she was saying, she fell asleep in peace.

The paper on the calendar was torn one after another, and the jagged marks with different bumps remind people of the days that have passed.

The first few days of the first snow hung on the top floor of the hospital not far from the window. The thin layer reveals the original color of the roof, which is another unique atmosphere.

The monotonous operating sound of the instrument rang in the quiet ward, and Ji Xiao's hand holding the testing instrument moved slightly.

At first, the strange and familiar smell of disinfectant came from all around, and then the girl lying on the hospital bed struggled to open her eyes.

With the clean room and the sound of the bedside ECG monitor, Ji Xiao recognized where it was at a glance.

What she didn't expect was that the scent of the disinfectant was still tinged with the faintly mint smell, and Wei Qingyu was lying on the side of his bed and fell asleep deeply.

Ji Xiao knew that Wei Qingyu must have not left since she got out of the operation, and honey was wrapped in sourness in her heart.

However, various monitoring devices were attached to her chest, making her unable to even cover her with a quilt.


Xu had enough rest, and Xu realized that the person in the hospital bed was awake, and Wei Qingyu's little face lying on the side of Ji Xiao's bed let out a hazy cry.

Then Wei Qingyu sat up straight under the gaze of Ji Xiao unprepared.

The first ray of light in the morning slanted into this quiet and empty room, casting the clearest sunlight on the girl's face in her sight.

The dazzling hair cut across the clear green pupils, and there was some confusion in the pupils that had just awakened.

The thin eyelashes flickered without rhythm, and it looked like a fawn who had hit and smashed into his arms by mistake.

Ji Xiao blinked at the little deer who hadn't realized what was happening, and instantly she saw the no longer calm excitement in those turquoise eyes.

"Ji Xiao, are you awake! Are you really awake? Are you...are you comfortable there, no, is it uncomfortable..."

This is the first time Ji Xiao has seen Wei Qingyu's speech so incoherent that he is so excited, and his turquoise eyes are full of bright joy.

She looked at Wei Qingyu's appearance, and held her hand with a bit of awakening weakness, "Did you worry about it these days? How long have I been in a coma?"

"Three days. Aunt Ann said, if you can't wake up today, you may have little hope."

Wei Qingyu said that the worry that had been suppressed in her heart finally came out of her eyes uncontrollably.

The bright beads ran across her cheek, leaving a bright and distressing tear.

Ji Xiao couldn’t help feeling sour when she watched. She lifted her hand strenuously and brushed Wei Qingyu’s soft cheeks, and said: "Fool, how can I not wake up. You are still here, I will do whatever it takes. Wake up."

Wei Qingyu heard softly sobbing and nodded. She greedily held Ji Xiao's warm hand, calming down the worries and fears of these days a little bit.

The ward is filled with the joy of loss and recovery, and this monitoring instrument is also running smoothly.

Ji Xiao seemed to think of something, and then asked: "...what about my father? Is he already..."

Ji Xiao didn't say everything, Wei Qing nodded softly.

The news that Ji Qingyun had died was passed on to Ji Xiao silently, and an uncontrollable teardrop rolled out of her eyes and wet the gauze on her neck.

Ji Xiao subconsciously reached out to touch the gauze that she couldn't see, she had seen it on Qi Qi's neck.

The thin and rough gauze drew across Ji Xiao's soft fingertips. She seemed to realize something and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu looked at the dazzling red gauze on Ji Xiao's neck. The thin lips incited a few times, and then he said with difficulty: "Your glands have been severely damaged. To save their lives... they have been removed."

Wei Qingyu's voice was cautious and cautious, but he could not help but clenched Ji Xiao's hand slightly.

Ji Xiao was lying on the hospital bed like this, as calm as expected, and as if he didn't have time to react.

From being locked into the small black room, to rolling down the stairs in the sea of ​​fire a few days ago, causing the glands to be damaged and removed, Ji Xiao’s ears rang what she had heard in the chaotic and pure white world. Sentence.

"What has been done will be reproduced, and what has been done must be done again. This is just a gift for you."

Just a gift.

Except for death, all the things that should have happened to her have already happened.

And she, fortunately, was temporarily favored by God.

When the gland was damaged and almost crossed the ghost gate, he was pushed back by God.

But at the same time, the fixed time of death in the original text seems to have become erratic.

Will she still die?

How would she link death to sharks?

When Wei Qingyu saw Ji Xiao’s stunned expression, he hurriedly shook her hand and added as if soothing: “You can rest assured that Aunt An is thinking of a way. Her research team has done many examples over the years. The glands have not been completely removed, and regeneration and repair are also possible. We still have a lot of time, take it slow, and I will do everything possible."

Ji Xiao recovered after hearing the words.

She looked at the girl in front of her who was thinking of herself, and shook her head gently, "No, it's okay to be an Alpha without pheromone."

Speaking of Ji Xiao, she remembered the tiny mint pheromone that she had just smelled, and cast her eyes down with a bit of disbelief: "It's just...I won't be able to do anything in the future...Will you..."

Just before Ji Xiao finished the intermittent words, Wei Qingyu interrupted her: "What are you talking about? This is what you said at the beginning. If you like someone, you don't care about that person's attributes. You are even an Oga. , I should like you, or should I like you."

"Because you are Ji Xiao, that's why I like you."

The girl's expression was unprecedentedly serious, but her reddish eyes became fragile.

She just sat in front of her holding Ji Xiao's hand, and the sunlight behind her made her eyes shining.

The fluorescent green line of the monitor changed sharply and irregularly, and the electronic numbers on the electronic screen directly showed Ji Xiao's sudden increase in heartbeat.

Amidst the rapid ticking sound, Ji Xiao leaned over and kissed her slightly dry lips on Wei Qingyu's.

The rough lip lines rubbed on the girl's soft lips, slowly softened savagely, and finally a layer of light pink crystal was floated.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but put her hand through Wei Qingyu's long hair, the hair wrapped around her fingers, slowly gathering warmth.

The warm fragrance was full, and a beautiful little flower full of lost and recovered appeared on the tip of her heart. It was the gentleness that she could feel even if she couldn't smell her pheromone.

Ji Xiao's eyes burst into tears uncontrollably, and he said in Wei Qingyu's ear: "Wei Qingyu, with you, I have suffered much."

Wei Qingyu gently wiped away the teardrops from the corners of Ji Xiao's eyes, and said with a bit of anger, "Don't say that, it's unlucky."

Ji Xiao smiled as he listened, "When did you begin to believe this."

It's just that Ji Xiao didn't know that tears filled his eyes when Wei Qingyu lifted her out of the fire that day.

She looked at the dying person in her arms, and only felt that the sky full of Baixue was like a ritual to take away the girl in her arms.

She does not believe in fate, and never believes in gods and Buddhas.

But when she stood at the door of the emergency room of the hospital, countless times she expected that a **** would pity her, a poor and selfish temporary believer.

As long as Ji Xiao can be brought back from death, she can believe anyone from now on.

Wei Qingyu thought about this in his heart, but never said it to Ji Xiao.

Time slipped for a second like this, she silently looked at Ji Xiao's fragrant lips, and her thoughts turned into Gu Xiaowang, pushing her to lower her head and kiss Ji Xiao's lips again.

The warm and soft touch, the lingering love entwines the hazy morning.

They leaned on each other, feeling instigated, each time it seemed to be over, and each time a person who didn't want to separate hooked each other's neck and asked for another kiss.

It wasn't until the end that Ji Xiao felt exhausted and let go of Wei Qingyu's hand, that the two of them were reluctant to give up.

In an instant the sun had risen to the top of the glass window. Wei Qingyu glanced at the phone and said, "It's getting late, I have to go to work."

Ji Xiao nodded, and exhorted as he used to in the small black house: "Be careful on the road and wait for you to come back at night."

Wei Qingyu also said softly "OK" to Ji Xiao as usual, dropped a kiss on her forehead and walked out of the room.

It seems that nothing has changed, just a different scene.

Even the bodyguard who was guarding Ji Xiao's house on weekdays changed from in front of Ji Xiao's house to the door of this intensive care unit.

Wei Qingyu returned to his former cold and cold appearance, and told the bodyguards on both sides: "You must take good care of this ward, you must have permission to enter and exit, and you can't let anyone in without my consent."

"Yes." The bodyguard replied respectfully.

□ □ The flow of people in the inpatient department of the hospital at o'clock increased, and the quiet corridors and elevators were mixed with a little deliberately lowered conversation.

Wei Qingyu stepped down from the somewhat crowded elevator, and walked straight to the car she had parked not far away.

I don't know if it's because Ji Xiao woke up, or the weather is exceptionally good today. Wei Qingyu sat in the car and looked at the sky framed by the windshield, only to feel that the blue sky made her feel relaxed and happy.

However, before Wei Qingyu could enjoy the scenery for a long time, the mobile phone she put aside rang.

The caller was Jinnanfeng, Wei Qingyu wondered why there was a bad premonition suddenly in his heart.


"Quietly, there is bad news." Jin Nanfeng's voice is obviously a little low, "Uncle Chen announced that his company has withdrawn from the AC57-9 project. Now this project has a huge funding gap. Several major shareholders After hearing that, I have already arrived at the company. Come back quickly."

The author has something to say: sorry for being late.