There were sharp footsteps in the quiet Manqing company building. Wei Qingyu walked out of the elevator and merged with the Jinnan wind that had been waiting at the door.

Jin Nanfeng looked serious, "Several major shareholders are already sitting in the large conference room, and it seems difficult to cope."

"Uncle Chen should have disclosed the news to them in advance." Wei Qingyu judged.

"This really caught us by surprise." Jinnan Feng said.

"After all, we are also secretly drawing salaries." Wei Qingyu preached calmly, "How about the project?"

"You said at the time that you want to reduce your dependence on Uncle Chen's funds, so a large part of the current project is still relying on our Jin family. The part of the cash flow that has been taken away has been made up with Manqing's working capital. But the company is flowing. The funds are not too much, it is conservatively estimated that it can last up to half a month." Jinnan Fengdao.

When Wei Qingyu heard the report from Jinnan Wind, his pace was still calm, "Half a month is enough."

The two talked all the way and walked to the company's large conference room.

The red-brown door was opened by the secretary, and the three largest shareholders of the company were seated at the dark oval conference table.

The faces of the three of them were more serious than the other, and the black and overwhelming aura seemed to be the trial judge sitting on the high hall.

Mr. Sun watched Wei Qingyu come in, and said distressed first: "Qingyu, I heard that Lao Chen's withdrawal is related to the little girl from the Ji family? Is there such a thing?"

Wei’s company is destined to be at odds with Ji’s family, and Mr. Wu on the side heard the words and followed, “I just ended the call with Lao Chen, and he was so angry with you this time. Why did Uncle Chen advise you many times? If you stay away from Ji Xiao, you have repeatedly intervened in the affairs of her house. A few days ago, the house in Ji’s family was on fire, and you actually broke into the scene to rescue her? Although you retaliate with virtue, are you a bit too much?"

When Wei Qingyu heard that these two lofty shareholders came up to make a fuss about Ji Xiao, to put pressure on himself, it seemed that his cold face sank a little.

Wei Qingyu has now become an upstart in the upper class and has everything.

Everyone felt that she should abandon the useless little girl of the Ji family, and everyone felt that the little handicapped Ji family was not worthy of the upstart in the upper class.

But only Wei Qingyu knew that she would never abandon Ji Xiao.

Just like two dragons guarding in a cave full of treasures, all they can have is each other in the golden world.

"Thank you for your uncle's concern. I know that the uncles are all thinking about me. But what is Ji Xiao? You said it doesn't count, and I said it doesn't count. Judging from the court report, Ji Xiao It can be said that the silt is not stained. She is a clean sheet of white paper without a stain. Judging from her helping me put Man Qing back into my hands, Ji Xiao can be said to be an absolutely righteous person. I don’t think Commenting on a person needs to be characterized by her family background."

As she said, the girl lifted her slender fingers to hook up a strand of long hair hanging down from the sideburns, and slowly raised her head in front of the three of them.

Those turquoise eyes smiled politely, but the temperature it emitted was actually colder than the freezing river outside the window.

"Moreover, regarding my relationship issues, I think this is my personal business. It is inconvenient and inappropriate for this occasion."

The atmosphere was overwhelmingly stagnant. Mr. Sun pushed down his glasses lightly, and calmly said: "Quietly, we are not here to condemn your private life. The main thing is, like this large project of several hundred million, if you want to quickly find the next A partner, you also know that things are impossible in a short period of time. Your Uncle Chen is also thinking about you, you go and apologize to him, put the little girl from the Ji family first, so that we can help too You make peace."

Wei Qingyu refused with no response. He prepared a thick document from the secretary's hand. "Uncles, in fact, regarding the follow-up financial support of the Ac57-9 project, we have already drawn up a plan with country R. This is a specific plan for courtier company cooperation."

"In fact, half a month ago, we have tried to contact the courtier company. After several rounds of negotiations, the cooperation with the courtier company is basically a matter of confirmation. So please rest assured, uncles, that there will be no problems with funds."

The three of them looked at the document that was pushed in front of them, the same calm in the pupils of the three pairs of eyes, and the same undercurrent surging.

Mr. Wu looked at Wei Qingyu, with some accountability dissatisfaction in his tone: "Qingyu, have you been preparing to not cooperate with Lao Chen a long time ago?"

Wei Qingyu knew that Mr. Wu had the best relationship with Chen Linji of the three, and knew that he was the easiest to be used as a gunman by Chen Linji, so he calmly nodded at him: "Yes."

Then she looked at the three major shareholders present, and preached to them in a calm tone: "I understand the trust of uncles in Uncle Chen, but until half a month ago, Uncle Chen has been shirking all kinds of excuses. We have now There is still part of the formalities that have not been signed with Uncle Chen."

"Uncles think that my protection of Ji Xiao is the reason that led to Uncle Chen's withdrawal. Then please think about it. In fact, is this really causing Uncle Chen to be able to withdraw any compensation for breach of contract. Why did you withdraw from the AC57-9 project?"

When Wei Qingyu's voice fell, he looked tenaciously at the three shareholders in front of him.

Although I have experienced intrigues from countless shopping malls, there are still some changes in expression on my face.

And these changes all point to one word-shake.

After giving the three shareholders a buffer, Wei Qingyu continued: "There is another question. If Uncle Chen is really thinking about Man Qing, why should he withdraw his funds at such a critical time? Man Qing took over? With Uncle Ji’s company, the two are merged into one. Such a piece of fat with a newcomer, me, will not be itching? It’s better to get the knife that divides the meat."

The clean window glass reflected Wei Qingyu's calm and somewhat indifferent face, paranoid and cold.

Her voice was steady, her words were pearly, and every sentence was particularly refined and poked at the heart of Chen Linji.

In fact, she didn't want to analyze Chen Linji's thoughts to the three shareholders clearly this time. She originally planned to boil the frog in warm water and kill people invisible.

But since Chen Linji once again used Ji Xiao as the banner to achieve his goals, Wei Qingyu had to do it himself and get rid of this bane all at once.

Thinking of this, Wei Qingyu looked at the three people in front of him again, and asked politely: “In view of the willingness of the three uncles to continue cooperating with Uncle Chen’s company, I would like to ask again to confirm. According to several uncles, is one of his partners, whether we, Manqing, should continue to cooperate with him? Or choose courtiers."

Mr. Liu took the lead in rebelling, "I think courtiers can give it a try."

Mr. Wu touched his chin and asked, "But before signing the contract, how should the funds for the AC57-9 project be supported?"

Wei Qingyu didn’t need to answer this question. Jin Nanfeng put the financial statements in front of Mr. Wu, “Don’t worry about that. The project funds are currently supported by our two companies, and the project is still progressing steadily.”

Mr. Wu listened and nodded in approval.

Only Mr. Sun, who has only been in a sober state, is still a little hesitant, "While speaking, it’s not that the uncles don’t trust you, it’s just that this R country company is a foreign company after all, and our company’s previous examples of cooperation with foreign companies are not very good. Well, it’s rest assured. In fact, some of us are really a little nervous. After all, once such a big company makes a mistake, the loss is very huge."

I saw Mr. Liu rubbing his hands and thinking a little, and then cautiously finalized: "This way, I will give you a month. You have to stabilize the situation within a month, and my uncle is not embarrassing you. The Ac57-9 project is The most important part of Man Qing's reorganization, after all, the three of us are also responsible to the following shareholders and to Ding Lao."

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu solemnly nodded to the three shareholders: "Please rest assured, uncles."

The beautiful sunshine fell into the ward, driving away a bit of the winter cold.

Ji Xiao sat on the hospital bed and watched Aunt Wu carving fruit on the side. The unusual fruit came into her hands and changed after a few clicks. The naive little rabbits and apples were neatly laid out in a circle. , Very cute.

Ji Xiao looked at the rabbits in this circle and thought of Miss Rabbit.

Ever since she went to college, she looked at those strange and lively posts, she seldom used the high school forums, and chatted with Miss Rabbit a lot less.

I don't know how Miss Rabbit is doing now.

Just when Ji Xiao's thoughts were ethereal, the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside.

The little maid walked in with a sad face, as if something had happened.

Ji Xiao noticed her anomaly at a glance, and proactively asked, "What's wrong?"

The little maid grabbed her finger, blinked and blinked at Ji Xiao with big eyes, before hesitatingly preached: "Miss, Man Qing seems to have something wrong."

"I just heard a call from a person standing in the corridor, saying that Chen Linji had withdrawn from Manqing, and now Manqing people are panicking and are at risk of bankruptcy."

Aunt Wu hurriedly explained, "It's okay, you have to trust Miss Wei, she can handle it."

It’s just that Aunt Wu’s words, which have always been soothing, didn’t work for the little maid. She said again: "It’s mainly...mainly because I heard that the man said that Chen Linji’s withdrawal was because of the young lady. If Miss Wei no longer cares about the young lady. When things happen, Chen Linji will re-inject capital."

"You said, Miss Wei will leave us alone for Man Qing... After all, Man Qing is so important to her."

When Ji Xiao heard the little maid's words, his heart suddenly stopped, as if he missed a beat, and a flat line clearly appeared on the green line on the monitoring screen.

Aunt Wu keenly noticed Ji Xiao’s reaction, and hurriedly interrupted the little maid’s speculation, and said: "Okay, you believe in what that person says. How big a company Manqing is, it can be such a trivial thing. Let’s talk about it. , Did you hear me wrong?"

When she said that, Aunt Wu cast a look at the little maid, indicating that Ji Xiao was still there.

The little maid instantly realized that she had said the wrong thing, and nodded knowingly, "It's also possible...I was a bit far away at the time, and I didn't hear it really well. Maybe it wasn't Man Qing. It's not necessarily because of the stress. Woolen cloth."

Ji Xiao lowered her eyelashes as she listened, took the fruit plate that Aunt Wu had placed on the bedside table, and said to the little maid: "Eat apples."

She looked like she had believed the little maid's words, but in fact she seemed to have not.

The calm face was just for stabilizing the military's mind, and only the emerald green line silently expressed her inner anxiety.

Can the accents overlap until the three key names are exactly the same?

No one believes this probability.

What's more, Ji Xiao knew that according to Chen Linji's character, he could do it.

In the original text, he hated this Ji family deeply. He was a person who wanted to cut himself a thousand times. Now that he has a chance, even with Wei Qingyu as a security, he will definitely try his best to deal with him.

Ji Xiao couldn't be more clear about the importance of Man Qing in Wei Qingyu's heart.

A kind of anxiety permeated her body, and the absence of most of the glands made her emotionally unstable.

Even though Ji Xiao knew that they loved each other deeply, Wei Qingyu wouldn't give up easily, but she still couldn't help thinking things in the worst direction.

She walked in the pure white world for a long time, and her only thought was to come back and see Wei Qingyu again.

In the disappearing memory, she clearly felt the feeling of Wei Qingyu disappearing from her life.

This feeling of Ji Xiao can be summed up in one sentence-"terrible".

At this moment, the concealed door was pushed open again from the outside.

There was a smell of fresh disinfectant and a faint mint smell pouring into the empty corridor, and Wei Qingyu walked in with an exquisite cake box.

Aunt Wu: "Miss Wei is back. It's early today."

Wei Qingyu handed the cake to Aunt Wu, and said, "Um," as usual, "The company will come back early if there is nothing to do."

Aunt Wu smiled and nodded, and after putting the cake on the bedside table aside, she said: "Then Miss Wei is here to accompany the young lady. Let's go first. Dinner is not ready yet."

After that, Aunt Wu took the little maid away.

In the quiet room, Ji Xiao quietly watched Wei Qingyu calmly pull the chair she had made when she left in the morning to sit next to him, and couldn't help asking, "Is there nothing wrong with the company?"

Wei Qingyu was surprised that Ji Xiao asked this question. She instantly realized that Ji Xiao knew about it, and she was vaguely disturbed, "Who did you listen to?"

After getting Wei Qingyu's answer, Ji Xiao instantly understood the truth of what the little maid said.

Both of them know each other too well, and understand that even a single sentence can hear many voices hidden in their hearts.

Ji Xiao reluctantly sat up on the bed with his arms supported, and touched the money clip that Aunt Wu had put aside for herself.

The red-brown wallet was opened in front of Wei Qingyu, and Ji Xiao took out a card from it. "There are 1.5 million in this card."

When the voice fell, another card was placed in front of Wei Qingyu.

Ji Xiao said again: "There are one million in this card."

Then there is another card.

"This one is a little less, only two hundred thousand."


Wei Qingyu just watched Ji Xiao put bank cards on the small table in front of him, as if they were in a line waiting for review.

She knew that after Ji's family went bankrupt, Ji Xiao had nothing, and these bank cards were all her possessions.

And now, she actually gave all these belongings to herself...

Ji Xiao looked at the money he saved for future escape in the past few years with some dismay, and looked at Wei Qingyu sincerely: "This is the money I have saved from fund management these years. I use Aunt Wu to follow Xiaoju’s ID card is a legal fund that has not been confiscated. There should be seven or eight million dollars. You can take them all."

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu followed the hands on the small table and looked at Ji Xiao.

The girl’s gold-orange eye pupils gained a bit of strength, but a lot of emotions were added. The gentle light above her head fell in, and every beam of crystals reflected seemed to say: "Don't leave me."

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's eyes as he looked at him, and his heart was twisted fiercely.

She instantly understood that Chen Linji not only blew the wind of his divestment to the shareholders, but also to Ji Xiao's ears.

It was obvious that she had just woke up, the pheromone in her body was already disordered, and she had to face such an uneasy situation.

Obviously she was already at the end of her life and penniless, and she took out all her savings in this life.

Wei Qingyu once thought that he would be alone in this battle, but never thought that he had such a solid strength behind him.

The soreness of the nose caused tears in her eyes, and her tens of thousands of distress made her hug Ji Xiao tightly, "Thank you Ji Xiao, thank you..."

The sturdy love wrapped Ji Xiao's body tightly and blinded her at once.

In this way, she was held by Wei Qingyu, and the arm on the small table also fell on Wei Qingyu's back with some hesitation that felt unreal.

The soft sweater carried the girl's body temperature to her heart through Ji Xiao's palm, and the silent sense of security flowed through her body slowly.

The torn gland behind the girl's neck faintly echoed the gentle and soothing pheromone of Oga in front of her.

It was also at this time that Ji Xiao's gland sutured wounds were aching, and she couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, "hiss."

Wei Qingyu heard this sound and hurriedly let go, "Did I hurt you?"

Ji Xiao looked at the mint-flavored girl in front of him and shook his head gently.

Her gaze stopped gently on Wei Qingyu's face, and she reluctantly preached to her: "I think, even if my glands are disabled, I can't help but be moved by your pheromone."

Hearing Wei Qingyu's heartbeat, his hands around Ji Xiao's waist couldn't help tightening.

Then she leaned down again, her red lips carefully kissed Ji Xiao’s ear, and said: "Ji Xiao, I won’t go back to find Uncle Chen again. You have to have confidence in the relationship between us and don’t care what others say. , As long as it doesn't come from my mouth, don't believe it."

Ji Xiao immediately sat up straight when he heard the words, "So Manqing, have you thought of a way? I know that even with my money, it's only a drop in the bucket."

"Your drop in the bucket, but for me it is the rain from the sky." Wei Qingyu said and brushed Ji Xiao's hair gently, reluctant to preach, "Ji Xiao, I may be leaving next week. China, go to country R to talk about cooperation, and I have to be separated from you for a short period of time."

"You promised me to take a good rest, don't think so much, and wait for me to come back. Aunt Ann is still preparing for your gland repair surgery."

Ji Xiao listened and understood that his body could not follow Wei Qingyu to a foreign country. He was about to compromise and nodded. There were two knocks on the door in the room: "Dangdang."

An Cen, wearing a white coat, pushed the door in, casually leaned against the door frame, smiled and preached: "I'm sorry I just heard my name, so I can't help but disturb the warmth of the two of you. ."

"Aunt Ann, why are you here?" Wei Qingyu glanced at his watch. This time was not the time for the rounds, and he was very puzzled.

An Cen smiled at Wei Qingyu, and stretched out **** at Ji Xiao: "I have a good news and a bad news now, which one do you want to hear?"

Ji Xiao couldn't help feeling nervous when she heard this. She looked at the white coat in front of her and said solemnly: "I want to hear the bad news first."

An Cen pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, and said to himself: "Let's listen to the good news first."

"The good news is that I have worked out a detailed treatment plan with my senior sister in country R, ​​and the success rate of Ji Xiao's gland repair surgery has been increased to 93% by us."

Ji Xiao listened, and Wei Qingyu's eyes couldn't help but brighten, as if he was holding hope in his hand.

It's just that Ji Xiao remembered the bad news that An Cen had just said, so he asked nervously, "What about the bad news?"

An Cen made a regretful expression upon hearing this, "The bad news is that it is a pity that you two may not be able to enjoy the happy time without the restraint of your girlfriend for the time being, because we have set the site of Ji Xiao's surgery in country R."

The author has something to say: Pigeon: Today is a super fat pigeon! Was anyone fooled by me yesterday OvO

Ji Xiaocao: Mom, you are too bad QAQ

Wei Lengmo: (Roasted Pigeon)