In the last week of Dongyue, Ji Xiao followed Wei Qingyu to Country R by private jet.

In addition to the Jin Nanfeng team who came to negotiate with courtiers this time, the group also brought Aunt Wu and the little maid Xiao Orange with their hands.

From watching the plane flying through the clouds on the blue sky, to coming to the big villa that Wei Qingyu had prepared for a long time, Xiaoju’s clear eyes were like two long eyes, staring dripping round. .

This is the first time in her life that she has gone abroad. Even if she is wearing a servant's narrow skirt uniform, her steps are extremely light.

She cautiously placed the fruit plate in her hand on the small table in front of Ji Xiao, and couldn't help but gesticulate: "Miss, I saw a wild squirrel in our backyard just now! That tail is really big! !"

"This villa occupies a large area and the greenery is also very good. It is normal to have this kind of animal. You can prepare a little corn and pine nuts and put it on the windowsill. Maybe you can see them parked in front of your window tomorrow morning. "Wei Qingyu, who was sitting aside, didn't mind the little maid's arrogance, calmly and patiently explained to Xiaoju.

"Then I will go, Miss, Miss Wei, and Mr. Jin call me if necessary."

When she said that, the little maid nodded slightly to the three of them, and stepped back impatiently.

"The environment of this place is really good. It's also close to the hospital and close to our courtiers." Jinnan Feng standing in front of the window was watching the winter sunset outside the window.

Country R is located at a higher latitude, and the winter is colder than in the country.

I don't know that it was the first few heavy snowfalls this year that wrapped the entire city tightly and turned the entire world into white.

"Yes." Wei Qingyu glanced out of the window and stretched out his hand to roast on the stove in front of him.

Although the house was heated, it took a long time to warm up because no one lived in it for a long time. Aunt Wu studied the fireplace, and after the house was heated up, she drove the three most precious people away. Here it is.

The dry wood burns slowly in the fire of the fireplace, occasionally with a crisp crackling sound.

The flame was imprisoned in the exquisite black copper fence, fiery red exuding a comfortable temperature.

Wei Qingyu found that Ji Xiao, who was sitting facing the fireplace, hadn't spoken for a long time, and a pair of gold-orange eyes were staring at the fire in front of him.

She worried that Ji Xiao had caused PTSD to the flame, and she took the initiative to reach out and hold the girl's hand on her leg, and asked softly, "What are you thinking?"

It’s just that Ji Xiao didn’t get PTSD, and her absence was due to another reason: “I was thinking about the day when something went wrong, and I always thought there was something weird about this matter.”

"Strange? You suspect that Uncle Ji's death was caused by someone else?" Jin Nanfeng asked.

Before Ji Xiao could deny it, Wei Qingyu seemed to be aware of something, and asked: "Did Uncle Ji set off this fire, which makes you feel that it is against the peace?"

Ji Xiao nodded to Wei Qingyu. These days, she has been busy checking her body, packing up her luggage, and leaving Ji Qingyun's affairs behind her mind.

But the fire in the fireplace today raised the doubts in her heart.

The driver is a stranger who is completely unfamiliar with her, and she doesn't even know her.

The house fire spread rapidly. Someone planned the fire route on the spot in advance, but Ji Xiao knew that Ji Qingyun didn't know anything about this kind of thing. And the house had been sealed up at that time, how did Ji Qingyun manage to bring so many things in without being discovered.

In the end, Ji Xiao could see that the clothes on Ji Qingyun's body were of great value, and even the walking stick was personally ordered by someone.

This was only a standard configuration for Ji Qingyun in the past, but it was out of reach for him who was penniless at that time.

Ji Xiao told the two of the details she noticed that day, and couldn't help but find out the watch she subconsciously copied from her pocket when she came, guessing: "So I wonder if someone is planning something in a place we can't see. All this."

Jinnan Feng nodded when he heard the words, and deduced: "This person is likely to have a great hatred of Ji Qingyun, and has a certain amount of money and connections..."

Speaking of this, the same name, Chen Linji, appeared in the hearts of all three of them.

Wei Qingyu looked at the watch in Ji Xiao's hand, and felt very familiar: "What is this?"

Ji Xiao showed the watch to Wei Qingyu, "This is the token used by my father to prove his identity when he wants to see me."

Wei Qingyu looked at this watch with a keen insight into something, "Can you show it to me?"

Ji Xiao nodded, and handed the watch to Wei Qingyu.

The silver-white exquisite mechanical watch was lying quietly in Wei Qingyu's hands, being carefully weighed and fumbled.

The girl's slender fingers dexterously fiddled with the small knobs on both sides of the dial, and the gears made a small whirling sound in a quiet atmosphere.

Suddenly, a beam of light was projected from the surface.

A dim picture immediately appeared on the blank wall above the fireplace, which shocked the sparrow on the opposite side, and countless snow was shaken down.

"Chen Linji, we are really enemies on a narrow road, so you can't let me go. Anyway, you and I knew each other next to Wei Linyu..." Ji Qingyun, the owner of the watch, seemed extraordinarily loud even though it was strenuous.

Before Ji Qingyun could finish her words, she was interrupted by a group of black people not far away, "Shut up, you ungrateful villain, I will kill you here today. Eighty knives are not enough to defuse the qi."

The harsh voice fell, and the vague figure in front of the video came closer.

The half of Chen Linji's face in the black trench coat with the logo appeared in the screen projected on the wall.

The three looked at each other, while Jin Nanfeng stood up and turned off the lights that interfered with the projection.

They all realized that this should be the evidence that Ji Qingyun left for Ji Xiao, even if Ji Xiao was taken away by him, there would still be Wei Qingyu.

He was dead, but even if he had to use Chen Linji's hand, he would pull Chen Linji into **** at the end.

It was only then that Ji Xiao learned that Chen Linji had illegally imprisoned Ji Qingyun from the beginning and never sent him to the police station.

His lameness and the terrible scars on his face were all given by Chen Linji.

Wei Qingyu finally knew why she couldn't find him in the half month since Ji Qingyun escaped from Chen Linji.

It turned out that Ji Qingyun did not hide around for long before he was found again by Chen Linji, and was lured and stimulated by Chen Linji, and with his help set off the huge fire that day.

One crime is illegal imprisonment, another crime is deliberately hurting, and another crime is imparting criminal methods.

Even if he Chen Linji had the ability to reach the sky, he couldn't get out of his body if these things were submitted to the police station court.

At the end of the video, Jin Nanfeng took the watch that was placed on the middle table.

As if he had been prepared for a long time, he sorted out his suit and preached to the two ladies in front of him with a bit of help: "I think I'm going back to China early."

"I have secretly sent someone to investigate the accident. You will meet with Xiao Li when you go back." Wei Qingyu cast his eyes down, his voice particularly low.

As the sun set, the stars slowly gathered in the skylight of the bedroom on the top floor.

Wei Qingyu could not smell a hint of peach brandy in the unfamiliar room, only the warmth from the people around her secretly made her feel at ease.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao who was lying beside him, his black hair covered his neck and the gauze that had been deliberately modified was still dazzling.

The girl's hands hidden under the quilt were slightly clenched, and her eyes that had been concealed repeatedly turned red.

Wei Qingyu has always said that Chen Linji was the one who gave him money in the snow when he needed help the most. He has always been respectful and polite to him, and tolerates concessions.

But she didn't expect that it was because of her tolerance and concession that she had created the knife that indirectly hurt Ji Xiao.

She was really wrong.

Regardless of his elder uncles, and his important investment clients.

From when Chen Linji was about to show that she wanted to move Ji Xiao, and when she regained her rights, she should decisively guard Ji Xiao firmly behind her back.

Guilt lingered in Wei Qingyu's heart, she moved her small face slightly to Ji Xiao's arm, and said: "I'm sorry, Ji Xiao, I let you..."

The voice was cautious, and guilt was mixed with timidity.

Even if he couldn't read Wei Qingyu's current mood from the pheromone, Ji Xiao could still feel the anxiety she conveyed to herself.

When Ji Xiao listened, he raised his hand and took Wei Qingyu into his arms.

Then she turned her body slightly and said face to face with her: "It's not to blame you, this is the destiny of my glands."

When Wei Qingyu heard the "destiny" uttered from Ji Xiao again, his already frowned brows deepened.

She raised her head slightly, and seriously corrected Ji Xiao: "No, Aunt An said, you can still be cured. Don't think about it."

Ji Xiao listened to Wei Qingyu's words, and smiled softly, "Yes, since you know this is crazy thinking, why are you still saying'I'm sorry' to me?"

"Wei Qingyu, you don't have anything to apologize to me." Ji Xiao's eyes became more serious when he said that.

She held Wei Qingyu's face like she was holding some precious treasure.

The warm lips fell on the girl's crystal clear white skin, and she kissed the tip of her nose gently, "On the contrary, I want to thank you for accepting such a me."

Listening to Wei Qingyu, he instantly felt that a touch of spring sunshine fell on his heart in winter, urging a few small flowers to bloom.

They may not be perfect people, but they are the most suitable people for each other, just like two different pieces of jigsaw puzzle, which appropriately fill the gap in each other's heart.

Wei Qingyu is the missing piece of the puzzle with a sense of belonging written by Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao is the missing piece of the puzzle with the sun painted by Wei Qingyu.

"I want to thank you too." Wei Qingyu also said.

The girl’s warm face was attached to Ji Xiao’s thin pajamas, and the warmth that was rarely passed on in the winter was slowly conveyed.

Ji Xiao's fingers gently tucked Wei Qingyu's hair, showing an obedient smile: "Then if you thank me, then you can support me for the rest of my life."

"I don't have any money left."

As he said, Ji Xiao took Wei Qingyu's waist and gave it to her arms, leaning against Wei Qingyu's forehead as if to please.

Those gold-orange eyes flickered in Wei Qingyu's vision, clearly looking pitiful, but they couldn't help but want to take a bite.

Thinking of this, Wei Qingyu really raised his head slightly and kissed Ji Xiao's lips.

The warm breath circulated between the two people, and the taste of mint lonely fell on the tip of Ji Xiao's tongue.

Wei Qingyu put his hands around Ji Xiao's back again, staring at her narrowly, and said, "Not only for the rest of my life, but for the next life, I will also raise it."

"We have all agreed, no one should drink Meng Po soup."

Ji Xiao nodded, gently rubbing Wei Qingyu's wrist with his fingers.

The little peach basket tied with a red string quietly wiped Ji Xiao's finger, allowing her to feel the fine line of teeth marks.

"What is this? It's strange." Ji Xiao asked.

"It's a tooth print." Wei Qingyu leaned against Ji Xiao's arms, looked up at her, and added, "Goose."


Ji Xiao was taken aback for a moment.

She looked at the obvious expectation in Wei Qingyu's eyes, and quickly realized that this was the incident where the original owner bravely fought against the big goose in the diary.

The friendship of the green plums in the past made Ji Xiao's heart choked again.

She didn't want to extend the past between the original owner and Wei Qingyu, and just preached indifferently: "This was done when you were bitten by a goose, right?"

However, what Ji Xiao didn't want to get was that what she got was not Wei Qingyu's nod, but the confusion in her eyes.

"Ji Xiao, it was not me who was bitten, but you."

The author has something to say: Pigeon: Let me see how long Ji Xiaozun’s vest can stay on her body!

Wei Lengmo: (goes forward to help unbutton the button)

Ji Xiaocao: Da Ba!