Thick clouds piled silently in the sky, and sunlight survived through the cracks, mottled stained glass.

The depressive atmosphere piled up in Ji Xiao's heart with the weird weather, but when she heard Wei Qingyu's question, she did not choose to avoid it.

Wei Qingyu's shadow just fell on her hand. She looked at the girl standing in front of her and nodded at her: "Yes."

The calm voice was intertwined with the faint thunder in the sky, and Ji Xiao's heart ached even more.

But Wei Qingyu had discovered her unspeakable secret, so what reason did she have to escape?

Ji Xiao's lowered hands clenched slightly, holding on to his body and hiding himself in the bottom of my heart for three years and secretly said: "I am not the original Ji Xiao, I come from another world, also called Ji Xiao. Here it is. The world is a love letter in our world."


Wei Qingyu hadn't had time to digest Ji Xiao's words, but he heard that the voice hadn't fallen yet. A more rumbling thunder sound seemed to have the force of destruction, passing through the clouds and slashing straight toward the church.

The golden sunlight and white lightning intertwined on the magnificent stained glass illuminated the plaster statue in the center.

The white candle was shining with its weak flame, as if carrying the wrath of heaven.

Ji Xiao suddenly covered her heart with pain, and thousands of pains gathered in her heart.

The blue veins hung under her white skin, and the hideous bulge spread to the upper part of her arm.

Ji Xiao's whole body tightened, she felt as if an invisible force was gripping her heart tightly, and the blood vessels and meridians entrenched on it were severely torn, tightening to the extreme as if the next second It was cracked and disconnected.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's painful expression and panicked, "Ji Xiao, what's the matter with you?!"

It was just the pain that made Ji Xiao unable to say a word, and even every breath exhaled from her nasal cavity trembled.

Unspeakable pain was written in the golden-orange eye pupils. The girl wanted to bite her lips so hard to pass the punishment, but found that her vision was rapidly blurring, even her hands and feet were unable to make it. strength.


A small but crisp sound rang in the quiet church.

In the end, Ji Xiao couldn't support it, and fell on one knee on the cold ground, and fell into Wei Qingyu's arms.

The heavy clouds were blown away by the winter wind, and the sun was shining as if the haze at that moment did not exist.

Whether it is at home or abroad, the hallway of the hospital always smells of disinfection water. Two bodyguards in black clothes and sunglasses stand in front of the ward, and the powerful aura is full of people not entering.

Through the long frosted glass on the door, you can vaguely see a lady in a white coat standing in the ward. An Cen looked at the medical examination report in his hand and said: “It’s really strange. The results of Ji Xiao’s examination showed that she did not There is no abnormal condition. I also deliberately checked the heart and glands, and there is no problem."

An Cen looked at Ji Xiao who was in a coma, and judged: "Maybe it's just that I didn't rest here, just give me some nutrition injections."

As she said that, she put her hand on Wei Qingyu's shoulder, who had been guarding the bed, "Since we have already come in, let's go to the hospital and let the family pack up."

Wei Qingyu nodded, "Okay."

Then she watched An Cen leave, looking at the girl who had just fallen into a coma on the bed after the door was closed.

The way in the church just now really scared Wei Qingyu. She looked at Ji Xiao who was fainted in her arms. She even felt that Ji Xiao was like a cursed princess in a fairy tale. The day she reveals her true identity, she will lose her.

After all, just when Ji Xiao admitted all this to herself, he mentioned the key message of "love letter".

On the way to the church, Wei Qingyu envisioned countless possibilities of the identity of Zhong Ji Xiao, or two people who looked exactly the same had been dropped, or the soul of Ji Xiao in the past had traveled back.

The only thing that has never been imagined is that Ji Xiao is from another world.

The monitor sounded rhythmically, and Wei Qingyu remembered what he said to Ji Xiao on the bridge that day.

There is no Alpha and Oga, but the world of Beta without differentiation, which seems to be the world she lives in.

Wei Qingyu thought it was a little strange, the real world he was in was actually the content of a book by Ji Xiao.

It's like Zhuang Zhou's dream of butterfly, whether Zhuang Zhou dreamed that he became a butterfly, or butterfly dreamed that he became Zhuang Zhou.

This world was mixed with real nothingness, but a hole was made to let Butterfly meet Zhuang Zhou.

She was just fortunate enough to use Ji Xiao's eyes to see a corner of the world.

Wei Qingyu shook Ji Xiao's hand and let out a sigh of relief.

Being able to share all this with her makes her feel very happy.

At this time, Wei Qingyu felt two tremors in his palms.

Ji Xiao slowly opened his eyes, and preached to her weakly: "It really hurts to confess to the hostess."

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's words, his face was obviously dissatisfied, "You are still joking."

Then she looked at Ji Xiao's monitor and asked, "Does the heart still hurt? Would you like to drink water?"

Ji Xiao had no strength, first shook his head, and then nodded.

Wei Qingyu also understood what Ji Xiao meant. He brought her the water that had been dried a long time ago, and carefully shook her bed up: "Do you know that your lips are paler now than when you were in a coma for three days? It's also scary."

The temperature was just right that the water soaked the dry throat, and Ji Xiao felt that his fatigue state had eased a little bit.

She looked at the face that she could see every time she woke up from the hospital bed, and whispered: "I'm sorry, I worried you again."

Wei Qingyu took the water glass in Ji Xiao's hand and asked worriedly: "Is it because you told me to do this?"

Ji Xiao pursed her lower lip and nodded to Wei Qingyu.

Then she thought about it again and said, "Actually, you can ask me and I answer, it might not hurt that much."

Wei Qingyu shook his head when he heard the words, "No. Don't talk about it in the future, I know this is enough."

Ji Xiao was a little bit lost, and a few stars were missing from his golden orange eyes.

She actually wanted to share with Wei Qingyu everything she knew and the world she was in.

It was as if a lonely traveler who had been alone for a long time finally met another person in the wasteland, and her desire to talk quickly swelled in her heart.

Wei Qingyu keenly captured Ji Xiao's emotions and preached to her thoughtfully: "It seems that there is one, but if you feel uncomfortable, don't answer."

Ji Xiao nodded, waiting for Wei Qingyu's question.

It's just that she didn't think that Wei Qingyu was asking questions not about her, but about herself - "Do you have anyone in the book who liked you and wanted to chase you."

The girl's voice sounded particularly serious, but it was mixed with a little jealousy.

Ji Xiao was a little unexpected, and felt happy in her heart. The faint colic passed through her heart like an electric current, making herself feel very small.

She looked at Wei Qingyu in front of her and nodded pretentiously, "Yes."

Wei Qingyu tensed, his cyan pupils couldn't help but dilate: "Who."

Looking at Wei Qingyu's reaction, Ji Xiao couldn't help but laughed out, "Of course they are all passersby who set off my Alpha charm, yours is more than mine."

Wei Qingyu knew that this was being teased by Ji Xiao, and she narrowed her mouth in dissatisfaction. Then she thought of something and asked, "Then do you like anyone?"

Ji Xiao still nodded, "Yes."

Wei Qingyu became vigilant when he heard the words, and the cyan pupils were a little bigger than the ones just now.

The jealousy stirred in her eyes. She heard Ji Xiao say that her destiny could not be changed countless times, and she couldn't help but be wary of the "rival in love" she hadn't seen until now.

It's just that Wei Qingyu didn't expect that his vigilance didn't last long before being broken by Ji Xiao's word.

The soft light of the room fell on Ji Xiao's face, and Wei Qingyu was the only person in his gold-orange eyes.

Ji Xiao held Wei Qingyu's hand and said slowly: "You."

Wei Qingyu didn't get stiff when he heard that originally calm expression, and a few triumphant and pleased smiles flowed from the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

The heavy jealousy poured back, and quickly disappeared in her eyes.

The warm room temperature made the two overlapping palms a little damp. Wei Qingyu looked at the gauze wrapped around Ji Xiao’s neck and asked: “Then you told me that day, your glands It's fate to be squeezed out, so it's also written in the book, isn't it?"

Ji Xiao nodded, and added: "You have also been locked in a small black room."

Wei Qingyu seemed to realize something when he heard the words, his brows frowned slightly, "Then, is that also because of these reasons now? Can the content of the book not be changed? I think it can be changed, not necessarily enough to follow. Come on in the book? You see, since it is a romance letter, then I am in love with you now, hasn't it changed, right..."

Many questions came out of Wei Qingyu's mouth, which seemed a bit messy.

Seeing Wei Qingyu’s calm expression, Ji Xiao gradually became a little flustered, her lips were slightly incited, and he hesitated and hesitantly asked the question she most wanted to ask but did not dare to ask: "Then, after experiencing Did you survive in the end?"

Ji Xiao looked at the slightly trembling turquoise eyes, her nose sour.

If she knew that she didn't survive in the end, she would be the one who killed her, how sad she would be.

Ji Xiao, who had just passed through at the beginning, couldn't think of it, the girl who saw her eyes full of vigilance and hatred, is now the person who least wants her to die.

Ji Xiao shook Wei Qingyu's hand, and a confident smile was written in her golden orange eyes, "Of course I survived."

"This lady has a long life at the end of the book!"

Listening to Ji Xiao's words, Wei Qingyu didn't know if it was Ji Xiao's concealment that was extremely natural, or if she wanted to get such an answer in her heart, she quickly became convinced.

She got up and hugged Ji Xiao tightly, and cherished her preaching: "Then don't push me away anymore. Let's go to the finale together like this, okay."

The familiar mint smell loomed in Ji Xiao's nose, and she felt the excitement from Wei Qingyu.

Later, Ji Xiao slowly placed his hand on Wei Qingyu's back, and nodded with a slightly moist eye circle: "Okay."

Because Ji Xiao was hospitalized early, An Cen arranged Ji Xiao's gland repair surgery with her senior sister five days later.

The narrow bed was pushed into the elevator to the operating room. Ji Xiao just lay on the hospital bed and looked at the friends and family around her, holding one hand tightly with Wei Qingyu.

Aunt Wu: "Miss, we are waiting for you at the door, don't worry."

Xiaoju: "Aunt Wu and I have prepared your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs for you, and you can eat them anytime you come out."

"Then you are not allowed to steal it." Ji Xiao ridiculed looking at Xiaoju who was more nervous than himself.

"I will definitely not steal this time." Little Orange blushed and promised hurriedly.

While talking, the movable hospital bed was pushed to the door of the operating room. An Cen and her senior sister walked out of it and said, "Okay, let's just say a few more words and we will go in."

Aunt Wu and Xiao Ju both stepped aside with great wit, Wei Qingyu gently stroked Ji Xiao's forehead, and whispered: "I will wait for you outside, don't worry."

Ji Xiao nodded and preached to Wei Qingyu with a sense of arrogance: "If I woke up and didn't see you, I would be angry."

"I promise you can see me at the first glance when you open your eyes." Wei Qingyu smiled, his deep pupils filled with love.

Before she finished her words, she lowered her head and kissed Ji Xiao's lips, a shallow layer of breath passed into Ji Xiao's mouth, allowing her smell to fall into her Alpha body.

The sound of the wheels sounded again, the familiar feeling was replaced by the unfamiliar breath, and Ji Xiao was pushed into the operating room.

The monotonous ceiling slid over her sight, and she lay on her back like this, surrounded by cool green.

Ji Xiao listened to the conversations of people around her, An Cen's face appeared in her sight, "Don't be afraid, I promise you you will succeed."

Ji Xiao said calmly, but his clenched hand betrayed her.

Just before she could say anything, the operating light that was turned on dazzled Ji Xiao's eye pupils, and there was a blockage pain in his arm that seemed to be injected with some liquid.

Ji Xiao felt that his vision began to blur rapidly, and his eyelids began to become heavy.

The sound of heavy breathing magnified in her ears, and the confession with Wei Qingyu in the ward a few days ago resurfaced in her mind.

One thing I lied to her was that my ending in the original text did not live long.

Rather, they will not die well.

The author has something to say: It's late! Sliding kneeling QAQ