The warm winter sun fell on the roof of the thick snow, the wind swayed over the yellow branches, and the falling snow stunned a few sparrows who were foraging.

Although the morning in Country G in the winter is also very busy, the anxious horns of cars broke the quiet in the morning, and the quiet in the morning seems to exist only in the building of the inpatient department.

Various monitoring devices were wrapped around the unconscious girl in the middle of the ward. Ji Xiao just lay on the bed with a calm expression, as if she was just taking a nap, and she would wake up when the sun rose to the top of the sky.

"how are you today?"

"It's still like this. I seemed to see her eyelashes move last night, but I'm not sure if she did it by herself."

"It doesn't matter. The gland is Alpha's most vulnerable organ. After the repair operation, the body will react differently according to the physical level. After all, she is an S-level Alpha, so you must have confidence."



The conversation between An Cen and Wei Qingyu sounded in the ward, Ji Xiao lying on the bed could hear every word clearly, but couldn't open his eyes.

Her daily consciousness is always in a state of chaos. She feels that she has come to that pure white world again. The flowing water infiltrates her body, holding her up and making her wake up and dream.

For the first time consciously, Ji Xiao heard the conversation between An Cen and his assistant.

Hearing her saying that the operation was a success, Ji Xiao continued to fall asleep with peace of mind.

For the second time consciously, Ji Xiao heard Wei Qingyu's call. The familiar voice passed through the boundless world, calling out Ji Xiao's name one after another, but the flowing water seemed to have a mighty power. Ji Xiao struggled, but still couldn't wake up.

For the third time consciously, Ji Xiao felt the moist feeling of the cool cotton swab dipped in water and rubbed her lips. The warm current belonging to Wei Qingyu stained the water that wrapped her with the smell of mint, and she was so immersed in the water. Zhong lost consciousness again.

The fourth time I was conscious, Wei Qingyu's call still came from Ji Xiao's ear, but it was different from the previous few times, and she could feel the rare touch.

In that pure white world, Ji Xiao felt that his hands soaked in the water were warmly wrapped. She tried her best to stretch her finger to lift Wei Qingyu's thumb, but struggling a few times only moved slightly, which didn't work at all.


This is the ninth time now.

Ji Xiao didn't know how long she had to maintain this state. Every time she heard Wei Qingyu's voice, her miss for Wei Qingyu was magnified once in this timeless world.

Want to see her.

Want to see her.

Desire, as the rebel of this pure and desireless world, bewitches the fettered girl.

So Ji Xiao began to struggle to get rid of the shackles of the water, and tried his best to open his eyes.

The water was pushed away forcefully by the girl and then returned, and a sense of sourness spread from Ji Xiao's nasal cavity.

The sound of surging water rang in her ears, and the transparent and round bubbles rose little by little.


Finally, there was a sound that came out of the water.

Ji Xiao trembling eyelashes, prying open a trace of real light in the pure white world.

The combination of the sound of medical equipment running and the pungent smell of disinfectant became the world in Ji Xiao's cognition. Just at the door that just closed the door, a familiar and thin back made Ji Xiao feel the truth.

She turned her head slightly and looked at the background without blinking.

Wei Qingyu seems to be thinner, and the loose skirt is even more empty when worn on her body. She should be distressed, but Ji Xiao feels that after seeing Wei Qingyu again at the first glance, she feels unhappy. Up.

"Ji Xiao."

Before Ji Xiao peeked at Wei Qingyu more, the girl who closed the door and turned back made a surprise voice.

Bright sunlight fell into the room from the window, and Wei Qingyu's eyes were red in an instant.

She cried, but she was also smiling.

"Ji Xiao, you are awake."

Ji Xiao smiled and nodded, and reluctantly raised his hand to wipe away the tears in Wei Qingyu's eyes: "I'm terrified. I'm sorry, I worried you again."

"You have been in a coma for a week, and you are going to scare me to death." Wei Qingyu complained a bit aggrieved, and stared at Ji Xiao tightly. "I almost thought I was about to lose you. Why are you? Don't wake up soon, do you know how scared I am."

Wei Qingyu tried his best to express her feelings in a calm voice, but the voice still couldn't stop shaking.

Ji Xiao's heart felt sour when she heard it, and this feeling was even more uncomfortable than the water in her nose when she was struggling.

This is not the first time I am unconscious.

She had already experienced the same thing twice for Wei Qingyu.

With some guilt, Ji Xiao whispered to Wei Qingyu: "I'm sorry, I should have woke up earlier."

"I have heard everything you said to me these days, and I also know that you have been here with me all the time, thank you, thank you for awakening me."

Wei Qingyu listened to Ji Xiao's words and shook his head.

But Ji Xiao noticed a large number of documents piled up in the sofa area not far away behind Wei Qingyu, "You moved all the offices?"

Wei Qingyu nodded lightly, "Well, only by guarding you can I sleep."

I don't know if I know that Ji Xiao does not belong to this world. When the night is quiet, Wei Qingyu will wake up in his sleep.

Whether it’s flat or strong winds and waves these years, Ji Xiao has become an indispensable part of Wei Qingyu’s life. She is really afraid that when she comes to the ward to visit the next day, Ji Xiao will disappear in this hospital bed. This is forever. The body that won't wake up.

So Wei Qingyu applied to An Cen for a companion bed and moved all his office areas.

Only when she is close to Ji Xiao can she have a rare good night's sleep.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but raised his hand and gently stroked Wei Qingyu's cheek.

Feeling her weight loss these days, she asked with concern: "The company's affairs have not been delayed?"

Wei Qingyu shook his head, "Basically we have negotiated, and I will sign the contract in the afternoon."

Ji Xiao couldn't help feeling overjoyed when she heard it, "Great, it seems that today is your lucky day."

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao overjoyed for his own affairs, and asked, "You only know what you care about me, why don't you ask about your own surgery?"

"The gland repair surgery done by Dr. Ann in the book has not failed." Ji Xiao said, "What's more, I can feel that the feeling of loss of strength in the past has disappeared."

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's words, his eyes dimmed slightly, "Sometimes I am very grateful for you to know this. But sometimes I am very worried about this, afraid that the world will take you away at any time."

Ji Xiao understands Wei Qingyu's worries, and this is what she has always been afraid of.

But since that Father Michael had said it was a gift from God, she thought that God would not soon put her destiny as a terminator.

Ji Xiao gently rubbed the back of Wei Qingyu's hand, and said slowly: "Am I still here?"

Wei Qingyu heard the words as if to make a petty temper, and squeezed Ji Xiao's hand tightly: "Then you must always be there."

Xu Ye felt the worry that Wei Qingyu still had between his brows, and Ji Xiao preached half-jokingly: "Then you have to kiss me."

There was a cold wind blowing outside the window, and there was a faint mint smell flowing in the room.

Wei Qingyu leaned down and pressed a kiss full of love on Ji Xiao's lips.

Ji Xiao quipped her hand held by Wei Qingyu, and grabbed a wave of folds on the flat bed sheet.

The winter sun was stained with love and became warmer, and two dark shadows were projected on the wall like this, nestled and overlapped, unwilling to separate.

After spending lunch with Ji Xiao, Wei Qingyu left early and went to the courtier company to prepare for the contract, but the ward was not deserted.

Aunt Wu and Xiaoju packed their lunch boxes and didn't leave in a hurry. Ji Xiao played a fool's game with Xiaoju in a boring manner, fooling Xiaoju into a daze.

For a while, the ward was filled with smiling voices, and An Cen stood at the door and even wondered if he had come to the wrong place.

"What are you talking about, so happy?"

Xiaoju watched An Cen come in, and hurriedly took her hand, and said, "No, no, I don't know it alone. Come, Dr. An, look at what color the lady said."

"What?" An Cen was taken aback, looking at Ji Xiao and wondering what Xiaoju was talking about.

Ji Xiao rolled up his sleeves again and said to Ancen: "This is black, this is white, then is this black or white?"

An Cen looked at Ji Xiao's fingers on the cup and preached faintly: "White."

When the voice fell, Ji Xiao clapped his hands and announced with a smile: "That's right!"

"Ah? Why?" Xiaoju was even more confused now.

She looked at An Cen beside her, and preached pitifully: "Aunt Wu also knows, how even Doctor An knows now!"

"This game is good in our entire department." An Cen preached with a smile.

"Tell me! Miss, she wouldn't tell me!" Xiaoju said as she grabbed An Cen's white coat, her watery eyes were very affectionate.

An Cen looked at Xiaoju with a heartbeat.

She looked at Xiao Tang with obscure eyes, and said seriously: "I said you are really a Beta? Let me see if your glands are not fully developed."

"Ah, no?!" Xiaoju listened to her heart stagnation, while Ji Xiao smiled, "Okay, Doctor Ann, don't scare her. Please tell her about this game."

Said Ji Xiao got out of bed and stood in front of the window as if strolling and relaxing.

Yesterday's heavy snow filled the small garden of the inpatient department, leaving a line of cute cat footprints on the snow-white ground.

Ji Xiao's eyes moved with the cat in the snow, but his sight always stayed on from time to time.

Some people seem to be tired of sitting on the bed and walking around, but in fact they are standing outside the window waiting for their Oga to come back.

The orange sunset descended on the city again, and the minute hand followed the second hand with a click to the number "12". An unfamiliar black Mercedes stopped in Ji Xiao's line of sight, and the dim yellow light of the street lamp covered it with a layer of mystery.

Immediately after a beautifully dressed woman came down from the cab, her scattered black hair was full of Alpha aura, Ji Xiao couldn't help but stop her gaze a little more on this woman.

The woman walked around the co-pilot neatly, and gracefully opened the car door for the person sitting inside.

Just when Ji Xiao lamented what a gentleman's Alpha, he saw that the person coming out of it was Wei Qingyu.

The author has something to say: the ending must be he! ! Capital he! ! !

Quiet Mimi, I also see that Baozi has the right idea, although not to the extent that it scares off the pigeon's feathers. OvO