The sun slowly rose to the sky from the distant hills lazily, and the residential streets at 8 o'clock in the morning were silent.

The morning light has long been shining, but the people who had just experienced the carnival last night were still asleep in the sun.

Except Ji Xiao.

Although they had tossed until the early morning before going to bed yesterday, Ji Xiao still woke up very early.

I don't know if today's eyes are particularly bright, she lay in bed tossing around several times, but couldn't fall asleep again.

Ji Xiao just lay on the bed, quietly watching Wei Qingyu snuggling in her arms.

The fine eyelashes spread out under the girl's eyes, and the soft pillow supported her white face, and wrote about the peace in her sleep.

Ji Xiao could feel the warm breath she exhaled evenly, and the lace on her chest rose and fell rhythmically with her breathing.

She is slender, with a light quilt covering her body, raising a slender hill, and a snow-white attractive collarbone stops at the hole at the foot of the mountain, looming.

The natural rose scent surging in the room with the steaming heat of the room, and the flower basket on the table still contains the apple that was bitten by Wei Qingyu. The white-yellow flesh has been oxidized overnight, and it has become slightly black. The rose shrank slightly.

"If it is, then let God punish me."

In the quiet room, Ji Xiao heard what Wei Qingyu said in his ear last night.

She lowered her gaze to look at the girl who was shrinking into her arms again, and a faint mint smell fell on her heart.

Ji Xiao knew that this was a symbol of insecurity, and he also knew that he was the only harbor where Wei Qingyu could feel at ease, and the hand that was on the side fell on her waist involuntarily.

"I won't let God punish you." Ji Xiao's lips opened slightly and he preached to Wei Qingyu very quietly.

The wind gently pushed the clouds away, and the sunlight fell through the windows even more unscrupulously.

Ji Xiao didn't mean to get up, she just lay quietly beside Wei Qingyu and watched her.

I want to protect you as much as I can, knowing that you are not a lot of me.

I want to stay with you a little longer, because I know I will go ahead of you.

The sunlight turned into the pen of her eyes, and Ji Xiao's thin Wei Qingyu re-traced the appearance that was impossible to forget in her heart.


Just after Ji Xiao finished the final stroke, the mobile phone placed aside vibrated.

She hurriedly jumped off the bed, took the phone and went to the inner cloakroom.

The two characters "Jo Ni" are jumping on the screen, and it's still a video invitation.

Ji Xiao answered the phone, and the first sentence was vomiting: "I said, you call in the morning, do you want people to sleep well?"

Qiao Ni was even more arrogant. She posted the camera outside the window, as she did in the past: "Now it's Christmas Eve on our side! Sometimes it's bad!"

Listening to Qiao Ni’s words, Ji Xiao laughed angrily. She looked at the beautifully dressed little **** the camera and joked: “I said, how come you, a busy senior in high school, come and give me this guy who is far away in R country. The patient called?"

Qiao Ni laughed twice, and said: "Our teacher just told me that my medical university's transportation is stable, and the notification letter is on the way."

Qiao Ni ran to Qi Qi as soon as he got the news.

After telling her mothers, after thinking about it, Ji Xiao was able to share it.

Ji Xiao could see Qiao Niyi's expressive excitement across the screen, and said several congratulations.

Qiao Ni felt numb and raised his chin, and asked, "What about you? How is your recovery? The university was scrapped just after the first semester of semester. Will you become a busy person next semester?"

Ji Xiao smiled and shook his head. "I have applied for an early transfer and completed the professional test online two days ago. If nothing else, I will be an education major when the school starts next year."

Qiao Ni was really taken aback, "Sister Ji Xiao, why are you suddenly changing your profession? Are you blocked by the market?!"

Looking at Qiao Ni’s exaggerated expression, Ji Xiao pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction, “I’m pursuing my lofty ideals, okay? If you don’t believe me, go ask your sister Yiming and ask her if I said I wanted Be a teacher of the people."

"Of course I know that you are pursuing your own lofty dream, but wouldn't it be difficult for Sister Qingyu to support the company alone?" Qiao Ni asked with some worry.

"of course not."

Before Ji Xiao could answer, a cold voice rang from the two ears.

A thick warmth fell on the girl's body squatting on the ground.

Wei Qingyu took Ji Xiao’s coat and put it on her, greeted Qiao Ni on the video, and said, “Do you know Feng Yue, Qiao Ni? I have invited her to Man Qing. Coupled with the help of Jinnan wind and Ding Lao, Man Qing's management is not a problem."

After that, Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao next to him again, "As for Ji Xiao, you can just let her be her hand-scraper. I have something I want to hold on, and she also has a dream she wants to chase. ."

This kind of understanding that does not require words makes Ji Xiao's heart especially warm.

Just because she was still videoing with Qiao Ni, she had to hold Wei Qingyu's hand and smiled and glanced at her.

Silence is better than sound.

The sun lighted up the huge cloakroom, and radiantly fell in the video.

Whether it is Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu over here, or Qiao Ni over there, it seems that everyone has a bright future.

After this, the days passed quickly, just like Baiju passing a gap, three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

The scorching heat of summer scorched the earth, and the afternoon sun spilled into the quiet classroom through the clean window glass. A tall girl was standing on the podium, neatly writing down the last steps to solve the problem.

"The key to this question is that the center of the circle M is the midpoint of the line segment p1p2. We know that p1 and p2, and the origin coordinates (0, 0), right, so we can use these three known coordinates , Get the M coordinate, and the radius r, so as to get the equation of the circumcircle..."

It's been a day of class, Ji Xiao's voice sounded a little dumb.

After finishing the last question, she picked up the thermos cup she put on the podium and took a sip of water.

More than three years later, Ji Xiao, a senior, once again stood on the podium where she once stood, and was recommended by Liu Yue. Together with her excellent experience in the original world, she has already obtained the staff of the attached middle school teacher. Because of his outstanding performance, he replaced Teacher Zhang, who was on maternity leave, and temporarily served as the head teacher of the first grade (12) class this semester.

God seemed to have forgotten her, making her life more peaceful in the past few years.

Because it was the last class, the students in the class were a little bit ready to move.

Ji Xiao took a look at the time with her mobile phone, and tapped on the blackboard ten minutes before the end of get out of class, and said: "Tomorrow weekend, remind me again, next Saturday’s aquarium tour, don’t forget when you go to school on Monday. In order to pay the monitor, 50 per person, the monitor remembers to collect the money before the big break and give it to me."

"Teacher, don't worry, we won't forget it!"

"Yes, yes, we have to go to the mermaid show!"


After Ji Xiao's words fell, the class started to talk lively.

After all, he is still an undifferentiated child, and his words are always childish. Ji Xiao smiled, and said at the same time the bell rang, "Okay, let's end get out of class."

I don't know if the level department sent the news about going to the aquarium to study and study. Today's school is more lively than in the past.

Students in the teaching building filed out, and almost every sentence discussed was an imagination of this newly built aquarium.

Ji Xiao followed the flow of people and returned to the math group office on the first floor with his lesson plans and textbooks.

But I saw a few teachers who were supposed to pack their things and get off work gathered in a workstation, and there was a faint whispering sound.

"Let me tell you Liu Ying, this is not okay, you can't just wait and die, you have to call the police and get a divorce!"

"Come here, don't cry. If it doesn't work, just tell your husband that there is no one in my house and I am afraid. You can come to my house for two days on the weekend."

"Hey, it really is. I didn't expect to be such a person when I saw others look like a dog at the time!"


Everyone was filled with indignation, but Ji Xiao heard it from the periphery.

She put her things on the work station, and looked at a young teacher who had a good relationship with her in a puzzled way.

The teacher also received Ji Xiao’s signal, walked out from the outermost layer, and whispered in Ji Xiao’s ear: “Ms. Liu’s lover, she is domestically violent. An Oga can beat Alpha. This is still ahead of Mr. Zhang today. When I came back, I saw her secretly crying here, and I knew it."

"Her husband is really not a thing. She was considerate to her when business was good before. Now that she is bankrupt, she starts to think that she earns less and is not enough for him to treat and maintain the relationship. He also thinks that his son has split into Oga and is a loser. ."

When Ji Xiao heard this, a surprised and angry expression appeared on her face. She had seen a lot of such things in her original world, but she couldn't help but feel indignant when she heard it again.

"But, but what can I do. My family is not as good as him. If the child is sentenced to him after leaving, what can I do." Liu Ying was crying and trembling.

Looking from a distance, Ji Xiao saw the large patches of bruise on her thin exaggerated arms, adding a lot of helplessness to her jealousy.

The disparity in status and abilities have pushed the Oga of this world into a more extreme environment.

"Don't think too much, this kind of thing is actually difficult for us to intervene, after all, it is the matter of their couple, and there is a minor child in between, which is difficult to handle." The teacher next to him said and patted the season. Xiao's shoulders.

Another teacher also walked over and put the topic on Ji Xiao along the way, "Ji Xiao, look at how good you are. There is such a young and promising girlfriend, a childhood sweetheart, who also supported our research tour. It doesn’t take much effort to do anything."

There is no shortage of gossip teachers in the school, and the teacher who brought Ji Xiao has not retired yet, so the joking words are just heard by those who are interested.

After passing ten, ten to one hundred, the relationship between Man Qing’s chairman and the school’s new teacher has become an unwritten secret in the school.

Compliment on the face, taunting secretly.

Ji Xiao could always see the blood-red jealousy in the eyes that smiled at him.

She looked at the teacher in front of her, slowly sorting out the books at her desk, smiling and saying, "Yes, my girlfriend is so good."

Ji Xiao had become accustomed to these words that deny her abilities early on, and learned to follow these words back.

After all, it is more cost-effective to **** off them with their imagination than to **** yourself off by their yin and yang.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao packed up his things and walked out of the office under the teacher's colorful complexion.

Compared with the chaos in the office just now, the outside of the school is much more harmonious.

The summer sun is still bright and hot even when it is approaching sunset, and the breeze blows across the street trees on both sides of the campus, setting off a cool and refreshing green wave.

The school gate was sparsely crowded after school hours. Ji Xiao slowly walked towards the gate carrying a bag. Just under the old locust tree, he saw the black Maybach that used to stop there every day.

It's just that this time the person sitting inside has changed from the expressionless Mr. Driver to the cold and lonely Miss Rabbit.

The window glass that fell was like a summer oil painting, and the green cast by the locust tree was framed with the girl in the frame.

The pure black sunglasses covered most of Wei Qingyu's face, and under his delicate nose was a tightly closed vermilion lips.

The cold white skin formed a sharp contrast with the black, and it was written all over the place.

Ji Xiao looked from a distance, and the bad mood just disappeared instantly.

She lifted the canvas bag on her shoulder, acting as if I was going in a hurry: "This kind Miss Rabbit, I'm lost, can you take me home?"

Wei Qingyu followed the voice and raised his head, then looked at the stubborn smile on Ji Xiao's face, and followed her words as he preached: "Then you have to invest in coins."

When Ji Xiao heard Wei Qingyu say this, he put his arm on the car window frame as if thinking.

Then she took advantage of Wei Qingyu's response, and put her head into the car window caught off guard, piercing the girl's slender hair with her slender fingers.

The peach brandy floated into the carriage, and the light pink was printed on the vermilion.

Ji Xiao's kiss was like a dragonfly, but it was long.

Wei Qingyu's eyelashes stirred slightly, and the tip of his tongue scented with brandy licked his warm lips.

She looked at the people in front of her satisfactorily, and gently hooked her finger at her: "Get in the car."