Because it was the evening after school and get off work, the car was stuck on the road for a while before returning to the small villa.

The afterglow of summer is more dazzling than other seasons, and the orange light wipes the wall of the backyard and drops a golden glow in the study.

The wind swayed the bamboo shadow outside the door, and the girl's slender shadow was projected on the white wall without moving for a long time.

At this time, an oval-shaped ball approached the shadow.

A sapphire-like crystal clear grape suddenly appeared in Ji Xiao's distracted vision.

She turned her head and saw that Wei Qingyu was wearing a plain white cotton and linen shirt and standing beside her with a bowl of raisins.

"What are you thinking, Teacher Ji?" Wei Qingyu said jokingly, turning over the preparation notes on Ji Xiao's desk.

Ji Xiao bit the grapes in Wei Qingyu's hand, and her red lips brushed the girl's slender fingers, leaving a little shallow water mark.

Then she pulled Wei Qingyu who was reading her notes, sat in her arms, and said, "It's done, I'm just thinking about what I heard this afternoon."

"We have a senior sister in our math group. Today we learned that after her husband's business failed, she often abused her, and now she even beats her children. This kind of person is really disgusting. It's obviously that she can't do it. It must be blamed on the wife and children. I'm really ashamed of Alpha."

Ji Xiao's tone was a bit heavy, and Wei Qingyu was also a little uncomfortable listening to it.

She understood Ji Xiao's personality and asked: "Are you going to help her? Do you need me to do anything?"

Ji Xiao shook his head knowingly, "I want to help her, but this time I won't bother you to go out."

"I remember that Qiao Ni's mother was in the same situation as her at the beginning. It was Qi Qi's mother who was a lawyer who helped them fight the lawsuit. Qiao Ni was not snatched by her **** dad. I wondered, could you please also this time? Qi Qi’s mother, although the time has passed for a while, the past methods are not necessarily invalid."

Wei Qingyu nodded with approval, "Recently, our country has not improved many Oga protection regulations. Domestic violence should be better judged than in the past."

"The more perfect the law, the more the rights and interests of the Oga group can be protected. If Teacher Sun encountered such a **** in the past, it would be really dim." Ji Xiao said, wrapping her around Wei Qingyu's waist. He hugged it up again, and clasped her fingers together.

With such a hug, the taste of peach brandy is closer to Wei Qingyu.

She sniffed lightly, then picked up a grape and put it to Ji Xiao's mouth, with a slight smile on her cold face: "Aren't you afraid of bringing you Alpha more and more shackles in the future?"

"Are you going to put a bite guard on my mouth in the end?" Ji Xiao raised his brows slightly and leaned back on the back of the chair with grapes in his mouth.

The afterglow of the setting sun passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows and fell on the girl's face without any reservation. Wei Qingyu couldn't help but see the scene described by Ji Xiao in his mind.

The black cage was matched with her cold white skin, and the rough bands pressed her delicate skin red.

Alpha's wild kumqua eyes were full of unwilling struggles.

And the more she struggled, the weaker she appeared.

It was like a sleepy beast struggling with long twigs, and had to surrender to his feet.

Wei Qingyu looked at him, and when he was satisfied, he always felt that there was something missing.

After a long while, she raised her leg and turned in Ji Xiao's arms, her slender arms resting on the straight shoulders of the girl.

Ji Xiao was a little surprised to protect Wei Qingyu, but saw cunning in her turquoise eyes that were looking at him.

The twilight slanted west, and the light breath of mint smell fell on Ji Xiao's face unexpectedly.

Wei Qingyu's cold voice with a bit of sweetness and sourness in her ears lightly stroked her ear: "Then I will give you a collar as a ring."

This is straightforward and full of temptation.

Ji Xiao didn't wait for Wei Qingyu's voice to fall, and then sat up straight again around her waist.

Wei Qingyu leaned along with her body, her slender waist was tightly against the table behind her, and Ji Xiao's palm was not surprisingly cushioned, just like every time she had been savage and gentle.

The taste of peach brandy slowly fermented in the dull summer room. Looking at Wei Qingyu's eyes, Ji Xiao said to her without a word, as if agreeing: "If you give it to me."

The girl's golden-orange eyes were burning Wei Qingyu with the heat of the summer sunset. Before Wei Qingyu could react, Ji Xiao leaned forward and kissed the still slightly water-stained lips.

The grapes just swallowed still have an aftertaste. The green grape juice is mixed with bitter wine and refreshing mint. It rubs the taste buds on the tip of the tongue and produces a wonderful chemical reaction.

Wei Qingyu's hand that was holding Ji Xiao's neck tightened a little bit, and actively and greedily responded to her Alpha's kiss.

The cool air-conditioning wind couldn't match the close warmth of the skin, and the two of them just indulged in this summer evening when the cicadas cried constantly, very comfortable.

The next day, the weather was fine and fine clouds lined up in the sky, which was a rare reduction in the heat.

The music reverberated through the classroom building, and the monitor of the class led by Ji Xiao walked in with the put away.

"Ms. Ji, this is our class's money, totaling two thousand two hundred yuan, Jiang Lin still didn't sign up."

Ji Xiao nodded when he heard the words, and couldn't help sighing lightly.

She knew that this child's family not only valued A over O, but also valued boys over girls. This kind of research activities presumably her father would not give her money.

"Okay, I see. You go back and call Qin Lin. This is still the old rule, you know?" Ji Xiao said, grabbing a few chocolates on the table, "Don't eat it all at once, it will cause nosebleeds. Yes. Don't ask me how I know."

The monitor laughed, she happily took the chocolate, said "Thank you Teacher Ji", and left the office.

It was also at this time that Sun Ying just came back after class.

After hearing the greeting from the small monitor, Ji Xiao stood up, "Mr. Sun."

Many of the mathematics preparation group are head teachers, and they are watching exercises during the big breaks. The maths group's office is particularly empty.

Sun Ying was very puzzled that Ji Xiao would show up in the office and call herself as if something happened.

She stopped at the desk in front of her door and asked faintly, "Is there anything wrong with Teacher Ji?"

Ji Xiao took out a sticky note and business card from her textbook and put it on Sun Ying’s desk. “This is the contact information of a friend’s mother. She is a lawyer. She helped someone hit the phone a few years ago. After the same lawsuit as you, Oga is also weaker than Alpha, but the child was finally sentenced to Oga's mother. I think she should be able to help you."

Sun Ying was a little surprised when she heard this.

She looked at the small white card in her hand, but was not excited, but rather weakly handed it back to Ji Xiao: "I know her, she is famous for fighting for the rights of Oga, but you know, the cost is..."

Ji Xiao had long anticipated that Sun Ying would have this difficulty, and pushed her business card back again: "You can rest assured that the other party knows your situation, and there is no charge."

Sun Ying was stunned for a second when she heard the words, and then her face showed a particularly calm excitement, and even those dim eyes lit up: "Ji Xiao, thank you so much. This Is it really okay? Wouldn't it make your friends too embarrassed?"

Looking at Sun Ying's reaction, Ji Xiao smiled and shook his head, "Nothing, really."

"I know that mothers are always scrupulous about their children. You have to be strong. I believe that even if your children don't have that empty father in the future, they will grow up very well with your care and education."

Sun Ying has heard too many tricks these days, and only Ji Xiao helped herself from the root cause.

She listened to Ji Xiao's words, her haggard eyes could not help but tears, "Thank you, really, you really helped me a lot."

"Ji Xiao, you are really different from what they said."

Ji Xiao smiled, "What did they say about me? Are they arrogant, or arrogant?"

Sun Ying realized that she had said it, and was busy looking for supplementary explanations, "No more. You are very good, really, whoever says you are not good in the future, you can rest assured that I will be the first to rush over."

Ji Xiao couldn't help but smile even more.

She was about to say something, but heard a small knock at the door, and a thin and small girl was standing timidly at the door.

Ji Xiao patted Sun Ying on the back and said, "Well, I have students here, don't let them see."

Then she waved to Jiang Lin: "Come in."

"Do you want to go to the research tour this weekend?" Ji Xiao asked.

Jiang Lin said to him, "Teacher Ji, I have no money..."

Ji Xiao pursed her mouth lightly, and said slowly: "But you haven't told the teacher whether you want to go."

When the voice fell, the office was extremely quiet.

The sound of running exercises in the distance beats rhythmically on Jiang Lin's heart. After several hesitations, she nodded to Ji Xiao.

If so, who wouldn't want to go to the aquarium with friends in the class?

Ji Xiao patted Jiang Lin's hand, "Then go."

Jiang Lin heard the words and said hurriedly: "But..."

But before she finished speaking, Ji Xiao took the initiative: "I will pay for you."

"Isn't it your birthday next week? It's a birthday gift given to you by the teacher in advance, okay?"

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up when he heard that they were still hanging just now, and the sunlight fell on them like two delicate little gems.

Ji Xiao taught Jiang Lin for a semester. It was rare to see her like this, and she couldn't help feeling a lot of happiness and satisfaction.

She grabbed a few more chocolates on the table and said, "Okay, let's go back. You have to study hard and take another first grade test at the end of the semester."

Jiang Lin was holding chocolate in both hands, and her little head lit quickly like garlic.

After bowing and thanking Ji Xiao, she left the office lightly.

"Yeah, Teacher Ji is really kind and helpful."

A familiar ridicule rang from the door.

Yesterday, the gossip teacher held her cup of hot water and leaned on the door as if watching a good show.

Without raising his head, Ji Xiao put the fifty yuan in his wallet on the money he had just collected, and calmly replied: "Teaching and educating people, if you are greedy for this little money, I am afraid that you will not be able to teach students."

Teacher Gossip was choked, and went to her desk while saying: "This child is fifty. You are only more than three thousand a month. Excluding the cost of eating and buying clothes, you may not have much left, right? It really doesn't hurt."

After hearing the words, Ji Xiao looked up at the gossip teacher, and peeled a piece of chocolate for herself especially leisurely, "I am spending my girlfriend's money, of course, it doesn't hurt."

Teacher Bagua immediately turned ugly when she heard the words, and she wanted to make a weird complaint with Sun Ying on the opposite side.

But she didn't want Sun Ying to turn to Ji Xiao early, and leisurely commented: "In fact, this is because our Ji Xiao is careful, and we can see which child in the class needs help. If there is a child who has a cold and can't find anyone on leave, this is too much. Unqualified."

This is obviously a dereliction of duty by the mapping gossip teacher, Ji Xiao didn't know if he really couldn't hold it back when he listened, and laughed out.

The bright sunshine fell straight onto the teacher gossip teacher's desk by the window, making her colorful face especially "good-looking".

The stars light up the dark night, the warm night breeze blows into the classroom, and the self-study night of the third year of high school also rang the bell for the last get out of class.

Before the students filed out, Ji Xiao walked out of the school with a bag.

Sun Ying and Qi Qi’s mother made an appointment to meet in the evening, and Ji Xiao is also a good person to do the end.

As the college entrance examination is approaching, the atmosphere in the third year of high school is becoming more and more tense.

Ji Xiao walked on the campus with dimly lit yellow street lights, and couldn't help but remember that a few years ago, he and Wei Qingyu had been so nervously clutching the last time.

At that time, she absolutely could not think that she still had one day to realize her dream.

I never thought that Wei Qingyu would drive a car, waiting to pick him up home every day.

Ji Xiao looked at the Maybach under the old locust tree, as he thought.

With the sound of closing doors, the car started slowly.

The light refracted from the windshield into the carriage, and the expression on everyone's face was clearly photographed.

Wei Qingyu looked at the smile at the end of Ji Xiao's eyes and asked, "In a good mood?"

Ji Xiao nodded, "Well, Teacher Sun went to contact Qi Qi's mother after work, and it seems to be going well."

As he was talking, Ji Xiao noticed the shopping bags Wei Qingyu had placed in the back of the car, and said, "Did you go shopping? Did you go to the jewelry store?"

The girl's voice was casual and peaceful, but a trace of tension flashed in Wei Qingyu's eyes.

The car drove forward steadily, and she quickly regained her calmness, and replied indifferently as usual: "You work overtime and I will go shopping in the mall. The latest new models are all good, so I bought them all."

When Ji Xiao heard this, he felt a little more guilty.

Wei Qingyu is busier than she is now, and finally gets off work and takes a break, but in the end he still waits for himself to go shopping.

She put her hand on the back of Wei Qingyu's hand and said, "Sorry, I will accompany you next time."

Wei Qingyu shook his head and signaled that Ji Xiao doesn't have to be sorry, "It's okay, I happened to go to the mall to deal with some things at that time. It would be very inconvenient for you to accompany me."

The lights on both sides of the road suddenly flashed past the fast-moving cars like a fashion, and one by one became an orange line.

Ji Xiao shared what she encountered today with Wei Qingyu, and the two of them drove into the villa area without realizing it.

Summer urges the plants to become more and more luxuriant, and a locust tree at the turn has thick branches protruding, forming a blind spot in the quiet night.

Just when neither Wei Qingyu nor Ji Xiao reacted, a light flashed straight over.

A sports car shining with silver light suddenly appeared at the intersection.


The sound of the emergency brake cut through the silence of the night, Wei Qingyu braked in time to slow down, and passed by the sports car that suddenly came over.

"Are you okay?" Wei Qingyu asked nervously.

The seat belt pulled Ji Xiao, causing her to knock on the table in front of her.

Ji Xiao shook his head in shock, but a pain came from his forehead.

The lights in the car were bright, and Wei Qingyu also noticed the redness and swelling of Ji Xiao's forehead.

She said "Wait for me", then opened the door and walked towards the trunk of the car.

In fact, it was not far from home. Ji Xiao wanted to hold Wei Qingyu, but found that the storage box had accidentally opened because of his own impact just now.

There was a small cube box delicately wrapped in black velvet cloth in the storage box containing the financial magazine, which was abrupt and beautiful.

There was a mechanical sound of opening in the trunk, and Ji Xiao clutched his forehead and placed the small box in his hand.

The black streamer surging secretly in the night, she seemed to understand what Wei Qing said just now that it would be inconvenient if she was there.

The author has something to say: Pigeon: Didn’t you say it’s ready to give the collar?

Wei Lengmo: You wear a collar.