The night breeze blows over the dense locust leaves, and the layers of green are particularly translucent under the light.

Straight up from this road is Ji Xiao's single-family villa. The small yard is already covered with rose vines, and the small flowers that bloom are shaking in the wind, as if waiting for its owners.

Ji Xiao raised his eyes slightly in disbelief, and the figure of Wei Qingyu who was taking medicine in the trunk was reflected in the rearview mirror.

The breeze brushed her long hair, and her cold white skin also radiated a faint light in the night.

The off-white suit made her cool and gentle, which is what Ji Xiao is most familiar with in this world.

Together these years, Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu have long had a tacit understanding and perception of useless words.

She gently rubbed the small black box in her hand, as if she had expected something, her heartbeat hit her heart cavity uncontrollably.

No one can hold back the heart of searching for secrets, especially when this matter is about oneself.

The black velvet light flowed in Ji Xiao's sight, and the girl hesitated and opened the delicate black box in her hand.

The peacock blue soft cloth is lined in it, and it has a smoother luster than the outer shell.

Ji Xiao's pupils couldn't help but magnify a circle, but it wasn't because of this.

——On this gorgeous and expensive soft cloth, there are two pairs of rings of almost the same style!

A small card was sandwiched in it, and on it was a line of poems written by Wei Qingyu in small letters: "Death and life are bound to each other, and you will speak with your son. Hold your hand, and grow old with your son."

Looking at the beautiful and long lines of small characters, Ji Xiao throbbed in her heart, and the moist eye sockets caught her sight.

The street light on one side covered the entire car with a warm yellow tone. Ji Xiao sat on the co-pilot like this, suddenly feeling a dream come true and unreal.

Is this really an engagement ring in this box?

The sharp light of the diamond refracted into Ji Xiao's vision, making her a little bit unbelievable.

But she couldn't think of any other meaning besides proposing marriage that Wei Qingyu could use these words to define the pair of rings.

The moon tonight is extraordinarily bright, and Wei Qingyu's body is covered with a layer of tulle in a bright round.

She took the medicine she found and opened the back door of the car. While putting the shopping bag in the back row in the trunk, she said, "Come back, it's not easy to get the medicine in the front."

In fact, a few minutes have passed, the pain on Ji Xiao's forehead has long since disappeared, and there may be no need to deal with it urgently.

But she looked at Wei Qingyu's profile, obeyed her as if she had no intentions, and stepped from the front row to the back row.

The light from the street lamp shone on the girl's neat figure, and a dazzling light caught Wei Qingyu's sight unexpectedly.

The moment Ji Xiao took the medicine in her hand, Wei Qingyu saw a familiar ring on her left middle finger.

It has gradually entered the night, and the villa area has also entered tranquility.

Standing outside the car door, Wei Qingyu clearly heard the sound of her heart beating.

She couldn't believe her eyes, and asked ambiguously: "Do you know the meaning of this ring."

Ji Xiao nodded.

The calm voice of the girl resounded in the dim environment: "Wei Qingyu, let's get married after graduation."

The cicada hid on a tall tree not far away, and kept screaming when it knew it, and the worms also hid in the grass to accompany it.

Wei Qingyu felt that the whole world was quiet, and Ji Xiao was the only one in his ear that said the word of marriage proposal like himself.

She got into the car and looked at the girl in front of her who had disrupted her plan. Her dizzy eyes were a little bit resentful, and her voice trembled: "This is clearly my prepared line."

Listening to Ji Xiao took out the ring from his pocket, he held up Wei Qingyu's left hand, "Then can you say my lines?"

The simple ring reflects the white light, like stars falling from the sky.

Wei Qingyu looked at the ring she personally selected, and nodded to Ji Xiao, "Okay."

Then the girl's thin lips lightly opened, her eyebrows rubbed affectionately, and she slowly preached to the person in front of her: "I am willing."

It seemed as if there were countless celebration fireworks bursting into the hearts of the two of them.

The cicadas and insects are intertwined, and they play a heart-pounding ensemble on a hot summer day.

Ji Xiao's hands were trembling with excitement, and he put Wei Qingyu's proposal ring cautiously.

The night was dim, she looked at the two rings that echoed Wei Qingyu's hands, and she was deeply moved: "I never thought that we would propose to each other in this way."

"Actually, I plan to prepare a beautiful surprise for you, but now I find that I can't hide anything from you." Wei Qingyu's tone was a bit resentful, and he looked around the monotony as he spoke. Simple carriage, "It seems a bit too sloppy here, or you..."

It’s just that before Wei Qingyu finished speaking, Ji Xiao shook his head and explained: “I’m not saying that I’m disappointed to wear the proposal ring with you here, but that every day I spend with you is the best. I can't imagine any better."

"It's like we are together, everything seems to be integrated into life, it should be."

"You have long been an indivisible part of my life, Wei Qingyu."

The girl's words were straightforward and candid, and the pupils of Wei Qingyu's eyes were clean and bright.

The night is dotted with thousands of stars, falling into the eyes of the girl, embossing thousands of galaxies in it.

And Wei Qingyu saw himself in the golden orange galaxy.

She is always like this and can give herself countless surprises beyond her expectation.

It's like a "marriage proposal", obviously I thought of it first.

Wei Qingyu thought, if this is a dream.

Then let her drown in this galaxy.

Maybe it was the warmth that comes with the summer night, or the gaze between the two of them was too hot. Wei Qingyu looked at the platinum ring on his finger and felt like a fire was burning in his heart. .

The kiss took place naturally in the carriage, and the taste of peach brandy and mint entangled with each other, and there was a tendency to get out of control.

It's just that Wei Qingyu clearly knew that she was in the car with Ji Xiao now, and could not be too presumptuous, so he nudged Ji Xiao while breathing.

She changed the subject and opened the iodophor cotton swab on her hand, and said: "Come on, let me see where you knocked."

Ji Xiao panted lightly, realizing that this place was indeed not suitable to continue, so he obediently leaned against Wei's whispers.

But I don't want to hear a heavy depression from the back of the car in the next second.

"Isn't it possible here, there is a car..."

"It's okay, how can there be people in this car without the lights on."


A young couple who came back from a date in the evening hugged and leaned against the back of the Maybach's car. The overlapping shadows were printed on the window glass, dimly depicting the current state of the two.

Iodophor gently wiped the reddish skin on Ji Xiao's forehead, but the slight coolness was not enough to suppress the flames surging in her heart.

The sound of others kissing from outside the car window seemed to be a blazing fire, accurately thrown into the flames that had been restrained.

And then was covered up in the most

Ji Xiao lifted the central armrest that lay between the two, holding Wei Qingyu's wrist with his backhand.

The girl who was already minded also dropped her cotton swab and lay on her back on the seat, her eyes slightly raised with tension and expectation written on it.

Breathing with breath was confined in the narrow space where the two of them were facing each other, and the hot breath of the person above the line of sight fell on Wei Qingyu's face without any reservation.

The soft lips overlap one another, and the already ruined city is allowed to be swept away.

Mint gathered into a river, riding the peach brandy to the tip of Ji Xiao's tongue a little bit, which was a fatal temptation.

In the midsummer, everyone wears lighter clothes.

Wei Qingyu's white shoulders and neckline were just exposed in front of Ji Xiao's eyes, and they rose and fell slightly with every breath she spit out.

Alpha is always keen on the taste of his Oga. Ji Xiao sniffed the scent of the glandular blood vessels hung under the thin white neck. The passionate mint has a warm fragrance, which is more touching than ever.

The hot nose fell on the side of Wei Qingyu's neck. Before she could react, Ji Xiao lifted her from the car seat with absolute strength.

The sudden suspension hit Wei Qingyu's sense of weightlessness, she subconsciously clasped Ji Xiao's waist, and also ushered in a comforting kiss from Ji Xiao.

The smell of peach brandy was released at this moment, following Wei Qingyu's breath rushing into her veins.

The moist suppression paste has lost its function of isolating pheromone, and the taste of mint breaks through the **** of the glands.

"Do you smell anything?"

At this time, the sound of the Oga girl kissing behind the car sounded in the closed car.

Wei Qingyu's heart beat instantly, and his arms around Ji Xiao couldn't help but tighten.

Ji Xiao felt Wei Qingyu's tension, and stopped the pheromone in a timely manner, stroking her long hair.

"Where's the smell? Maybe someone makes midnight snacks?" Alpha stubbornly denied, and pointed to Ji Xiao's villa, "Isn't this the one above? The light is still on, and I can see that I haven't slept yet. "

Hearing the words, Oga calmed down a bit, pushed Alpha that was still pressing on him, and said, "Really? Let's go home. It's dark here and it's weird."

"What's infiltrating people, is it possible that there is still A Piao here?"

"You hate it, uh..."


Deng Ying swayed, and the two lovers leaned back in Ji Xiao's car and kissed unscrupulously.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu, who was under her protection, and leaned into her ear and smiled softly: "Dear fiancee, how does it feel to be Miss Apiao?"

Wei Qingyu's ears were itchy by Ji Xiao's voice, but she was still afraid of the two people outside the car, only looking at the person in front of her, without daring to speak.

"They couldn't hear it. They didn't even ask about the smell of our pheromones. It can be seen how well the car is sealed."

Ji Xiao soothed, then bowed his head and kissed the corner of Wei Qingyu's lips.

Wei Qingyu was afraid that he would lose control, holding on weakly and even trying to escape, but the peach brandy was released at this moment.

This taste has undergone a temporary convergence just now, and now it has become more scented. Ling Li has the upper hand, pressing the tenderness on

Wei Qingyu was enveloped in this smell, and didn't have the strength to fight back, but he turned back in a few seconds.

It's just that she was still struggling to be sensible, pushing Ji Xiao away slightly during a certain breathing gap, and exhorted in a weak voice: "Ji careful...point..."

Ji Xiao lowered his head, looked at the girl with mist and dew in her arms, and said softly: "Yeah."

It was this response that made Wei Qingyu's strong supporting arm instantly soften.

The blushing fingertips hung down on Ji Xiao's shoulders, and the cool mint was like summer snow, exuding a cold fragrance in the warm carriage.

The night wind blew over the leaves beside the street lamp, and the branches and leaves were interlaced and interspersed.

Wei Qingyu's toes curled up suddenly, and a red mark of nails appeared on the girl's white and flat back.


The darker the moonlight, the quieter the villa area.

The black Maybach still stopped under the dim street lamp.

Peach brandy and mint filled this narrow space, and the filter was operating slowly and silently.

The taste that melted into the night silently showed people the prestige that they had just experienced here.

The shadow of the tree swayed, Ji Xiao didn't know when the selfless couple left here.

She looked at Wei Qingyu who was lying on her lap, only knowing when she fell asleep.

Just like every night in the past three years.

On this day, the sky is clear and vigorous, and the breeze is peaceful.

The afternoon sun shone on the quiet cemetery, sweeping away a bit of gloom.

Ji Xiao carried wine in one hand and a large bouquet of roses in the other, walking through the narrow streets.

What she wore today was exceptionally cool, with a sling of raw gray under her off-white sun protection shirt, and her slender waist was exposed to the sun. She did not shy away from the deceased in this garden.

Time is moving forward, but some people stop in the past forever.

Over the years, tombstones have been erected in the open space in front of Qi Qi, and the originally empty lawn has also been built with paths for people to walk on.

"I'm here, miss me?" Ji Xiao stood in front of Qi Qi's tombstone, opened the wine in her hand and placed it in front of the photo of the always smiling girl, "It was the same time we were on the rooftop. Stolen wine."

Ji Xiao opened a can of beer to herself as she said. She sat on the stone edge by the side of the road and took a sip, "I sneaked out of school, afraid of being called back suddenly. I can’t drink too much with you. many."

"Yes, I skipped class again. I should say skipped class now, or let Lao Feng cover me." Ji Xiao's voice was still a bit proud, sharing with Qi Qi like every time she came in the past. An interesting thing that happened around her, "You know, the southwest corner is now equipped with surveillance, and the discarded desks and chairs have been moved to the place, and now they can’t be turned out. These children are so pitiful."

As he was talking, Ji Xiao noticed something seemed to be lying in the grass next to Qi Qi's tombstone, and the low bush was crushed into a nest.

She put down the wine in her hand and leaned forward, only to see a bunch of delicately packaged roses.

This flower seems to have stayed here for a long time, the bright red is slightly dehydrated and black, but the golden ribbon on the transparent wrapping paper is still bright and beautiful.

Looking at the familiar bow tie method, Ji Xiao immediately recognized the owner of the flower, and said, "Did Qiao Ni have been here?"

The warm wind gently pushed the thin clouds in the sky, blowing the petals of the rose slightly trembling.

It seemed to be answering Ji Xiao's question.

The mineral water bottle opened with a crisp "click" sound, Ji Xiao carefully took out a paper towel from his pocket, soaked it in the water, and wrapped the pedicel of Qiao Ni’s flower, and then placed it with the flower he had brought. Together, said: "Don't worry, she can't wait to be a little unstable only if she's here with you."

"She is really good now, and An Cen told me that she is highly talented and willing to work hard. She has also become more stable in the past few years. I think she will definitely surpass the teacher An Cen in the future."

As Ji Xiao said, he smiled.

It's really fickle. Qiao Ni was the stubborn little girl who was stunned because she looked down on Oga. Now she is about to become a doctor who treats diseases and saves people, and she still focuses on glands.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao couldn't help but look up at the photo of Qi Qi in front of him.

All of them understand why Qiao Ni chose this major.

There are always some regrets that cannot be forgotten and let go.

And in the huge world, resentment is the most powerless struggle.

All you have to do is to remember her, and then carry her on every journey through time.

What you can't forget is destined to be remembered for a lifetime.

Ji Xiao couldn't help feeling a little low when she thought of this, she squeezed the aluminum can in her hand, raised her head and took another sip of wine.

The pungent sensation crossed her throat, and immediately washed away her depressed state of mind.

Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi's photo with a smug smile on his face.

The sunlight fell on her left hand, reflecting a bright light.

She smiled and raised her left hand, and showed Qi Qi the marriage proposal diamond ring she had brought recently, and said, "Look!"

"I'm getting married! Unexpectedly, right?"

"I only discovered a few days ago that I have been with Wei Qingyu for three or four years. I have been in this world for more than seven years, and time really flies."

Ji Xiao's voice was filled with excitement and excitement, but the smile on his face was bitter.

She raised her slender finger and gently landed on Qi Qi's tombstone. Time flies like a white horse, but the girl in the photo is still what she remembers.

Leaning on the monument, Ji Xiao continued to talk about his recent plans as if recounting the past with an old friend: "We two plan to travel to Xinjiang after graduation. In recent years, she and I have been too busy and haven't had a chance to go out yet. When we come back, we will start preparing for the marriage..."

The voice fell, and a gust of wind blew in the solemn cemetery, blowing away the girl's final sigh.

Ji Xiao endured forbearance, and quietly expressed his regret to Qi Qi: "I want you to be my bridesmaid, but you can't come."

In the past three years, the talk is fast and fast, and the talk is slow and slow.

Fang Yiming followed Sun Qianqian out of the country. Ji Xiao never met someone like Qi Qi in college, and he never made another close friend like Qi Qi.

Xu was because when he was feeling happy, he suddenly realized that there was no one around, so he couldn't help but miss the past.

Ji Xiao is not a person who will actively throw away the olive branch. The best friend in the original world is also a child who grew up together.

After coming to this unfamiliar world, Qi Qi was the only one who took herself to the rooftop of the hospital that day, and took the initiative to have a heart-to-heart with herself.

The sense of division in another world keeps Ji Xiao busy trying to survive, without even realizing her feelings for Wei Qingyu.

It was Qi Qi who helped herself recognize that she liked Wei Qingyu, and it was Qi Qi who pushed herself to bravely confess.

Ji Xiao looked at the beer can in his hand, and still remembers Qi Qi's mature rationality in the snow on the rooftop that day.

The good memories of the past are flooding. She doesn't know how lucky the original owner is to meet someone like Qi Qi, but she is extremely grateful that the original owner can leave such a friend to herself in this messy other world.

Several conversations sounded at the end of the road, and the people of the family who came to worship silently walked higher.

Ji Xiao just sat on the stone edge next to the tombstone, and the golden scorching sun drew a circle of light in her body.

She held her face slightly, looked at the blue sky, and preached to Qi Qi: "Qi Qi, you said if we can see each other in the next life, I miss you a little bit."

Then she paused, then uttered four words with a heavy breath: "I miss you especially..."

The summer heat was mostly blocked by the surrounding mountains and forests, and a breeze was blown by the sound of cicadas in the quiet cemetery in the distance.

June is the season when wild roses are in full bloom. The bright and splendid roses trembled in the wind, and the broken hair on the side of Ji Xiao's temple was slightly blown. Rubbing her shoulders and profile face, leaving the purest rose fragrance full of summer warmth.

Ji Xiao seemed to be aware of something, and pinned her messed-up temples behind her ears with a chuckle.

The sun slowly moved from the center of the sky to the west, and the beer cans gradually emptied.

Ji Xiaoqiao's class was not found, and she sat aside and chatted with Qi Qi about some other things. After violently scolding the gossip teacher with her, she also drank Qi Qi's can of wine.

The summer breeze floated, Ji Xiao's body was stained with lingering alcohol.

She glanced at the phone time and waved to Qi Qi: "Okay, I will graduate next time when I come, and I will show you my graduation photo at that time."

After that, she slung the off-white sunscreen shirt that she had taken off casually on her shoulders, preparing to leave.

But at the moment when she straightened up, she saw a young girl gradually walking towards her on the open lawn.

The blue sky was covered with a layer of light pink, and the sun was already slanting west.

Wei Qingyu was wearing a chiffon white floral dress, walking in the evening breeze.

Her long black hair was rolled up at the back of her neck, and a simple silver chain was adorned with a white neck.

The wind moved the hem of her skirt to outline her slender figure. Looking from a distance, she felt cold and gentle.

Ji Xiao had a somewhat surprised smile on her face: "Why are you here?"

Wei Qingyu should be here most for standing on the stone steps. "

The girl's voice was as calm as ever, but also extraordinarily determined.

It is the silent tacit understanding between two people over the years.

Ji Xiao felt that something strange and familiar was flowing in her heart, which made her feel extremely happy.

They are all the same alone, but they are extremely lucky to meet each other.

"Don't come up, I'll go down."

As Ji Xiao said, he stepped on the first steps of the stone steps and walked in the direction where Wei Qingyu was.

The black steles marked with death also moved away and back from behind her in rows.

The pink sky dyed this piece of world written with life and death with love. They looked at each other, their hands wearing rings touched each other.

It's as if the day when God marks the red cross will never come.

The author has something to say: sorry for being late