The day of the high school aquarium tour is the best weather, the sky is like blue water without clouds.

The most indispensable thing in summer is the bright sunshine. A silver-white BMW parked in front of the aquarium. The smooth curve of the body attracted the attention of many people.

Ji Xiao did not follow the school bus to the aquarium. She woke up late this morning inexplicably, and setting a few alarm clocks was useless.

Wei Qingyu happened to be doing errands around here, so he drove her directly to the door of the aquarium.

The aquarium has not yet reached the time to open, and there are already groups of students on the square.

Through the glass, Ji Xiao found the location of their class that Sun Ying had sent her, and was about to open the door and get out of the car.

Just before leaving, she was still a little bit sad.

The girl let go of her hand holding the car door, and she kissed Wei Qingyu's lips unexpectedly.

The space in the car is not as narrow as Maybach, and each other can hear each other's slight breathing.

Obviously, I had asked for it in the early morning, but Ji Xiao still greedily sucked the mint on the tip of his tongue, and said softly, "If you finish the work later, you can come to me."

Wei Qingyu panted and lowered her eyes, and the peach brandy made her eyelashes flutter slightly.

The pale fingertips swam slowly across the girl's chin, Wei Qingyu nodded softly, "Okay."

The temperature in the cabin rose rapidly due to the heat of summer, and even air-conditioning could not make the feeling of wandering between the two extinguished.

The warm breath fell on Wei Qingyu's face, and Ji Xiao was about to move forward, but the phone in his pocket vibrated unexpectedly.

Sun Ying is urging.

Through the window glass behind Wei Qingyu, Ji Xiao really saw Sun Ying looking around.

Knowing that she couldn't delay, she took the initiative to let go of the hand that was holding Wei Qingyu's waist.

The door opened, and Ji Xiao looked back into the car twice.

She wore a beautiful thick green satin skirt today with a beautiful and attractive collarbone.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu inexplicably for a few seconds before saying: "See you later."

Wei Qingyu also smiled at her slightly, "See you later."

On weekends, the aquarium is crowded with people, and the freshman students in school uniforms have also become an eye-catching sight.

Walking in from the entrance of the aquarium, bypassing various exhibition halls, the bright glass is wrapped in crystal blue water, and countless marine creatures that Ji Xiao can't name are swimming in it. For a while, she and Wei Qingyu 'S chat box is full of all kinds of weird marine creatures.

Said it is a high school student's research tour, Ji Xiao has a feeling that she has also gained a lot of knowledge.

Amid the lively discussions and exclamations of the classmates, time came before noon unknowingly.

Sun Ying, who was at the front of the team, took the classmates to the last venue in the class where there was no check-in.

Ji Xiao sat behind and watched the aquarium check-in card that had already been ticked in his hand, and the smile on his face faded a little.

——The last venue that their class opened was the Whale Shark Pavilion.

I don't know if there is still a fear of his ending in the original text. Ji Xiao feels that the bright light seems to be dimmed.

The ripples of water pushed on the glass above the girl's head, and the small shark, which was only half a human, swam over with its tail, and Ji Xiao gradually walked to the back of the class.

At this moment, Ji Xiao's mobile phone vibrated.

Wei Qingyu shared with her a photo of a shark she just took.

It may be that Ji Xiao's nervous mood can't help but relax a little when he feels that his lover is nearby.

With some expectations, she quickly replied to Wei Qingyu: [Coincidentally, we also arrived at the Whale Shark Aquarium. 】

Wei Qingyu was standing in front of a large exhibition pool glass at this time.

She looked at Ji Xiao's news and smiled slightly: [Then are you coming over to find me? 】

Ji Xiao replied decisively: [Of course, you wait for me to find you. 】

Just when Ji Xiao wanted to say something to Wei Qingyu, she felt that the corners of her clothes were being pulled.

Jiang Lin, who had been silent in the team just now, walked up to Ji Xiao and whispered: "Mr. Ji."

Ji Xiao put down her phone and looked at Jiang Lin intently: "What's the matter?"

"The shark is coming." Jiang Lin said, and pointed at the huge display glass pool.

The azure blue water reflects the light of the stars, like countless stars falling into the sea, dreamy and magical.

The calm water surface was slowly pushed out ripples emitting danger signals, and in the distance that people could not reach, there was a dim and huge figure slowly swimming.

Ji Xiao's eyes were deep, his gaze chasing the figure moving.

A huge shadow swam past the cheers of the students. Ji Xiao looked up at the grayish-blue skin of the shark until it passed the top of his head. Then he whispered: "Yes, the shark is here."

But it also wandered away again.

Ji Xiao suddenly felt that his worry just now was a bit redundant.

How could I be eaten by sharks in such a place? How could such a strong glass be able to get in by myself.

The shark's passing made Ji Xiao relax a bit, but Sun Ying walked over nervously and said, "Teacher Ji, I seemed to have seen my husband just now."

The nerves that Ji Xiao had just put down became tense again, "Is he here to pester you?"

Sun Ying shook her head, her expression still nervous, "He doesn't dare to pester me anymore, but I am worried that he is coming for you."

Ji Xiao was a little puzzled, "Me?"

"His project was rejected by the last company last week, and that company is your girlfriend's Manqing." Sun Ying said.

When Ji Xiao listened to Sun Ying's words, her heart suddenly shocked.

She looked at the picture that Wei Qingyu had just sent on her phone and realized that her husband was not here for herself, but Wei Qingyu.


Before Ji Xiao could think deeply, Sun Ying hesitated again.

The woman's voice was cautious and cautious, and she gave Ji Xiao a fierce hammer against her ear.

"He seems to have a gun."

The surrounding voices were noisy and chaotic, but Ji Xiao still heard a thump of his heart.

The golden-orange eyes suddenly enlarged, and the surrounding bright lights clearly reflected the surprise on the girl's face.

Sun Ying was also particularly frightened when she said that, her voice was extremely small and she continued to explain in Ji Xiao’s ears and added: “I don’t know where he got him from, but after his business failed, I sorted out the things at home and found out. This. I thought he was touching his pocket just now, I was worried..."

Just before Sun Ying finished speaking, Ji Xiao interrupted her, "Mr. Sun, call the police first, and call the police immediately."

She held down Sun Ying's tense hands and said, "Just say you found a man with a gun in the whale shark area of ​​the aquarium. You must let the police come quickly, don't you know?"

Sun Ying nodded hurriedly.

When she dialed the alarm number, she looked up and saw Ji Xiao striding toward the darker depth of the exhibition hall.

Xu Ye is close to noon. Xu Ye's dim environment makes people feel a little depressing. There are not many tourists in the depths of the Whale Shark Aquarium.

Wei Qingyu was standing alone in front of the huge glass corridor recording the bottom-dwelling bamboo shark, and he heard a sound of heavy, slow footsteps.

At first she thought it was Ji Xiao who came, but within a second she could tell that the footsteps did not belong to Ji Xiao.

No tourist would take such a step in such an environment. Wei Qingyu looked around and found that it was a dead end, and his hand on the phone couldn't help but tighten a little.

Vigilance made her send a signal to Xie Yong who was waiting outside the hall, and at the same time a black shadow appeared in her sight.

"Mr. Wei, it's a coincidence." The man walked up to Wei Qingyu as he said.

He looked at the girl who was alone in front of him, and smiled: "It would be too dangerous for you to visit the aquarium by yourself?"

The man's voice was low and gloomy, and the light sensation of flowing water added a bit of morbidity to him.

Wei Qingyu recognized this somewhat sloppy man at a glance, and replied calmly: "My bodyguard is on his way. Mr. Yu, what can you do?"

This Mr. Yu is no one else.

It was Sun Ying's husband of domestic violence.

"Of course." The man replied with a smile, "I'm here to take you to **** with me."

As he said, a gun was lifted from the man's pocket.

The sea water flowed behind him with a faint blue light, and the pitch-black muzzle was directly facing Wei Qingyu's head not far away.

It is false to say not to panic.

Wei Qingyu's hand holding the phone tightened a bit, she forced her to look at the man calmly, trying to frighten him with her aura, "Mr. Yu, what are you doing?"

"You should ask yourself." The man replied fiercely, "Why did you get stuck in my case on the last floor. Do you know that this is my last chance!"

"It's all because of you! Now that **** is going to file a lawsuit with me to divide property! Not even the child is left to me! I have nothing! They don't want me!"

The man's emotions seemed to be tense, breaking one by one with what he said.

Then he raised the gun in his hand and yelled like a madman: "It's all because of you! You Oga don't deserve power at all!"

The man's trembling fingers squeezed on the trigger, and when he yelled, he pressed it down emotionally.

Time seemed to press the slow button at this moment, the rotating bullet broke the air resistance and flew straight towards Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu didn't realize that a man would pull the trigger so quickly. She felt the bullet flying towards her, but she didn't have time to act to avoid it.

"Wei Qingyu!"

It was at this time that Wei Qingyu was knocked away from the path where the bullet was flying with an exclamation.

The familiar smell fell on Wei Qingyu's body, and the water projected by the glass tunnel barely illuminated her sight.

Ji Xiao, who didn't know where he came from, blocked her in front of her and shielded her tightly.

But, fortunately, I was suppressed without coming.

Wei Qingyu felt that the material on her chest was greasy, and she seemed to have realized something and raised her hand.

In the dim light, bright red blood covered her palms.

The white shirt that Ji Xiao wore was smeared with blood.

Wei Qingyu instantly understood where the sound of the bullet landing that did not sound was going, and his calm eyes instantly became red.

"Ji, why are you so stupid..."

As Wei Qingyu said, tears flooded into her sight instantly, but Ji Xiao's angry voice came from her arms, "Are you stupid? I think it's worth it."

The girl just lay in the arms of her beloved, looking at her face in the light of the flowing water around her.

They stayed peacefully for a long time, until Ji Xiao almost forgot the oracle that God once revealed to her.

And this day is still coming, on a sunny day when the weather couldn't be more ordinary.

In fact, she didn't have to rush over, but she couldn't do it at all.

Subconsciously, she pushed Wei Qingyu away without any worries, and then took over the deadly bullet for her.

There was a burst of noise around, and the man was soon suppressed by Xie Yong and his party.

Ji Xiao looked at the people who arrived late in front of him with a bit of unwilling resentment in his eyes.

Why can't you arrive earlier?

She is so afraid of death, so she doesn't want to leave Wei Qingyu...

After two operations and three escapes, Ji Xiao's always peaceful fluke failed for the first time.

So this is fate?

Is it really today?

But she really didn't want to die.

Why should they be allowed to meet this bullet after they have planned their future?

The numb pain made her not aware of the wound, but it made her painful mind confused.

Ji Xiao raised her hand with difficulty, her violent breath made her voice sound extremely difficult, "Wei Qingyu, I, I don't want to die..."

Wei Qingyu looked at the dying person in his arms, endured the heartache, and took the initiative to lower his head to reach for her hand, "You won't die, don't you, haven't you said that you will live long in this world? One hundred years old..."

When Ji Xiao heard these words, the tears in his eyes could no longer be restrained and fell on Wei Qingyu's arm.

Wei Qingyu suddenly seemed to be aware of something. Looking at Ji Xiao in his arms, the tears hanging in his eyes began to fall one by one.

She is the heroine.

In the novel, there is no harm to the heroine who can live well and live a hundred years.

That Ji Xiao tortured herself like that was obviously the vicious female villain in the novel.

There is no reason that the author will give her the best ending in the end.

Big tears fell on the back of Ji Xiao's hand, and she knew that her lie at Wei Qingyu had been seen through by her.

If you want to come to such a clumsy lie, only those who really want to be able to stay with each other for the rest of their lives will not go further.

People are always reluctant to believe in the bad side of destiny and try to prove its falsity, but for the good side they are often reluctant to explore the true and false.

It seems to be calm when facing one's own destiny, but also as unwilling to make fun of it.

Ji Xiao remembered the future she saw on Christmas Eve in Country R. She desperately mobilized the last bit of strength in her body, and preached to Wei Qingyu laboriously: "Wei Qingyu...don't forget me. good……"

As Ji Xiao said, his weak fingers stroked Wei Qingyu's cheek.

The cold palms greedily get warmth from it, and Wei Qingyu is also aware of the loss of heat in Ji Xiao's body.

The blood stained her dark green dress and her cold white skin.

She didn't care about these at all, just rubbing Ji Xiao's palms desperately, trying her best to keep her.

Tears streamed from Wei Qingyu's eye sockets, and her voice was trembling again and again, repeating: "Don't... don't go..."

But the two of them knew better than anyone onlookers that Ji Xiao would not be held in this world because of Wei Qingyu's action.

The gift of God is no longer valid.

The huge boundless sea water flowed in Ji Xiao's blurred vision, and the back lantern of memory began to surge in her mind.

No matter how many years ahead, Wei Qingyu is still in her memory.

"Being with you for these years... is the biggest in my life..." Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu who was gradually blurred in his vision, panting hard, struggling to remove the remaining two in his throat. A word came out, "Fortunately, luck..."

The lingering sound still echoed in Wei Qingyu's mind, the hand on the side of her face suddenly fell, and the golden-orange eyes that had never been extinguished in Wei Qingyu's eyes were also closed forever.

"Ji Xiao...Ji, Ji Xiao..."

Wei Qingyu called Ji Xiao's name in disbelief, and the space surrounded by the sea fell completely cold.

"...Ji Xiao!"

Heart-piercing shouts penetrated the entire venue, and the figure who was arrogant in the mall, now kneeled on the ground soaked in blood.

Wei Qingyu hugged her beloved tightly, his stiff back fell a little bit, and his thin body trembled uncontrollably.

The sound of grief tore her throat, and the sound gradually became loud and embarrassed.

Wei Qingyu hugged Ji Xiao's gradually cold body, like a helpless child, who could only vent her sadness by crying bitterly.

The shark swayed its tail fins leisurely and swam over, a huge shadow enveloped the pool of bright red blood, and then swam away.

It doesn't like the smell, and it hates the huge and painful scream that the thin two-legged beast sends to it.

This makes it feel painful.