The morning sun spilled in from the open screened windows, through the floating curtains blown by the wind, and cast a golden light on the bedside.

The running fan lifted up the girl's forehead with a thin layer of sweat, and the cicadas screamed through the dream, screaming for the whole summer.

The sound of washing water rang in the bathroom not far away, followed by the knocking of bottles and cans.

The cool breeze of the fan blew over Ji Xiao's exposed calf, giving her a familiar and unfamiliar feeling.

"Xiaoxiao, why are you still asleep! Isn't it yours for the first class today?"

Before Ji Xiao was awake, a burst of anxiety sounded from the quiet and sultry dormitory.

Immediately afterwards, as Ji Xiaofa's little friend and best friend, Lu Ning opened her bed curtain without saying a word, and pulled her up while she was still asleep on the bed.


After getting off the bed, there was the book "The Burning Sun in Summer" that Ji Xiao stayed up late to read last night.

Lu Ning looked at it, picked up the blue and pink book from the ground, and smiled: "Hey, who told me yesterday that this kind of **** Mary Su novel would not be read if I was killed? I watched it yesterday. The light from your curtain knows you are peeking!"

Ji Xiao was sitting on the bed with one leg crossed. She didn't know if she just woke up, her mind was still a little confused.

The silhouette of the **** the cover appeared in her sight, and she suddenly felt as if she had forgotten something.

Wei Qingyu...

Wei Qingyu, who is it?

Except for the heroine of this book, what else is coming...

Lu Ning looked at Ji Xiaodai sitting on the bed with a daze, and worriedly stretched out his hand and shook her eyes a few times: "Xiaoxiao, what's the matter with you? Sleeping?"

"Hey, my big baby, I'm going to wake up soon. Wash and change clothes, so I'm late. So many students are waiting. Are you ashamed to be a teacher late?"

"Ang." Ji Xiao frowned upon hearing Lu Ning's logo mutter.

Then she stood up from the bed, stepped on slippers and walked to the bathroom as usual.

The cool running water washed away the stickiness of the girl's body when she first woke up, and the mirror in front of her reflected her somewhat absent-minded face.

Ji Xiao didn't know why she felt that her heart was suddenly empty, as if she had lost something important, but she couldn't remember it anymore.

At this moment, Ji Xiao heard a puzzled voice: "Hiss..."

Lu Ning, who came in to wash his hands, looked at Ji Xiao in the mirror, and poked her heart in the mirror, "Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you here?"

Hearing the words, Ji Xiao was busy waking up from the lack of consciousness, and looked down at his heart in puzzlement.

However, a red mark the size of a fingernail suddenly appeared on the always fair skin.

It's like an abstract circle.

Lu Ning felt very strange, and he stretched out his fingers to poke the mark on Ji Xiao's heart.

But she didn't want her to be opened subconsciously by Ji Xiao as soon as she stretched out.

A red mark instantly appeared on the back of the white hand.

Lu Ning clutched his hand pitifully, and looked at Ji Xiao dissatisfiedly, "You can't touch it yet?"

"No." Ji Xiao shook his head.

She thought her reaction was weird.

She and Lu Ning grew up, and they both took a bath together. They could see all of them, so there was no place to touch them.

But it happened that the imprint that appeared suddenly made her subconsciously make a defensive action.

It's as if this mark is a key mark that no one can touch except yourself.

"Is it a birthmark?" Lu Ning asked, "Why haven't I seen it before? Or I didn't pay attention to it when we took a bath before?"

Ji Xiao still shook his head, and speculated: "It should have been accidentally knocked while sleeping."

Lu Ning listened, turned his head and glanced at Ji Xiao's bed.

There are small blankets and pillows on the green printed sheets, and the doll under the fan is smiling at him. Compared with Lu Ning's own kennel, it is almost clean. Don't make it clean.

Lu Ning: "Can this be knocked out? Your skin has been delicate since childhood."

Ji Xiao smiled slightly, she was actually not convinced of her explanation.

The circumference of this round red seal is very irregular, not as if it was accidentally knocked on, but as a trace left after being hit by something and pierced through it.

But she has never left the dormitory door from last night until now. Can something penetrate her body and then heal quickly?

Ji Xiao couldn't understand, the water droplets on her face followed her neck and fell on the red seal of her heart.

The cold feeling made this small piece of skin emit a slight pain as if electric current passed through, and she couldn't help but clasp her heart.

"Are you ready? I want to have breakfast." Lu Ning turned his back to Ji Xiao, and didn't notice her movement at all.

Ji Xiao also recovered quickly, wiping off the water on his face in a hurry, and walked out of the bathroom: "Change clothes, right away."

The suspenders were taken off and put on a serious white shirt.

Ji Xiao packed up and picked up her bag, as if realizing something and looking at Lu Ning aside, "Didn't you have no class this morning?"

Lu Ning straightened his hair, and walked out with Ji Xiao, while saying: "I have changed classes with Teacher Wang. On Friday, I will go to the signing ceremony of "The Burning Sun". This is the last stop. I'm not here. I got a special signature from Yan Su, but I have to get her signature."

With that, Lu Ning took Ji Xiao's arm and invited, "Xiaoxiao, do you want to go? Then maybe she will remember you because your name is the same as the villain in the text! Then! Remember me by the way!"

When Ji Xiao heard that he had the same name as the villain in "The Burning Sun," he couldn't help but glanced at Lu Ning, and refused: "I'm not going. I have classes every day on Friday."

Lu Ning refused: "Why don't you change it? I heard that there were a lot of girls that day. Maybe you found a girlfriend?"

Ji Xiao remained unmoved, "No change, my internship period is over this week, I don't want anything wrong."

Lu Ning said, "Yeah", "Yes, then I don't want to change it..."

Ji Xiao patted Lu Ning on the shoulder and prompted: "Xiao Ning, your dad is the vice principal, who dares to pick you up?"

Lu Ning laughed happily when he heard the words, "You are right."

The days of the week are said to be slow, but in a flash it comes to Friday.

The bell rang for the last get out of class, and the teaching building fell into the joy of a holiday.

The Campsis on the campus bloomed, red and green intertwined into a splendid sea of ​​flowers, delicate and full-bodied.

The students after school filed out carrying schoolbags, and the petals hanging on the branches fluttered and scattered with the wind.

Ji Xiao stood on the podium and looked out, only to feel that he had seen such a scene at some time, but he couldn't remember.

She still works as usual these days, and she is busy with Lu Ning, but she always feels familiar in some unfamiliar moments.

But the friends and colleagues around are still the same as they were in the past, and all the schedules that should be carried out are being carried out step by step.

It's as if her life has been changed invisibly, but nothing has been changed.

"Ah, I'm so lucky, I didn't get caught when I came back, and I saw Mrs. Yan Su!"

"Yes, Mrs. Yan Su is so nice, and she looks good."

"Yes, yes, she also wears cyan color contact lenses, which are exactly the same as Wei Qingyu I imagined!"


The two young girls who had returned from skipping class were packing their schoolbags and talking excitedly about their previous experiences.

The three familiar names of "Wei Qingyu" passed into Ji Xiao's ears unsuspectingly.

Xia Feng passed through the window and stirred Ji Xiao's long hair.

The girl's eyelashes were inflamed, and the red seal on her heart faintly exuded a feeling of pain that could not be relieved.

But why on earth.

Why does her heart feel pain for no reason as long as she thinks of the three words "Wei Qingyu".

Ji Xiao didn't know.

There is no way to explore.

The setting sun lit the sky a bit orange, and the black masses drove into the underground parking lot of the downtown library.

Ji Xiao got out of the car with a calm expression. She drove to the library where the signing ceremony of "Sunny Summer" was in the car who refused Lu Ning.

The elevator came to the first floor from the basement floor, and the bright white light fell into Ji Xiao's eyes.

After entering, there was also the signing ceremony site where the staff began to close.

The standing sign of "The Burning Sun in Summer" at the door has been taken away, and the red isolation belt used for queuing has also begun to be removed.

Ji Xiao knew that she was late and could go now, but the feet that stepped out still drove her body forward.

"I'm really sorry, this lady, today's signing is over, please go back."

At this time, a little girl politely walked up to Ji Xiao and reminded.

After hearing the words, Ji Xiao habitually glanced at the girl's name badge, and after seeing the three words Gong Xiaoju, he politely said "OK".

She thought she was really inexplicable today.

Wei Qingyu is just the heroine of this book, a character who only exists in the book.

What does it matter if you have the same name as the villain of this book?

The recent abnormality may really be caused by staying up all night and reading for too long that day.

How can you attribute your discomfort to a book?

Ji Xiao thought, chuckled to herself in her heart.

At the same time, there was a lot of bitterness.

It was as if she was really going to lose something precious when she left.

"Please wait a minute."

Just as Ji Xiao was about to turn around and leave, a cold and lonely voice came from behind her.

It's like a voice coming from deep in memory, familiar and unfamiliar.

Ji Xiao stopped abruptly.

She seemed to be guided by something, and turned around bluntly.

But there was a thin woman standing behind the signing desk not far away.

The light of the setting sun slanted into the empty stadium, covering her whole body with a haze.

The long black hair poured down, and under the thick eyelashes were a pair of clear cyan eyes.

Ji Xiao instantly felt that his breathing was about to stagnate, and his calm heartbeat jumped wildly for some reason.

She just stood under the stage and looked at the woman she had never seen before, her eyes gradually becoming red.

The music that had been turned off rang without knowing that it was pressed by the careless staff member.

The song "If We Never Met" by Mayday reverberated throughout the signing ceremony.

"That day, that moment, that scene, you appeared in my life.

From then on, from life, redefining, waking up from my story..."

The busy staff around walked through their gazes, bringing a burst of mint-scented wind.

A round teardrop was in Ji Xiao's eyes, and it rolled down from her eye sockets uncontrollably.

The author has something to say: "That day, at that moment, that scene, you appeared in my life. From then on, from life, redefining, waking up from my story..."-From Mayday's "If We Never Met 》