The daylight slanted slightly to the west, and the golden light passed through the huge glass, flowing like water.

The woman looked at Ji Xiao who was standing in the audience, and took the initiative to walk down from the signing desk.

She was wearing a white v-neck shirt, and her long hair that was sleek like a waterfall hung over her shoulders, just revealing the **** and alluring clavicle.

The smooth luster of silk and satin hangs on her white skin like snow, and her slender and well-proportioned legs are looming in the hem of the slanted fishtail dress.

Christian Loubout's classic red-soled high-heeled shoes were stepped on by her. Every time she tapped on the marble steps, she was elegant and calm.

Ji Xiao just stood there, watching the woman walk towards him slowly.

The crystal teardrops hung on her chin, and they did not fall for a long time.

She once again felt the emptiness in her heart very truly. At a certain moment, a small gap appeared in the memories that were originally connected.

The familiar and unfamiliar mint smell fell on Ji Xiao's shoulders, and then there was a warm touch.

The woman walked up to Ji Xiao, took the initiative to put her green fingers on her chin, and gently helped her wipe away the teardrop.

She looked at the person in front of her like she was seeing a lost baby.

The red lips were agitated slightly, and whispered Ji Xiao's name: "Ji Xiao."

Ji Xiao was taken aback.

She looked at the deja vu woman in front of her in amazement, and said: "How do you know my name..."

An accident flashed through the woman's somewhat excited eyes.

Then she seemed to realize something, and her turquoise pupils became calm again.

It's just that the eyes are still reddish.

Ji Xiao looked at it, feeling very strange.

But before she could ask any more, the woman smiled at her. The tearful finger lightly poked the sign she hung on her chest, and the woman explained in a relaxed tone: "Your name tag is not off."

Ji Xiao lowered his head and saw that he had just come out in a hurry, and as expected, he had forgotten to remove this.

She pretended to be calm, "Oh", raised her hand and took off the name tag that she hung around her neck.

The woman watched Ji Xiao put the brand away and asked, "Are you here to participate in my signing event?"

When Ji Xiao heard the words, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It turned out that the woman in front of her was the solemn expression of those children.

Much better than they described.

It's exactly the same as what they said.

Ji Xiao lightly licked her lower lip and nodded solemnly, "Yes."

Then she pointed to the meeting place that had already begun to clean up and retreat, and said: "But it's over, isn't it?"

Yan Su looked at Ji Xiao, the mellow deer eyes slightly bend, and he said softly, "But I can make an exception for you."

"Can I invite you to the coffee shop next to you for a cup of coffee?"

Obviously, a person who looked so cold and lonely just now, now speaking to himself is so soft.

Ji Xiao just stared at the woman in front of him, clearly hearing the thumping sound of his heart.

It's really strange. It's just the first time I met this person today, but it feels like they have known each other for a long time.

It was also this inexplicable sense of familiarity that Ji Xiao did not hesitate to nodded in response to Yan Su's invitation: "Okay."

A slightly brownish yellow light shrouded this coffee shop that can be seen at a glance, and the lazy and melodious English songs flowed slowly.

The atmosphere in the shop is very relaxed, with the mellow aroma of coffee falling on Ji Xiao's shoulders. She rarely visits such a place. While Yan Su is going to order coffee, she is secretly looking around.

Sitting on the bar by the window were many people who looked like they were in the office. I wonder if it was the legendary atmosphere group.

Near the corner sat a couple who had met to study, but the books were spread out, but the girl leaned on the boy’s arms and played with her mobile phone.

Ji Xiao looked at it and sighed dissatisfiedly, it would be a ghost if he could continue to learn.

It was also at this time that a cup of coffee piled with cream was placed in front of her.

Yan Su smiled and sat opposite Ji Xiao, and said softly: "Why, have you waited for a long time?"

"No." Ji Xiao hurriedly shook his head, glanced at the student couple who were still chatting, and explained: "I just sighed when I saw the two children."

Yan Su followed Ji Xiao's sight and asked thoughtfully: "Miss Ji is a teacher."

"Yes, it's an occupational disease."

As Ji Xiao said, she pinned the long hair on the side of her face behind her ears a little embarrassed.

The light above their heads quietly exudes a bright and soft light, Yan Su looked at Ji Xiao's small side face, and the line of sight towards her became softer.

It seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and it seemed to be a little sudden.

Yan Su straightened his clothes a bit, and then he stood straight and preached to Ji Xiao in a serious tone: "Then I also introduce myself. My real name is Wei Qingyu. I am a full-time writer. Yan Su is my book. Vest."

When the voice fell, Ji Xiao's face was obviously surprised.

How does she feel that the atmosphere now is a bit like a blind date.

Moreover, why does Yan Su's original name sound so similar to the heroine of "The Burning Sun"?

Yan Su shouldn't be Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu noticed the emotions conveyed on Ji Xiao's face, and the smile on his face became more gentle.

She looked at Ji Xiao, as if she could read her mind, and said the question in her mind: "You must feel very inexplicable. As an author, you actually named the heroine in the book the same as yourself."

Ji Xiao was seen through his mind, holding a straw and bit his scalp: "It's a bit."

"But it's all to meet people again." Wei Qing said, "I have a very important person, and I have to use this method to meet her again."

Listening to Wei Qingyu's words, Ji Xiao couldn't say anything.

She stirred the coffee under the cream and asked tentatively: "Southern Jinfeng?"

Wei Qingyu shook his head, "The person who is important to me is my lover, but not Jinnanfeng."

Hearing Wei Qingyu's answer, Ji Xiao frowned.

She looked at the woman sitting across from her in a puzzled way, and retorted: "Since that person is important to you, why do you want to arrange another person for yourself in the story?"

Ji Xiao's question was a bit sharp, and his tone became a bit agitated and offensive.

Wei Qingyu didn't feel angry when he listened. On the contrary, he felt a little pleased with the familiar tone.

She was sitting right across from Ji Xiao like this, her turquoise eyes looked deeply at the person sitting across from her: "Because she told me that."

"I said it was an author, but in this book I am retelling a story that that person once told me."

As Wei Qingyu spoke, a bit of bitterness came out of the corner of his mouth.

No one knows how painful she was when she wrote this book, and no one knew how lost she was after awakening this memory.

God made a huge joke, or punishment, to her.

The hands of time were moved backwards, rewinding her time.

Wei Qingyu had two memories, but there was no trace of Ji Xiao around him.

She asked people around and asked around, looking for Ji Xiao like crazy.

But no one knows where her Ji Xiao is.

The huge black screen at night enveloped the world, and Wei Qingyu was once again awakened from the nightmare of Ji Xiao being hit by a bullet.

The computer that had forgotten to shut down lit up in her sight, like a reminder from God's mercy.

Wei Qingyu looked at the text coded on the screen and suddenly realized that if the book didn't exist, then her Ji Xiao wouldn't exist at all.

So Wei Qingyu was like a leftover walking in the cracks of the world, typing on the keyboard lonely, concatenating the stories that Ji Xiao had told her.

The paradox is twisted into a ring.

It became "Summer in the Burning Sun".

"I miss her very much. From the time I lost her, from the time when I remembered her again, from the time I started writing this book, I missed her every moment."

Wei Qingyu looked at the girl in front of him who couldn't remember her, her cold voice was particularly lonely.

Like the longing condensed from the long river of time, the heavy makes people feel heartache.

Ji Xiao listened and couldn't help taking a sip of coffee subconsciously.

The sweetness of the cream faded, and the cold temperature magnified the bitterness on the tip of her tongue. Unexplainable emotions were deposited in her heart, and the red seal was aching again.

Too much longing was released from Wei Qingyu's heart, and it was not until the atmosphere on the table became quiet that she realized that she had said too much.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao who was in silence, and suddenly feared that Ji Xiao, who had lost the memory of the world, would regard himself as a weird person, and then alienate himself.

Holding the coffee cup in front of her nervously, she smiled cautiously at Ji Xiao in a soothing atmosphere, "'s weird."

But I didn't want to, Ji Xiao shook his head at her as soon as the voice fell, and his tone was serious and corrected: "It should be strange and beautiful."

"If she knows that you have done so much for her, she will definitely be touched and distressed."

"During this time, you have worked hard."

As Ji Xiao said, he leaned forward in a ghostly manner and placed his hand on top of Wei Qingyu's head.

The overhead lights illuminate the space where the two of them are. Wei Qingyu sat in this position straight, with the shadow of Ji Xiao's other hand falling on the palm of his hand slightly.

The reddish and dim pupils trembled slightly, and there were stars flickering in them, as if the obliterated Milky Way was re-emitting its light.

She really is her Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao, who can always say words that he can't predict and is extremely nostalgic for.

Even if she forgets herself now.

The night was dark, and there were a few lonely stars hanging on the dark night.

Ji Xiao lay on the bed early, and there were still unfinished lesson plans on the opposite desk.

This is the first time she has been lazy in these years.

The soft pillow sank half of the girl's face, and her shortened hair hung over her chin.

After returning from the coffee shop, Ji Xiao was a little absent-minded. When writing the lesson plans, he always thought of the incident with Wei Qingyu in the coffee shop just now.

This person was very strange. He introduced himself like a horse, and said so many weird things.

But I was also very strange. When I watched Wei Qingyu, I shed tears inexplicably. When faced with the words she said that anyone would dial the psychiatric number after listening, she actually accepted it calmly. She stood up and rubbed the top of her head comfortingly.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but think of Wei Qingyu, who was sitting under the light at that time, thinking about the pair of affectionate eyes in her slightly flushed eye sockets.

The bitter and warm fragrance of the coffee shop floated with mint, and Ji Xiao didn't realize that his eyes on the pillow were red again.

She lay on the bed slowly curling up, and the neat sheets were wrinkled out by her.

There was another kind of pain inexplicably from the red seal in her heart, like a familiar and hazy picture floating out of the vacancy in her memory, but she couldn't see it at all.


A few vibrations came from Ji Xiao's mobile phone on her pillow, and Lu Ning shared with her the photos she took at Wei Qingyu's signing event today.

[Damn, let me tell you, Yan Su is really good-looking, if you come, I dare to pack a ticket, you absolutely want to chase her! It's a pity that you didn't follow me and missed such a good opportunity. 】

Looking at Lu Ning's words, Ji Xiao knocked on the past two sentences lightly: [I went to drink coffee with Yan Su. 】

[I also left her my contact information. 】

After calming down for a while, Ji Xiao received a voice from Lu Ning on her cell phone: "Ahhhhh, is that what I thought?" Will you develop into lovers? ! 】

Ji Xiao listened to Lu Ning's almost crazy voice, and his expression was still very calm: [No. 】

Lu Ning was not reconciled, [Are you really not thinking about it? 】

[She's so pretty, she's all yours, isn't it? 】

Ji Xiao lay on the bed, and Lu Ning's words were reflected in the deep black pupils, and his mood became depressed somehow.

Indeed, Wei Qingyu is very beautiful, and it is entirely in her aesthetic point.

But she told herself that the person she liked had left her, and she still remembered it and wrote this book to commemorate her.

No one can replace a lost person.

No one can erase one's obsession.

Ji Xiao's balance was swaying, she sighed lightly, said to Lu Ning, and reminded herself: [Who would like a person who writes of herself as a vicious female villain? 】

Lu Ning was speechless for a while, and she felt that Ji Xiao's words couldn't be refuted.

The night was quieter, and the cicada's screaming and the worm's song became a concerto late at night.

Ji Xiao was lying on the bed, looking at the phone screen which gradually turned black, and fell into a state of depression somehow.

She has always been like this lately.

It was as if the original whole heart was empty, and she didn't know which piece she had lost, let alone find it.


At this time, the phone in Ji Xiao's hand vibrated again.

The bright screen illuminated half of the girl's side face, and her drooping eyes suddenly opened.

This is not news from Lu Ning.

It was a friend application sent by Wei Qingyu.

The author has something to say: Pigeon (biting melon seeds): Someone has a long way to chase his wife.

Wei Lengmo (holding a knife): Now, immediately, let her restore her memory.