The night sky was lonely, and the summer breeze blew over the treetops, and the leaves rustled.

Ji Xiao just lay on the bed like this, with a thump and thump in her heart.

Obviously he was a stranger who had just met today, but Ji Xiao's uncontrollable heartbeat accelerated at the moment when he saw Wei Qingyu's name.

What is this, love at first sight?

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's portrait of the smiling cartoon rabbit, thinking at a loss.

In her heart, she was warning her that this person had an unforgettable first love that you could not replace, but her finger still pressed the consent button.

The phone vibrated twice immediately, and Wei Qingyu sent a greeting from the system: [Hello, this is Wei Qingyu. 】

Ji Xiao sat up from the bed with her mobile phone, her thin body leaning on the soft pillow, as if being hugged.

She was a little inexplicably looking forward to the next chat with Wei Qingyu, but her hesitating fingers hung on the input box, and she didn't type a word for a long time.

She was used to chatting with Lu Ning about gossip entertainment, but she didn't know how to chat with a person like Wei Qingyu who looked cold and gentle.

Just when Ji Xiao was struggling, her cell phone rang.

Wei Qingyu took the initiative and sent her a message first: [Have you arrived home? 】

Hearing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly replied: [Of course, it's almost twelve o'clock. 】

Only after the news was sent, she regretted it a little.

Does this sentence seem a bit impatient?

It's like saying that I've been home long ago. Wouldn't you ask this question too much?

Sure enough, the second after she sent this sentence, Wei Qingyu seemed to be explaining, saying: [I just arrived. 】

But before Ji Xiao fell into annoyance, she sent another message: [Are you writing a lesson plan? 】

Looking at these simple five words, Ji Xiao couldn't help but think of the gentle tone of Wei Qingyu in the morning coffee shop.

It's as if she didn't have any bad impression of herself because of her own rudeness.

So Ji Xiao looked at the lesson plan she was laying on the desk, beautifying her absent-minded reality: [Today is off, tomorrow is working, the people's teacher also needs to take a break. 】

The moonlight faintly blew from the open hanging door balcony into the vast empty room, Wei Qingyu leaned on the soft sofa alone, and saw the news from Ji Xiao, for her to still realize her dream in this world, so pleased The corners of his lips were curled up.

The ipad on the table was shining with a faint light, and the smooth handwriting wrote the chat book that its owner had just obtained from someone else.

Wei Qingyu thought about it for a moment, and said quickly: [I see today that the school badge on your badge is from the High School Attached to the Normal University, then is your university in the Normal University? 】

【Yes indeed. Ji Xiao nodded, and then became dull in astonishment: [How did you know? 】

Wei Qingyu looked at the two pieces of news next to each other, and the familiar feeling made her eyes flushed slightly.

Except for the peach brandy brewed by the winery, she hasn't felt the breath of Ji Xiao in this world for a long time.

Wei Qingyu didn't dare to delay too long, and quickly replied: [My graduate student was in the Normal University, so I have some understanding of this. 】

Ji Xiao looked at the message sent by Wei Qingyu, his eyes lit up: [Is it such a coincidence? 】

【Yes indeed. ] Wei Qingyu said with a smile.

But there are so many coincidences in the world, but someone has been paving the way for the reunion.

Wei Qingyu deliberately tested the past because she was sure that Ji Xiao would not give up her dream.

But until today did she discover that she was older than Ji Xiao in this world for more than half a year, but five years.

The year she graduated, Ji Xiao had just been admitted to this university.

It's just that it happened half a year later.

Wei Qingyu did not cause a lot of emotional fluctuations because of another tease of fate.

She has experienced great nihilism, and has seen a terrible world without Ji Xiao, so as long as she can meet Ji Xiao again, even if it is ten years, she is willing to wait.

Wei Qingyu looked at the key points drawn by himself in the red circle on the ipad, and proactively invited: [Ji Xiao, I will be invited as a guest at the graduation ceremony two weeks later. When you have time, you can take me around. I haven't come back for two or three years, and I have forgotten a bit. 】

The wind from the upper floors blows downwards, becoming slightly cooler and warmer.

Ji Xiao looked at the leaves rustling by the wind in front of the window, and knew nothing about what Wei Qingyu had just recalled.

She looked at the rabbit head in her sight, and she didn't know how to feel particularly fond of this naive head that didn't match Wei Qingyu's image. She agreed without thinking about it: [Okay, we will contact you when the time comes. 】

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's agreement, with a lot of smiles in his eyebrows, and sent Ji Xiao a nodding bunny emoticon.

The rabbit was naive, and his ears fluttered when he rolled.

Looking at it, Ji Xiao naturally substituted Wei Qingyu.

I once saw a corner of the long legs run over the pure white bed sheet, the eyes are clear under the black hair, and the expression is pure.

Naturally, it seemed that when Ji Xiao had actually seen Wei Qingyu tumbling like this in front of her.

Ji Xiao stared at the emoji bag slightly.

But before she had time to think about it, Wei Qingyu's message came again: [It's not early, you have to work tomorrow, I won't bother you. 】

Hearing this, Ji Xiao glanced at the clock opposite, and the hour hand was gradually approaching "1".

Sure enough, it was late, and Wei Qingyu must have been very tired after a busy day at the signing meeting today.

Ji Xiao no longer wasted Wei Qingyu's time, replied "Well, you go to bed early", and then actively ended the conversation.

There was a crisp "click" from the light switch, and the quiet room escaped into the darkness.

I don't know if it was because of the distraction from talking to Wei Qingyu a lot, Ji Xiao felt that the gloomy slight pain trapped in her heart had disappeared.

In just a second, a beam of light lit up in the dark room.

Ji Xiao also heard another obvious heartbeat from her.

Wei Qingyu: [Good night]

The graduation ceremony was a sunny Saturday, and light pink cherry blossoms filled the campus, like greeting or farewell.

Ji Xiao deliberately wore a black jumpsuit. The thick denim fabric depicts her rough upper half and makes people look at her lower body.

Only a belt outlines her slender waist, and the hem of the skirt that reaches the middle of the thigh reveals the entire slender leg.

But Ji Xiao didn't satisfy the coveted eyes of the surroundings, and a pair of black boots hid her long legs again, leaving only the white palm between the skirt and the boot to attract people's imagination.

Lu Ning watched Ji Xiao walk towards her, his eyes all bright, smiled and took her arm, jokingly said: "Yohou, it looks good today, is it because the words are so big? Who said he was right about writing himself viciously? Is the female partner not interested?"

Ji Xiao narrowed his mouth when he heard Lu Ning's arrangement, and changed the subject with a guilty conscience: "You are also very good, what style is this?"

Lu Ning looked at the fiery red on his lips on the screen of the phone, with his chin held high, and said, "Alpha."

"Don't you think this is very Alpha?"

Ji Xiao immediately showed a disgusting expression when he heard the words, "Xiaoning, Alpha is not like you. They are natural gas fields brought by pheromone, and they don't need clothes to set off."

When Lu Ning heard what Ji Xiao said, his eyes were slightly surprised, "Xiaoxiao, how do you understand this? Did you read a lot of abo texts behind my back?!"

After Lu Ning's reminder, some surprises flashed in Ji Xiao's eyes.

She didn't know why she knew Alpha so suddenly. Just now, she said it naturally, and it was as if she had experienced it personally.

A warm breeze blew between Ji Xiao and Lu Ning, and there was a hint of mint in the coolness.

Ji Xiao looked up subconsciously and looked at the smell, but saw Wei Qingyu standing there under the cherry tree not far away, making a phone call.

She wore a simple white floral sling skirt, and the cherry blossoms fell from the top of her head, overlapping the little flowers on her body.

The light long hair hung on her shoulders, floating slightly in the wind, and the eyes with the beauty contacts removed seemed to be a bit blue, cold and deep.

But the second before the same Ji Xiao looked at each other, all became gentle.

"Ji Xiao, what a coincidence." Wei Qingyu walked to Ji Xiao's side and said softly.

"It's really a coincidence." Ji Xiao responded with a smile, and couldn't help but feel happy about this coincidence.

Then she released the arm she was holding Lu Ning, and proactively introduced: "This is Lu Ning, my friend."

When the words fell, Lu Ning's Alpha aura that was supported by makeup disappeared, and there was only fear and incoherent speech all over his body, "Such words, you are my fan, no, I am your fan! I am! I really like your "Summer of the Burning Sun"!"

Wei Qingyu smiled lightly at Lu Ning, and shook her hand that had held Ji Xiao just now: "Hello."

Lu Ning was immersed in the joy of meeting his favorite wife. He didn't notice Wei Qingyu's hidden hostility towards him, and continued immersively: "Do you remember me? I'm going to your signing meeting. I also got your personal signature!"

Wei Qingyu still smiled politely, shook Lu Ning's hand but quietly retracted it.

Just as Lu Ning wanted to express her affection for Wei Qingyu, an angry figure flashed over.

Feng Yuan, the interim minister of the school magazine, walked over in a hurry, ignoring the presence of others, and censuring Ji Xiao: "Ji Xiao, why didn't the photographer who are in charge of contacting him arrive? I can't get through if you call you. What do you want to do?"

Ji Xiao was taken aback, "Sister Feng, you only asked me to take charge of statistics at the time. When did you ask me to contact the photographer?"

She was a former deputy minister of school journals who was about to graduate. At that time, she only agreed to Feng Yuan to help her with the personnel statistics for the graduation ceremony. She never heard of asking her to find a photographer.

Feng Yuan sneered when she heard Ji Xiao's words, "Did you not read the last allocation form issued last week? At that time, you said it was OK in the group."

Ji Xiao looked at the chat records Feng Yuan showed to her, feeling a little bit in her heart.

Under the new document issued by Feng Yuan, she did reply "received".

Ji Xiao remembered that she was in a low mood at the time, and Feng Yuan had updated the graduation ceremony arrangements twice in three days. She had already done her job at that time, thinking that she had nothing to do with her, so she just followed the crowd without seeing it. "+1".

Who came to the idea, at this moment, this kind of thing unexpectedly happened.

Feng Yuan saw Ji Xiao admit it, and blamed: "You tell me what to do. I know you become a teacher in the affiliated high school, and things in the school are not at ease. But it is better to do things not to be masterful or inferior, otherwise I am afraid that it is the affiliated high school. It won't last long."

Lu Ning immediately got angry when he heard Feng Yuan's words, but Wei Qingyu took a step ahead of her and asked, "This classmate, I listen to what you mean, are you the person in charge of the school magazine now?"

Feng Yuan raised her head, "Yes."

She finally took advantage of the lack of staff in the school magazine to become the interim minister, and she must be proud of it.

But Wei Qingyu still had a calm face, and continued to ask: "Then you think Ji Xiao is solely responsible for this matter, don't you?"

Feng Yuan nodded, "Why not?"


There was an aura of chuckle from the cicadas' cries, and Ji Xiao instantly felt cold in his fingers.

The sunlight passed through the streets of Sakura, and could not dissipate the layer of ice in Wei Qingyu's deep eyes.

She looked at the arrogant man in front of her, and slowly said, "As the person in charge, overall planning is the foundation. Why do you only find out that the photographer is not in place? This shouldn’t be the last time yesterday. Are you sure? What's more, you have added new tasks to the people under you. Shouldn't you be reminded?"

Two questions directly hit the dead spot of Feng Yuan's theory.

Feng Yuan, who was just yet aggressive, became hesitated in an instant, "I...I also have my business to be busy. I just finished a project led by my mentor yesterday, and I have been very busy..."

"Did Ji Xiao work? She has already graduated. It is not you who came back to help, but the school magazine." Wei Qingyu asked coldly.

"Not only did you fail to take on the responsibility of the minister, but you also intended to push all your mistakes to a graduated officer to escape responsibility. Not only are you irresponsible, you also have no team spirit. I can respond to the school to deal with these. ."

"Please believe that I have this right."

Wei Qingyu's voice was soft, but it struck the hearts of the three people hard word by word.

Although she did not clarify her identity and background, it made people think she could do it.

The wind blew the cherry blossoms down, and a golden circle of light fell impartially on Wei Qingyu's body.

Ji Xiao just stood on one side and looked at Wei Qingyu's profile. The thick eyelashes woven into the force did not make her retreat, but made her feel extremely familiar.

It seemed that she had been protected by Wei Qingyu once, unprincipled in favor of herself.

But obviously she had known Wei Qingyu for less than a month.

Seeing that the excuse was unsuccessful, Feng Yuan's attitude softened, and she said roundly to Wei Qing: "Yes, I admit that I am incompetent, but I admit it, and it won't help, right? Ji Xiao still has to bear part of the responsibility."

Although Wei Qingyu spoke for himself, Ji Xiao also knew that this matter was his carelessness.

She glanced at the time, helplessly and anxiously said to Lu Ning: "Lu Ning, I remember you have a DSLR?"

Lu Ning nodded and raised his foot to get the camera back.

Wei Qingyu stopped Lu Ning and said to Ji Xiao, "Don't worry, wait for me."

The voice was soft, calm and without waves.

The fragile petals fell in the summer breeze, setting the woman's thin back to be as ethereal and beautiful as the wind.

After Wei Qingyu spoke, he walked not far away and called an unknown person to Ji Xiao who didn't know if he had any useful calls.

The cicadas are noisy, but Ji Xiao's anxiety has faded a lot.

It is clear that Wei Qingyu's words are not guaranteed, but Ji Xiao is inexplicably relieved.

After a long while, Wei Qingyu walked back.

Her expression was as calm as ever, but when she walked to Ji Xiao, she nodded to her: "Go to the school gate and wait a minute. A friend of mine is a photographer of She’s magazine, and she happens to be free."

When Lu Ning heard the words, his eyes zoomed in instantly: "Is that the first women's magazine in the world?!"

Wei Qingyu faintly nodded to her, and gently urged Ji Xiao: "Go, she will be able to come over soon."

The classic athlete march on the playground resounded across the sky, and Wei Qingyu's gentle eyebrows were still in Ji Xiao's eyes. When she woke up, she walked to the school gate.

While the taxi uncle waiting for the guests greeted Ji Xiao enthusiastically, the rumbling exhaust pipe of the sports car resounded across the road.

In this way, a silver Bugatti stopped in front of Ji Xiao who was entangled by the uncle from a distance.

Ruyi's car door rose slowly under everyone's gaze, and Christian Loubout's red bottom stepped on the rough concrete floor.

A woman with long hair dyed in golden brown walked out of the cab with sunglasses. The silver earrings swayed slightly in Ji Xiao's vision, and the familiar rose fragrance came on her face in the hot wind.

The woman took off the sunglasses on her face coolly, and she stretched out her hand to Ji Xiao, especially invisible, and introduced herself: "Hello, this is Qi Qi."

The author has something to say: Qi Qi: I'm back!

Pigeon: Although it's a godmother, it's not a stepmother anyway.