"Do you want to look at it one last time?"

Who is this?

Is it a person or a thing?

Why do you want to say "the last look"?

The unfamiliar snow scene overwhelmed the hustle and bustle of the playground, making the voice sound extraordinarily calm, but it was also mixed with a lot of reluctance.

It's like what I said when I was about to separate.

But in these years, Ji Xiao has never been separated from her friends, relatives and friends, let alone when she said such things to others.

The snow scene was gradually replaced by large green areas, and the green train quickly passed through the green fields.

The girl put her hand on the window frame on one side, her thick eyelashes dangled with the sunlight, and she stared at the passing scenery aimlessly.

The green in her sight cools the hot sunlight, like the mint that once fell on her shoulders.

Although Ji Xiao has now embarked on the train to Xinjiang, she will still involuntarily think of this incident, and will involuntarily think of Wei Qingyu.

After the graduation ceremony, Ji Xiao devoted himself to the intense final work of high school, and the contact with Wei Qingyu only stayed on his mobile phone.

Ji Xiao thinks chatting with Wei Qingyu is a very comfortable thing. Whenever the night is frustrated, she will think of Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu made Ji Xiao feel that she was not like a new friend, but like a friend who had reunited with him after a long absence.

Even... lovers.

However, she seems to be a little busy lately. The book that won the Flower Award has recently started to be revised.

Ji Xiao didn't want to disturb her, so he went to Lu Ning on a graduation trip and blurted out to go to Xinjiang.

"Excuse me, Miss Melancholy, what's the matter of melancholy?" Lu Ning sat aside and looked at Ji Xiao for a long time. His eyes were tired, and he couldn't help asking.

Ji Xiao was out of state recently, and Lu Ning could see it clearly.

She stuffed the beer in her hand into Ji Xiao's hand, and said, "I feel like you are out of state recently."

Ji Xiao took the drink and wanted to tell Lu Ning the latest things in his heart.

But she thought about it, but found that she couldn't talk about it, so she had a sip of wine and said, "Maybe I'm a little tired. I've been spinning for more than half a year."

Lu Ning was straight-tempered, unable to see Ji Xiao's cover, nodded and said, "Yes, I have done the same recently. I wake up and feel that I can't sleep enough, and I have a terrible headache."

As he said, Lu Ning yawned and leaned his head on Ji Xiao's shoulder.

Ji Xiao smiled as he looked at him, "Why don't you say you go clubbing every night after the holiday? Can you be sleepy and have a headache."

Lu Ning arched his nose as he listened, and preached dissatisfied: "Where there are days, I only go a few times a week. Hey, I did a strategy last night and I heard that there is a bar not far from where we live. You have to accompany me tonight."

"I'm not going, I'm not interested in this kind of place." Ji Xiao said, picking up Lu Ning's head, leaning on the back of the seat and closing his eyes to rest. "I plan to get up early to climb the mountain tomorrow."

Lu Ning laughed dryly, "Xiaoxiao, you shouldn't have come with me, you should have come with the Xingyang Red Elderly Group."

Then she sat up straight as if thinking of something, mysteriously leaning in Ji Xiao's ear: "How are you and Wei Qingyu?"

Ji Xiao opened his eyes when he heard this.

She glanced at Lu Ning vigilantly, and preached ambiguously: "That's it, that's it."

"That's it? What's the matter?"

Lu Ning asked back, staring at Ji Xiao with straight eyes.

Staring at her makes her guilty, but her lips are inciting but she can't answer.

But before Ji Xiao could answer, Lu Ning cleared her throat and asked her seriously: "Xiaoxiao, do you know why your face and body are not bad, you just can't find a girlfriend? ?"

Because as a female single flower, Ji Xiao is also very upset about this matter: "I don't know."

Lu Ning: "Because you don't always go to places where there are many young people, how can you find a girlfriend when you climb the mountain? You have to go to the bar, there are many girls!"

She said that she took Ji Xiao’s arm and tempted: “So, go to a bar with me today and try it. What if you look right at the beautiful Uyghur sister? Or, you met Wei Qing The language is second!"

Lu Ning just leaned on Ji Xiao's shoulders, his big eyes with three-point Korean makeup gleaming awkwardly, filled with expectations.

Ji Xiao was not very excited about Uyghur girls, and even more disinterested in Wei Qingyu, but seeing how Lu Ning must go, she was not relieved, so she had to compromise and said, "Then... okay."

As night fell, the lights came on.

The bizarre lights skipped the dim streets, and the intermittent singing came from the opening and closing doors of the bar. The hoarse and low voice was unique in this noisy street.

Lu Ning knew that this was the first time Ji Xiao came to a bar with himself, so he chose this relatively quiet restaurant.

Dim lights flowed in the exquisitely decorated venue. As soon as Ji Xiao and Lu Ning sat down, the waiter came over and handed over the wine list.

"Let's see what to drink, this lady treats me today." Lu Ning held the card in her hand, with an extraordinarily generous tone.

Ben also grew up together, and Ji Xiao didn't plan to save Lu Ning money.

The light ball spinning in the distance hit the dappled light on the menu, and she saw the mint cocktail in the cocktail bar at a glance.

The ghostly Ji Xiao put his finger on it and said, "Mint Cocktail Bar."

Lu Ning raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "You're pretty good at it."

Then she pointed to another column of the menu, "Then I want this, Cherry Rum."

The waiter took the menu returned by the two and nodded slightly: "Okay, wait a minute."

As the night darkened, there were more people in the bar.

The streamer turned lightly, and Lu Ning leaned on the back of the chair and pulled Ji Xiao, who was distracted, and said, "Hey, look at that person, isn't he pretty?"

When Ji Xiao heard the words and looked in the direction Lu Ning pointed, a man with a narrow waist and wide shoulders was standing by the bar. When the light came down, Yinglang's nose and eyebrows were instantly revealed.

Ji Xiao knows Lu Ning too well, this man is definitely one of her stamp albums.

She nodded and said, "Go, I'll be waiting for you here."

Lu Ning also had this intention. He picked up her cherry rum and took a sip, and said, "Then I will go. You can sit here and wait for me, or you can go there if you have a goal."

Ji Xiao gave his cheek an "um" cry.

Then she watched Lu Ning walk away and sighed boredly.

The smell of alcohol was in the air, and the dim lights outlined all kinds of people in Ji Xiao's vision.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. Every time she saw a girl walking by, she couldn't help comparing them with Wei Qingyu.

More body, more face, more flavor...

And in every one, Wei Qingyu won.

Obviously she was a new acquaintance, but this occupied most of her mind.

Ji Xiao took a sip of the light green mint cocktail. The cold of the mint was wrapped in the warmth of the alcohol and slid into Ji Xiao's throat, just like the smell she smelled when she stood with Wei Qingyu for taking pictures that day.

"Sister, are you alone?"

At this time, a voice interrupted Ji Xiao's drinking alone.

She looked up against the dim light, and an exceptionally trendy man with a glass of wine stood in front of her.

Ji Xiao knew that she had been accosted, but unlike Lu Ning, she had no interest in this person at all, and replied indifferently: "Wait for someone."

The man was reluctant, he raised his finger to Lu Ning who was not far away from the bar, and said, "Waiting for someone, I have seen it, your friend has caught up with others, why don't we have a chat?"

"Make friends."

As the man said, he planned to pull over the chair beside Ji Xiao and sit down. The next second a cold white slender hand was placed in front of the man.

"Sorry, someone is there."

The familiar voice fell to Ji Xiao's ears at this moment, and a tall woman stood between light and shadow.

She was wearing a champagne-colored satin shirt, and a tie of the same color was tied loosely around her slender neck, adding a touch of casualness to the coolness and preciousness.

The long, slightly curly hair hung over his shoulders, and his eyebrows contained a gentle gentleness.

Wei Qingyu really seemed to be late, put the wine in his hand to Ji Xiao's hand, and said, "Sorry, it's late."

Ji Xiao also cooperated and shook his head: "It's okay."

Wei Qingyu said "Yeah" and looked at Ji Xiao silently. After confirming that she was really okay, he turned to look at the man.

Just now, his tender eyebrows instantly chilled, and he said, "Aren't you leaving?"

The low voice was timid, the man's heart trembled, and he numbly slipped away with the wine.

The trouble was driven away, and the dim deck was calm again.

Some people seem extremely calm, but their hands hidden under the table are slightly clenched.

The lazy voices of the people on the stage spread all over the venue, but the thumping heartbeat of the people on the stage resounded in their ears.

How could someone be so coincidental that he would show up when he was in trouble.

Then he walked up gracefully like this, and he resolved the man who was entangled with him in a few words.

Looking at Wei Qingyu sitting next to him, Ji Xiao suddenly realized that this is not City S, but Xinjiang, and asked in surprise: "Why is Miss Wei here?"

"Come with Qi Qi to gather in Xinjiang and find inspiration for the next book by the way." Wei Qingyu replied lightly, as if he had been prepared in advance.

"Then Sister Qi Qi is here too?" Ji Xiao asked.


Wei Qingyu pointed, and Qi Qi's warm greeting came not far away. Sitting next to him was Gong Xiaoju, the little assistant Ji Xiao had met at the signing meeting.

Ji Xiao also politely got up and greeted the two of them, and then sat back again.

The singer on the stage put down his guitar and sang Wujoo's "A Zhen fell in love with A Qiang" with the band behind, and the scene became even hotter.

Wei Qingyu looked at the dish of wine in front of Ji Xiao and asked, "What wine did you drink?"

Ji Xiao didn't expect that Wei Qingyu would ask herself this question. Wouldn't she feel a bit perverted by the wine that clearly represented her taste?

Ji Xiao hesitated and saw Wei Qingyu's gaze towards him.

She turned around the wine in her hand, and replied compulsively: "...mint cocktail."

The light flashed across Wei Qingyu's face, and there was a noticeable change in his eyes.

She looked at Ji Xiao and asked tentatively: "Do you like mint very much?"

"Fortunately." Ji Xiao replied ambiguously.

Then she thought about it for a while, and added in a meaningful way: "I didn't like it very much before, but now I think it's pretty good."

The voice was emphasized in the second half of the sentence and the accent was added, and the gentle breath sound intertwined with it, and it seemed that there was an ambiguity flowing.

The corners of Wei Qingyu's lips curled up quietly, and she heard a joy in her heart in this dim deck.

Silence is better than sound.

Ji Xiao was also filled with inexplicable joy, she looked at the octagonal glass in her sight and asked curiously. "Where is Miss Wei? What is Miss Wei's wine?"

"Peach brandy." Wei Qingyu said and took a sip of the wine in his hand, and said with a lazy tone: "I didn't expect this place to make this flavor."

"Is this taste unique?" Ji Xiao asked.

"Yeah." Wei Qingyu nodded, his deep pupils looked at Ji Xiao, slowly and affectionately, "It's the taste of first love."

When Ji Xiao listened, there was a little more in her eyes. She kept her voice calm and preached faintly: "I thought the taste of Miss Wei's first love was mint."

"Why do you think so?" Wei Qingyu asked.

"Because Miss Wei's perfume is warm mint." Ji Xiao replied.

Wei Qingyu smiled briefly and replied, "It's not because I like it, but because it's to make someone like it."

"Although life is meaningless.

But love does make life more beautiful..."

The husky smoky voice of the lead singer of the band rubbed Ji Xiao's heart, and the cold air from the air conditioner gently and gently sent the mint-scented voice to Ji Xiao's ears.

She still remembered what she had just said, and she could also hear the key points in Wei Qingyu's words.

It seemed that the two chains of each other were interlocking together, and there was a "click" in her ear.

The light slowly passed over the deck where the two of them were, turning into an ambiguous flow.

Ji Xiao heard her own unbalanced heartbeat, like a heartbeat again after love at first sight.

Can she understand that Wei Qingyu is expressing to herself that she likes herself?

Light flashed through Ji Xiao's eyes again, but the joy suddenly disappeared.

She suddenly reacted, she smelled it first and liked it later, and the mint smell on Wei Qingyu's body was before she liked it.

Even if she did use this smell to make herself like it, why did she smell it the first day we met?

Did she use this perfume specifically for meeting herself, so she used this perfume every day before meeting herself?

how is this possible.

She said she didn't like it, but she let the smell stay on her.

Ji Xiao couldn't think of others, so he could only think of the first love from above that Wei Qingyu still remembered.

The girl's eyes dimmed a little in the dimness, and her heart was unspeakably suffocated.

Sad and jealous.

She felt Wei Qingyu's uniqueness and even love for herself, so she wanted to monopolize her.

At this moment, Gong Xiaoju walked over with the phone, looking like something urgent, "Sister Wei, the editor's call from the publishing house."

Wei Qingyu nodded and said "Okay", then got up and took the phone to pick it up outside.

She glanced at Ji Xiao who was sitting on the side, and urged worriedly: "Wait for me, I'll be back soon."

With a dazzling electric guitar sound, a chaotic white light beam lit up in the venue.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's back, and the glass of peach brandy refracted the bright light beam, falling into her sight.

Wei Qingyu quickly finished handling the affairs of the publishing house, and walked back quickly, "Sorry, it took some time."

But she didn't want to just sit down when a heavy force fell on her shoulder.

The scent of spirits wrapped in peaches circulated on Wei Qingyu's shoulders, and the girl's plain white face rubbed her long hair and fell on her shoulders.

The empty wine glass reflected the light, making Ji Xiao's cheeks extremely red.

Wei Qingyu instantly realized that Ji Xiao was drunk.

She got up busy and wanted to take Ji Xiao back to the hotel, but was pressured on her shoulders by a force much greater than herself.

The girl's slender but powerful arms passed through Wei Qingyu's long hair hanging over her shoulders, and swayed and domineeringly confined her in her arms.

As Ji Xiao breathed, the wine temperature swallowed slowly out of her mouth. Brushing Wei Qingyu's shoulders, neck and earlobes, he was full of familiar sultry and ambiguity.

The light fell on Ji Xiao's face unreservedly, covering the dark and deep pupils with a golden orange color that Wei Qingyu couldn't be more familiar with.

The girl looked at Wei Qingyu with blurred eyes like this, her red lips were slightly incited, and she whispered in her ear: "Ah...Is this the taste of first love?"

The author has something to say: Wei Lengmo took off his title of King of Vinegar, and silently brought it to Ji Zengcao.

"Although life is meaningless. But love does make life more beautiful..."

——"A Zhen Falling in Love with A Qiang" by Wu Tiaoren