The sound of the electric guitar resounded like a gust of wind and rain throughout the venue, and then stopped abruptly under the frantic lights.

Applause rang from the audience, and Lu Ning, who had failed to strike up a conversation, walked back to the deck in the corner with the unfinished wine glass.

It's just that when she just walked to the deck, she suddenly felt that she was a little redundant.

The mint-colored cocktail reflected a gleam of light, and Ji Xiao grabbed Wei Qingyu who was also here for some reason.

Lu Ning looked at Wei Qingyu who noticed himself, and bit the bullet and asked, "Miss Wei? What's the matter?"

"She was drunk." Wei Qingyu explained briefly.

Lu Ning frowned when he heard the words, and preached nervously and somewhat self-blaming: "How could it be possible that the cocktail is made of rum, and the degree is very low. I should be by her side. Will this bar... …"

Before Lu Ning continued to speculate, Wei Qingyu dispelled her anxiety, "She just drank my brandy."

Lu Ning suddenly said, "Xiaoxiao really didn't lie to me. This is really the first time she has come to a bar."

With that, she took the hand that Ji Xiao had hung on Wei Qingyu's body, and said, "Xiaoxiao, let's go, let's go back to the hotel and rest."

Ji Xiao was dizzy, but she could still recognize the person in front of her.

She shook off Lu Ning's hand and swayed her, "Xiao Ning, you don't have to worry about me, I can go back by myself, trust me. Go and find your happiness!"

Lu Ning turned around and held Ji Xiao, "It's been blown a long time ago, you are like this, what happiness do I still chase after."

Ji Xiao thought that Lu Ning was lying to her and waved his hand: "Don't worry, sisters can do it by themselves. Go and look for your little wild horse again!"

Ji Xiao's voice was louder than ever, and in the end it even overwhelmed the voice of the female singer on the stage.

She looked at Lu Ning swayingly like this, a little bit reluctant to drag her teammates back.

The light slowly shook from a distance, and Wei Qingyu's hand in the shadow always stretched out behind Ji Xiao to protect her.

Seeing this, she took the initiative: "Lu Ning, why don't I send Ji Xiao back to the hotel, she won't let you send it off, so stop making trouble on the road."

Lu Ning hesitated, "Will it be troublesome? She is drunk after all."

Wei Qingyu shook his head, "It's okay, I'm also a little tired, so I just went back to rest."

When she said that, she pointed to the booth of Qi Qi and the others not far away, and said to Lu Ning: "I will treat you to the wine tonight. You can go there to find Qi Qi and the others, and you can send you back to the hotel later."

Maybe it was because Wei Qingyu's words were solemn, or Wei Qingyu's favoritism and timely assistance to Ji Xiao during the last graduation ceremony, Lu Ning was very relieved of Wei Qingyu's character.

She handed Ji Xiao cautiously to Wei Qingyu's hand, and then took out the room card from her bag and handed it respectfully to Wei Qingyu: "I'm really going to trouble you again this time. I will ask Wei to return it to the place. Miss gave me a message back, so I can rest assured."

"Don't worry." Wei Qingyu nodded, and brought her hand that had been behind Ji Xiao upright to the front, "Let's go."

The dim lights in the bar didn't illuminate his feet, and Wei Qingyu cautiously helped Ji Xiao walk out.

Just two steps before going out, Ji Xiao stopped, as if thinking of something, turned around and shouted to Lu Ning: "Xiaoning!"

Lu Ning stopped and looked back after hearing the words, "What's the matter?"

Ji Xiao didn't say a word, but instead waved Lu Ning over like a dead inflatable toy.

Lu Ning looked at Ji Xiao like this, even though she felt that what she said would not matter much later, he still obeyed and walked over.

The light near the door turned on for a few minutes, and it fell on Ji Xiao's face to remove a slight blush, still a kind of vigilance.

She looked at Wei Qingyu standing next to her, pulling Lu Ning mysteriously and taking a step away towards Wei Qingyu.

The door at the entrance was opened by the guest from the outside, and a warm wind swept across the two naked legs.

Amidst the noise coming in from the street, Ji Xiao approached Lu Ning’s ear, cautiously and loudly exhorted: "You have to be careful with peach brandy!!"

The stars light up the loneliness of the night, and a warm white lamp lights up on the inaccessible sidewalk.

The river in the distance was gently surging, and two shadows of almost the same figure fell side by side on the concrete floor.

Ji Xiao was not drunk and couldn't go, and in order to prove this, he refused the taxi Wei Qingyu got at the entrance of the bar, and stubbornly chose to walk back to their hotel.

The night breeze removed the heat in the day, and the cool wind blew the water on the side, making it extraordinarily comfortable.

Wei Qingyu walked side by side with Ji Xiao, silently sniffing the peach brandy on her body, and closed his eyes slightly.

Ji Xiao seemed to be aware of Wei Qingyu's point, and asked before he was drunk: "Miss Wei, do you like peach brandy so much?"

Every word she said was extraordinarily slow, word by word, as if a little slurred.

Wei Qingyu opened her eyes slightly as she listened, she looked at the full moon hanging in the dark night, and admitted for the first time in person: "Yes, I like it very much."

Ji Xiao let out a dissatisfied "Ah" and stopped immediately.

She looked at Wei Qingyu standing in front of her with a bitter pupil, and frowned: "Why, is it because it is first love? First love?!"

Ji Xiao was drunk with a naivety that he never showed before, and Wei Qingyu couldn't help but curl his eyebrows.

As if deliberately teasing Ji Xiao, Wei Qingyu looked at her jealous look and nodded and admitted without explaining, "Yes, yes."

Ji Xiao frowned and sighed when he heard Wei Qingyu's answer.

Then she raised her finger to herself, and asked in a pettiness: "Then what about me? Do you like me?"

Because Xu knew that the person in front of him was drunk, Wei Qingyu also let go of his courage.

She stood in front of Ji Xiao like this, copied her pockets, and replied with a smile on her eyebrows: "I like it."

"Then why write me as a vicious female villain?" Ji Xiao was a little aggrieved, and his voice was full of protest.

"Because I like you, because I want to meet you." Wei Qingyu replied.

Her voice was faint, but mixed with a lot of tenderness.

It's like the small tree with cherry blossoms next to them.

The wind blew gently, blowing the long hair in front of Ji Xiao's face.

Cherry blossoms fell on her shoulders, but she heard the sound of a leaking heart beating at this moment when she was unconscious.

She heard the two "likes" very clearly and truly.

But "first love", a vocabulary of the past perfect tense, was extremely stubbornly engraved in her mind.

Ji Xiao stood swayingly, and said to the woman standing in front of him: "Liar."

"The two of us are not fair at all."

Wei Qingyu was puzzled, "Why."

"You have first love, but my first love is you."

Ji Xiao said so, eyes deeply looking at Wei Qingyu who was standing opposite him.

The light fell on her face, lighting up her pure white face, and the stars took the opportunity to fall into her clear eyes, causing Wei Qingyu's heart to skip a beat.

Obviously he was drunk, yet he said such heart-wrenching love words.

Wei Qingyu looked at the girl in his sight, and couldn't tell whether he was drunk or she was drunk.

The gentle wine scent entangled between the two of them, the pupils of the two eyes reflected each other's appearance, and the wind became infinitely gentle.

Wei Qingyu's eyes were full of love, and he gently replied to Ji Xiao, "Me too."

But Ji Xiao was drunk, his mind was a little unclear, and his paralyzed reason did not turn this simple bend at all.

She copied the belt on the skirt as a pocket, and smiled: "I said Miss Wei, are you too narcissistic? Wherever your first love belongs to you."

"Are you mint and peach brandy again?"

Listening to Ji Xiao's drunk words, Wei Qingyu smiled softly but truly.

It's been a long time since she was as happy as she is now, and it was so long that she wanted to keep this moment forever.

Wei Qingyu once thought that when God took Ji Xiao away from her, he also took away all her positive emotions.

Only now did she understand that God had never taken away any of her emotions, but all her happiness, happiness, and happiness were Ji Xiao.

The cicada hid in the stacked leaves, and yelled when he knew it.

The topic was temporarily pressed and paused, Ji Xiao did not speak any more, and continued to walk forward staggeringly.

Wei Qingyu followed Ji Xiao like this, walking slowly.

Waking up from the nightmare, or repeatedly disappointed.

All the negatives can't reach this second. She walked with Ji Xiao together and stood shoulder to shoulder again.

Life is alive, it's rare to meet again.

As the night darkened, Ji Xiao had a drunkard and chatted with Wei Qingyu all the way, and the ten-minute journey just doubled her.

I don't know if I'm tired after walking this way. Just getting on the elevator, Ji Xiao softened and leaned on Wei Qingyu's body.

Wei Qingyu didn't say anything from Ji Xiao, and silently brought Ji Xiao back to her room, half hugging and half hugging.

Ji Xiao was still sniffing the scent of mint close at hand while drunk, but the next second he felt his body tilted and fell back on the soft bed.

Wei Qingyu was even the one who dumped.

The drunk Ji Xiao unscrupulously lusted for the mint that accompanied her all the way, even if he fell on the bed, he did not let go of the hand that held Wei Qingyu's waist.

Wei Qingyu just half-kneeled on the side of the bed, his upper body vacantly pressed against Ji Xiao's body.

The long, supple hair slipped from her ear, like an intertwined waterfall, hanging down on the sides of the two of them.

The two small and exquisite nose tips touched together, and the lips that were close at hand slowly exhaled a breath of alcohol.

Wei Qingyu cast his eyes down at this magnified exquisite face, remembering the many nights where they once hugged each other like this.

Or in daylight.

The light poured down from the side that was not blocked by the hair, and fell on Wei Qingyu's profile, drawing a beautiful picture.

Ji Xiao stared at the beautiful woman in front of him with blurry eyes, and reached out his hand to stroke Wei Qingyu's profile.

The delicate skin was as smooth as silk, but softer than the silk she was stroking with her other hand.

The girl's slender fingers crossed Wei Qingyu's side face, and touched her slender neck little by little.

Not only is the ambiguity flowing in this warm palm, but also the "click" that the tiny memory gap is opened.

The light mottled Ji Xiao's vision, and suddenly some memories that belonged to her but did not belong to her appeared in her mind.

The azure blue color envelops her sight, and the undulating water pattern mixed with alcohol stirs her thoughts.

Ji Xiao felt that she had been lying in Wei Qingyu's arms like this a long time ago, stroking her cheeks.

Wei Qingyu felt the trembling of his fingers resting on his neck, as if he had realized something, and just stared at Ji Xiao quietly.

But just like when Ji Xiao confessed to Wei Qingyu in the past, the more she deviated from this world, the more pain she would endure.

The chaos in his mind caused Ji Xiao's chest to rise and fall slowly and heavily, and the red seal on his heart became more and more painful.

She curled her body gently, her hand on Wei Qingyu's neck couldn't help tightening.

Wei Qingyu clearly noticed Ji Xiao's reaction, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter? Is my heart hurt again?"

Drunkenness and colic made Ji Xiao feel dizzy. The "how do you know" was in her throat, and she didn't make a sound for a long time.

Wei Qingyu no longer waited for Ji Xiao to respond, and pulled out the hand that was pressed by Ji Xiao.

Then she took away Ji Xiao's hand held in her heart, put her hand on it, and coaxed softly: "I'll rub it for you, okay, it will be fine in a while."

After Ji Xiao fainted from the church, she went to An Cen to learn how to relieve angina.

She never wanted Ji Xiao to experience such painful things anymore.

Ji Xiao originally wanted to refuse, the position of her heart was too sensitive, she didn't want others to touch it.

But she didn't know what was wrong with her. She had so much security for someone who had only known her for less than a month, so she gave up her resistance and gave her body in peace.

The cool hands fell on the skin through the thin shirt, with a bit of summer warmth, just sticking to make people feel comfortable.

Before long, under Wei Qingyu's massage, Ji Xiao's colic in her heart became lighter, and her curled up body slowly relaxed.

Alcohol made people feel sleepy, and the girl's cheek was pressed against Wei Qingyu's slender wrist, and she fell asleep deeply.

"Wei Qingyu, my mind is very small... very small..."

In the quiet room, there were a few babbles.

Wei Qingyu paused when she was about to get up. She would never forget the few words that Ji Xiao said while lying in her arms at the Whale Shark Aquarium that day.

The gentle heartbeat thumped, thumped violently.

Wei Qingyu's suppressed anticipation from the same Ji Xiao reunion began to move around.

Only in the next second, a basin of cold water poured over Wei Qingyu.

Ji Xiao pressed the back of Wei Qingyu's warm hand, hooked the corner of her clothes like a milk cat, and muttered: "Where is the first love hanging on her mouth when chasing people..."

The girl's voice was faint, but Wei Qingyu heard it clearly.

Time passed slowly with the flashing lights outside the window, and the thick eyelashes blinked gently twice.

Expectation was opened up, and the depression couldn't be restrained.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao who was sleeping in this way, and his white fingers reached the girl's face to help her gently loosen the messy long hair on the side of her face. There were many complicated emotions written in her dark eyes.

The way Ji Xiao was jealous with herself under the street lamp resurfaced in Wei Qingyu's mind, vividly.

Wei Qingyu smiled, but there was a lot of sorrow in his eyebrows.

"When will you remember it?"

"Still never think of it again."

Ji Xiao dominates Wei Qingyu as domineeringly as before, and Wei Qingyu has not taken his hand out of Ji Xiao for a long time.

The smell of peach brandy was spit out from the girl's calm gasp. It was the most familiar and greedy taste in Wei Qingyu's memory.

She cautiously lay down beside Ji Xiao in this way, and then approached her arms and slept with her on a pillow.

She was really alone for too long.