The bright sunshine was not blocked by curtains, and unscrupulously passed through the window glass, spreading the new white can of the morning into the bedroom.

The drunk Ji Xiao is sleeping soundly on the soft pillow, her fine eyelashes spread out on her cheeks, which is especially beautiful in the light.

It's just that this beauty didn't last long, and the calm little face wrinkled in dissatisfaction in the next second.

The sunlight was like a light goose feather, scratching Ji Xiao's face one after another, causing her to wake up from her sleep.

There was pure white in his sight.

Ji Xiao blinked, adapting to the dawn and slowly sat up from the bed, only to find that the skirt on her body was changed without knowing when, and her favorite pajamas was buckled loosely and hung on her. Body.

She just sat on the bed blankly, rubbing her dizzy head like a rough man.

She was so drunk last night, and now she wakes up without remembering what happened.

How did I get drunk, how did I come back, how did I change clothes.

Ji Xiao doesn't know everything now.

One of the sequelae of a hangover is dry mouth.

Ji Xiao didn't stay in bed for long, so he opened the door and walked out of his suite to find water.

The sun looks particularly good today, and the living room of the suite is also bright.

A smell similar to medicinal herbs fell on Ji Xiao. She followed the smell and saw that Lu Ning was standing in the small kitchen in the hallway, not knowing what she was doing.

Lu Ning also noticed Ji Xiao, and while fiddled with the things in front of her, he asked, "Will it be early to eat Xinjiang special breakfast?"

Ji Xiao only felt weak, and sat on the sofa while leaning on the wall.

She bluntly glanced at the time and preached wearily: "It's nine o'clock... It's almost ten o'clock, what kind of breakfast will you have, let's go to lunch together later."

Lu Ning smiled, "Dear Xiao, this is Xinjiang, East Sixth District. Although it is Beijing time, there is a two-hour time difference from there. The lunch you want to eat is at two o'clock in the afternoon."


Suddenly, Ji Xiao shrank his thin feet onto the sofa and rubbed his tight temples silently.

"It's a headache," Lu Ning said, turning off the stove in front of him.

"...Hmm." Ji Xiao nodded and looked at Lu Ning bitterly, "Is this the hangover's sequelae? Why don't you have it."

"Because I didn't suffocate half a cup of spirits like you." Lu Ning said, holding a soup, and walked to Ji Xiao, "Hey, it will be much better if you drink it."

Ji Xiao looked at the soup that smelled of Chinese medicine, and recognized what it was at a glance, and her toes were shrinking happily, "You made me a hangover soup. Xiaoning, why are you so heart-warming today."

Lu Ning sat beside Ji Xiao with a smile, watching her drink the first sip of soup, and said coquettishly: "Xiaoxiao, for my heart-warming sake, do you want to eat breakfast with me? Alas. , A strange city, it’s really lonely to go alone."

Ji Xiao did not respond, sitting cross-legged on the sofa and drinking soup.

She is still dizzy, and she has no way to think about whether to go out for breakfast.

Lu Ning was not in a hurry, watching Ji Xiao drank half a bowl of hangover soup, smiled and asked, "Is this better than peach brandy?"


Ji Xiao paused while drinking the soup, feeling that the word sounded very familiar.

"Peach brandy. Did you forget?"

When Lu Ning asked, he leaned over to Ji Xiao and preached like the scene reproduced, "You, last night, before leaving, yelled into my ears:'Xiaoning, you must be careful of peach brandy.' Forgot? ?"

Ji Xiao couldn't help but frowned.

But it was not just dissatisfaction with Lu Ning's voice of revenge, but also a question about what he said last night.

Ji Xiao: "Didn't you send me back yesterday?"

Lu Ning shook his head, "No, it's Wei Qingyu."

This familiar name broke into Ji Xiao's ears, and her slightly better mind flashed through the scene of Wei Qingyu sitting with herself in the bar booth.

In the dim picture, there is a glass that reflects the bright light.

The harsh aroma of alcohol and peaches floated into Ji Xiao's memory.

She seemed to be still on her own body, smelling the mint aroma that was unique to Wei Qingyu, which was different from the mint cocktail she had drunk. The refreshing aroma was full of the cold tenderness of a woman.

Lu Ning was stunned to see Ji Xiao, and then asked, "Did you really remember it? I wanted to send you off last night. It was you who pushed me and made me look for happiness."

When the voice fell, Ji Xiao's brows furrowed deeper.

Holding her ankle on the sofa, she looked up at the entrance of the door, as if she really saw Wei Qingyu walking in with her from there.

The dream catcher hanging on the wall shook its floral ornaments, and Ji Xiao's eyes seemed to have light pink petals falling in her sight.

The day turned into night, and the cool wind brushed her cheeks, and Wei Qingyu, who was looking at him, stood under the warm yellow light.

"Why, because it is first love? First love?!"


"What about me? Do you like me?"


"You have first love, but my first love is you."

"Me too."


The question and answer of his own and Wei Qingyu's words rang in Ji Xiao's ear, and the girl's pupils couldn't help but enlarge.

The minty ambiguity circulated in her mind. Ji Xiao didn't know whether Wei Qingyu's answers were true, but she knew clearly that she had vented all her dissatisfaction with Wei Qingyu's first love last night.

Isn't this the equivalent of a disguised confession? !

Ji Xiao sadly grabbed her hair madly and murmured: "Ah, what have I done..."

She turned her head to look at Lu Ning who was sitting next to her, crying, "Xiaoning, I seem to have messed up things. I seemed to have said a lot of inexplicable things to Wei Qingyu last night. She must now think I am a man." Inexplicable lunatic, how can I face her from now on..."

Lu Ning listened, but didn't take it seriously: "That Xiaoxiao...looks like it's not."

After hearing this, Ji Xiao let go of her poor hair temporarily, and looked at Lu Ning puzzledly.

But when she saw Lu Ning order the bowl in front of her, she said, "Do you know who made this hangover soup?"

"Isn't it you?" Ji Xiao preached taking it for granted.

Lu Ning raised his eyebrows, "Don't you also doubt my intimate feelings?"

Ji Xiao seemed to realize something, and preached cautiously: "Wei..."

Then when her heartbeat gradually subsided, Lu Ning nodded.

Lu Ning: "Xiaoxiao, although I think your expression didn't look very good last night, but when I watched Wei Qingyu this morning, she was still as gentle as ever."

She looked at the sluggishness on Ji Xiao's face, and was a little worried: "I said, what happened to you last night? Does it matter? Why do you give me the feeling that things are terrible?"

Ji Xiao understood that Lu Ning was caring about herself. It's just that what happened last night was so embarrassing that she didn't know how to tell Lu Ning.

So Ji Xiao picked up a bowl and dried the hangover soup in front of him, and simply preached to Lu Ning: “Don’t you want to eat Xinjiang special breakfast? Let’s go, let’s eat. Then... How can I tell you."

The hotel got busy after daybreak, the elevator stopped on the first floor, and many tourists came out dressed in exquisite fashion.

Ji Xiao and Lu Ning walked at the end of the crowd coming out of the elevator. Wei Qingyu's sober soup played a big role. Ji Xiao breathed the fresh air, feeling refreshed and light pace.

However, before reaching the lobby, Ji Xiao's light pace stopped.

There was a woman standing at the entrance of the exquisitely decorated lobby.

Sunlight fell in through the huge glass windows, caged her whole body in it.

A shallow gold line depicts her slender figure, and her long, low-stranded hair hangs smoothly behind her neck, making her back stand out.

The light brown skirt hung right above her ankle, and the silver lace-up high heels outlined her beautiful instep.

Even if the backlight melts the details of her facial features, Ji Xiao still only needs a glance to recognize this person.

——Wei Qingyu.

Last night's drunkenness and what she did by herself made Ji Xiao too embarrassed. She quietly hid behind Lu Ning, erected the collar of her purple shirt skirt like a bell, and wanted to slip away calmly.

But Lu Ning sneezed uncooperatively at this moment, and Wei Qingyu noticed that the sound was not too big or too small.

She looked at the sneaky Ji Xiao hiding behind Lu Ning, and as usual, she gently called out, "Ji Xiao."

When Ji Xiao heard his name, he paused with his hand holding the collar.

Knowing that she couldn't hide, she had to look at Wei Qingyu with a dry smile, and beckoned politely, "Good morning, Miss Wei."

Wei Qingyu nodded lightly, with a gentle smile in his eyebrows, "Good morning, how are you, are your head still dizzy?"

Ji Xiao shook his head, "No, thank you for the hangover soup."

The elevators in the elevator rooms are slowly descending, and there are fewer people in the lobby.

Ji Xiao pursed his lips lightly as if there was something else to say to Wei Qingyu, but he did not speak for a long time.

She didn't want to make things worse, so she kept a short distance from Wei Qingyu, guessing her current mood against the light.

However, the sunlight was exceptionally uncooperative, and it became brighter and brighter, reflecting the dazzling light on the rose brooch on Wei Qingyu's chest.

Ji Xiao blinked uncomfortably. At a certain moment, Wei Qingyu's face suddenly saw the tenderness and tenderness of a young girl.

It is different from the unfamiliar in my mind, but it is real and familiar and vivid.

It was as if Wei Qingyu really looked like when he was young.

But why do I have memories of Wei Qingyu's appearance when he was young?

Ji Xiao blinked unnaturally, and the dull pain in her heart made her feel that the small gap in her memory was a little bigger.


At this moment, an elevator in the elevator car reached the first floor.

Qi Qi and Gong Xiaoju walked out of the elevator. She looked at Ji Xiao who was standing with Wei Qingyu, and greeted Lu Ning from a distance: "Yeah, we meet again, Xiao Ning, what are you going to do? what?"

"Sister Qi Qi. We plan to have breakfast." Lu Ning said.

Qi Qi raised her eyebrows, and took Lu Ning and Ji Xiao's shoulders very skillfully, and said, "It's just right, together."

Ji Xiao was so pressed by Qi Qi, the various questions that emerged in her heart were dispelled.

In this way, she was forced to join Wei Qingyu and their breakfast team, unnaturally walking with Lu Ning.

People come and go in Xinjiang in the morning, and it is the peak tourist season that there are more tourists than locals.

The Uyghur language and Chinese are intertwined, and Ji Xiao, who is standing with Wei Qingyu, seems a little absent-minded.

"Sister Qi Qi, I want the picture you took last night."

Lu Ning took the initiative to let go of Ji Xiao's hand, and ran to the front without any trace of performance, and walked with Qi Qi Xiaoju and the others.

Now only Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu were left in the back row of the team.

The blazing sun fell straight on the city, burning Ji Xiao's heart toss.

She looked at the woman next to her hesitantly, and whispered, "What happened last night... I'm sorry."

Wei Qingyu shook his head slightly, "It's nothing."

But the calmer he is, the more Ji Xiao feels that this is not nothing to Wei Qingyu.

She lowered her head slightly, trying to rationalize her inexplicable words last night as much as possible: "Sorry, I said some stupid drunken things, and did some stupid things. But I don’t mean anything bad, I just think You are very familiar, so I want to be close to you like this."

But the more Ji Xiao said, the more he felt that his words did not clearly explain his behavior last night, but added a touch of sober ambiguity to his words.

She sighed a little self-defeatingly, and said: "You must think I am very strange, obviously we are not very..."

It's just that Ji Xiao didn't finish speaking with some self-deprecating words, and was interrupted by Wei Qingyu.


The woman's voice was as cold as ever, and the gentleness of the sun fell on Ji Xiao's heart, and it fell on her empty heart appropriately.

A little bit of excitement fell in Ji Xiao's heart, and he throbbed with anxiety and expectation as if he realized something.

The awakened pedestrians in the city are intertwined, and people of all kinds are interspersed in the sight of Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu looked at these people and asked in a soft voice: "Ji Xiao, have you ever heard a sentence called ‘the white head is as new as the old one’?"

"The familiarity you mentioned, maybe, this is the fate of our last life."

As if getting closer and closer to his own expectations, Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's side face and asked fascinatingly, "What kind of fate?"

Wei Qingyu: "Lovers."

The surrounding time seemed to slow down at this moment, Ji Xiao's eyelashes slowly blinked up and down.

The hustle and bustle of human voices quickly disappeared in her ears, and the people coming and going were gradually blurred.

The morning light package swallowed everything, and only Wei Qingyu was left in the center of Ji Xiao's sight.

The small gap that appeared at a certain moment in Ji Xiao's memory pried out a crack in her mind with a blunt click, echoing the word "lovers" tremblingly.

The tree made a rustling noise, and a few gusts of wind blew across the faces of the two of them.

Wei Qingyu gazed at the girl in front of him softly and tenderly, and the short and beautiful night of last night resurfaced in front of her.

She still remembers the words she said when she dated Ji Xiao for the first time: "It's not that I forgot, but I don't remember. If you don't remember me, I will definitely make you remember."

The sunlight passed by the sharp-cornered building beside the two, and there was light flowing in the calm and cold black eyes.

Wei Qingyu took a shallow breath, and his thin lips lightly opened: "Ji Xiao, do you want to try to date me?"