The daylight slanted slightly to the west, intersecting with the light above the small hall, forming an illusion as if time and space were intertwined.

Qi Qi looked at Qiao Ni who was standing in front of her, her eyes trembled slightly, and there was a small layer of mist in the darkness.

She finally understood what Wei Qingyu felt when she reunited with Ji Xiao when he recounted to herself, and finally understood what it means to be speechless with each other.

Compared to the thousands of emotions in her heart, Qiao Ni's eyes are much simpler.

She looked at Qi Qi, who was too late to respond to her, and said: "Why, don't you want it? But I got this first."

Qi Qi heard the words, even if he had slowed down, from Qiao Ni's expression, she understood the fact that she had forgotten herself.

She felt a little astringent in her heart, looked at the small bottle held by Qiao Ni, and preached pointedly: "Since you want it, you have to change something with me. After all, I also like this bottle of essential oil. of."

Qiao Ni heard Qi Qi say this, and when even took the small basket she was holding in front of Qi Qi, he said cheerfully: "Hey, you can choose any of the things in it."

Qi Qi is not the case.

When Qiao Ni's voice fell, a dazzling but soft light flashed in the area where the two of them were.

Qi Qi raised the camera in her hand, unscrupulously took a photo of Qiao Ni looking down under the lamp, and motioned to the person in front of him: "That's it."

"This is my business card. If Miss Qiao wants this photo, you can contact me."

Qi Qi took out her business card from her pocket and handed it over to Qiao Ni very seriously.

Qiao Ni blinked unnaturally when he looked at the small white card on the black background in his hand.

It seemed that there was some inexplicable cause and effect that made her miss a beat after seeing the word "Qi Qi".

She hesitantly looked up at the completely strange woman in front of her, "How do you know my name is..."

But before the words were finished, a woman poked her head out from behind a few shelves and yelled a little anxiously: "Jo Ni!"

Qiao Ni was busy looking for the direction of the voice, and stretched out his hand neatly: "Doctor Liu, I'm here."

The person saw Qiao Ni and stopped: "Why don't you answer the call, Director An is looking for you, saying that the preprocessing results from the laboratory came out ahead of time."

Qiao Ni's eyes lit up clearly, and she nodded hurriedly and said, "Okay, thank you! I'll be over."

Then she put the business card in her bag in front of Qi Qi, put it in her bag, and said: "I accept the business card, and please send me the photo after adjusting it."

As he said, Qiao Ni raised his head again.

A pair of Xingyuan eyes are somewhat calm, but they are still agile.

She just looked at the strange woman named Qi Qi in front of her, preaching with a sense of judgment: "Also, about how you know my name, you will also give me a reasonable explain."

Qiao Ni's words were all unfamiliar to Qi Qi, but they also made a promise to meet again.

Qi Qi felt very satisfied when she heard that, she nodded, letting Qiao Ni go to deal with her work without being entangled.

But when she saw Qiao Ni was about to turn around and leave, she couldn't help calling her: "That..."

Qiao Ni also killed her at once, "Excuse me, is there anything else?"

Qi Qi pressed her lower lip, and asked softly: "Are you a doctor now?"

No polite words, no politeness.

The calm and natural tone made Qiao Ni feel that the person opposite was like an old friend she hadn't seen for a long time, and there was a faint dullness from her heart.

The hand holding the small basket tightened a bit, Qiao Ni nodded, and couldn't help but say another sentence to Qi Qi: "In the First Affiliated Hospital of S University."


Just before Qiao Ni asked Qi Qi what to do, the person who had just come to her urged her again.

Qiao Ni glanced at the message on the phone and nodded to Qi Qi: "Sorry, I really have to go."

After all, the empty hall heard the sound of high heels hitting the floor.

From near to far, one by one knocked on Qi Qi's heart.

In this way, she held the camera in her hand and watched Qiao Ni's gradually distant back, her eye sockets that had been pretending to be calm suddenly turned red.

The tears gathered in her eye sockets poured out, leaving a clear tear on her face with delicate makeup.

Then I always laughed at her for wearing bad off-shoulder shirts, and now she wears them with a special charm.

The light hit her straight back like this, clean and neat.

Gently gasping and trembling spit out from Qi Qi's mouth.

She lifted her hand to wipe herself away from the tears in her eye sockets, and her wet eyelashes were slightly bends with a kind of joyful sparkle.

Qi Qi looked at the canvas handbag with the words "The First Hospital Affiliated to S University" on the back of a person in the distance, and smiled.

It turned out that in the past few years when she had never met her, her Qiao Ni had grown up quietly.

Today, Qiao Ni is no longer the little girl who needs her own help in the aftermath, but has become a doctor who rescues the wounded.

Just as Wei Qingyu told herself later, she was the same in the original world.

I should be happy.

Although she no longer remembers herself.

The huge projection of the Ferris wheel divided the sunlight into several parts, and the bustling lavender swayed under the light of ice cracks.

Some people in the tour group also came here, and Ji Xiao could hear the voices of talking and laughing from here.

Standing at the end of the long line with Wei Qingyu, she misrepresented: "So there are many people here."

Wei Qingyu was relatively indifferent, "This Ferris wheel is the only one on the domestic border, and there are naturally a lot of people here."

"That's it."

Ji Xiao held the introduction brochure in his hand, covering the dazzling light of the sun, and looked up at this behemoth.

The setting sun dyed the boundless distance red, and the blue sky was covered with a layer of orange light.

The back of the Ferris wheel is already a little dim and hazy in the evening, and the slow-moving cabin makes Ji Xiao feel a little familiar.

It's just that the wind didn't cooperate with the ground, and the scent of lavender dazzled her hair and disturbed her thoughts.

Ji Xiao frowned dissatisfiedly and looked against the wind, but saw an aunt at the gate of the lavender garden selling lavender bouquets. Bunches of purple flowers were tied together, and the piles were full of tenderness.

Ji Xiao glanced at Wei Qingyu who was standing beside him secretly.

In the morning, the blue suspender skirt was changed to a white one-word strapless skirt with waist. The fishbone design at the waist made her imperfect grip more perfect.

The soft white silk is filled with the orange of the setting sun, and it is full of mature tenderness at first glance.

If you pair it with the lavender bouquet, how beautiful it will match.

Ji Xiao thought, shook Wei Qingyu's arm lightly, "Wait for me."

After that, she ran towards the lavender bouquet stand at the door.

The slanting shadow of the girl chased behind her, her shoulder-dropped long hair swaying in the wind that was brought up.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's figure in this way, watched her run to the distance, stopped in front of the flower stall, and after a few conversations, he picked up the largest bunch of lavender on the stall.

The purple bouquet is on her chest, and the orange sunset is behind her.

Long messy hair is flying on the side of her face, and under her thick, heroic eyebrows are a pair of dark and enthusiastic eyes.

She seemed to be running for one person.

And that person is himself.

The purple pile of small flowers fell into Wei Qingyu's sight. Ji Xiao put the flower in Wei Qingyu's hand, panting and said a simple tone of particle: "Hey."

Wei Qingyu was holding a flower, with a smile in his eyes: "Thank you."

Even in this world without pheromones, Wei Qingyu felt that she could still smell some pheromones.

Just like Ji Xiao at this moment, it must be peach brandy, gentle and lingering, full of the splendor of his youth.

The team moved forward in an orderly manner, but after a while, Ji Xiao followed Wei Qingyu on the Ferris wheel.

At this time, the sky has turned into a hazy layer, the pure sky is shrouded by a large sunset, and pure white clouds are floating in the air.

The higher the cabin is, the more it makes people feel like they can touch the sky.

Wei Qingyu sat with Ji Xiaoye and introduced to her: "This is Xinjiang, and over there is Kazakhstan."

Ji Xiao looked at Kazakhstan, which seemed to be close at hand, and couldn't help but let out a "wow".

At this moment, she was on the territory of the motherland, but she was overlooking the exotic scenery abroad, and she couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart.

As the sunset was getting late, bright small lights lit up in the cabin, and the ground below was also lit up with dots of light.

Unlike the strong light that rushes into the sky in the city, the light on this land is extraordinarily gentle. The stars emerge from the clouds and connect with the light spots of the earth to form the Milky Way.

Ji Xiao looked at the rare evening scenery through the window, and Wei Qingyu's profile was also reflected in the windowpane.

A few strands of long hair hung on both sides of her temple, vainly covering her expression, with only a pair of calm and deep eyes, looking at this young girl who was new to everything.

The cabin gradually ascended to the top, squeaking slowly, and the two pairs of eyes looked at each other quietly.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's pupils reflected in the windowpane, and turned his head to look at her with a light smile, "I was peeking at me."

"It can also be upright."

When Wei Qingyu spoke, he didn't withdraw his sight from being caught by Ji Xiao, and looked at her calmly and tenderly.

As the Ferris wheel rises, the air gradually becomes cooler, and even the exhaled air mass becomes mist.

The warmth hovered between the two, and the soft aroma of lavender slowly fermented in this small warehouse.

Wei Qingyu looked at her intently like this, with many seductive eyes in his deep eyes, like the apple that Satan tempted Adam and Eve.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but blinked a few times when he looked at it, not just the trembling desire to respond, but also the familiar feeling sent to her in the gap of memory.

The stars were hanging in the sky, and the twilight covered the orange, and suddenly there were many snowflakes floating in the sky in her sight.

The prosperous Kazakhstan city in the distance is gradually fading, and a wide river flows slowly under the lights of the galaxy.

Ji Xiao stared at Wei Qingyu blankly, even his breathing became slow.

She saw that the purple lavender in her hand had turned into a red rose.

The girl's eyelashes trembled lightly, her lips stirred slightly, and she slowly spit out a cloud of ambiguous heating.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's lips like this, and followed a voice in his memory, preaching to her, "Have you heard? The couple who kissed at the top of the Ferris wheel will be together forever."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-10-1612:58:40~2021-10-1709:01:47~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: 7 total, 1 cyq;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: SUETYEE, Envy Liu, Bo·o/, Mr.7, Gu Gui, your hair fell on the ground, so sleepy that you have no temper, jk1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Xiao Fan likes to eat mangoes! 53 bottles; Yenace 32 bottles; Yixun and Lin Qingchen 30 bottles; Lost Deer 26 bottles; Qingjiu, Lidocaine, Huacihe_j20 bottles; Le in the world 18 bottles; kindergarten high-quality students 17 bottles; ATB, Ju Jing 10 bottles of Yi's sweetheart, Huang Xu orange, Kendo Xiaoxin; 7 bottles of disobedient baby; 418064256 bottles; 5 bottles of salted fish with bamboo shoots, Mount Fuji, **** little cute; 2 bottles of single old man who wants to fall in love; YEUNG, ± , Dolph, bckpk’s wife, QI, golden axe and silver axe, take a glass of Flying Ice Coke at 351, time flies, PollyZ, 533367961 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard