The moment the voice fell, the entire cabin was quiet.

The shallow breathing turned into a light mist, which dissipated in the air with the cool temperature.

Wei Qingyu couldn't be more familiar with this sentence, because the person who told Ji Xiao this sentence was himself.

The ambiguity of Xian Ling accompanied the days of the distant past that was remembered, causing her heart to tremble slightly.

The stars were floating around the cabin, Wei Qingyu's long eyelashes trembled lightly and lowered his eyes.

There was a soft squeak, and she leaned forward, trying to touch Ji Xiao's lips close at hand.

Ji Xiao just looked at Wei Qingyu, who was a little closer to him, and her heartbeat gradually accelerated to make her understand what was going to happen next.

It was tension and expectation. A particularly complicated feeling lingered in her heart, causing her to tighten her hand on her side.

But just as Wei Qingyu's lips were about to fall on Ji Xiao's lips, the girl avoided.

Ji Xiao panted slightly, her eyes drooping not daring to look at Wei Qingyu.

She tried to calm the impulse in her heart and explained: "I, I am not seduce you."

"This is just a sentence that popped out of my mind. I didn't know what was going on, so I just said it."

Ji Xiao's voice was calming down as much as possible, but he still couldn't restrain the fact that his heartbeat was accelerating.

Wei Qingyu looked at the loss in her eyes and turned into gentleness. She raised the arm on the side close to Ji Xiao and gently landed on her shoulder, "Sorry, I was impulsive."

Obviously I messed up everything, but gentleness fell on me.

The anxiety in Ji Xiao's heart just now was comforted.

She just looked at the people next to her and couldn't help but confessed to Wei Qingyu: "I have always felt that some strange problems have appeared in my memory recently. Obviously, my life for more than 20 years has been coherent. But I always feel that I have lost some memories."

"It's weird, it's like a conjecture."

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's words, he shook his head decisively, "Maybe you really forgot."

The cabin made a slight creak and slowly descended, and Wei Qingyu was both happy and worried in his heart.

The happy thing is that Ji Xiao realizes that she has another memory, and the worry is that this memory is like a heavy nightmare for her in this world.

Just like she was at a loss when she suddenly found out that she had the memory of another world.

However, she will not let Ji Xiao experience her loneliness again.

When she finds her, she will always be by her side.

"I'll remember it, don't be afraid."

The gentle voice of the woman sounded in the quiet cabin, as if soothing, and as if making a promise quietly.

The coolness of mint fell on the eyebrows in the warmth of Yanling, Wei Qingyu slightly stood up and pressed a kiss on Ji Xiao's forehead.

The light near the ground came in particularly brightly from the window, and Wei Qingyu's shadow fell into Ji Xiao's hands.

The girl looked at Wei Qingyu's lips that had just been printed on her forehead, and her lips were slightly agitated.

She regretted it a bit.

The kiss that I just rejected.

It was already night when they came out of Khorgos, and several people discussed and decided to head back to Urumqi in one effort.

The lofty mountains and ridges are dressed in a cloak made of dark nights, and under the changing and magnificent galaxy, it looks like an upside-down sky.

The off-road vehicle is speeding under the lights on both sides, and on the road without other vehicles, it looks like a lone traveler.

Fortunately, it is not lonely inside. It is divided into several people. Under the premise of ensuring that two people are awake at the same time, they rotate and chat on duty to usher in the sunrise.

As the driver of the current car, Qi Qi took the initiative to park the car on the side of the road and woke up several people who had fallen asleep: "Wake up, it's morning, it's time to watch the sunrise!"

Gong Xiaoju and Lu Ning woke up instantly after hearing the sound, and jumped out of the car with two big eyes flashing.

Ji Xiao gradually became sober after hearing the sound, half of his body wanted to follow to get out of the car but was suppressed and unable to move.

——Wei Qingyu relieved his strength and fell asleep leaning on her shoulder.

The motion sickness medicine Wei Qingyu took had a stabilizing effect. Ji Xiao deliberately didn't call her on duty last night.

Nowadays, it is rare for her to see her sleeping so well, so naturally she is not willing to wake her up again. She just sits in the car and looks at the rare beauty outside the window through the car window.

Unlike the city’s calm and silent sunrise, the sunshine here burns the clean sky into pure colors.

From orange to red, layer by layer, the closer to that round of round sun, the more enthusiastic.

The shadowed mountains are illuminated, entangled with treacherousness, which makes people unforgettable at first glance.

Ji Xiao looked at the red in his line of sight, and there was more silence in his line of sight.

The hot beam of sunrise came in from outside the window, and fell precisely on Wei Qingyu's side face, the rush of enthusiasm melted into gentleness.

She just leaned on the girl beside her, letting go, leaving only gentleness and innocence.

Fan-like eyelashes spread out on her cheeks, and each one was unsuspectingly stable.

I don't know if there is no one else in the car, or if the sun has awakened the silence of the night.

Warm Fragrant Mint became clearer and clearer on Ji Xiao's shoulders, and her gaze shifted a little bit from the imposing aura outside the window to the gentle and soft side of her body.

The slightly towering hills protruded from the girl's slender neck, slowly rolling from top to bottom, and finally disappeared into the vast expanse of snow.

The lip that I had kissed myself last night opened slightly, and the light red color exhaled a warm heat, which gradually blurred Ji Xiao's vision.

If the lips have a taste, will they still taste mint?

A question arose in Ji Xiao's heart, and the lightly licked lips followed this question and slowly approached the person in the center of his sight.


At this moment, there was a sound of glass tapping behind Ji Xiao.

Holding the phone, Gong Xiaoju opened the car door, and shouted at Wei Qingyu beside Ji Xiao: "Sister Wei."

Ji Xiao was slightly dissatisfied, just about to warn Gong Xiaoju not to disturb Wei Qingyu's sleep.

Wei Qingyu opened his eyes, his voice lazily and slightly dissatisfied: "What's the matter?"

Gong Xiaoju: "Sister Wei, there is a problem with the publishing house. You need to be there tomorrow afternoon. We are going back to catch a plane now."

Qi Qi heard the words and interjected: "So in a hurry? Can't it be pushed to the day after tomorrow?"

Gong Xiaoju shook his head, "This incident was originally postponed until the day after tomorrow, but the publisher found that there was a document that had not been confirmed with Sister Wei, and Sister Wei himself was required to be there, at the latest tomorrow afternoon."

Wei Qingyu settled for a moment, and said, "Have you bought the plane ticket?"

Gong Xiaoju: "It's already set. Let's get to the hotel at 12 o'clock, and pack the plane to the airport at 1:30 and 2:30."

Wei Qingyu glanced at the watch on his wrist and nodded slightly: "Okay, I see."

Then she leaned her head on Ji Xiao's shoulder again, and said, "Lend me a little longer."

There was a rare coquettish tone in the woman's cold voice, listening to Ji Xiao's heart numb.

She straightened her body a bit to make Wei Qingyu feel more comfortable. She secretly thought to herself unconvincingly: For more than a while, if she wants to, she will do it for the rest of her life.

The car back to Urumqi was driven by Gong Xiaoju. Although Ji Xiao usually sees her quietly, and even has no sense of existence, it is deadly reliable at this critical juncture.

The original six-hour drive was shortened to four hours by her. The group rushed back to the hotel in Urumqi before eleven o'clock, and rushed to the airport after a little clean up.

The hot sun scorched the earth, but the hall surrounded by glass walls was extremely cool.

Standing on Wei Qingyu's left, Qi Qi exhorted: "Remember to send us a message when you land."

Wei Qingyu nodded and gave Qi Qi a faint "um".

Ji Xiao took out the Xinjiang specialty that she had just hurried out and packed into her bag, and said: "Don't be greedy for cold on the plane. These are some of the snacks I bought that day. You take them on the road to eat."

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu took the things in Ji Xiao's hand, and took her hand by the way, with a little smile in his cold eyes, "Okay, don't worry."

Like a silent ambiguity, Ji Xiao didn't choose to let go of Wei Qingyu's hand amidst the throbbing throbbing in her heart.

Instead, those slender fingers turned slightly in Wei Qingyu's hands, and easily passed through her fingers.

The fingers interlocked, and the grip became tighter.

Lu Ning watched from behind alone, the corners of his tightly pressed lips couldn't help but rose, and the words all over his face were knocked out.

Getting closer and closer to the security checkpoint, Gong Xiaoju stepped faster and put her and Wei Qingyu's luggage on the security check conveyor belt in advance.

Ji Xiao also actively let go of Wei Qingyu's hand, "Then we will see you in three days."

Wei Qingyu's hand fell for a moment.

She looked at the security checkpoint right in front of her, and nodded slightly.

The conversations of the surrounding people became more noisy, and Wei Qingyu walked forward alone, feeling more lonely.

The bits and pieces of getting along with Ji Xiao these days filled Wei Qingyu's mind, along with the kiss that was almost realized in the car this morning.

Three days is much longer than five years.

The sunlight fell through the glass, and the dried fruit made a crisp crash in the sturdy bag.

Wei Qingyu handed the things in his hand to Gong Xiaoju, quickly turned back and hugged Ji Xiao.

Two shadows are printed on the wall.

As if kissed together.

The author has something to say: Pigeon: Gong Xiaoju, what good did you do! [Point to point]

Gong Xiaoju: Who arranged for me to knock on the window! [Point to point]