"Xiaoxiao, you guys kissed me, right?"

"Did you kiss me!"

"It must be! Isn't it."


Just returning to the hotel suite, Lu Ning couldn't help chasing after Ji Xiao, making gossip about the ambiguous embrace of Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao that she had just seen.

When asked, Ji Xiao's face was flushed, and he sat down on the sofa in a messy pace and denied: "No."

Although it was really similar, when Wei Qingyu hugged herself, her face only wiped her own.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao licked the corner of her lips unnaturally.

I don't know if Wei Qingyu's movements are too fast, the tip of his tongue rubs the corners of his lips, and there seems to be some mint smell.

Faint but also clear.

It was like the unexpected acceleration of heartbeat that Wei Qingyu had just hugged tightly.

When Lu Ning saw Ji Xiao's action, he immediately turned into Holmes: "Yes! Xiaoxiao, you can't hide from me!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiao immediately bounced off the sofa.

With a guilty conscience, she stepped on the soft chemical fiber cloth, condescendingly pointed to Lu Ning, and offered three consecutive denials: "No! If I said no, there would be no! Don't talk nonsense!"

"You have! You are! Where did I talk nonsense! We grew up together, and you will react extremely violently as long as you lie!" Lu Ning looked at Ji Xiao who had jumped on the sofa and revealed mercilessly.


Just when Ji Xiao was speechless, there was a knock on the door.

She immediately ran to the door with a blush as if she had caught a straw, and asked, "Who?"

"It's me, Qi Qi." Qi Qi stood at the door and replied.

Upon hearing this, Ji Xiao immediately opened the door to her.

Qi Qi looked at the two people in the house and said straightforwardly: "Would you like to check out the three-person luxurious presidential suite above and accompany me on the rest of Xinjiang? Living in such a big house alone is a bit lonely."

Ji Xiao's toes tightened excitedly.

The two little girls smiled at each other and readily agreed to Qi Qi's invitation.

The two of them didn't have a lot of luggage, and they soon followed Qi Qi to the suite where she lived.

The whole suite couldn't be said to be extravagant, but it was far more refined than the suite they lived in.

Qi Qi pointed to the two side-by-side black walnut doors on the south side, and introduced: "This room was lived in before Qingyu, and the other one is..."

Before Qi Qi could finish her words, Lu Ning, as if afraid that Ji Xiao would avoid suspicion, took the initiative to drag her suitcase to another room with the door closed: "I want to live in Sister Xiaoju’s room, everyone Don't grab it with me!"

Lu Ning walked quickly and simply, causing a gust of wind to blow directly in front of Ji Xiao and Qi Qi.

Ji Xiao smiled at Qi Qi a little embarrassedly, then pulled his suitcase and opened the door of Wei Qingyu's room.

The bright sun shines in from the floor-to-ceiling glass on one side, which is much superior to the Ji Xiao suite, allowing the room to have a wider view.

The soft white clouds are floating in the blue sky, and the sight of no buildings seems to be in the clouds.

Ji Xiao looked around the room, looking for some traces of Wei Qingyu's life.

Then she raised her eyes and noticed that there was a gift box on the bedside table by the window.

The turquoise box is tied with a dark green ribbon bow, which is delicate and beautiful.

It's as if it was specially prepared for myself.

Ji Xiao thought of Wei Qingyu staying in the room for an hour without changing his clothes after arriving at the hotel, and he couldn't help but curl his lips.

This gift seems to have been specially prepared for herself.

With an expectation, Ji Xiao sat on the bed and opened the gift box.

The box bound by the ribbon bloomed like flowers on Ji Xiao's knee the moment the ribbon was opened.

The clouds outside the window floated away slowly in the blue sky with the wind, and the familiar feeling was like the waves on the shore, waves of Chao Ji Xiao's heart and mind came to him.

After the box is unfolded, it is a round and plump apple.

The bright red color reflects beautiful light under the light, and a card that is different from the white chassis is being pressed by it.

The greeting card read: I don’t forget, but I don’t remember.

The delicate small print was extremely chic, Ji Xiao's eyes followed each stroke of the ink on the white card, and a strange feeling slowly fermented in her heart.

Ji Xiao took the card that Wei Qingyu had written to her, and lay down on the bed where she had slept in heart.

She just trapped herself in the soft bed, slowly feeling the faint mint scent to wrap herself up, as if she was in the hug that Wei Qingyu suddenly came over to herself at the airport.

Cold and intimate, strange and familiar.

It seems that long, long ago, this smell can already make her feel at ease and happy.


The long series of vibrations of special concern sounded from Ji Xiao's pocket, and Wei Qingyu sent her a message: [Have you received my gift for you? 】

Ji Xiao was a little surprised when he saw Wei Qingyu's news that seemed to be choking on time.

Is there anything more surprising than just receiving a gift from the other party and the other party’s news?

The girl was lying on her back on the bed holding the phone, tapping her fingers lightly: [I have received it. 】

Then she looked at the apple in her arms and asked in a puzzled way: [It's just that, Miss Wei, why should you give me an apple? 】

Wei Qingyu looked at the introduction of country R in the airplane manual and explained ambiguously: [Because I like it. 】

Ji Xiao didn't know the meaning, but still smiled at the word "like".

Holding the apple in her arms, she deliberately responded with a bit of dissatisfaction: [Where can I give someone I like an apple? 】

Wei Qingyu knowingly asked: [What should I give? 】

Ji Xiao: [Of course it was spent. 】

Wei Qingyu smiled knowingly, 【Okay, I remember. 】

Ji Xiao didn't expect that Wei Qingyu's "I remembered" is not an empty phrase, nor is it a phrase that only has a one-time effect.

After she returned to City S, she would receive a bunch of tea flowers from the flower shop every morning at the door of her house.

Until the beginning of school and work, she will receive a bunch of tea flowers every day when she passes by the school reception room at work.

The white petals exude a delicate fragrance, and the simple plastic bottle in front of Ji Xiao's desk has also become a beautiful glass vase.

She still remembered that it was this kind of flower that Wei Qingyu gave her on the day she graduated from college, but later she made a special inquiry and found out that the flower language of Tubinghua is: Doomsday Love.

The wind passed through the window next to Ji Xiao's desk, making the flower branches tremble slightly.

I don't know why, she always feels a little sad when she sees these four words.

School is over on Friday this day, and Ji Xiao takes home the flowers she received in the past five days as usual.

But I heard a ridiculous "Yo".

Teacher Chen, who is in the same math group, leaned on the door frame interestingly, and looked up and down Ji Xiao and the flowers in her hands: "Ms. Ji is going to take these flowers away?"

This teacher Chen is the most gossip and the most bullying in this office. Ji Xiao didn't want to tell her more, only said: "Yes."

Teacher Chen refused to let Ji Xiao go like this, and said: "Are you making a boyfriend?"

Ji Xiao shook his head and simply dropped the word, "No."

Seeing that Ji Xiao was not willing to pay attention to herself, Teacher Chen took the initiative to walk to her table.

One hand crossed Ji Xiao's sight, and the card she put on the table to take away in the next second was picked up by that hand.

Ji Xiao has quick eyes and hands, and unceremoniously took the card from Teacher Chen's hand, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

Teacher Chen seemed even more dissatisfied than Ji Xiao. She leaned on the edge of the table and said, "Just take a look, why are you so stingy?"

Ji Xiao didn't even conceal it. He lowered his head to be his own, and only lost two words in the past: "Privacy."

Teacher Chen laughed: "You young people pay attention to privacy. Is this privacy? When you get married in the future, let us see your groom."

This is the second time Teacher Chen has spoken about the wrong gender. Ji Xiao frowned and corrected: "It's not the groom, it's the bride."

"Yeah!" A more excited tone hummed from Teacher Chen. She looked at Ji Xiao on the side and joked: "Our teacher Ji is still very fashionable. It's only a few years since this homosexuality is legal? She found one. girlfriend?"

Ji Xiao's frowned brows deepened. She put down what she was holding and looked up at Teacher Chen, with a cold voice: "Mr. Chen, if there is really nothing wrong with you, I suggest you go back and re-correct your class at the end of this month. Don’t make any problems again when the time comes. "

Teacher Chen didn't expect Ji Xiao to fight back with this incident. She looked at Ji Xiao with a sneer and said, "If you don't tell me, I forgot it."

Then she walked back to her desk, took the paper on her desk, and put it in front of Ji Xiao with a snap. The same as when Ji Xiao was an intern last year, she unceremoniously preached: "Hey. , This matter is up to you."

But Ji Xiao is no longer the intern in the past. She looked at Teacher Chen and asked, "Why?"

Teacher Chen took out last year's rhetoric again, looking good for you: "You young people must have more experience and experience, all of which come here."

Ji Xiao was not used to this problem with Teacher Chen, and pushed things backwards, "Thank you, I don't have time."

Teacher Chen's face froze for a while, and then said: "The little girl spares some time for dating, isn't it enough? Besides, there are two children in my family waiting for my counseling. I'm busier than you."

When Ji Xiao heard Teacher Chen’s words, there was no wave on his face, and he firmly refused, “It’s my business to do what I want to do with my time. I don’t need you to control it for me. It’s not my part. I can't do anything."

Teacher Chen is accustomed to using his family to sell miserables, but today he doesn't want to touch a hard rock.

She couldn't hold on to her face, and her smile faded with a ferocious smile: "Hey, you little girl, why don't you know what is good or bad?! I am..."

"What's wrong? Let me listen to it too."

Before Mr. Chen's fallacies were spoken, a serious and powerful voice came from the corridor outside the office.

The sound of high heels hitting the ground came from under the wide-legged trousers of the suit, and the long dyed black hair was tied in a low bun behind his head.

Teacher Chen's heart tightened, and Liu Yue, the principal of the affiliated high school, stood at the door of the office.

Liu Yue looked at Teacher Chen with a deep gaze, her tone was calm but with an irreversible aura: "Xiao Chen, this is clearly his own business, or don't give it to others. If you make a mistake, it will be bad. "

"Although Xiaoji is a new teacher, she has finished her job and has time to do what she has to do. You can’t use her time to make up for your work just because she has done her own thing. Time, don't you think?"

Teacher Chen only dared to behave miserably in the office. She dared not refute every word Liu Yue said, her head hanging down like a wilted eggplant.

Ji Xiao felt refreshed when she listened. She looked at Principal Liu Yue who was standing at the door, thinking that she was really lucky today. As soon as she was entangled in the skin, she encountered a dimensionality reduction blow.

Before Ji Xiao could celebrate, Liu Yue spoke again: "Okay, let Xiao Ji get off work, some people can't wait."

Ji Xiao was stunned when he heard Liu Yue's words, and a familiar voice came from the door at this moment: "Goodbye Aunt Liuyue."

The neat and clean tapping of high heels gradually faded away, and a figure that Ji Xiao could not be more familiar with appeared at the door of the office where calm was restored.

The hazy evening sunlight passed through the corridor and fell on the person, the original white chiffon half-sleeved with light, and she outlined her very elegant figure.

The wind passed through the hall, blending the fragrance of Tumihua with mint.

Ji Xiao suddenly realized that her good luck was actually Wei Qingyu.

The girl hugged the flower and walked out quickly, with surprises and surprises on her face that could not be concealed, "Why are you here?"

Wei Qingyu took the initiative to help Ji Xiao take the bag in his hand, looked at Ji Xiao with a light smile, and said softly: "Of course I took you to a date, Teacher Ji."