The cold wind blew across the yard, and the bamboo forest shook and rustled.

The originally unfamiliar environment invisibly increased Ji Xiao's loneliness, and his clenched fingers were as cold as losing temperature.

The young girl just stood outside the tea house, replaying what Wei Qingyu's mother said in her mind, only feeling a mass of depression stuck in her heart.

The black Chelsea boots gently ran over the wooden planks in the hallway, and a few open petals fell to the ground as she turned.

Although Ji Xiao had some premonitions in her heart, she still didn't dare to think about Wei Qingyu's mother's words.

Escape seemed to be something she had to do now.

I just don't want her to leave, but just happened to ran into Wei Qingyu who was holding something to find her.

Wei Qingyu still didn't know what Ji Xiao heard, and his tone was still as gentle as usual: "You are here, I just looked for you and haven't found it."

But it was this gentle tone that made Ji Xiao's sadness even worse.

The wind blew gently, and she looked at Wei Qingyu's eye sockets inexplicably red.

When Wei Qingyu saw Ji Xiao like this, he panicked: "Ji Xiao, what's the matter with you?"

The person he liked was asking, and Ji Xiao's grievance that had been suppressed in his heart broke out in an instant.

She looked at the woman standing in front of her, and in her eyes there was a large bouquet of Tujiahua, which was confirmed by Wei Qingyu's mother to have a special meaning, and said: "What is the flower language of Tujiahua?"

"This flower is actually what you planted for your first love, isn't it?"

Wei Qingyu was stunned when he heard the words.

She looked at the talk and laughter of her parents and grandpa coming from the tea house, and instantly realized that Ji Xiao might have heard something misunderstanding, and was busy calling her name to explain: "Ji Xiao..."

But Ji Xiao keenly caught the surprise that was discovered in Wei Qingyu's eyes when his voice fell.

At this moment, she hated that she would be so familiar with Wei Qingyu, and she could instantly understand what she meant when she knew her eyes.

A great sadness enveloped Ji Xiao silently and heavily, pressing her eye sockets and nose to red.

She knew that this was Wei Qingyu's grandfather's house. She shouldn't make a lot of noise. She kept the last trace of reason, and pretended to be calm and said to Wei Qingyu: "Sorry for being out of company, it's not early, I should go."

The uncontrollable tremor still betrayed her before she finished her words.

Wei Qingyu watched Ji Xiao strode to the point of running away, and hurriedly called her name to chase after him, "Ji Xiao!"

The silent courtyard suddenly alarmed a swarm of flying birds, and Wei Qingyu's voice in the corridor also alarmed the elders in the tea house.

Mother Wei immediately got up and looked out, but only saw Wei Qingyu abandoning the back of the yard calmly running out of the past.

"What's the matter?" Dad Wei looked at Mother Wei in confusion.

But seeing Mama Wei's face showing melancholy, her eyes were heavy and she preached to the two people present: "I feel that we seemed to have said something wrong just now."

The cold wind blew on Ji Xiao's face like a blade, and the warm Dongjiao just before became bitter.

Just like this, she clenched her cold fingers, and walked forward along the road when she came, still holding the big bunch of tea flowers in her arms.

It was really hopeless, even though he knew the meaning of these flowers, Ji Xiao still couldn't throw away the things Wei Qingyu gave him.

People who fall in love at first sight are so easy to say and forget.

There was a sound of a car engine on the two-lane road on the inaccessible road, and a taxi drove over from the interweaving greenery.

Ji Xiao hurriedly stopped and stretched out his hand to signal, and opened the door of the car as soon as the car stopped.

But I didn't want to, a skeletal hand pulled the doorknob the moment the car door closed.

Wei Qingyu panted roughly and stopped the taxi that Ji Xiao was riding in, with a pair of worried eyes showing under the messy hair.

The driver instantly released the clutch that had just been stepped on, and looked out the window with a panic look, "Little girl! What are you doing! Do you know you are dangerous like this!"

"Sorry, Master. I have something to tell her." Wei Qingyu gasped and preached, his breath extremely unstable.

Her physical strength in this world is not very good. Just now chasing Ji Xiao all the way, the cold wind seemed to cut her throat, and it was full of the **** smell of rust.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu who was embarrassed outside the window, and his heart hurt.

She clenched the flower in her hand and lowered the window glass, and actively asked, "Okay, then, what do you mean to you? Is it just a stand-in? Is it just a stand-in you used to miss your first love? ?"

Wei Qingyu shook his head, "No."

"What's that?" Ji Xiao asked immediately, as if he was still holding on to a glimmer of hope.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao who was sitting in the car, his lips were slightly agitated, and finally said the secrets buried in her heart: "First love."

"You are my first love."

The roadside lights fell straight into the back of Ji Xiao's car, blurring the scene in her sight.

She heard the slight beating in her heart, but the memory of Liancheng reminded her that Wei Qingyu's words were somewhat inexplicable.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu incomprehensibly, and asked, "Miss Wei, you have written too many novels. Five years ago, we didn't know each other at all. How could I be your first love?"

Having said this, Ji Xiao suddenly seemed to have thought of something. His pupils tremblingly looked at the woman in front of him, and asked: "Do you know what the memories that I told you about that popped up all of a sudden? ?"

"Do you know that, right?"

Wei Qingyu finally waited until Ji Xiao asked her this question, but her throat seemed to be suddenly strangled, as if she couldn't make a sound.

The cold wind suddenly rolled up from the ground, and the cold blew across her face, like a warning from God.

Looking at Wei Qingyu's eyes, Ji Xiao realized almost instantly that she must know the reason.

She just looked at Wei Qingyu like this, her voice uncontrollably higher: "Say! You know I am troubled by these sudden memories, why don't you tell me the truth?!"

These days, the memory images that did not belong to any part of him over the past two decades have been surging in Ji Xiao's mind over and over again.

Fear, fear and anxiety.

No one welcomes the unknown completely, and is not at all afraid of it.

Ji Xiao tried his best to calm down and tell herself that this is actually nothing, after all, it hasn't affected your normal life.

But this shaky balance barely maintained, after all, it was broken today.

The wind howled in the voice of the girl, and the dark sky began to become increasingly gloomy.

Dark clouds quickly gathered in the air, like an airtight net, overwhelming people's breath.

Ji Xiao's red eyes were blown red by the wind, and even the pupils of his eyes were dyed red.

She looked at Wei Qingyu, who was silent in the face of her problem, and asked, "Wei Qingyu, who are you?"

"Why do I suddenly have these memories after watching your "The Burning Sun in Summer"?"

"Why are you in these inexplicable memories of mine?"

"Why can I see you when you are sixteen or seventeen?"

"……what is this?"

The thunder sounded faintly from the sky above the two of them. Facing Ji Xiao's question, Wei Qing could not speak at all.

Her heart seemed to be held tightly by something, and an inescapable external force pulled the beating heart, the fragile arteries and blood vessels were pulled, giving off a hideous pain.

The sky was dark, and the lights were exceptionally dim.

This was the first time Wei Qingyu felt the kind of pain that Ji Xiao had felt.

At this moment, the city thunderstorm warning was sent from the phones of all three of them.

The driver looked a little anxious. He knocked on the iron fence across the seat with one hand and asked, "Little girl, can't you go? It's going to rain soon, I have to go home. Eat."

Upon hearing this, Ji Xiao nodded to the driver's head immediately and said, "Sorry, master, I will leave now."

Then she looked at Wei Qingyu who had been reluctant to give her an answer, her eyes flickering with frustration.

Using her last reason, she calmly preached to Wei Qingyu: "Wei Qingyu, if you can't answer me, please let go. There is no bus stop here. The master does not do my business. I will do it today. I can only go back."

"I can give it to you." Wei Qingyu forcibly endured the pain in his heart and preached to Ji Xiao.

But before Ji Xiao refused, the phone in her pocket rang.

The buzzing vibration rang on the quiet road, clear and unavoidable.

As if he had found a good excuse, Ji Xiao tactfully refused as a reminder: "Someone is looking for you, go pick up the phone."

But Wei Qingyu still held the door handle and refused to answer the call.

The explanation was stuck tightly in her throat, and the dull thunder hidden in the cloud warned her of oppression again and again.

God never allowed to break the rules of the world.

The driver really couldn’t stand it, and couldn’t help but persuade him: "I said girl, although I don’t know what happened to you, do you want to calm down each other first? You see it’s dark this day, just paid A thunderstorm warning was issued. If you stay frozen like this, it will be really bad when it starts to rain. Doesn't your health matter?"

When Ji Xiao heard the driver's words, he bluntly noticed Wei Qingyu's hand on the door handle.

The back of the white and delicate hand was flushed red by the cold wind, and the slightly raised green veins hung there.

Some people had just decided to be frustrated, but they couldn't help but feel distressed when they saw that the back of their hands was frozen and red.

Ji Xiao's hand that was covered by the bouquet tightened slightly, and the excitement in his voice visibly curtailed, "You go home, Wei Qingyu. It's cold, and you will catch a cold."

When the voice fell, Wei Qingyu still stood outside the car door.

The calm eyes were written with terrible stubbornness, like a child clinging to the only toy he had.

She knew that if she let Ji Xiao go like this now, she would most likely not see herself again tomorrow.

When Ji Xiao looked at it, his firm heart just broke up.

She couldn't call the driver to drive, and she left her here, her tone became softer, "Wei Qingyu, give me some time to calm both of you and me, okay? You know better than me. , You can't explain it now, and I can't go back with you now."

The phone that had just stopped rang again, and the two "unable" revealed the frustration of the girl.

Wei Qingyu looked at the Tujiahua in the car window that was held in his arms by Ji Xiao, his stubborn eyes moved slightly.

She raised her hand, put the mahogany box in her pocket in front of Ji Xiao, and compromised: "Then you take this and I will leave."

Ji Xiao said faintly "OK", and reached out to accept the gift that Wei Qingyu had just said to give him.

The moment the **** rubbed lightly, Wei Qingyu released the hand that had been holding the doorknob tightly by her.

The inside of the palm of Xuxu's buckle was deeply hooked with red marks one after another.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the rain pattered on Wei Qingyu's white woolen coat.

As she watched Ji Xiao's car leave, the pain in her heart began to become numb.

The torrential rain poured down the moment Ji Xiao returned home. She ate dinner hastily and returned to the room.

The soft bed envelops her with the warmth of autumn, but the unresolved sadness is like a pedestrian without an umbrella under this sudden rain, and there is no way to avoid it.

Ji Xiao's brain was in a mess, and everything that happened in the evening was replayed and paused in her mind.

The girl's mood has never been more complicated.

How could she be Wei Qingyu's first love?

She had only met Wei Qingyu for the first time three months ago.

Can't find the answer.

I don't want to substitute the person I like into her, but she's crazy about herself as the fact of her first love.

Ji Xiao curled up, looking at the camphor tree standing tenaciously in the swaying gale outside the window.

Yu Guangli noticed the mahogany box that he had thrown onto the bed as soon as he entered the door.

Ji Xiao stared at the box warily, and he touched it and opened it.

However, a delicate red braided rope was placed on the flat red velvet cushion cloth, and a round and small peach basket fell on it.


Like Lei Wu who was about to tear the world apart, a long crack suddenly lit up in the dark clouded sky.

Light from outside the window illuminates the little peach basket in Ji Xiao's hand. With Wei Qingyu's youthful voice, memories that had been forgotten by her flooded against her like a tide.

"Don't lose it this time."

The author has something to say: Did you expect to cross the catastrophe today?

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