Lightning pierced the sky with the power of destruction, illuminating the large and empty living room, and outlined a figure.

The wind poured in from the wide open balcony unscrupulously, and the woman's feet were flushed red, and she was exposed to the cold air without being pityed by her master.

Qi Qi made the call, and she was fine when she called back. Wei Qingyu didn't want to go back to her grandfather's house, so she went back to her home in the city center alone in the rain.

The delicate oblate wine bottle is filled with light golden wine, and the light aroma of peaches fills the living room with the lingering brandy.

It was the first time that Wei Qingyu felt such a colic that was difficult to get rid of. She didn't have any way to get rid of this pain. She could only drink alcohol to numb the pain and numb her sad emotions by the way.

The sound of thunder was faint, and the bright window that was illuminated from time to time was printed on the way Ji Xiao had just questioned herself.

The girl's red eyes are not fake, she is really sad, but also really scared.

Wei Qingyu didn't expect that the method he used to get Ji Xiao back to him would actually be the chief culprit for the pain she felt in this world.

Is it true that I shouldn't have told her about my first love in the first place?

Nor should she try so hard to restore her memory later.

In fact, as it is now, it is good to regard their romance and love as love at first sight.

She is too greedy and delusional to confront the gods.

Wei Qingyu thought, and poured himself another glass of wine into the glass.

The red lips were soaked with brandy, and the back of the hand holding the wine glass was stretched.

The white light outside the window flashed and fell on her face, and her cold face was full of unwillingness.

In the past five years, she has connected the characters of the past world, piece by piece like a jigsaw puzzle.

Now she finally held the last piece of the puzzle, but she couldn't put it in the right place.

Not reconciled to just put the past between them into nothingness.

Not reconciled to just split Ji Xiao into two.

The cold wind raged in the room, and there was a trembling gasp in the quiet room.

Under the dim light, a round teardrop fell from Wei Qingyu's long and narrow eye sockets, slowly across her cheek, and silently fell into the soft carpet.

They obviously made an agreement.

I will definitely do everything possible to make the other party think of it again.

Wei Qingyu clasped his aching heart tightly, his tight legs curled up together.

But when will this happen?

The sudden thunderstorm brought the whole city into the night ahead of time. The trees in the entire community were swaying by the wind, the broken branches and leaves stuck to the ground, and the dangling lights were sometimes visible and sometimes invisible in the rain, which was extremely weak.

The same is true for Ji Xiao.

The thunder outside the window was full of threatening dull oppression, and large raindrops hit the window glass mercilessly.

Ji Xiao still held the little peach basket in his hand tightly, pressing her heart so hard that she didn't want to stop the memory of her hard-to-remember.

The memory is like rain pouring down this night, crazily pouring into her mind.

The flat sheets were rubbed into gully one after another, and Ji Xiao was curled up on the bed, the red mark on his heart gave out unprecedented pain in his heart.

She remembered how she had entered the world of "The Burning Sun" in her sleep.

I remembered the day I realized that I was in love with Wei Qingyu.

I remembered the first mark of Wei Qingyu's glands pierced by his canine teeth in the small black room.


She also remembered that Wei Qingyu's pheromone is mint.

And his pheromone is peach brandy.

"Then what if I am still in reincarnation or forget you?"

"We didn't forget, we just didn't remember."

"So if you can't remember me in your next life, I will do everything possible to make you think again."


That day, Wei Qingyu took his ruined family out to secretly date and watch movies flashed in Ji Xiao's mind.

Ji Xiaolei looked at the big bunch of Tumiao flowers that he had thrown on the table casually, cried and laughed.

The crying voice trembled and preached in unison with Wei Qingyu in the memory: "Then I will beat you again."

Ji Xiao just clenched the little peach basket in his hand, biting his lips to vent his sorrow in this non-soundproof room.

The pain in her heart couldn't resist the regret and regret, tears gushing from the girl's eye sockets, wet the newly-changed quilt.

"It turns out, it's all me."

"...From start to finish, it's just me."

Ji Xiao spoke word by word, his trembling voice filled with unrelievable sadness.

She realized that she was not in love with Wei Qingyu at first sight, but in love over time.

The memory of the other world resembled a trapped beast breaking free from restraints, and a fiercely tore a crack in the girl's mind.

Finally, in the constant retrospect, Ji Xiao remembered the day when he left that world.

Sharks walked leisurely in the azure blue pavilion, and the flowing water slowly reflected the dim light.

Wei Qingyu's embrace is so warm, worthy of greed, and so fragile, which makes people feel heartache.

She tried her best to keep herself, and the heartbreaking cry repeatedly held Ji Xiao's heart again and again, causing her to bury her face in the quilt and cry bitterly.

"I miss you so much... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Sorry, I only think of you now..."

After the rainstorm, the sky was blue as washing, and the thin clouds swept in the sky, bringing a bit of leisure.

The streets in the early morning were cleaned up early, as if the squally showers of last night did not exist.

A bus slowly stopped in front of the bus stop sign with last night's rain, and a girl in a black coat stepped neatly over the puddle under the back door of the bus and jumped onto the sidewalk in front.

On a rare weekend, Ji Xiao got up early.

She wanted to buy a bunch of Tumi flowers and went to Wei Qingyu, but when she visited the nearby flower shops, she said that Tumi flowers were gone.

Reluctantly, Ji Xiao could only take the address where he gave him flowers before and went to the flower shop where these Japanese Wei Qingyu gave him flowers.

What she didn't expect was that this shop was not a flower shop at all, but a flower-themed dessert shop.

The crisp wind bell sounded as Ji Xiao pushed the door, and a familiar and energetic voice came from the counter: "Welcome, what do you need?"

The first ray of sunlight in the morning spilled into the spacious and bright shop through the window. Sun Qianqian stood behind the counter and showed her logo smile, with two dimples swirling on the side of his face, as sweet as ever.

Ji Xiao was a little surprised and pleasantly surprised. She shook her hand in her pocket and pretended to be an ordinary customer and asked, "Are there any tea flowers in the store?"

Sun Qianqian showed the same regretful expression as the owners of the previous flower shops, and said, "I'm sorry, miss. This season, the time when the Tu Bian flowers bloom, they are gone."

Ji Xiao couldn't help but frowned, and then asked: "But I have seen Tubinghua sold in your store."

Sun Qianqian suddenly heard the words: "You said that."

"It wasn't us who came in. It was stored here by a friend of ours. She doesn't sell it. I'm really sorry."

Ji Xiao couldn't help but feel a little lost when he heard Sun Qianqian say this.

But just when she left with "thank you", another voice came from inside.

"Don't leave, you are lucky, you have it today."

The hanging cloth on the door connecting the inside and outside shop moved, and Fang Yiming walked out with a bunch of freshly trimmed Tumi flowers like this.

The feeling of reunion of old friends made Ji Xiao's eyes feel an urge to moisturize. She desperately controlled herself, and finally realized how she felt when she met Wei Qingyu at the signing meeting.

Fang Yiming didn't notice Ji Xiao's reaction at all. While sorting out the flowers in her hand, she explained to her: "The owner of this flower said that I don't need to give it today. Let me give it to someone who is destined."

Although Ji Xiao felt infinitely emotional in her heart, her reaction to Fang Yiming and Sun Qianqian was not like someone with the memory of the last world, so she had to pretend to be calm and say to her like an ordinary customer: "Thank you."

While Sun Qianqian was packing flowers for herself, Ji Xiao looked at Fang Yiming, who was standing by, and couldn't help asking: "Excuse me, are you a couple?"

When Fang Yiming heard the words, he raised his hand and touched his head embarrassedly, and admitted with a smile: "Yes, we have been together since we were young, and no one can live without anyone."

Sun Qianqian listened to Fang Yiming's slanderous words, and groaned: "Yiming, I'm still here!"

"Oh, I'm embarrassed." Fang Yiming took the flowers wrapped by Sun Qianqian and handed them to Ji Xiao.

Sunlight fell on the bunch of flowers from one side, and the light cyan wrapping paper wrapped the petals with some drops of water.

The interlaced petals stretched slowly, and the stamen exuded a faint fragrance in the sun.

The color of this flower is pure and white, and at first glance it has been cared for and maintained.

Looking at the familiar bouquet, Ji Xiao couldn't help but raised his mouth.


The crisp wind bell rang again in this quiet shop, and another customer opened the door and walked in.

The morning breeze fell on Ji Xiao's shoulder with a touch of mint. She seemed to have realized something, so she held the flower and turned her head to look towards the door.

Bright sunlight poured in from the wide open glass door, and the two pairs of dark eyes looked at each other unexpectedly.

Wei Qingyu's hand holding the doorknob paused, and the eyes under the light gray scarf reflected the girl in front of him.

The sunny sunshine filled this small shop, and Ji Xiao stood in the center of the light.

The bunch of Tumi flowers still in her arms was like the only bit of white in the black world.

Wei Qingyu's eyes trembled lightly, his hand holding the doorknob tightened and tight.

She couldn't believe her eyes, the original low and slow heart seemed to be aware of something, with a bang, a bang, and a heavy beating.

"Wei Qingyu, what is the flower language of Tumihua?" Ji Xiao asked softly, and there seemed to be tears mixed with smile in those deep pupils.

The autumn wind rolled the falling leaves on the street, dazzling Wei Qingyu's long hair pinned to his ears.

The girl's voice became as gentle as it used to be, and the subtle but clear taste of peach brandy fell on her.

Hearing these words, Wei Qingyu was startled for a moment.

Then almost instantly, she realized that her Ji Xiao was back.

The petals of Tumi quivered in the wind, and the pure white color mixed with tears of excitement covered Wei Qingyu's sight.

Tears ran across her face and stopped at the corner of her lips. She smiled and looked at the girl who brought the little peach basket back in front of her, and replied softly: "The last lover."

The author has something to say: Ji Xiaocao: Little Penguin Meng 1jpg