Bai Li Liang Ge was shocked. What do you mean?

Is Feng Chi Ming going to move to her room? She absolutely did not believe that the man wanted to sleep with himself. Did he want to occupy his own room? Leave yourself nowhere to go?

"No, no, what are you doing?" Bai Li Liang song asks Chi Ming in doubt.

Feng Chi Ming directly bypassed the hundred mile Liangge, moved the quilt into the room, put it on the bed, turned to the Baili Liangge Liangliang and said, "the weather has turned cold these two days."

"So?" Bai Li Liang Ge stares at Feng Chi Ming. He doesn't really want to sleep in the same bed with himself. Otherwise, why does he move the quilt here?

Feng Chi Ming's eyes flashed a look of banter. He took a step forward and directly came to the front of the hundred mile cool song and looked down at the little woman: "what do you say?"

Feeling the dangerous breath on the man, Baili Liangge held his arms and hurriedly stepped back: "how do I know?"

Feng Chi Ming evil spirit smile, slowly close to the hundred mile cool song, evil four charm asked: "how can you Don't know? "

Feng Chi Ming's masculine breath comes from all over his body, which makes Liang Ge's head dizzy after nearly 30 years of life. She can't help but step back, and her head is sober.

"Lord, you are really considerate of your servants. Even the quilt is delivered to you personally." Bai Li Liang Ge and Feng Chi Ming keep enough safe distance, so said.

Bai Li Liang Ge wants to give Feng Chi Ming a step. He should go down. He is such a smart man.

"I just want to express my concern." Feng Chi Ming even sat down and sipped his tea with the cup he had just used.


Before Baili Liangge comes to remind her in a hurry, Feng Chi Ming has already spoken. When he hears the startled voice of Baili Liangge, Feng Chi Ming looks up and looks at her.

Baili Liangge held back a smile and coughed. If the man knew that he drank water from his own teacup, he would be angry. Therefore, Baili Liangge said, "the tea is cold, Lord."

Feng Chi Ming's sharp sight swept the embarrassed face of the hundred Li Liangge, then looked at the tea cup, laughed, and calmly said: "no problem, Ruo bamboo used cup, even if it's cool, I like it."


Bai Li Liang song's mouth was puffed hard, and her face was a little red. The man's feelings were intentional.

Bai Li Liang Ge thought for a while and decided to change the topic. If the topic is further explored, it must be himself who is defeated in the end.

"You are in such an awkward situation. Why is the emperor so kind to you?"

In the impression of Baili Liangge, Feng Chi Ming lived a leisurely life. No matter who was in the palace or outside the palace, no one dared to provoke Feng Chi Ming. Baili Liangge couldn't help asking some curious questions.

Feng Chi Ming squinted at Bai Li Liang Ge and said, "why should I tell you?"

A hundred miles cool song a choke, suddenly depressed.

Then Feng Chi Ming said, "if you serve me well, I will tell you."

Bai Li Liang Ge glared and despised men's logic. He felt that Feng Chi Ming's behavior was very immature.

Bai Li Liang song pretended to be polite to Feng Chi Ming Fu's body: "Lord, it's late, you should go back and have a rest."

This time, Feng Chi Ming did not take advantage of this to ridicule Baili Liangge, but stood up and strode away, which surprised Baili Liangge.

Does this man come to her room for a walk in the evening, really just give the quilt?

If you want to express your concern, it is enough to send a servant to him. He sent it in person regardless of his identity. If he was seen by his servants on the way, where was his majesty?

Now that he has sent it in person, is it really just like he said: expressing concern?


He clearly came to humiliate himself.

Bai Li Liang song snorted from his nose and went to bed.

Outside the room, Feng Chi Ming involuntarily raised the corners of his lips. Somehow, he always liked to watch the cool song of a hundred Li. He could not help but try to tease the woman.

Feng Chi Ming left in a good mood.

The next day.

Ruolin early told the hundred mile cool song a bad news.

"Ruo bamboo sister, not good."

Baili Liangge is planning to go for a walk in the yard. Ruoling comes in flustered. Baili Liangge finds that Ruoling is always like this Not calm.

"Speak slowly." Baili Liangge continues to walk leisurely forward.

Ruolin took a deep breath and said, "I just heard that the emperor intends to marry Princess Chiyue to Gao Hongfei, the eldest son of the Gao family."

Bai Li Liang Ge frowns lightly. I met in a restaurant yesterday. Gao Hongfei is indeed half a talent, but he is far from worthy of Princess Chiyue.

Ruolin said that since not good, that pool Moon Princess is not willing. Feng Chi Ming is most concerned about the moon, which must be very angry at the moment.

"Do you know?" A hundred Li Liang Ge asked.

Ruolin nodded: "the master has already known that he is throwing things in his study. I have never seen the prince lose such a big temper."Ruolin seemed to feel Feng Chi Ming's anger and could not stop shaking.

Bai Li Liang Ge felt that his heart was blocked. Feng Chi Ming was always happy and angry, which made people unable to see his happiness, anger, sadness and joy. However, he would lose his temper, and he must be angry.

"How could the emperor suddenly think of marriage?" Bai Li Liang Ge walks to the direction of the study, and asks Ruo Lin at the same time.

Ruo Lin also a face anxious: "I've inquired about it. It's the imperial concubine who asked the emperor to marry him."

Bai Li Liang Ge Dun understood everything. Gao's family is the home of the imperial concubine's wife. She did this because she wanted to use Fengchi month to restrain Feng Chi Ming and draw Feng Chi Ming to the lady's side, because everyone knows that Feng Chi Ming's Sister Feng Chiyue is the most concerned person!

However, Feng Chi Ming is not that kind of person who bow his head easily?

Hundred mile cool song steps in a hurry, but did not expect in the study door, is hit by the eyes of the red seal pool month, a look is crying.

"Lucky princess." Ruolin quickly bows the body to the seal pond month salute.

The hundred mile cool song slightly blessed the body.

At this time, the sound of falling things came from the room again.

Feng Chi Yue thought it was Ruo bamboo, so she nodded and pushed the door in.

"Go away!" Feng Chi Ming's roar came.

Then it seemed that Feng Chi Ming's anger disappeared with a cry from Feng Chi Yue.

"Ruozhu sister..." Ruolin small pull a hundred miles cool song sleeves, do not know whether they should continue to wait or turn away.

Bai Li Liang Ge smiles. She doesn't know why. Her legs come here. Now there is Fengchi moon. Feng Chi Ming's anger should be eliminated.

"Let's go." Bai Li Liang Ge turns back.

"Ah, ruozhu sister..." Ruolin called, looking at the hundred miles away cool song, and then looked at the closed door, patted his thigh, this is a good opportunity ah, is really a waste.

Feng Chi month looked at the mess all over the ground and showed a look of intolerance: "brother."

Feng Chi Ming heard Feng Chi Yue's voice, and then he restrained his anger. When he turned around, there was no emotion on his face: "you are here."

Feng Chi Yue answered, raised the chair and sat down: "brother, I haven't seen you so angry. Are you really angry?"

Feng Chi Ming didn't speak. He took a cool look at Feng Chi Yue: "already know?"

Feng Chi Yue said, "how can I not know about the edict?"

Feng Chi Ming hummed: "this edict will not be issued!"

"Brother Feng Chi Yue stood up and seized Feng Chi Ming's arm: "brother, don't be aggrieved for me, this matter That's it

Feng Chiyue's eyes were red, and her tears were in her eyes. Finally, she could not fall down. She had always been the burden of her brother. The emperor trapped himself in the palace to contain Feng Chi Ming.

Feng Chiyue felt that he not only did not help his brother, but had been dragging him down. Therefore, I feel very sad in my heart these years.

On the surface, the emperor was able to live with their brothers and sisters. Fengchi Ming's only advantage now is that his eldest son's grandson is respected by all the students in the world.

"Brother, the emperor is hypocritical to us, but if you really disobey the emperor, then your only advantage will be gone. Brother, please, don't let you fall into a dangerous situation because of me."

Feng Chi Yue's tears could no longer be restrained and fell in front of his brother.

Feng Chi Ming looks at his younger sister, feeling inexplicable, people can't see clearly.

Feng Chi Yue also said: "brother, sister, please, this gift of marriage, I can accept."

Feng Chi Ming touched Feng Chi moon's head and indulged in a smile: "good, brother promise you not to go to the emperor's theory."

Feng Chi Yue broke her tears and laughed: "well."

Feng Chi Ming wiped his tears for Feng Chi Yue: "Chi Yue, don't cry. Brother won't do stupid things. Go back and have a rest."

Feng Chi Yue nodded, seeing Feng Chi Ming agreed, this just let go of the heart and walked out of the room.

Feng Chi Ming narrowed his eyes dangerously and clenched his fist. How could he let Chi Yue suffer such grievances? The eldest son of the Tang Dynasty, a legitimate daughter, actually bowed down to marry a Gao family son.

Bai Li Liang Ge was sitting at the desk, reading the pamphlet, but her mind had been wandering for a long time, but she still heard the footsteps coming from outside.

"Ruo bamboo girl." Feng Chi Yue walked into the room and passed by with a smile.

Hundred mile cool song smile also hastened to walk in the past, although the two people only had a few sides of the edge, but the relationship is very close: "the pool Moon Princess."

"Is Ruo bamboo comfortable here?" Feng Chi Yue sat down with a hundred mile cool song.

Baili Liangge also did not shirk, said: "thank you for your concern, Ruo bamboo is all right."

Feng Chi Yue nodded: "if you need anything, please tell me. Ruo bamboo girl, it's rare for me to see which woman your brother is so interested in. "

Hundred mile cool song ha ha ha smile, she really want to say, Chi Yue, these are your brother pretended.Feng Chi Yue continued: "I can see that you are a very good woman. After that, your brother will take care of you."

Baili Liangge placidly patted Feng Chi Yue's arm: "Princess Chi Yue, don't worry too much. You will not marry Gao Hongfei."

Feng Chi Yue smiles and says something else. Feng Chi Yue is ready to get up and leave. Before she turns to leave, Feng Chiyue stops and looks back at the hundred mile cool song.

"Ruo bamboo girl, I always feel like a friend of mine." , the fastest update of the webnovel!