In the process of talking with Ruo bamboo, fengchiyue can always feel the breath of hundred mile cool song on Ruo bamboo. That kind of unrestrained and unrestrained inborn nature, with Feng Chi Ming some of the fight.

Baili Liangge laughed: "maybe it is."

Feng Chiyue wanted to match up her brother with Baili Liangge, but since her brother has chosen ruozhu, ruozhu is much worse than Baili Liangge in appearance, but she is not inferior to Baili Liangge in temperament, so she can only give up.

Feng Chi Yue turned her head to look at the sunny day outside, and felt dizzy. Her mind was full of people in white. Maybe, this life would not have been predestined.

"Let's go." Feng Chi Yue whispered a word to the maid and left Chu Xiu palace.

Looking at Feng Chi moon's lonely back, she was worried. After thinking about it, she finally came to Feng Chi Ming's study. Feng Chiyue mentioned the possible crisis in Feng Chi Ming's conversation, which implied that he wanted to persuade Feng Chi Ming not to be impulsive.

Standing at the door, thinking for a long time, Baili Liangge finally raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Kowtow, kowtow.

"What can I do for you?" Feng Chi Ming suddenly appeared behind the hundred Li Liang song, his voice was evil and evil, and his anger just disappeared.

Bai Li Liang song shook his body and said subconsciously, "Lord, don't you know that people are scared to death?"

Bai Li Liang song's tone is not very good, she wants to Feng Chi Ming how like to suddenly come out to scare people.

Feng Chi Ming said with a smile: "did I scare you? Do you need my king to appease you? "

Bai Li Liang song patted his chest, which scared him to jump out of the chest. He said with a smile: "how dare you bother the Lord."

See hundred mile cool song eat shriveled appearance, Feng Chi Ming's mood is also a lot better: "something?"

A hundred mile cool song.

Feng Chi Ming pushes the door to the study. After a while, the study has been cleaned up.

"What are you going to do?" Bai Li Liang song solemnly asked Feng Chi Ming that Feng Chi Ming was most concerned about. If the emperor dared to take Fengchi moon as an example, Feng Chi Ming would not give up easily.

Feng Chi Ming sneered.

Sure enough, Feng Chi Ming had a plan in mind. What Chi Ming wants to do, no matter what, is earth shaking! Not to mention the eunuch he killed at the gate of the palace, but the fact that he kicked his mother to death in the palace was enough to damage his reputation.

People all say that the king of Ming is the reincarnation of Yan Wangye. He is cruel and cold-blooded. But who knows the real Fengchi Ming? If it was not for his own feelings, why would he not be willing to treat others sincerely?

Bai Li Liang Ge has some worries in his heart: "do you really ignore your reputation at all?"

Feng Chi Ming said, "what is fame?"

Bai Li Liang Ge looks at him in surprise. Feng Chi Ming's words can't help her to speak. However, such unscrupulous words can only be said by such arrogant people as Feng Chi Ming.

The world can't give up worldly eyes, be bound by all kinds of constraints, look forward to the future! If this secular vision has been unable to protect their relatives, then why care? Bai Li Liang Ge is thinking in his heart, which may be the real idea of Feng Chi Ming's heart.

Feng Chi Ming narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "reputation is the thing that can't protect yourself. What can really protect yourself is your own strength."

Your own strength?

Bai Li Liang Ge wondered in his heart, how strong should he be to compete with the emperor?

"Princess Chiyue is worried about you." Bai Li Liang song can see that Feng Chi Yue is really dead this time. Even if she doesn't want to, she doesn't want Feng Chi Ming to take any more risks: "but now it seems that you have an idea."

Feng Chi Ming suddenly laughed. He didn't expect that the little girl could see through her own ideas. However, he didn't feel irritated like peeping. On the contrary, he felt much more relaxed. However, Feng Chi Ming was not willing to admit this feeling.

"You know that again?" The man's tone was sour.

Bai Li Liang song hummed, but for the sake of his bad mood today, she would not allow men to be so sarcastic.

"I'm out." Bai Li Liang Ge turns to go out, but he finds Feng Chi Ming's frown. Although it's very slight, Bai Li Liang Ge's observation is so subtle that it is still carefully captured.

"Do you have a headache?" Bai Li Liang Ge always knew Feng Chi Ming's endurance, so he asked.

In front of anyone, I am afraid he will not show his weak side.

Feng Chi Ming said coldly, "go out!"

Bai Li Liang song sighed, and she thought she had a good heart. She pulled Feng Chi Ming and pressed him on the chair.

Feng Chi Ming has never been treated like this, just want to resist, over there, Baili Liangge is not afraid at all: "sit down!"

In the face of uncomfortable patients, Baili Liangge has always been so strict, but Feng Chi Ming subconsciously sat down obediently. When he responded, the two small hands of Baili Liangge had already started to move."Keep your chest up and your stomach tight!" Bai Li Liang Ge orders to say, and Feng Chi Ming originally wanted to refuse, but feel the cold hands of Baili Liangge, he can't move all over, subconsciously according to Baili Liangge said.

From the eyebrow tip to the ear, the sunken place that the hand can touch is the temple. Massage the temple can promote the blood circulation of the brain and relieve fatigue. Moreover, the operation is very simple and can be done at any time.

Bai Li Liang Ge four fingers together, and then the fingers from the corner of the eyes of the pool Ming want to move the temple, massage for a few minutes, repeat the action.

Baili Liangge massages a man's forehead and temples. The strength is heavy and sometimes slow. When Feng Chi Ming closes his eyes, he slowly relaxes from top to bottom. Then he breathes a sigh of relief.

"All right." After repeating the song several times, it stopped.

Feng Chi Ming opened his eyes and said, "the craftsmanship is not bad."

Hundred mile cool song heart cut a, this if put in modern, want to enjoy their own massage, it is to charge by minute! Give him a free massage, just good?

Knowing that Feng Chi Ming is a dead duck, Bai Li Liang Ge does not care about him: "more praise from the Lord, I will practice more when I go back."

"After that, I'll give him a massage several times a day." Feng Chi Ming stood up, feeling a lot of relief: "en, as a practice."


Baili Liangge felt that he had lifted a stone and hit his feet: "the Lord praised me wrongly. I'm not skilled enough. I'd better find a doctor."

Feng Chi Ming frowned: "you don't want to?"

Bai Li Liang song bowed her head, but she dare to say No: "yes, yes, of course."

Feng Chi Ming snorted: "long winded!"

Bai Li Liang song swallowed hard, "I went down first."

Coming out of the study, Bai Li Liang Ge rubbed her hair in the condition of Bai Li Liang Ge. Ya's, she is idle today. She will feel sorry for this evil man and give him a massage.

Now it's better to put myself into it. When I think of massaging this man every day, I feel very angry in my heart.

Ruolin is guarding the door, see a hundred miles cool song come out, quickly welcome over: "Ruo bamboo sister, master son is not angry?"

Bai Li Liang Ge glared at Ruo Lin: "of course he is not angry!"

Now I'm angry.

"That's good. That's good." Ruolin patted his chest and laughed. A heart finally fell down.

Bai Li Liang Ge glared at Ruolin: "I said Ruolin, how do you take care of your master? Don't you see that he is usually nervous and busy with business, and you don't know how to relieve the fatigue of your master? "

Ruo Lin pouts his mouth wrongly and looks at the hundred mile cool song: "Ruo bamboo elder sister, the master has always taken care of himself, I..."

“……” Bai Li Liang song is a little speechless. The king of Ming Dynasty took care of himself. Who would believe it?

After dinner.

Ruolin, with a basin of steaming hot water, knocked on the door of the study.

Feng Chi Ming opens the door and sees Ruolin frowning at the door. Even Ruolin in the Chu Xiu palace has always been afraid to make his own decisions. Today, he did not pass on foot washing water, but Ruolin came with it?

"Master, wash your feet." Ruolin's hand holding the basin even trembled. He was very nervous.

Feng Chi Ming squints: "take it." I'm going to close the door.

"Ah." Ruo Lin called out in a hurry and advised: "master, you've been tired all day. You've got bubble feet. Bubble feet can be comfortable."

Feng Chi Ming hummed: "Ruo Lin, dare to make decisions for the master?"

Ruolin knelt down and explained, "master, I don't dare. It's just that I'm entrusted with it. "

Feng Chi Ming's eyebrows slightly pick, turned and entered the room.

Ruo Lin opened the door, rubbed and rubbed quickly into the study.

"Master, this is a good potion. The bubble is comfortable. I have tried it." Ruolin took off his shoes to Feng Chi Ming and said.

Feng Chi Ming said.

Ruolin bitter face explained: "Ruo bamboo sister, take slaves to do experiments."

Feng Chi Ming's eyebrows softened a little.

Ruolin smoked the corner of his mouth. Ruo Zhu's sister urged him not to tell the master that the water was made by Ruo Zhu's sister. Now it's OK. He has let it slip.

Ruolin thought that since it was missed, he should say more to make the master happy.

"Master, Ruo Zhu elder sister said that Ruolin didn't serve the master well. She didn't know how to share the worries and solve the difficulties for the master, let alone take good care of the master. She scolded Ruolin Ruolin's tone was very aggrieved.

Feng Chi Ming's mind seems to be able to imagine the scene of a hundred Li cool song swearing.

"Master, the food tonight is also the name of the dish written by sister Ruo Zhu herself. She said that these dishes help to relieve fatigue, and also the water to soak feet. Sister Ruo asked me to bring it to you every day. Sister Ruo also saidIn another room, Baili Liangge is holding his head and trying to save Baili family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!